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- Option Explicit
- ' VBA code for Delaunay and ConvexHull
- ' Created by auadmin on
- '
- ' The VBA formatting was scrambled so this is my attempt to sort it out.
- ' Ben Sacherich - 5/17/2023
- '
- '
- ' Constant EPSILON was not defined.
- ' Function fQuickSortArrayDbl() was missing.
- ' Function fDistance2DPoints() was missing.
- '
- Public Type tXYZ
- x As Double
- y As Double
- Z As Double
- End Type
- Private Type tTriangle
- V1 As Long 'vertex1 pointer
- V2 As Long 'vertex2 pointer
- V3 As Long 'vertex3 pointer
- T1 As Long 'neighbour1 pointer
- T2 As Long 'neighbour2 pointer
- T3 As Long 'neighbour3 pointer
- Xmin As Double
- Ymin As Double
- Xmax As Double
- Ymax As Double
- Center As tXYZ
- R² As Double
- End Type
- Dim oT() As tTriangle
- Dim oP() As tXYZ
- Dim oTTmp As tTriangle
- Dim aStack() As Long
- Dim aBlnk() As Long
- ' Dim myFrm As UserForm ' This is not used and won't compile so Ben commented it out.
- Private Const PI_8th As Double = 0.392699081698724
- Private Const PI As Double = 3.14159265358979
- '# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
- Const EPSILON = 1 ' ### Placeholder for missing code ###
- Function fDistance2DPoints(x As tXYZ, y As tXYZ)
- ' ### Placeholder for missing function ###
- Stop
- End Function
- Function fQuickSortArrayDbl(arry As Variant, i, j, k, bAscendent As Boolean) As Variant
- ' ### Placeholder for missing function ###
- Stop
- End Function
- '# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
- Private Function fDrawTriangles() As Boolean
- ' # This function is not used #
- Dim lgT As Long
- For lgT = LBound(oT) To UBound(oT)
- 'Draw triangle in userform
- Call fDrawTriangle(lgT)
- Next lgT
- End Function
- Private Function fDrawTriangle(ByVal lgT As Long) As Boolean
- ' # This function is not used #
- 'Draw triangle in userform
- 'Call fDrawLine(oP(oT(lgT).V1), oP(oT(lgT).V2))
- 'Call fDrawLine(oP(oT(lgT).V2), oP(oT(lgT).V3))
- 'Call fDrawLine(oP(oT(lgT).V3), oP(oT(lgT).V1))
- End Function
- Private Function fDrawLine(ByVal lgP1 As Long, ByVal lgP2 As Long) As Boolean
- ' # This function was missing but is not needed. #
- End Function
- Private Function fPointsSort(ByRef oP() As tXYZ, _
- Optional ByRef bX As Boolean = True, _
- Optional ByRef bAscendent As Boolean = True) As Boolean
- Dim oPtTmp() As tXYZ
- Dim arrPtr() As Double 'tPointer
- Dim lgP As Long
- ReDim arrPtr(LBound(oP) To UBound(oP), 1 To 2)
- If bX Then
- ' Sort by X
- For lgP = LBound(oP) To UBound(oP)
- arrPtr(lgP, 1) = VBA.CLng(lgP) 'Index
- arrPtr(lgP, 2) = oP(lgP).x 'Value
- Next lgP
- Else
- ' Sort by Y
- For lgP = LBound(oP) To UBound(oP)
- arrPtr(lgP, 1) = VBA.CLng(lgP) 'Index
- arrPtr(lgP, 2) = oP(lgP).y 'Value
- Next lgP
- End If
- Call fQuickSortArrayDbl(arrPtr(), -1, -1, 2, bAscendent)
- oPtTmp() = oP() ' copy source
- For lgP = LBound(oP) To UBound(oP)
- oP(lgP) = oPtTmp(arrPtr(lgP, 1))
- Next lgP
- Erase arrPtr()
- Erase oPtTmp()
- End Function
- Private Function fPoints(ByRef oP() As tXYZ) As Long
- If Not (Not oP) Then
- fPoints = UBound(oP) - LBound(oP) + 1
- Else
- fPoints = 0
- End If
- End Function
- Private Function fPointsFlip(ByRef oP() As tXYZ) As Boolean
- Dim oPTmp() As tXYZ
- Dim lgP As Long
- If Not (Not oP) Then
- oPTmp() = oP()
- ReDim Preserve oP(LBound(oP) To UBound(oP) - 1)
- For lgP = LBound(oP) To UBound(oP)
- oPTmp(UBound(oP) - lgP) = oP(lgP)
- Next lgP
- oP() = oPTmp()
- Erase oPTmp()
- End If
- End Function
- Private Function fPointRemove(ByRef oP() As tXYZ, ByVal lgP As Long) As Boolean
- Dim oPTmp() As tXYZ
- Dim lgRemove As Long
- If Not (Not oP) Then
- oPTmp() = oP()
- ReDim Preserve oPTmp(LBound(oP) To UBound(oP) - 1)
- For lgRemove = (UBound(oP) - 1) To lgP Step -1
- oPTmp(lgRemove) = oP(lgRemove + 1)
- Next lgRemove
- oP() = oPTmp()
- Erase oPTmp()
- End If
- End Function
- Private Function fPointAdd(ByRef oP() As tXYZ, ByRef oPt As tXYZ) As Boolean
- If Not (Not oP) Then
- ReDim Preserve oP(LBound(oP) To UBound(oP) + 1)
- Else
- ReDim Preserve oP(0)
- End If
- oP(UBound(oP)) = oPt
- End Function
- Private Function fConvexHull() As tXYZ()
- ' Graham-Scan
- '
- ' The algorithm can be adapted to a 3D space, considering these:
- ' - the four points A, B, C, D become eight
- ' - the quadrilateral becomes a polyhedron with eight vertices
- ' - the rectangle becomes a parallelepiped
- Dim oP´() As tXYZ
- Dim oP´´() As tXYZ
- Dim oPrun() As tXYZ
- Dim oPrun´() As tXYZ
- Dim oHull() As tXYZ
- Dim lgDecalageRGT As Long
- Dim lgP As Long
- Dim lgPts As Long
- Dim lgTop As Long
- Dim lgPrun´ As Long
- Dim lgPrun´´ As Long
- Dim bPrun As Boolean
- Dim bPrint As Boolean: bPrint = False
- bPrint = False
- If fPoints(oP) = 0 Then
- ' Get list of points...
- Call sPointsRnd(100000000, 0, 1000, 0, 1000)
- Call fPointsPrint(oP(), 1, 2, 1, -1, -1, bPrint)
- End If
- Dim dtTimer As Date
- dtTimer = VBA.Now()
- oPrun() = fPrunePolygon(oP())
- Call fPointsPrint(oPrun(), 3, 4, 1, -1, -1, bPrint)
- ' Get rectangle R:
- ' X1 = Max(Dx, Ax)
- ' X2 = Min(Bx, Cx)
- ' Y1 = Max(By, Ay)
- ' Y2 = Min(Cy, Dy)
- ' Rectangle R with vertices: (x2, y1), (x2, y2), (x1, y2), (x1, y1)
- oPrun´() = oPrun()
- If oPrun(0).x < oPrun(3).x Then oPrun´(0).x = oPrun(3).x Else oPrun´(3).x = oPrun(0).x 'maxX A-D If oPrun(1).X > oPrun(2).X Then oPrun´(1).X = oPrun(2).X Else oPrun´(2).X = oPrun(1).X 'minX B-C
- If oPrun(0).y < oPrun(1).y Then oPrun´(0).y = oPrun(1).y Else oPrun´(1).y = oPrun(0).y 'maxY A-B If oPrun(2).Y > oPrun(3).Y Then oPrun´(2).Y = oPrun(3).Y Else oPrun´(3).Y = oPrun(2).Y 'minY C-D
- Call fPointsPrint(oPrun´(), 5, 6, 1, -1, -1, bPrint)
- '#1st pass
- Erase oP´()
- oP´() = oP()
- oP´´() = oP()
- lgPrun´ = LBound(oP´´) - 1
- lgPrun´´ = LBound(oP´´) - 1
- For lgP = LBound(oP) To UBound(oP)
- bPrun = False
- If oPrun´(0).x > oP(lgP).x Then
- lgPrun´´ = lgPrun´´ + 1
- oP´´(lgPrun´´) = oP(lgP)
- ElseIf oPrun´(0).y > oP(lgP).y Then
- lgPrun´´ = lgPrun´´ + 1
- oP´´(lgPrun´´) = oP(lgP)
- ElseIf oPrun´(2).x < oP(lgP).x Then
- lgPrun´´ = lgPrun´´ + 1
- oP´´(lgPrun´´) = oP(lgP)
- ElseIf oPrun´(2).y < oP(lgP).y Then
- lgPrun´´ = lgPrun´´ + 1
- oP´´(lgPrun´´) = oP(lgP)
- Else
- lgPrun´ = lgPrun´ + 1
- oP´(lgPrun´) = oP(lgP)
- End If
- Next lgP
- ReDim Preserve oP´(0 To lgPrun´) ' outside R
- ReDim Preserve oP´´(0 To lgPrun´´) ' inside R
- Call fPointsPrint(oP´(), 7, 8, 1, -1, -1, bPrint)
- Call fPointsPrint(oP´´(), 9, 10, 1, -1, -1, bPrint) '#2nd pass
- lgPrun´´ = LBound(oP´´) - 1
- For lgP = LBound(oP´´) To UBound(oP´´)
- If Not fPointInsidePolygon(oP´´(lgP), oPrun()) Then
- lgPrun´´ = lgPrun´´ + 1
- oP´´(lgPrun´´) = oP´´(lgP)
- End If
- Next lgP
- ReDim Preserve oP´´(0 To lgPrun´´) ' outside Q
- Call fPointsPrint(oP´´(), 11, 12, 1, -1, -1, bPrint)
- Call fPointsSort(oP´´(), False, True)
- ReDim Preserve oHull(LBound(oP´´) To UBound(oP´´)) ' Pick the bottom-most (choose the left-most point in case of tie)
- oHull(LBound(oP)) = oP´´(LBound(oP´´))
- lgPts = LBound(oP´´) ' Right side hull
- For lgP = (LBound(oP´´) + 1) To UBound(oP´´)
- '!Do While (UBound(oHull) >= 1)
- Do While (lgPts >= 2)
- ' If two or more points make same angle with p0, remove all but the one that is farthest from p0
- ' (in above sorting our criteria was to keep the farthest point at the end)
- '!If CCW(oHull(UBound(oHull) - 1), oHull(UBound(oHull)), oP´´(lgP)) Then Exit Do
- If CCW(oHull(lgPts - 2), oHull(lgPts - 1), oP´´(lgP)) Then Exit Do
- 'Remove UBound(oHull) point from oHull()
- '!ReDim Preserve oHull(LBound(oHull) To UBound(oHull) - 1)
- lgPts = lgPts - 1
- Loop
- 'Add Point oP´´(lgP) to oHull()
- '!ReDim Preserve oHull(LBound(oHull) To UBound(oHull) + 1)
- '!oHull(UBound(oHull)) = oP´´(lgP)
- oHull(lgPts) = oP´´(lgP)
- lgPts = lgPts + 1
- Next lgP
- ' Left side hull
- lgTop = lgPts
- For lgP = (UBound(oP´´) - 1) To LBound(oP´´) Step -1
- '!Do While (UBound(oHullLFT) >= 1)
- Do While (lgPts > lgTop)
- '!If CCW(oHullLFT(UBound(oHullLFT) - 1), oHullLFT(UBound(oHullLFT)), oP´´(lgP)) Then Exit Do
- If CCW(oHull(lgPts - 2), oHull(lgPts - 1), oP´´(lgP)) Then Exit Do
- 'Remove UBound(oHull) point from oHull()
- '!ReDim Preserve oHullLFT(LBound(oHullLFT) To UBound(oHullLFT) - 1)
- lgPts = lgPts - 1
- Loop
- 'Add Point oP´´(lgP) to oHull()
- '!ReDim Preserve oHullLFT(LBound(oHullLFT) To UBound(oHullLFT) + 1)
- '!oHullLFT(UBound(oHullLFT)) = oP´´(lgP)
- oHull(lgPts) = oP´´(lgP)
- lgPts = lgPts + 1
- Next lgP
- ReDim Preserve oHull(LBound(oHull) To lgPts - 1)
- Call fPointsPrint(oHull(), 13, 14, 1, -1, -1, bPrint)
- fConvexHull = oHull()
- 'Erase oHull()
- Call fPointsPrint(oHull(), 15, 16, 1, -1, -1, bPrint)
- Debug.Print dtTimer & " vs " & VBA.Now()
- End Function
- Private Function fPointsPrint(ByRef oP() As tXYZ, _
- Optional ByVal lC_X As Long = 1, _
- Optional ByVal lC_Y As Long = 2, _
- Optional ByVal lR_Start As Long = 1, _
- Optional ByVal lgP_Start As Long = -1, _
- Optional ByVal lgP_End As Long = -1, _
- Optional ByVal bPrint = False) As Boolean
- Dim lgP As Long
- Dim lgR As Long
- If Not bPrint Then Exit Function
- If lgP_Start < LBound(oP) Then lgP_Start = LBound(oP)
- If lgP_End < LBound(oP) Then lgP_End = UBound(oP)
- lgR = lR_Start
- If lgP_Start <= lgP_End Then
- For lgP = lgP_Start To lgP_End
- Cells(lgR, lC_X).Value2 = oP(lgP).x
- Cells(lgR, lC_Y).Value2 = oP(lgP).y
- lgR = lgR + 1
- Next lgP
- Else 'descending
- For lgP = lgP_Start To lgP_End Step -1
- Cells(lgR, lC_X).Value2 = oP(lgP).x
- Cells(lgR, lC_Y).Value2 = oP(lgP).y
- lgR = lgR + 1
- Next lgP
- End If
- End Function
- Private Function fPointInsidePolygon(ByRef oPoint As tXYZ, ByRef oPolygon() As tXYZ) As Boolean
- Dim lgP As Long
- Dim iInside As Integer
- ' Avoid no segment (coincident points)
- For lgP = LBound(oPolygon) To UBound(oPolygon) - 1
- If oPolygon(lgP).x = oPolygon(lgP + 1).x And oPolygon(lgP).y = oPolygon(lgP + 1).y Then
- Call fPointRemove(oPolygon(), lgP)
- End If
- Next lgP
- iInside = fLineSide(oPoint, oPolygon(LBound(oPolygon)), oPolygon(LBound(oPolygon) + 1))
- For lgP = LBound(oPolygon) + 1 To UBound(oPolygon) - 1
- If iInside <> fLineSide(oPoint, oPolygon(lgP), oPolygon(lgP + 1)) Then Exit Function
- Next lgP
- If oPolygon(LBound(oPolygon)).x <> oPolygon(UBound(oPolygon)).x Or oPolygon(LBound(oPolygon)).y <> oPolygon(UBound(oPolygon)).y Then
- If iInside <> fLineSide(oPoint, oPolygon(UBound(oPolygon)), oPolygon(LBound(oPolygon))) Then Exit Function
- End If
- fPointInsidePolygon = True
- End Function
- Private Function NewPoint(Optional ByVal x As Double = 0, _
- Optional ByVal y As Double = 0, _
- Optional ByVal Z As Double = 0) As tXYZ
- With NewPoint
- .x = x
- .y = y
- .Z = Z
- End With
- End Function
- Private Function fPrunePolygon(ByRef oP() As tXYZ) As tXYZ()
- ' A, B, C, D As Points
- ' Q As Quadrilateral
- ' R As Rectangle
- ' DD As Diamond [(Xmid, Ymin)
- '
- ' for each Point p in oP
- ' Update A, B, C, D --> Q
- ' # First pass
- ' Create R from Q
- ' for each Point p in S
- ' if p inside R
- ' prune p from S
- ' # Second pass
- ' for each Point p in S
- ' if p inside Q
- ' prune p from S
- ' ^ D / +\
- ' | /.... + \
- ' | / / Q x.... \ C
- ' | / /---------....| \
- ' | / /| * * | \
- ' | \ /x|* R * * | + /
- ' | \ /..|.....--------| /
- ' | A \ ..x...|/ B
- ' | \ + + /
- ' | \ /
- ' --------------------------->
- '
- ' * points inside R rectangle are prunable
- ' x point inside Q are prunable but not until the end
- ' + point outside Q are not prunable
- '
- If fPoints(oP) = 0 Then
- ' Get list of points...
- Call sPointsRnd(300, 0, 100, 0, 100)
- End If
- Dim PtA As tXYZ, PtB As tXYZ, PtC As tXYZ, PtD As tXYZ
- Dim Q(0 To 3) As tXYZ 'Quadrilateral
- Dim R(0 To 3) As tXYZ 'Rectangle
- Dim DD(0 To 3) As tXYZ 'Diamond
- Dim lgP As Long
- Q(0) = oP(LBound(oP)): Q(1) = Q(0): Q(2) = Q(0): Q(3) = Q(0)
- For lgP = LBound(oP) To UBound(oP)
- With Q(0) ' Point A
- If (-.x - .y) < (-oP(lgP).x - oP(lgP).y) Then Q(0) = oP(lgP)
- End With
- With Q(1) ' Point B
- If (.x - .y) < (oP(lgP).x - oP(lgP).y) Then Q(1) = oP(lgP)
- End With
- With Q(2) ' Point C
- If (.x + .y) < (oP(lgP).x + oP(lgP).y) Then Q(2) = oP(lgP)
- End With
- With Q(3) ' Point D
- If (-.x + .y) < (-oP(lgP).x + oP(lgP).y) Then Q(3) = oP(lgP)
- End With
- Next lgP
- fPrunePolygon = Q()
- End Function
- Private Sub sPointsRnd(Optional ByVal lgPts As Long = 0, _
- Optional ByVal Xmin As Double = 0, _
- Optional ByVal Xmax As Double = 0, _
- Optional ByVal Ymin As Double = 0, _
- Optional ByVal Ymax As Double = 0)
- Dim lgP As Long
- Dim dbTmp As Long
- If Xmin = 0 Then Xmin = (Rnd() * 100) + 0
- If Xmax = 0 Then Xmax = (Rnd() * 100) + 0
- If Ymin = 0 Then Ymin = (Rnd() * 100) + 0
- If Ymax = 0 Then Ymax = (Rnd() * 100) + 0
- If Xmax < Xmin Then
- Xmax = dbTmp
- Xmax = Xmin
- Xmin = dbTmp
- End If
- If Ymax < Ymin Then
- Ymax = dbTmp
- Ymax = Ymin
- Ymin = dbTmp
- End If
- ReDim Preserve oP(0 To lgPts - 1)
- For lgP = LBound(oP) To UBound(oP)
- oP(lgP) = NewPoint((Rnd() * Xmax - Xmin) + Xmin, (Rnd() * Ymax - Ymin) + Ymin)
- Next lgP
- End Sub
- Private Sub sDelaunay()
- Dim oChrt As Excel.ChartObject
- Dim rgData As Excel.Range
- Dim aData As Variant
- Dim lgP As Long
- Dim lgT As Long
- Dim lgTs As Long ' total number of triangles
- Dim Xmin As Double, Ymin As Double
- Dim Xmax As Double, Ymax As Double
- Dim Xmid As Double, Ymid As Double
- Dim HSide As Double, VSide As Double
- Dim i12 As Integer, i23 As Integer, i31 As Integer
- Dim bDalaunay As Boolean
- ' Elements are sorted by X
- With ActiveSheet
- Call sPointsCreate(10)
- Set rgData = .Range("A1", .Range("B1", .Range("B1").End(xlDown)))
- End With
- aData = rgData.Value2
- 'ReDim oP(0 To 2 + (UBound(aData, 1) - LBound(aData, 1) + 1))
- ReDim aStack(LBound(oP) To UBound(oP)) As Long
- ReDim aBlnk(LBound(oP) To UBound(oP)) As Long
- For lgP = LBound(oP) + 3 To UBound(oP)
- With oP(lgP)
- '.X = aData(lgP - 2, 1)
- '.Y = aData(lgP - 2, 2)
- If .x < Xmin Then Xmin = .x
- If .x > Xmax Then Xmax = .x
- If .y < Ymin Then Ymin = .y
- If .y > Ymax Then Ymax = .y
- End With
- Next lgP
- lgT = -1
- ' Generate the super-triangle
- Xmid = 0.5 * (Xmax + Xmin)
- Ymid = 0.5 * (Ymax + Ymin)
- HSide = 2 * (Xmid - Xmin)
- VSide = 2 * (Ymid - Ymin)
- With oP(LBound(oP) + 0)
- .x = Xmid - (3 * HSide)
- .y = Ymid - (3 * VSide)
- End With
- With oP(LBound(oP) + 1)
- .x = Xmid
- .y = Ymid + (3 * VSide)
- End With
- With oP(LBound(oP) + 2)
- .x = Xmid + (3 * HSide)
- .y = Ymid - (3 * VSide)
- End With
- Set oChrt = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("ChrtPts")
- Call fChrtSeriesDelete(oChrt)
- ' Add supertriangle points
- Call fChrtTriangleAdd(oP(LBound(oP) + 0), _
- oP(LBound(oP) + 1), _
- oP(LBound(oP) + 2), _
- oChrt)
- lgT = lgT + 1
- lgTs = lgT
- ReDim Preserve oT(0 To lgT)
- With oT(lgT)
- .T1 = -1
- .T2 = -2
- .T3 = -3
- .V1 = LBound(oP) + 0
- .V2 = LBound(oP) + 1
- .V3 = LBound(oP) + 2
- End With
- ' Get new max-min coordinates...
- ' Call fTriangleParameters(lgT)
- ' Generate new triangles:
- For lgP = LBound(oP) + 3 To UBound(oP)
- Call fChrtPtHighlight(oChrt, 1, lgP - 3 + 1, True)
- 'Call fChrtPtAdd(oP(lgP), oChrt)
- For lgT = LBound(oT) To UBound(oT)
- ' Discard point inside boundary
- If oP(lgP).x < oT(lgT).Xmax Then
- If oP(lgP).x > oT(lgT).Xmin Then
- If oP(lgP).y < oT(lgT).Ymax Then
- If oP(lgP).y > oT(lgT).Ymin Then
- ' Point is inside boundary of triangle, so check more intensively
- i12 = fLineSide(oP(lgP), oP(oT(lgT).V2), oP(oT(lgT).V1))
- i23 = fLineSide(oP(lgP), oP(oT(lgT).V3), oP(oT(lgT).V2))
- i31 = fLineSide(oP(lgP), oP(oT(lgT).V1), oP(oT(lgT).V3))
- If (i12 = i23 And i23 = i31) Then
- ReDim Preserve oT(0 To lgTs + 2)
- ' Always store points in Counter-clockwise order (last point is new point)
- With oT(lgTs + 1)
- .T1 = oT(lgT).T2
- .T2 = lgTs + 2
- .T3 = lgT
- .V1 = oT(lgT).V2
- .V2 = oT(lgT).V3
- .V3 = lgP
- ' Add supertriangle points
- Call fChrtTriangleAdd(oP(.V1), _
- oP(.V2), _
- oP(.V3), _
- ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("ChrtPts"))
- End With
- With oT(lgTs + 2)
- .T1 = oT(lgT).T3
- .T2 = lgT
- .T3 = lgTs + 1
- .V1 = oT(lgT).V3
- .V2 = oT(lgT).V1
- .V3 = lgP
- ' Add supertriangle points
- Call fChrtTriangleAdd(oP(.V1), _
- oP(.V2), _
- oP(.V3), _
- ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("ChrtPts"))
- End With
- ' Reformat initial triangle
- With oT(lgT)
- '.T1 = oT(lgT).T1 ' this neighbour is not rewritten
- .T2 = lgTs + 1
- .T3 = lgTs + 2
- '.V1 = .V1 ' this vertex is not rewritten
- '.V2 = .V2 ' this vertex is not rewritten
- .V3 = lgP
- End With
- ' Get new max-min coordinates for final triangles...
- ' Call fTriangleParameters(lgT)
- ' Call fTriangleParameters(lgTs + 1)
- ' Call fTriangleParameters(lgTs + 2)
- lgTs = lgTs + 2
- ' Is the optimum delaunay?
- ' Each new triangle has three neighbours that have to be checked for Delaunay condition
- ' For Neighbour triangle 1
- 'call fDelaunay(lgT, oT(lgT).T1)
- ' For Neighbour triangle 2
- 'call fDelaunay(lgT, oT(lgT).T2)
- ' For Neighbour triangle 3
- 'Call fDelaunay(lgT, oT(lgT).T3)
- Exit For ' Goto NextTriangle
- End If
- End If
- End If
- End If
- End If
- Next lgT
- Call fChrtPtHighlight(oChrt, 1, lgP - 3, False)
- Next lgP
- ' Delete triangles on the supertriangle structure
- Dim oT_() As tTriangle: oT_() = oT()
- For lgT = LBound(oT) To UBound(oT)
- With oT(lgT)
- If .V1 >= 0 And _
- .V2 >= 0 And _
- .V3 >= 0 Then
- 'lgT_ = lgT_ + 1
- 'oT_(0 to lgT) = oT(lgT)
- End If
- End With
- Next lgT
- 'Redim preserve oT_(0 to lgT_)
- 'oT() = oT_()
- 'Erase oT_()
- Stop
- End Sub
- Private Function fDelaunay(ByVal lgT1 As Long, _
- ByVal lgT2 As Long) As Boolean
- Dim bSwap As Boolean
- Dim TPtrTmp As Long
- ' Rotate vertices of both triangles so in both triangles vertices 3 are opposed
- If oT(lgT1).V1 = oT(lgT2).V2 And oT(lgT1).V2 = oT(lgT2).V1 Then
- ' Do nothing...
- ElseIf oT(lgT1).V1 = oT(lgT2).V1 And oT(lgT1).V2 = oT(lgT2).V3 Then
- ' rotate 2 clockwise
- Call fTriangleRotate(lgT2, False)
- ElseIf oT(lgT1).V1 = oT(lgT2).V3 And oT(lgT1).V2 = oT(lgT2).V2 Then
- ' rotate 2 counter-clockwise
- Call fTriangleRotate(lgT2, True)
- '--
- ElseIf oT(lgT1).V2 = oT(lgT2).V1 And oT(lgT1).V3 = oT(lgT2).V3 Then
- ' rotate 1 counter-clockwise
- Call fTriangleRotate(lgT1, True)
- ' rotate 2 clockwise
- Call fTriangleRotate(lgT2, False)
- ElseIf oT(lgT1).V2 = oT(lgT2).V2 And oT(lgT1).V3 = oT(lgT2).V1 Then
- ' rotate 1 counter-clockwise
- Call fTriangleRotate(lgT1, True)
- ElseIf oT(lgT1).V2 = oT(lgT2).V3 And oT(lgT1).V3 = oT(lgT2).V2 Then
- ' rotate 1 counter-clockwise
- Call fTriangleRotate(lgT1, True)
- ' rotate 2 counter-clockwise
- Call fTriangleRotate(lgT2, True)
- '--
- ElseIf oT(lgT1).V3 = oT(lgT2).V1 And oT(lgT1).V1 = oT(lgT2).V3 Then
- ' rotate 1 clockwise
- Call fTriangleRotate(lgT1, False)
- ' rotate 2 clockwise
- Call fTriangleRotate(lgT2, False)
- ElseIf oT(lgT1).V3 = oT(lgT2).V2 And oT(lgT1).V1 = oT(lgT2).V1 Then
- ' rotate 1 clockwise
- Call fTriangleRotate(lgT1, False)
- ElseIf oT(lgT1).V3 = oT(lgT2).V3 And oT(lgT1).V1 = oT(lgT2).V2 Then
- ' rotate 1 clockwise
- Call fTriangleRotate(lgT1, False)
- ' rotate 2 counter-clockwise
- Call fTriangleRotate(lgT2, True)
- End If
- If fDistance2DPoints(oP(oT(lgT2).V2), oT(lgT1).Center) < EPSILON Then
- bSwap = True
- TPtrTmp = oT(lgT1).T2 'Destroy oT(lgT1).T1 and oT(lgT2).T1
- oT(lgT1).T1 = oT(lgT2).T2
- oT(lgT1).T2 = lgT2 'oT(lgT1).T3 = does not change
- oT(lgT2).T1 = TPtrTmp
- oT(lgT2).T2 = lgT1 'oT(lgT2).T3 = does not change
- ' Swap vertices
- oT(lgT1).V2 = oT(lgT2).V3
- oT(lgT2).V2 = oT(lgT1).V3
- End If
- If bSwap Then
- Call fTriangleParameters(lgT1)
- Call fTriangleParameters(lgT2) '
- 'Call fDelaunay(lgT1, oT(lgT1).T1) Then
- 'Call fDelaunay(lgT1, oT(lgT1).T2) Then
- 'Call fDelaunay(lgT1, oT(lgT1).T3) Then '
- 'Call fDelaunay(lgT2, oT(lgT2).T1) Then
- 'Call fDelaunay(lgT2, oT(lgT2).T2) Then
- 'Call fDelaunay(lgT2, oT(lgT2).T3) Then
- Else
- fDelaunay = True
- End If
- End Function
- Private Function fTriangleRotate(ByRef lgT As Long, Optional ByVal bCCW As Boolean = True) As Boolean
- ' Given a triangle, rotate vertices oTTmp = oT(lgT)
- With oT(lgT)
- If bCCW Then ' counter-clockwise
- .V1 = oTTmp.V2
- .V2 = oTTmp.V3
- .V3 = oTTmp.V1
- .T1 = oTTmp.T2
- .T2 = oTTmp.T3
- .T3 = oTTmp.T1
- Else
- .V1 = oTTmp.V3
- .V2 = oTTmp.V1
- .V3 = oTTmp.V2
- .T1 = oTTmp.T3
- .T2 = oTTmp.T1
- .T3 = oTTmp.T2
- End If
- End With
- End Function
- Private Function fDelaunayDiagonal(ByRef lgT1 As Long, ByRef lgT2 As Long) As Boolean
- ' Given two triangles, find the opposed vertices
- ' Rotate triangles so the 3 vertices are opposed...
- Dim dX1 As Double, dY1 As Double
- Dim dX2 As Double, dY2 As Double
- dX1 = oP(oT(lgT1).V3).x - oP(oT(lgT2).V3).x
- dY1 = oP(oT(lgT1).V3).y - oP(oT(lgT2).V3).y
- dX2 = oP(oT(lgT1).V1).x - oP(oT(lgT2).V2).x
- dY2 = oP(oT(lgT1).V1).y - oP(oT(lgT2).V2).y
- If ((dX1 * dX1) + (dY1 * dY1)) > ((dX2 * dX2) + (dY2 * dY2)) Then
- Call fSwapDiagonal(lgT1, lgT2)
- End If
- ' End If
- End Function
- Private Function fSwapDiagonal(ByRef lgT1 As Long, _
- ByRef lgT2 As Long) As Boolean
- ' For given diagonal D1 on triangle T1 = diagonal D2 on triangle T2, will swap diagonals with opposed vertices
- ' Rotate triangles so the 3 vertices are opposed...
- Dim TPtrTmp As Long
- With oT(lgT1)
- TPtrTmp = .T2
- 'Destroy oT(lgT1).T1 and oT(lgT2).T1
- .T1 = oT(lgT2).T2
- .T2 = lgT2
- '.T3 = does not change
- End With
- With oT(lgT2)
- .T1 = TPtrTmp
- .T2 = lgT1
- '.T3 = does not change
- End With
- ' Swap vertices
- oT(lgT1).V2 = oT(lgT2).V3
- oT(lgT2).V2 = oT(lgT1).V3
- End Function
- Private Function fNeigbourSide(ByRef iSide As Integer, _
- ByRef lgT1 As Long, _
- ByRef lgT2 As Long) As Integer
- ' For given iSide on triangle1, return neighbour side on triangle2.
- ' Both triangles turn the same: 1->2->3
- If iSide = 1 Then
- If oT(lgT1).V1 = oT(lgT2).V1 Then
- ' fNeigbourSide = 3
- ElseIf oT(lgT1).V1 = oT(lgT2).V2 Then
- ' fNeigbourSide = 2
- ElseIf oT(lgT1).V1 = oT(lgT2).V3 Then
- ' fNeigbourSide = 1
- End If
- ElseIf iSide = 2 Then
- If oT(lgT1).V2 = oT(lgT2).V1 Then
- ' fNeigbourSide = 3
- ElseIf oT(lgT1).V2 = oT(lgT2).V2 Then
- ' fNeigbourSide = 2
- ElseIf oT(lgT1).V2 = oT(lgT2).V3 Then
- ' fNeigbourSide = 1
- End If
- ElseIf iSide = 3 Then
- If oT(lgT1).V3 = oT(lgT2).V1 Then
- ' fNeigbourSide = 3
- ElseIf oT(lgT1).V3 = oT(lgT2).V2 Then
- ' fNeigbourSide = 2
- ElseIf oT(lgT1).V3 = oT(lgT2).V3 Then
- ' fNeigbourSide = 1
- End If
- End If
- End Function
- Private Function fTriangleFromPoints(ByRef oP1 As tXYZ, _
- ByRef oP2 As tXYZ, _
- ByRef oP3 As tXYZ) As tTriangle
- With fTriangleFromPoints
- .V1 = 1
- .V2 = 2
- .V3 = 3
- .T1 = -1
- .T2 = -2
- .T3 = -3
- .Xmin = oP1.x
- .Xmax = oP1.x
- .Ymin = oP1.y
- .Ymax = oP1.y
- If .Xmin > oP2.x Then .Xmin = oP2.x
- If .Xmin > oP3.x Then .Xmin = oP3.x
- If .Xmax < oP2.x Then .Xmax = oP2.x
- If .Xmax < oP3.x Then .Xmax = oP3.x
- If .Ymin > oP2.y Then .Ymin = oP2.y
- If .Ymin > oP3.y Then .Ymin = oP3.y
- If .Ymax < oP2.y Then .Ymax = oP2.y
- If .Ymax < oP3.y Then .Ymax = oP3.y
- Dim B As tXYZ
- Dim C As tXYZ
- Dim D As Double
- Dim Bx² As Double
- Dim By² As Double
- Dim Cx² As Double
- Dim Cy² As Double
- B.x = oP2.x - oP1.x
- B.y = oP2.y - oP1.y
- C.x = oP3.x - oP1.x
- C.y = oP3.y - oP1.y
- Bx² = B.x * B.x: By² = B.y * B.y
- Cx² = C.x * C.x: Cy² = C.y * C.y
- D = 1 / (2 * (B.x * C.y - B.y * C.x))
- .Center.x = D * (C.y * (Bx² + By²) - B.y * (Cx² + Cy²))
- .Center.y = D * (B.x * (Cx² + Cy²) - C.x * (Bx² + By²))
- .R² = (.Center.x * .Center.x) + (.Center.y * .Center.y)
- .Center.x = .Center.x + oP1.x
- .Center.y = .Center.y + oP1.y
- End With
- End Function
- Private Function fTriangleParameters(ByRef lgT As Long) As Boolean
- With oT(lgT)
- .Xmin = oP(.V1).x
- .Xmax = oP(.V1).x
- .Ymin = oP(.V1).y
- .Ymax = oP(.V1).y
- If .Xmin > oP(.V2).x Then .Xmin = oP(.V2).x
- If .Xmin > oP(.V3).x Then .Xmin = oP(.V3).x
- If .Xmax < oP(.V2).x Then .Xmax = oP(.V2).x
- If .Xmax < oP(.V3).x Then .Xmax = oP(.V3).x
- If .Ymin > oP(.V2).y Then .Ymin = oP(.V2).y
- If .Ymin > oP(.V3).y Then .Ymin = oP(.V3).y
- If .Ymax < oP(.V2).y Then .Ymax = oP(.V2).y
- If .Ymax < oP(.V3).y Then .Ymax = oP(.V3).y
- .Center = Circumcenter(oP(.V1).x, oP(.V1).y, oP(.V2).x, oP(.V2).y, oP(.V3).x, oP(.V3).y)
- .R² = (.Center.x - oP(.V1).x) ^ 2 + (.Center.y - oP(.V1).y) ^ 2
- 'Dim B As tXYZ
- 'Dim C As tXYZ
- 'Dim D As Double
- 'Dim Bx² As Double
- 'Dim By² As Double
- 'Dim Cx² As Double
- 'Dim Cy² As Double
- '
- 'B.X = oP(.V2).X - oP(.V1).X
- 'B.Y = oP(.V2).Y - oP(.V1).Y
- 'C.X = oP(.V3).X - oP(.V1).X
- 'C.Y = oP(.V3).Y - oP(.V1).Y
- 'Bx² = B.X * B.X: By² = B.Y * B.Y
- 'Cx² = C.X * C.X: Cy² = C.Y * C.Y
- 'D = 1 / (2 * (B.X * C.Y - B.Y * C.X))
- '.Center.X = D * (C.Y * (Bx² + By²) - B.Y * (Cx² + Cy²))
- '.Center.Y = D * (B.X * (Cx² + Cy²) - C.X * (Bx² + By²))
- '.R² = (.Center.X * .Center.X) + (.Center.Y * .Center.Y)
- '.Center.X = .Center.X + oP(.V1).X
- '.Center.Y = .Center.Y + oP(.V1).Y
- End With
- End Function
- Private Function Circumcenter(ByVal x1 As Double, ByVal y1 As Double, _
- ByVal x2 As Double, ByVal y2 As Double, _
- ByVal x3 As Double, ByVal y3 As Double) As tXYZ
- Dim A As Double
- Dim B As Double
- Dim C As Double
- Dim D As Double
- A = x1 * x1 + y1 * y1
- B = x2 * x2 + y2 * y2
- C = x3 * x3 + y3 * y3
- D = 2 * (x1 * (y2 - y3) + x2 * (y3 - y1) + x3 * (y1 - y2))
- If D <> 0 Then
- With Circumcenter
- .x = (A * (y2 - y3) + B * (y3 - y1) + C * (y1 - y2)) / D
- .y = (A * (x3 - x2) + B * (x1 - x3) + C * (x2 - x1)) / D
- End With
- End If
- End Function
- Private Sub sLineSide()
- Dim oPoint As tXYZ, oPt1 As tXYZ, oPt2 As tXYZ
- With oPoint
- .x = 1
- .y = -1
- End With
- With oPt1
- .x = 0
- .y = 0
- End With
- With oPt2
- .x = 10
- .y = 0
- End With
- Debug.Print fLineSide(oPoint, oPt1, oPt2)
- End Sub
- Private Function CCW(ByRef oPt1 As tXYZ, _
- ByRef oPt2 As tXYZ, _
- ByRef oPt3 As tXYZ) As Boolean
- ' If counter clock-wise, then CCW is true
- CCW = ((oPt2.x - oPt1.x) * (oPt3.y - oPt1.y)) > ((oPt2.y - oPt1.y) * (oPt3.x - oPt1.x))
- End Function
- Private Function fLineSide(ByRef oPoint As tXYZ, _
- ByRef oPt1 As tXYZ, _
- ByRef oPt2 As tXYZ) As Integer
- ' Use the sign of the determinant of vectors (AB,AM), where M(X,Y) is the query point:
- ' Position = Sign((Bx - Ax) * (Y - Ay) - (By - Ay) * (X - Ax))
- ' It is 0 on the line, and -1 on right side, +1 on the left side.
- fLineSide = VBA.Sgn((oPt2.x - oPt1.x) * (oPoint.y - oPt1.y) - (oPt2.y - oPt1.y) * (oPoint.x - oPt1.x))
- End Function
- Private Function fChrtSeriesDelete(ByVal oChrt As Excel.ChartObject)
- Dim lgSeries As Long
- With oChrt
- With .Chart.SeriesCollection
- For lgSeries = .Count To 2 Step -1
- oChrt.Chart.SeriesCollection(lgSeries).Delete
- Next lgSeries
- End With
- End With
- End Function
- Private Function fChrtCircleAdd(ByRef oCenter As tXYZ, _
- ByRef Radius As Double, _
- Optional ByVal oChrt As Excel.ChartObject) As Boolean
- Dim oSeries As Excel.Series
- Dim lgAngle As Long
- Dim dbAngleRAD As Double
- Dim strX As String
- Dim strY As String
- With oChrt
- With .Chart
- Set oSeries = .SeriesCollection.NewSeries
- With oSeries
- For lgAngle = 0 To 17
- dbAngleRAD = lgAngle * PI_8th
- strX = strX & Replace(oCenter.x + Radius * Cos(dbAngleRAD), ",", ".") & ","
- strY = strY & Replace(oCenter.y + Radius * Sin(dbAngleRAD), ",", ".") & ","
- Next lgAngle
- strX = VBA.Left$(strX, Len(strX) - 1)
- strY = VBA.Left$(strY, Len(strY) - 1)
- .XValues = "={" & strX & "}"
- .Values = "={" & strY & "}"
- With .Format.Line
- .Visible = msoTrue
- '.ForeColor.ObjectThemeColor = msoThemeColorAccent1
- '.ForeColor.TintAndShade = 0
- '.ForeColor.Brightness = 0
- .Weight = 0.25
- .Visible = msoTrue
- .DashStyle = msoLineSysDash
- End With
- End With
- End With
- End With
- End Function
- Private Function fChrtTriangleAdd(ByRef oPt1 As tXYZ, _
- ByRef oPt2 As tXYZ, _
- ByRef oPt3 As tXYZ, _
- Optional ByVal oChrt As Excel.ChartObject) As Boolean
- Dim oSeries As Excel.Series
- With oChrt
- With .Chart
- Set oSeries = .SeriesCollection.NewSeries
- With oSeries
- .XValues = "={" & Replace(oPt1.x, ",", ".") & "," & Replace(oPt2.x, ",", ".") & "," & Replace(oPt3.x, ",", ".") & "," & Replace(oPt1.x, ",", ".") & "}"
- .Values = "={" & Replace(oPt1.y, ",", ".") & "," & Replace(oPt2.y, ",", ".") & "," & Replace(oPt3.y, ",", ".") & "," & Replace(oPt1.y, ",", ".") & "}"
- With .Format.Line
- .Visible = msoTrue
- .Weight = 0.25
- .DashStyle = msoLineSysDash
- '.ForeColor.ObjectThemeColor = msoThemeColorAccent1
- '.ForeColor.TintAndShade = 0
- '.ForeColor.Brightness = 0
- End With
- End With
- End With
- End With
- End Function
- Private Function fChrtPtAdd(ByRef oPt As tXYZ, _
- Optional ByVal oChrt As Excel.ChartObject)
- Dim oSeries As Excel.Series
- With oChrt
- With .Chart
- Set oSeries = .SeriesCollection.NewSeries
- With oSeries
- .XValues = "={" & Replace(oPt.x, ",", ".") & "}"
- .Values = "={" & Replace(oPt.y, ",", ".") & "}"
- With .Format.Fill
- .Visible = msoTrue
- .ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 0)
- '.ForeColor.ObjectThemeColor = msoThemeColorAccent1
- '.ForeColor.TintAndShade = 0
- '.ForeColor.Brightness = 0
- End With
- End With
- End With
- End With
- End Function
- Private Function fChrtPtHighlight(ByVal oChrt As Excel.ChartObject, _
- ByVal lgSeries As Long, _
- ByVal lgData As Long, _
- Optional ByVal bActive As Boolean = False)
- With oChrt
- With .Chart.FullSeriesCollection(lgSeries).Points(lgData)
- With .Format
- With .Fill
- .Visible = msoTrue
- If bActive Then
- .ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 0)
- Else
- .ForeColor.ObjectThemeColor = msoThemeColorAccent1
- '.ForeColor.TintAndShade = 0
- '.ForeColor.Brightness = 0
- End If
- .Transparency = 0
- .Solid
- End With
- End With
- '.ApplyDataLabels
- End With
- End With
- End Function
- Private Sub sPointsCreate(ByVal lgPoints As Long)
- Dim Xmin As Double, Ymin As Double
- Dim Xmax As Double, Ymax As Double
- Dim lgPoint As Long
- Dim dX As Double, dY As Double
- Dim lgR As Long
- Dim rgData As Excel.Range
- Dim XValue As Excel.Range
- Dim YValue As Excel.Range
- Dim oChrt As Excel.ChartObject
- ' Create points and print out to range
- With ActiveSheet
- Xmin = 0
- Xmax = 1000
- Ymin = 0
- Ymax = 1000
- dX = (Xmax - Xmin)
- dY = (Ymax - Ymin)
- ReDim oP(0 To 2 + lgPoints)
- For lgPoint = 3 To (lgPoints - 1) + 3
- oP(lgPoint).x = Xmin + (Rnd() * dX)
- oP(lgPoint).y = Ymin + (Rnd() * dY)
- lgR = lgPoint - 1 + 3
- .Cells(lgR, 1).Value2 = oP(lgPoint).x
- .Cells(lgR, 2).Value2 = oP(lgPoint).y
- Next lgPoint
- Set XValue = .Range("A1", .Range("A1", .Range("A1").End(xlDown)))
- 'XValue.Select
- Set YValue = .Range("B1", .Range("B1", .Range("B1").End(xlDown)))
- 'YValue.Select
- Set rgData = Union(XValue, YValue)
- ' Sort points by X
- Call fPointsSort(oP(), True, True)
- With .Sort
- ' .SortFields.Clear
- ' .SortFields.Add _
- Key:=rgData, _
- SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, _
- Order:=xlAscending, _
- DataOption:=xlSortNormal
- ' .SetRange rgData
- ' .Header = xlGuess
- ' .MatchCase = False
- ' .Orientation = xlTopToBottom
- ' .SortMethod = xlPinYin
- ' '.Apply
- End With
- ' Create chart
- 'Set oChrt = .Shapes.AddChart2(240, xlXYScatter).ChartObject
- With .Shapes.AddChart2(240, xlXYScatter)
- .Name = "ChrtPts"
- .Left = ActiveSheet.Range("C1").Left
- .Top = ActiveSheet.Range("C1").Top
- .Height = 800
- .Width = 800
- With .Chart
- With .PlotArea
- '.Height = 700
- '.Width = 700
- End With
- .SetSourceData Source:=rgData
- .ChartTitle.Delete
- With .Axes(xlValue)
- '.MinimumScaleIsAuto = True
- '.MaximumScaleIsAuto = True
- .MinimumScale = 0
- .MaximumScale = 1000
- .MajorUnit = 250
- .MinorUnit = 50
- End With
- With .Axes(xlCategory)
- '.MinimumScaleIsAuto = True
- '.MaximumScaleIsAuto = True
- .MinimumScale = 0
- .MaximumScale = 1000
- .MajorUnit = 250
- .MinorUnit = 50
- End With
- End With
- End With
- End With
- End Sub
- '-----------------------------------------
- ' T E S T F U N C T I O N S
- '-----------------------------------------
- Private Sub sTestPoint()
- Dim oTriangle1 As tTriangle
- Dim oTriangle2 As tTriangle
- Dim oP() As tXYZ
- Dim lgP As Long
- 'Set oChrt = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("ChrtPts")
- 'Call sPointsCreate(4)
- ReDim oP(1 To 4)
- oP(1) = NewPoint(50, 1000)
- oP(2) = NewPoint(500, 3200)
- oP(3) = NewPoint(-2000, 3500)
- oP(4) = NewPoint(-2000, -3500)
- For lgP = LBound(oP) To UBound(oP)
- Cells(lgP, 1).Value2 = oP(lgP).x
- Cells(lgP, 2).Value2 = oP(lgP).y
- Next lgP
- oTriangle1 = fTriangleFromPoints(oP(1), oP(2), oP(3))
- With oTriangle1
- .V1 = 1
- .V2 = 2
- .V3 = 3
- End With
- Call fChrtTriangleAdd(oP(1), _
- oP(2), _
- oP(3), _
- ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("ChrtPts"))
- oTriangle2 = fTriangleFromPoints(oP(3), oP(2), oP(1))
- With oTriangle2
- .V1 = 3
- .V2 = 2
- .V3 = 4
- End With
- Call fChrtTriangleAdd(oP(3), _
- oP(2), _
- oP(4), _
- ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("ChrtPts"))
- 'Call fChrtCircleAdd(oTriangle.Center, _
- Sqr(oTriangle.R²), _
- ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("ChrtPts"))
- Stop
- End Sub
- '----------------------------------------------
- ' T E S T
- '----------------------------------------------
- Private Function xTriangle(ByRef oP1 As tXYZ, ByRef oP2 As tXYZ, ByRef oP3 As tXYZ) As tXYZ
- With xTriangle
- Dim B As tXYZ
- Dim C As tXYZ
- Dim D As Double
- Dim Bx² As Double
- Dim By² As Double
- Dim Cx² As Double
- Dim Cy² As Double
- B.x = oP2.x - oP1.x
- B.y = oP2.y - oP1.y
- C.x = oP3.x - oP1.x
- C.y = oP3.y - oP1.y
- Bx² = B.x * B.x: By² = B.y * B.y
- Cx² = C.x * C.x: Cy² = C.y * C.y
- D = (2 * (B.x * C.y - B.y * C.x))
- If D <> 0 Then
- D = 1 / D
- .x = D * (C.y * (Bx² + By²) - B.y * (Cx² + Cy²))
- .y = D * (B.x * (Cx² + Cy²) - C.x * (Bx² + By²))
- '.R² = (.Center.X * .Center.X) + (.Center.Y * .Center.Y)
- .x = .x + oP1.x
- .y = .y + oP1.y
- End If
- End With
- End Function
- Sub sTestingPerformance()
- Dim lgT As Long
- Dim dtDate As Date
- Dim oP1 As tXYZ, oP2 As tXYZ, oP3 As tXYZ
- Dim T As Single
- T = Timer
- oP1 = NewPoint(50, 1000)
- oP2 = NewPoint(500, 3200)
- oP3 = NewPoint(-2000, 3500)
- 'dtDate = VBA.Now()
- For lgT = 1 To 1000000000
- Call xTriangle(oP1, oP2, oP3)
- Next lgT
- Debug.Print "Completed processing " & lgT - 1 & " iterations in " & Round(Timer - T, 2) & " seconds."
- 'Debug.Print dtDate & " --- " & VBA.Now()
- Debug.Print
- Beep
- End Sub
- I was searching for a VBA algorithm for Delaunay when I came across this. Unfortunately, the VBA code here is poorly formatted and takes some guesswork to straighten out. I have done so and posted it in the link below. I'm not sure how to implement the functions so you as the reader will have to figure that out unless the author makes some updates.
- My code compiles in Excel VBA, but it is incomplete because of two missing function and the value for EPSILON. The missing functions are fQuickSortArrayDbl() and fDistance2DPoints(). I created placeholder function stubs just so the code could compile.
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