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- В gitlab-ci:
- Running with gitlab-runner 17.8.3 (690ce25c)
- on concurrency-course-gitlab-runner t2_FpJueU, system ID: s_23c4b3926fb3
- Preparing the "docker" executor
- 00:04
- Using Docker executor with image localhost:5000/concurrency-course-grade-image ...
- Pulling docker image localhost:5000/concurrency-course-grade-image ...
- Using docker image sha256:bd66e57d001169d5b139c9dce4fa3aaafe73718fe282ba009497ce2a51926307 for localhost:5000/concurrency-course-grade-image with digest localhost:5000/concurrency-course-grade-image@sha256:8a5524aa2c2f2c2067ef9c82fd9b526ff439a3e5f0736b8d3e60b45c74cf5abb ...
- Preparing environment
- 00:01
- Getting source from Git repository
- 00:04
- Fetching changes with git depth set to 20...
- Reinitialized existing Git repository in /builds/concurrency-course-workspace/2025/solutions/mipt-y-dmitry-y-grishin-y-dream_4ild/.git/
- Checking out e1bef70e as detached HEAD (ref is refs/merge-requests/9/head)...
- Removing .clippy-user.json
- Skipping Git submodules setup
- Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
- 02:01
- Using docker image sha256:bd66e57d001169d5b139c9dce4fa3aaafe73718fe282ba009497ce2a51926307 for localhost:5000/concurrency-course-grade-image with digest localhost:5000/concurrency-course-grade-image@sha256:8a5524aa2c2f2c2067ef9c82fd9b526ff439a3e5f0736b8d3e60b45c74cf5abb ...
- $ md5sum $CI_CONFIG_PATH; md5sum /course/.grade.gitlab-ci.yml; cmp $CI_CONFIG_PATH /course/.grade.gitlab-ci.yml # If this fails you need to revert changes in .grade.gitlab-ci.yml
- 2c06201f20f293d4f46406dad5fc8a33 .gitlab-ci.yml
- 2c06201f20f293d4f46406dad5fc8a33 /course/.grade.gitlab-ci.yml
- $ /
- Job: project = mipt-y-dmitry-y-grishin-y-dream_4ild, namespace = concurrency-course-workspace/2025/solutions, user = dream_4ild, source branch = sync/mutex, commit sha = e1bef70ed1a8b3e412d80c1aa69512318ec04a02
- Clippy: /course/client/
- Manytask:
- Updating course repository (/course)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Howdy, root!
- Command running: ['hi'], cwd: /course
- Time: 2025-03-03 13:17:36
- Platform: Linux-6.8.0-52-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.35
- Python: 3.10.12, CPython, /usr/bin/python3
- C++ compiler: /usr/bin/clang++-19 (Ubuntu clang version 19.1.7 (++20250114103320+cd708029e0b2-1~exp1~20250114103432.75))
- Repository root directory: /course
- Git commit: 1d8a24e61ee74c038bf2c5d548197d8de900986d
- _________________________________________
- < Hi, I am Clippy, your course assistant. >
- -----------------------------------------
- \
- \
- __
- / \
- | |
- @ @
- | |
- || |/
- || ||
- |\_/|
- \___/
- Already up to date.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Hello, root!
- Command running: ['update', '--no-cmake'], cwd: /course
- Time: 2025-03-03 13:17:37
- Platform: Linux-6.8.0-52-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.35
- Python: 3.10.12, CPython, /usr/bin/python3
- C++ compiler: /usr/bin/clang++-19 (Ubuntu clang version 19.1.7 (++20250114103320+cd708029e0b2-1~exp1~20250114103432.75))
- Repository root directory: /course
- Git commit: 1d8a24e61ee74c038bf2c5d548197d8de900986d
- Updating tasks repository
- Done
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Hi, root!
- Command running: ['attach-local', '/builds/concurrency-course-workspace/2025/solutions/mipt-y-dmitry-y-grishin-y-dream_4ild'], cwd: /course
- Time: 2025-03-03 13:17:38
- Platform: Linux-6.8.0-52-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.35
- Python: 3.10.12, CPython, /usr/bin/python3
- C++ compiler: /usr/bin/clang++-19 (Ubuntu clang version 19.1.7 (++20250114103320+cd708029e0b2-1~exp1~20250114103432.75))
- Repository root directory: /course
- Git commit: 1d8a24e61ee74c038bf2c5d548197d8de900986d
- https://gitlab-ci-token:[MASKED]
- Solutions local repo: /builds/concurrency-course-workspace/2025/solutions/mipt-y-dmitry-y-grishin-y-dream_4ild
- Done
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Howdy, root!
- Command running: ['apply', '--commit', 'e1bef70ed1a8b3e412d80c1aa69512318ec04a02', '--force'], cwd: /course/tasks/sync/mutex
- Time: 2025-03-03 13:17:38
- Platform: Linux-6.8.0-52-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.35
- Python: 3.10.12, CPython, /usr/bin/python3
- C++ compiler: /usr/bin/clang++-19 (Ubuntu clang version 19.1.7 (++20250114103320+cd708029e0b2-1~exp1~20250114103432.75))
- Repository root directory: /course
- Git commit: 1d8a24e61ee74c038bf2c5d548197d8de900986d
- Moving to repo /builds/concurrency-course-workspace/2025/solutions/mipt-y-dmitry-y-grishin-y-dream_4ild
- Running git: ['checkout', 'e1bef70ed1a8b3e412d80c1aa69512318ec04a02', '--']
- Applying solution from solutions repo...
- Done
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Hello, root!
- Command running: ['cmake'], cwd: /course/tasks/sync/mutex
- Time: 2025-03-03 13:17:39
- Platform: Linux-6.8.0-52-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.35
- Python: 3.10.12, CPython, /usr/bin/python3
- C++ compiler: /usr/bin/clang++-19 (Ubuntu clang version 19.1.7 (++20250114103320+cd708029e0b2-1~exp1~20250114103432.75))
- Repository root directory: /course
- Git commit: 1d8a24e61ee74c038bf2c5d548197d8de900986d
- Build directory: /tmp/clippy-build
- Generate build scripts for profile Debug
- CMake options for profile Debug: ['CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug', 'UBSAN=ON', 'CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang++-19', 'CMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang-19', 'TOOL_BUILD=ON']
- cmake output:
- -- C++ compiler: /usr/bin/clang++-19
- -- C++ standard: 23
- -- Sanitize with UB Sanitizer (UBSAN)
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: fmt
- -- Version: 10.2.1
- -- Build type: Debug
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: function2
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: wheels
- CMake Deprecation Warning at /tmp/clippy-build/Debug/_deps/gflags-src/CMakeLists.txt:73 (cmake_minimum_required):
- Compatibility with CMake < 3.10 will be removed from a future version of
- CMake.
- Update the VERSION argument <min> value. Or, use the <min>...<max> syntax
- to tell CMake that the project requires at least <min> but has been updated
- to work with policies introduced by <max> or earlier.
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: sure-stack
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: sure
- CMake Deprecation Warning at /tmp/clippy-build/Debug/_deps/sure-src/CMakeLists.txt:1 (cmake_minimum_required):
- Compatibility with CMake < 3.10 will be removed from a future version of
- CMake.
- Update the VERSION argument <min> value. Or, use the <min>...<max> syntax
- to tell CMake that the project requires at least <min> but has been updated
- to work with policies introduced by <max> or earlier.
- -- [sure] Host system processor: x86_64
- -- [sure] MachineContext: x86_64
- -- [sure] ExceptionsContext: unix
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: futex_like
- -- [futex_like] Platform: Linux
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: spin_wait
- -- [spin_wait] Host system processor: x86_64
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: twist
- -- [twist] Sanitize with UB Sanitizer
- -- [twist] Processor count: 4
- -- [twist] CMake version: 3.31.5
- -- [twist] C++ compiler: /usr/bin/clang++-19
- -- [twist] C++ standard: 20
- -- [twist] Fault injection: Off
- -- [twist] Runtime: Threads
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: tinyfiber
- -- C++ compiler: /usr/bin/clang++-19
- -- Sanitize with UB Sanitizer (UBSAN)
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: asio
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'tutorial', task = 'aplusb'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'tutorial', task = 'function'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'deadlock'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'dining'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'livelock'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'lock_guard'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'mutexed'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'spinlock'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'mutex'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'try_lock'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'barrier'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'condvar'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'semaphore'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'wait_group'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'runtime', task = 'thread_pool'
- -- [concurrency_course] Add task library: task_runtime_thread_pool_exe
- -- [concurrency_course] Include dir: /course/tasks/runtime/thread_pool/source
- -- [concurrency_course] Add task playground: task_runtime_thread_pool_play
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'future', task = 'std_like'
- -- [concurrency_course] Add task library: task_future_std_like_exe
- -- [concurrency_course] Add task playground: task_future_std_like_play
- -- Configuring done (12.3s)
- -- Generating done (0.4s)
- -- Build files have been written to: /tmp/clippy-build/Debug
- Generate build scripts for profile DebugASan
- CMake options for profile DebugASan: ['CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug', 'ASAN=ON', 'CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang++-19', 'CMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang-19', 'TOOL_BUILD=ON']
- cmake output:
- -- C++ compiler: /usr/bin/clang++-19
- -- C++ standard: 23
- -- Sanitize with Address Sanitizer (ASAN)
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: fmt
- -- Version: 10.2.1
- -- Build type: Debug
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: function2
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: wheels
- CMake Deprecation Warning at /tmp/clippy-build/DebugASan/_deps/gflags-src/CMakeLists.txt:73 (cmake_minimum_required):
- Compatibility with CMake < 3.10 will be removed from a future version of
- CMake.
- Update the VERSION argument <min> value. Or, use the <min>...<max> syntax
- to tell CMake that the project requires at least <min> but has been updated
- to work with policies introduced by <max> or earlier.
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: sure-stack
- -- [sure-stack] Sanitize with Address Sanitizer
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: sure
- CMake Deprecation Warning at /tmp/clippy-build/DebugASan/_deps/sure-src/CMakeLists.txt:1 (cmake_minimum_required):
- Compatibility with CMake < 3.10 will be removed from a future version of
- CMake.
- Update the VERSION argument <min> value. Or, use the <min>...<max> syntax
- to tell CMake that the project requires at least <min> but has been updated
- to work with policies introduced by <max> or earlier.
- -- [sure] Sanitize with Address Sanitizer
- -- [sure] Host system processor: x86_64
- -- [sure] MachineContext: x86_64
- -- [sure] ExceptionsContext: unix
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: futex_like
- -- [futex_like] Platform: Linux
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: spin_wait
- -- [spin_wait] Host system processor: x86_64
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: twist
- -- [twist] Sanitize with Address Sanitizer
- -- [twist] Processor count: 4
- -- [twist] CMake version: 3.31.5
- -- [twist] C++ compiler: /usr/bin/clang++-19
- -- [twist] C++ standard: 20
- -- [twist] Fault injection: Off
- -- [twist] Runtime: Threads
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: tinyfiber
- -- C++ compiler: /usr/bin/clang++-19
- -- Sanitize with Address Sanitizer (ASAN)
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: asio
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'tutorial', task = 'aplusb'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'tutorial', task = 'function'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'deadlock'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'dining'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'livelock'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'lock_guard'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'mutexed'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'spinlock'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'mutex'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'try_lock'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'barrier'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'condvar'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'semaphore'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'wait_group'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'runtime', task = 'thread_pool'
- -- [concurrency_course] Add task library: task_runtime_thread_pool_exe
- -- [concurrency_course] Include dir: /course/tasks/runtime/thread_pool/source
- -- [concurrency_course] Add task playground: task_runtime_thread_pool_play
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'future', task = 'std_like'
- -- [concurrency_course] Add task library: task_future_std_like_exe
- -- [concurrency_course] Add task playground: task_future_std_like_play
- -- Configuring done (13.2s)
- -- Generating done (0.6s)
- -- Build files have been written to: /tmp/clippy-build/DebugASan
- Generate build scripts for profile Release
- CMake options for profile Release: ['CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release', 'SURE_EXCEPTIONS=OFF', 'CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang++-19', 'CMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang-19', 'TOOL_BUILD=ON']
- cmake output:
- -- C++ compiler: /usr/bin/clang++-19
- -- C++ standard: 23
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: fmt
- -- Version: 10.2.1
- -- Build type: Release
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: function2
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: wheels
- CMake Deprecation Warning at /tmp/clippy-build/Release/_deps/gflags-src/CMakeLists.txt:73 (cmake_minimum_required):
- Compatibility with CMake < 3.10 will be removed from a future version of
- CMake.
- Update the VERSION argument <min> value. Or, use the <min>...<max> syntax
- to tell CMake that the project requires at least <min> but has been updated
- to work with policies introduced by <max> or earlier.
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: sure-stack
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: sure
- CMake Deprecation Warning at /tmp/clippy-build/Release/_deps/sure-src/CMakeLists.txt:1 (cmake_minimum_required):
- Compatibility with CMake < 3.10 will be removed from a future version of
- CMake.
- Update the VERSION argument <min> value. Or, use the <min>...<max> syntax
- to tell CMake that the project requires at least <min> but has been updated
- to work with policies introduced by <max> or earlier.
- -- [sure] Host system processor: x86_64
- -- [sure] MachineContext: x86_64
- -- [sure] ExceptionsContext: nop
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: futex_like
- -- [futex_like] Platform: Linux
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: spin_wait
- -- [spin_wait] Host system processor: x86_64
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: twist
- -- [twist] Processor count: 4
- -- [twist] CMake version: 3.31.5
- -- [twist] C++ compiler: /usr/bin/clang++-19
- -- [twist] C++ standard: 20
- -- [twist] Fault injection: Off
- -- [twist] Runtime: Threads
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: tinyfiber
- -- C++ compiler: /usr/bin/clang++-19
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: asio
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: mimalloc
- --
- -- Override standard malloc (MI_OVERRIDE=ON)
- -- Architecture: x64
- --
- -- Library base name: mimalloc
- -- Version : 2.1.9
- -- Build type : release
- -- C Compiler : /usr/bin/clang-19
- -- Compiler flags : -Wall;-Wextra;-Wpedantic;-Wno-unknown-pragmas;-fvisibility=hidden;-Wstrict-prototypes;-Wno-static-in-inline;-ftls-model=initial-exec;-fno-builtin-malloc
- -- Compiler defines :
- -- Link libraries : pthread;rt;atomic
- -- Build targets : shared;static;object;tests
- --
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'tutorial', task = 'aplusb'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'tutorial', task = 'function'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'deadlock'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'dining'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'livelock'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'lock_guard'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'mutexed'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'spinlock'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'mutex'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'try_lock'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'barrier'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'condvar'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'semaphore'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'wait_group'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'runtime', task = 'thread_pool'
- -- [concurrency_course] Add task library: task_runtime_thread_pool_exe
- -- [concurrency_course] Include dir: /course/tasks/runtime/thread_pool/source
- -- [concurrency_course] Add task playground: task_runtime_thread_pool_play
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'future', task = 'std_like'
- -- [concurrency_course] Add task library: task_future_std_like_exe
- -- [concurrency_course] Add task playground: task_future_std_like_play
- -- Configuring done (16.2s)
- -- Generating done (0.6s)
- -- Build files have been written to: /tmp/clippy-build/Release
- Generate build scripts for profile FaultyThreadASan
- CMake options for profile FaultyThreadASan: ['CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo', 'TWIST_FAULTY=ON', 'ASAN=ON', 'CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang++-19', 'CMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang-19', 'TOOL_BUILD=ON']
- cmake output:
- -- C++ compiler: /usr/bin/clang++-19
- -- C++ standard: 23
- -- Sanitize with Address Sanitizer (ASAN)
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: fmt
- -- Version: 10.2.1
- -- Build type: RelWithDebInfo
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: function2
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: wheels
- CMake Deprecation Warning at /tmp/clippy-build/FaultyThreadASan/_deps/gflags-src/CMakeLists.txt:73 (cmake_minimum_required):
- Compatibility with CMake < 3.10 will be removed from a future version of
- CMake.
- Update the VERSION argument <min> value. Or, use the <min>...<max> syntax
- to tell CMake that the project requires at least <min> but has been updated
- to work with policies introduced by <max> or earlier.
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: sure-stack
- -- [sure-stack] Sanitize with Address Sanitizer
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: sure
- CMake Deprecation Warning at /tmp/clippy-build/FaultyThreadASan/_deps/sure-src/CMakeLists.txt:1 (cmake_minimum_required):
- Compatibility with CMake < 3.10 will be removed from a future version of
- CMake.
- Update the VERSION argument <min> value. Or, use the <min>...<max> syntax
- to tell CMake that the project requires at least <min> but has been updated
- to work with policies introduced by <max> or earlier.
- -- [sure] Sanitize with Address Sanitizer
- -- [sure] Host system processor: x86_64
- -- [sure] MachineContext: x86_64
- -- [sure] ExceptionsContext: unix
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: futex_like
- -- [futex_like] Platform: Linux
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: spin_wait
- -- [spin_wait] Host system processor: x86_64
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: twist
- -- [twist] Sanitize with Address Sanitizer
- -- [twist] Processor count: 4
- -- [twist] CMake version: 3.31.5
- -- [twist] C++ compiler: /usr/bin/clang++-19
- -- [twist] C++ standard: 20
- -- [twist] Fault injection: On
- -- [twist] Fault placement: BEFORE
- -- [twist] Runtime: Threads
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: tinyfiber
- -- C++ compiler: /usr/bin/clang++-19
- -- Sanitize with Address Sanitizer (ASAN)
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: asio
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'tutorial', task = 'aplusb'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'tutorial', task = 'function'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'deadlock'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'dining'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'livelock'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'lock_guard'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'mutexed'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'spinlock'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'mutex'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'try_lock'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'barrier'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'condvar'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'semaphore'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'wait_group'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'runtime', task = 'thread_pool'
- -- [concurrency_course] Add task library: task_runtime_thread_pool_exe
- -- [concurrency_course] Include dir: /course/tasks/runtime/thread_pool/source
- -- [concurrency_course] Add task playground: task_runtime_thread_pool_play
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'future', task = 'std_like'
- -- [concurrency_course] Add task library: task_future_std_like_exe
- -- [concurrency_course] Add task playground: task_future_std_like_play
- -- Configuring done (12.2s)
- -- Generating done (0.5s)
- -- Build files have been written to: /tmp/clippy-build/FaultyThreadASan
- Generate build scripts for profile FaultyThreadTSan
- CMake options for profile FaultyThreadTSan: ['CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo', 'TWIST_FAULTY=ON', 'TSAN=ON', 'CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang++-19', 'CMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang-19', 'TOOL_BUILD=ON']
- cmake output:
- -- C++ compiler: /usr/bin/clang++-19
- -- C++ standard: 23
- -- Sanitize with Thread Sanitizer (TSAN)
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: fmt
- -- Version: 10.2.1
- -- Build type: RelWithDebInfo
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: function2
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: wheels
- CMake Deprecation Warning at /tmp/clippy-build/FaultyThreadTSan/_deps/gflags-src/CMakeLists.txt:73 (cmake_minimum_required):
- Compatibility with CMake < 3.10 will be removed from a future version of
- CMake.
- Update the VERSION argument <min> value. Or, use the <min>...<max> syntax
- to tell CMake that the project requires at least <min> but has been updated
- to work with policies introduced by <max> or earlier.
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: sure-stack
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: sure
- CMake Deprecation Warning at /tmp/clippy-build/FaultyThreadTSan/_deps/sure-src/CMakeLists.txt:1 (cmake_minimum_required):
- Compatibility with CMake < 3.10 will be removed from a future version of
- CMake.
- Update the VERSION argument <min> value. Or, use the <min>...<max> syntax
- to tell CMake that the project requires at least <min> but has been updated
- to work with policies introduced by <max> or earlier.
- -- [sure] Sanitize with Thread Sanitizer
- -- [sure] Host system processor: x86_64
- -- [sure] MachineContext: x86_64
- -- [sure] ExceptionsContext: unix
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: futex_like
- -- [futex_like] Platform: Linux
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: spin_wait
- -- [spin_wait] Host system processor: x86_64
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: twist
- -- [twist] Sanitize with Thread Sanitizer
- -- [twist] Processor count: 4
- -- [twist] CMake version: 3.31.5
- -- [twist] C++ compiler: /usr/bin/clang++-19
- -- [twist] C++ standard: 20
- -- [twist] Fault injection: On
- -- [twist] Fault placement: BEFORE
- -- [twist] Runtime: Threads
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: tinyfiber
- -- C++ compiler: /usr/bin/clang++-19
- -- Sanitize with Thread Sanitizer (TSAN)
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: asio
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'tutorial', task = 'aplusb'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'tutorial', task = 'function'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'deadlock'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'dining'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'livelock'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'lock_guard'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'mutexed'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'spinlock'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'mutex'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'try_lock'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'barrier'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'condvar'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'semaphore'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'wait_group'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'runtime', task = 'thread_pool'
- -- [concurrency_course] Add task library: task_runtime_thread_pool_exe
- -- [concurrency_course] Include dir: /course/tasks/runtime/thread_pool/source
- -- [concurrency_course] Add task playground: task_runtime_thread_pool_play
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'future', task = 'std_like'
- -- [concurrency_course] Add task library: task_future_std_like_exe
- -- [concurrency_course] Add task playground: task_future_std_like_play
- -- Configuring done (13.6s)
- -- Generating done (0.6s)
- -- Build files have been written to: /tmp/clippy-build/FaultyThreadTSan
- Generate build scripts for profile Fiber
- CMake options for profile Fiber: ['CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo', 'TWIST_FAULTY=ON', 'TWIST_SIM=ON', 'CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang++-19', 'CMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang-19', 'TOOL_BUILD=ON']
- cmake output:
- -- C++ compiler: /usr/bin/clang++-19
- -- C++ standard: 23
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: fmt
- -- Version: 10.2.1
- -- Build type: RelWithDebInfo
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: function2
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: wheels
- CMake Deprecation Warning at /tmp/clippy-build/Fiber/_deps/gflags-src/CMakeLists.txt:73 (cmake_minimum_required):
- Compatibility with CMake < 3.10 will be removed from a future version of
- CMake.
- Update the VERSION argument <min> value. Or, use the <min>...<max> syntax
- to tell CMake that the project requires at least <min> but has been updated
- to work with policies introduced by <max> or earlier.
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: sure-stack
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: sure
- CMake Deprecation Warning at /tmp/clippy-build/Fiber/_deps/sure-src/CMakeLists.txt:1 (cmake_minimum_required):
- Compatibility with CMake < 3.10 will be removed from a future version of
- CMake.
- Update the VERSION argument <min> value. Or, use the <min>...<max> syntax
- to tell CMake that the project requires at least <min> but has been updated
- to work with policies introduced by <max> or earlier.
- -- [sure] Host system processor: x86_64
- -- [sure] MachineContext: x86_64
- -- [sure] ExceptionsContext: unix
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: futex_like
- -- [futex_like] Platform: Linux
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: spin_wait
- -- [spin_wait] Host system processor: x86_64
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: twist
- -- [twist] Processor count: 4
- -- [twist] CMake version: 3.31.5
- -- [twist] C++ compiler: /usr/bin/clang++-19
- -- [twist] C++ standard: 20
- -- [twist] Fault injection: On
- -- [twist] Fault placement: BEFORE
- -- [twist] Runtime: Simulation
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: tinyfiber
- -- C++ compiler: /usr/bin/clang++-19
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: asio
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'tutorial', task = 'aplusb'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'tutorial', task = 'function'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'deadlock'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'dining'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'livelock'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'lock_guard'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'mutexed'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'spinlock'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'mutex'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'try_lock'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'barrier'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'condvar'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'semaphore'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'wait_group'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'runtime', task = 'thread_pool'
- -- [concurrency_course] Add task library: task_runtime_thread_pool_exe
- -- [concurrency_course] Include dir: /course/tasks/runtime/thread_pool/source
- -- [concurrency_course] Add task playground: task_runtime_thread_pool_play
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'future', task = 'std_like'
- -- [concurrency_course] Add task library: task_future_std_like_exe
- -- [concurrency_course] Add task playground: task_future_std_like_play
- -- Configuring done (13.1s)
- -- Generating done (0.4s)
- -- Build files have been written to: /tmp/clippy-build/Fiber
- Generate build scripts for profile FiberASan
- CMake options for profile FiberASan: ['CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo', 'TWIST_FAULTY=ON', 'TWIST_SIM=ON', 'ASAN=ON', 'CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang++-19', 'CMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang-19', 'TOOL_BUILD=ON']
- cmake output:
- -- C++ compiler: /usr/bin/clang++-19
- -- C++ standard: 23
- -- Sanitize with Address Sanitizer (ASAN)
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: fmt
- -- Version: 10.2.1
- -- Build type: RelWithDebInfo
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: function2
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: wheels
- CMake Deprecation Warning at /tmp/clippy-build/FiberASan/_deps/gflags-src/CMakeLists.txt:73 (cmake_minimum_required):
- Compatibility with CMake < 3.10 will be removed from a future version of
- CMake.
- Update the VERSION argument <min> value. Or, use the <min>...<max> syntax
- to tell CMake that the project requires at least <min> but has been updated
- to work with policies introduced by <max> or earlier.
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: sure-stack
- -- [sure-stack] Sanitize with Address Sanitizer
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: sure
- CMake Deprecation Warning at /tmp/clippy-build/FiberASan/_deps/sure-src/CMakeLists.txt:1 (cmake_minimum_required):
- Compatibility with CMake < 3.10 will be removed from a future version of
- CMake.
- Update the VERSION argument <min> value. Or, use the <min>...<max> syntax
- to tell CMake that the project requires at least <min> but has been updated
- to work with policies introduced by <max> or earlier.
- -- [sure] Sanitize with Address Sanitizer
- -- [sure] Host system processor: x86_64
- -- [sure] MachineContext: x86_64
- -- [sure] ExceptionsContext: unix
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: futex_like
- -- [futex_like] Platform: Linux
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: spin_wait
- -- [spin_wait] Host system processor: x86_64
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: twist
- -- [twist] Sanitize with Address Sanitizer
- -- [twist] Processor count: 4
- -- [twist] CMake version: 3.31.5
- -- [twist] C++ compiler: /usr/bin/clang++-19
- -- [twist] C++ standard: 20
- -- [twist] Fault injection: On
- -- [twist] Fault placement: BEFORE
- -- [twist] Runtime: Simulation
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: tinyfiber
- -- C++ compiler: /usr/bin/clang++-19
- -- Sanitize with Address Sanitizer (ASAN)
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: asio
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'tutorial', task = 'aplusb'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'tutorial', task = 'function'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'deadlock'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'dining'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'livelock'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'lock_guard'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'mutexed'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'spinlock'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'mutex'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'try_lock'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'barrier'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'condvar'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'semaphore'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'wait_group'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'runtime', task = 'thread_pool'
- -- [concurrency_course] Add task library: task_runtime_thread_pool_exe
- -- [concurrency_course] Include dir: /course/tasks/runtime/thread_pool/source
- -- [concurrency_course] Add task playground: task_runtime_thread_pool_play
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'future', task = 'std_like'
- -- [concurrency_course] Add task library: task_future_std_like_exe
- -- [concurrency_course] Add task playground: task_future_std_like_play
- -- Configuring done (12.8s)
- -- Generating done (0.6s)
- -- Build files have been written to: /tmp/clippy-build/FiberASan
- Generate build scripts for profile Matrix
- CMake options for profile Matrix: ['CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo', 'TWIST_FAULTY=ON', 'TWIST_SIM=ON', 'TWIST_SIM_ISOLATION=ON', 'CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang++-19', 'CMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang-19', 'TOOL_BUILD=ON']
- cmake output:
- -- C++ compiler: /usr/bin/clang++-19
- -- C++ standard: 23
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: fmt
- -- Version: 10.2.1
- -- Build type: RelWithDebInfo
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: function2
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: wheels
- CMake Deprecation Warning at /tmp/clippy-build/Matrix/_deps/gflags-src/CMakeLists.txt:73 (cmake_minimum_required):
- Compatibility with CMake < 3.10 will be removed from a future version of
- CMake.
- Update the VERSION argument <min> value. Or, use the <min>...<max> syntax
- to tell CMake that the project requires at least <min> but has been updated
- to work with policies introduced by <max> or earlier.
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: sure-stack
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: sure
- CMake Deprecation Warning at /tmp/clippy-build/Matrix/_deps/sure-src/CMakeLists.txt:1 (cmake_minimum_required):
- Compatibility with CMake < 3.10 will be removed from a future version of
- CMake.
- Update the VERSION argument <min> value. Or, use the <min>...<max> syntax
- to tell CMake that the project requires at least <min> but has been updated
- to work with policies introduced by <max> or earlier.
- -- [sure] Host system processor: x86_64
- -- [sure] MachineContext: x86_64
- -- [sure] ExceptionsContext: unix
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: futex_like
- -- [futex_like] Platform: Linux
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: spin_wait
- -- [spin_wait] Host system processor: x86_64
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: twist
- -- [twist] Processor count: 4
- -- [twist] CMake version: 3.31.5
- -- [twist] C++ compiler: /usr/bin/clang++-19
- -- [twist] C++ standard: 20
- -- [twist] Fault injection: On
- -- [twist] Fault placement: BEFORE
- -- [twist] Runtime: Simulation
- -- [twist] Runtime: Isolated user memory
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: tinyfiber
- -- C++ compiler: /usr/bin/clang++-19
- -- [concurrency_course] FetchContent: asio
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'tutorial', task = 'aplusb'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'tutorial', task = 'function'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'deadlock'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'dining'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'livelock'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'lock_guard'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'mutexed'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'spinlock'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'mutex'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'try_lock'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'barrier'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'condvar'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'semaphore'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'sync', task = 'wait_group'
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'runtime', task = 'thread_pool'
- -- [concurrency_course] Add task library: task_runtime_thread_pool_exe
- -- [concurrency_course] Include dir: /course/tasks/runtime/thread_pool/source
- -- [concurrency_course] Add task playground: task_runtime_thread_pool_play
- -- [concurrency_course] Topic = 'future', task = 'std_like'
- -- [concurrency_course] Add task library: task_future_std_like_exe
- -- [concurrency_course] Add task playground: task_future_std_like_play
- -- Configuring done (13.9s)
- -- Generating done (0.4s)
- -- Build files have been written to: /tmp/clippy-build/Matrix
- Done
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Hello, root!
- Command running: ['validate'], cwd: /course/tasks/sync/mutex
- Time: 2025-03-03 13:19:31
- Platform: Linux-6.8.0-52-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.35
- Python: 3.10.12, CPython, /usr/bin/python3
- C++ compiler: /usr/bin/clang++-19 (Ubuntu clang version 19.1.7 (++20250114103320+cd708029e0b2-1~exp1~20250114103432.75))
- Repository root directory: /course
- Git commit: 1d8a24e61ee74c038bf2c5d548197d8de900986d
- Clang-tidy libs path: /tmp/clippy-build/Debug/_deps, include dirs: ['wheels-src', 'sure-src/source', 'futex_like-src/source', 'twist-src/source', 'tinyfiber-src/source', 'fmt-src/include', 'function2-src/include', 'asio-src/asio/include']
- Checking ['mutex.hpp'] with clang-tidy (/usr/bin/clang-tidy-19)
- 4097 warnings and 1 error generated.
- Error while processing /course/tasks/sync/mutex/source/mutex.hpp.
- /tmp/clippy-build/Debug/_deps/twist-src/source/twist/rt/thr/wait/spin/cores/multi.hpp:3:10: error: 'sw/spin_wait.hpp' file not found [clang-diagnostic-error]
- 3 | #include <sw/spin_wait.hpp>
- | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- clang-tidy check failed
- Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
- 00:01
- ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1
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