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- -- Player ESP Script with Team Colors and Health Bars
- -- Place this script in a LocalScript inside StarterPlayerScripts
- local Players = game:GetService("Players")
- local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
- local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer
- local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
- -- ESP Configuration
- local ESP = {
- Enabled = true,
- ShowTeamColor = true,
- ShowHealthBar = true,
- TextSize = 14,
- BoxThickness = 2,
- BoxTransparency = 0.5,
- TextTransparency = 0,
- HealthBarThickness = 2,
- HealthBarWidth = 50,
- HealthBarHeight = 5,
- MaxDistance = 5000, -- Increased max distance to 5000 studs
- }
- -- Storage for ESP drawings
- local ESPObjects = {}
- -- Function to create ESP objects for a player
- local function CreateESPForPlayer(player)
- if player == LocalPlayer then return end
- local espObject = {}
- -- Box outline for player
- espObject.Box ="Square")
- espObject.Box.Visible = false
- espObject.Box.Thickness = ESP.BoxThickness
- espObject.Box.Transparency = ESP.BoxTransparency
- espObject.Box.Filled = false
- -- Player name and health text
- espObject.Text ="Text")
- espObject.Text.Visible = false
- espObject.Text.Size = ESP.TextSize
- espObject.Text.Center = true
- espObject.Text.Outline = true
- espObject.Text.Transparency = ESP.TextTransparency
- -- Health bar background (gray)
- espObject.HealthBG ="Square")
- espObject.HealthBG.Visible = false
- espObject.HealthBG.Thickness = ESP.HealthBarThickness
- espObject.HealthBG.Filled = true
- espObject.HealthBG.Color = Color3.fromRGB(100, 100, 100)
- espObject.HealthBG.Transparency = 0.7
- -- Health bar fill (green to red depending on health)
- espObject.HealthBar ="Square")
- espObject.HealthBar.Visible = false
- espObject.HealthBar.Thickness = ESP.HealthBarThickness
- espObject.HealthBar.Filled = true
- espObject.HealthBar.Transparency = 0.7
- ESPObjects[player] = espObject
- -- Clear ESP when player leaves
- player.AncestryChanged:Connect(function()
- if not player:IsDescendantOf(game) then
- if ESPObjects[player] then
- for _, object in pairs(ESPObjects[player]) do
- object:Remove()
- end
- ESPObjects[player] = nil
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- -- Create ESP for all existing players
- for _, player in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if player ~= LocalPlayer then
- CreateESPForPlayer(player)
- end
- end
- -- Create ESP for new players who join
- Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(CreateESPForPlayer)
- -- Clear ESP for players who leave
- Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(player)
- if ESPObjects[player] then
- for _, object in pairs(ESPObjects[player]) do
- object:Remove()
- end
- ESPObjects[player] = nil
- end
- end)
- -- Function to get player team color
- local function GetPlayerTeamColor(player)
- if player.Team then
- return player.TeamColor.Color
- end
- return Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) -- White for no team
- end
- -- Function to get health color based on percentage
- local function GetHealthColor(health, maxHealth)
- local healthPercent = health / maxHealth
- -- Gradient from red to green based on health percentage
- local r = math.clamp(2 * (1 - healthPercent), 0, 1)
- local g = math.clamp(2 * healthPercent, 0, 1)
- return, g, 0)
- end
- -- Update ESP on each frame
- RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function()
- if not ESP.Enabled then
- -- Hide all ESP elements if disabled
- for _, espObject in pairs(ESPObjects) do
- for _, drawing in pairs(espObject) do
- drawing.Visible = false
- end
- end
- return
- end
- for player, espObject in pairs(ESPObjects) do
- -- Get character and make sure it's valid
- local character = player.Character
- if not character or not character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") or not character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
- for _, drawing in pairs(espObject) do
- drawing.Visible = false
- end
- continue
- end
- local humanoidRootPart = character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
- local humanoid = character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
- -- Get health information
- local health = humanoid.Health
- local maxHealth = humanoid.MaxHealth
- -- Check if character is on screen and within max distance
- local vector, onScreen = Camera:WorldToViewportPoint(humanoidRootPart.Position)
- local distance = (humanoidRootPart.Position - Camera.CFrame.Position).Magnitude
- -- Only show ESP if player is on screen and within max distance
- if onScreen and distance <= ESP.MaxDistance then
- -- Get player size for box ESP (using character bounds)
- local topPosition = humanoidRootPart.Position +, 3, 0)
- local bottomPosition = humanoidRootPart.Position -, 3, 0)
- local topVector = Camera:WorldToViewportPoint(topPosition)
- local bottomVector = Camera:WorldToViewportPoint(bottomPosition)
- local height = math.abs(topVector.Y - bottomVector.Y)
- local width = height * 0.6
- local boxPosition = - width / 2, vector.Y - height / 2)
- local boxSize =, height)
- -- Update box
- espObject.Box.Position = boxPosition
- espObject.Box.Size = boxSize
- espObject.Box.Color = GetPlayerTeamColor(player)
- espObject.Box.Visible = true
- -- Update player name and health text
- espObject.Text.Position =, boxPosition.Y - 20)
- espObject.Text.Text = string.format("%s [%.0f%%]", player.Name, (health / maxHealth) * 100)
- espObject.Text.Color = GetPlayerTeamColor(player)
- espObject.Text.Visible = true
- -- Update health bar background
- espObject.HealthBG.Position = - ESP.HealthBarWidth / 2, boxPosition.Y - 10)
- espObject.HealthBG.Size =, ESP.HealthBarHeight)
- espObject.HealthBG.Visible = ESP.ShowHealthBar
- -- Update health bar fill
- local healthPercent = health / maxHealth
- espObject.HealthBar.Position = - ESP.HealthBarWidth / 2, boxPosition.Y - 10)
- espObject.HealthBar.Size = * healthPercent, ESP.HealthBarHeight)
- espObject.HealthBar.Color = GetHealthColor(health, maxHealth)
- espObject.HealthBar.Visible = ESP.ShowHealthBar
- else
- -- Hide ESP elements if player is off screen or too far
- for _, drawing in pairs(espObject) do
- drawing.Visible = false
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- -- Add toggle functionality (can be bound to a key)
- local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
- UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.RightAlt then
- ESP.Enabled = not ESP.Enabled
- end
- end)
- -- Instructions on how to use this script
- print("ESP Script loaded! Press Right Alt to toggle ESP.")
- print("ESP shows player boxes by team color and health bars.")
- print("Maximum ESP rendering distance: 5000 studs")
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