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- local passes, fails, undefined = 0, 0, 0
- local running = 0
- local function getGlobal(path)
- local value = getfenv(0)
- while value ~= nil and path ~= "" do
- local name, nextValue = string.match(path, "^([^.]+)%.?(.*)$")
- value = value[name]
- path = nextValue
- end
- return value
- end
- local function test(name, aliases, callback)
- running = running + 1
- task.spawn(function()
- if not callback then
- print("⏺️ " .. name)
- elseif not getGlobal(name) then
- fails = fails + 1
- warn("⛔ " .. name)
- else
- local success, message = pcall(callback)
- if success then
- passes = passes + 1
- print("✅ " .. name .. (message and " • " .. message or ""))
- else
- fails = fails + 1
- warn("⛔ " .. name .. " failed: " .. message)
- end
- end
- local undefinedAliases = {}
- for _, alias in ipairs(aliases) do
- if getGlobal(alias) == nil then
- table.insert(undefinedAliases, alias)
- end
- end
- if #undefinedAliases > 0 then
- undefined = undefined + 1
- warn("⚠️ " .. table.concat(undefinedAliases, ", "))
- end
- running = running - 1
- end)
- end
- -- Header and summary
- print("UNC Environment Check")
- print("✅ - Pass, ⛔ - Fail, ⏺️ - No test, ⚠️ - Missing aliases\n")
- task.defer(function()
- repeat task.wait() until running == 0
- local rate = math.round(passes / (passes + fails) * 100)
- local outOf = passes .. " out of " .. (passes + fails)
- print("\n")
- print("UNC Summary")
- print("✅ Tested with a " .. rate .. "% success rate (" .. outOf .. ")")
- print("⛔ " .. fails .. " tests failed")
- print("⚠️ " .. undefined .. " globals are missing aliases")
- end)
- -- Cache
- test("cache.invalidate", {}, function()
- local container ="Folder")
- local part ="Part", container)
- cache.invalidate(container:FindFirstChild("Part"))
- assert(part ~= container:FindFirstChild("Part"), "Reference `part` could not be invalidated")
- end)
- test("cache.iscached", {}, function()
- local part ="Part")
- assert(cache.iscached(part), "Part should be cached")
- cache.invalidate(part)
- assert(not cache.iscached(part), "Part should not be cached")
- end)
- test("cache.replace", {}, function()
- local part ="Part")
- local fire ="Fire")
- cache.replace(part, fire)
- assert(part ~= fire, "Part was not replaced with Fire")
- end)
- test("cloneref", {}, function()
- local part ="Part")
- local clone = cloneref(part)
- assert(part ~= clone, "Clone should not be equal to original")
- clone.Name = "Test"
- assert(part.Name == "Test", "Clone should have updated the original")
- end)
- test("compareinstances", {}, function()
- local part ="Part")
- local clone = cloneref(part)
- assert(part ~= clone, "Clone should not be equal to original")
- assert(compareinstances(part, clone), "Clone should be equal to original when using compareinstances()")
- end)
- -- Closures
- local function shallowEqual(t1, t2)
- if t1 == t2 then
- return true
- end
- local UNIQUE_TYPES = {
- ["function"] = true,
- ["table"] = true,
- ["userdata"] = true,
- ["thread"] = true,
- }
- for k, v in pairs(t1) do
- if UNIQUE_TYPES[type(v)] then
- if type(t2[k]) ~= type(v) then
- return false
- end
- elseif t2[k] ~= v then
- return false
- end
- end
- for k, v in pairs(t2) do
- if UNIQUE_TYPES[type(v)] then
- if type(t2[k]) ~= type(v) then
- return false
- end
- elseif t1[k] ~= v then
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- test("checkcaller", {}, function()
- assert(checkcaller(), "Main scope should return true")
- end)
- test("clonefunction", {}, function()
- local function test()
- return "success"
- end
- local copy = clonefunction(test)
- assert(test() == copy(), "The clone should return the same value as the original")
- assert(test ~= copy, "The clone should not be equal to the original")
- end)
- test("getcallingscript", {})
- test("getscriptclosure", {"getscriptfunction"}, function()
- local module = game:GetService("CoreGui").RobloxGui.Modules.Common.Constants
- local constants = getrenv().require(module)
- local generated = getscriptclosure(module)()
- assert(constants ~= generated, "Generated module should not match the original")
- assert(shallowEqual(constants, generated), "Generated constant table should be shallow equal to the original")
- end)
- test("hookfunction", {"replaceclosure"}, function()
- local function test()
- return true
- end
- local ref = hookfunction(test, function()
- return false
- end)
- assert(test() == false, "Function should return false")
- assert(ref() == true, "Original function should return true")
- assert(test ~= ref, "Original function should not be same as the reference")
- end)
- test("iscclosure", {}, function()
- assert(iscclosure(print) == true, "Function 'print' should be a C closure")
- assert(iscclosure(function() end) == false, "Executor function should not be a C closure")
- end)
- test("islclosure", {}, function()
- assert(islclosure(print) == false, "Function 'print' should not be a Lua closure")
- assert(islclosure(function() end) == true, "Executor function should be a Lua closure")
- end)
- test("isexecutorclosure", {"checkclosure", "isourclosure"}, function()
- assert(isexecutorclosure(isexecutorclosure) == true, "Did not return true for an executor global")
- assert(isexecutorclosure(newcclosure(function() end)) == true, "Did not return true for an executor C closure")
- assert(isexecutorclosure(function() end) == true, "Did not return true for an executor Luau closure")
- assert(isexecutorclosure(print) == false, "Did not return false for a Roblox global")
- end)
- test("loadstring", {}, function()
- local animate = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.Animate
- local bytecode = getscriptbytecode(animate)
- local func = loadstring(bytecode)
- assert(type(func) ~= "function", "Luau bytecode should not be loadable!")
- assert(assert(loadstring("return ... + 1"))(1) == 2, "Failed to do simple math")
- assert(type(select(2, loadstring("f"))) == "string", "Loadstring did not return anything for a compiler error")
- end)
- test("newcclosure", {}, function()
- local function test()
- return true
- end
- local testC = newcclosure(test)
- assert(test() == testC(), "New C closure should return the same value as the original")
- assert(test ~= testC, "New C closure should not be same as the original")
- assert(iscclosure(testC), "New C closure should be a C closure")
- end)
- -- Console
- test("rconsoleclear", {"consoleclear"})
- test("rconsolecreate", {"consolecreate"})
- test("rconsoledestroy", {"consoledestroy"})
- test("rconsoleinput", {"consoleinput"})
- test("rconsoleprint", {"consoleprint"})
- test("rconsolesettitle", {"rconsolename", "consolesettitle"})
- -- Crypt
- test("crypt.base64encode", {"crypt.base64.encode", "crypt.base64_encode", "base64.encode", "base64_encode"}, function()
- assert(crypt.base64encode("test") == "dGVzdA==", "Base64 encoding failed")
- end)
- test("crypt.base64decode", {"crypt.base64.decode", "crypt.base64_decode", "base64.decode", "base64_decode"}, function()
- assert(crypt.base64decode("dGVzdA==") == "test", "Base64 decoding failed")
- end)
- test("crypt.encrypt", {}, function()
- local key = crypt.generatekey()
- local encrypted, iv = crypt.encrypt("test", key, nil, "CBC")
- assert(iv, "crypt.encrypt should return an IV")
- local decrypted = crypt.decrypt(encrypted, key, iv, "CBC")
- assert(decrypted == "test", "Failed to decrypt raw string from encrypted data")
- end)
- test("crypt.decrypt", {}, function()
- local key, iv = crypt.generatekey(), crypt.generatekey()
- local encrypted = crypt.encrypt("test", key, iv, "CBC")
- local decrypted = crypt.decrypt(encrypted, key, iv, "CBC")
- assert(decrypted == "test", "Failed to decrypt raw string from encrypted data")
- end)
- test("crypt.generatebytes", {}, function()
- local size = math.random(10, 100)
- local bytes = crypt.generatebytes(size)
- assert(#crypt.base64decode(bytes) == size, "The decoded result should be " .. size .. " bytes long (got " .. #crypt.base64decode(bytes) .. " decoded, " .. #bytes .. " raw)")
- end)
- test("crypt.generatekey", {}, function()
- local key = crypt.generatekey()
- assert(#crypt.base64decode(key) == 32, "Generated key should be 32 bytes long when decoded")
- end)
- test("crypt.hash", {}, function()
- local algorithms = {'sha1', 'sha384', 'sha512', 'md5', 'sha256', 'sha3-224', 'sha3-256', 'sha3-512'}
- for _, algorithm in ipairs(algorithms) do
- local hash = crypt.hash("test", algorithm)
- assert(hash, "crypt.hash on algorithm '" .. algorithm .. "' should return a hash")
- end
- end)
- --- Debug
- test("debug.getconstant", {}, function()
- local function test()
- print("Hello, world!")
- end
- assert(debug.getconstant(test, 1) == "print", "First constant must be print")
- assert(debug.getconstant(test, 2) == nil, "Second constant must be nil")
- assert(debug.getconstant(test, 3) == "Hello, world!", "Third constant must be 'Hello, world!'")
- end)
- test("debug.getconstants", {}, function()
- local function test()
- local num = 5000 .. 50000
- print("Hello, world!", num, warn)
- end
- local constants = debug.getconstants(test)
- assert(constants[1] == 50000, "First constant must be 50000")
- assert(constants[2] == "print", "Second constant must be print")
- assert(constants[3] == nil, "Third constant must be nil")
- assert(constants[4] == "Hello, world!", "Fourth constant must be 'Hello, world!'")
- assert(constants[5] == "warn", "Fifth constant must be warn")
- end)
- test("debug.getinfo", {}, function()
- local types = {
- source = "string",
- short_src = "string",
- func = "function",
- what = "string",
- currentline = "number",
- name = "string",
- nups = "number",
- numparams = "number",
- is_vararg = "number",
- }
- local function test(...)
- print(...)
- end
- local info = debug.getinfo(test)
- for k, v in pairs(types) do
- assert(info[k] ~= nil, "Did not return a table with a '" .. k .. "' field")
- assert(type(info[k]) == v, "Did not return a table with " .. k .. " as a " .. v .. " (got " .. type(info[k]) .. ")")
- end
- end)
- test("debug.getproto", {}, function()
- local function test()
- local function proto()
- return true
- end
- end
- local proto = debug.getproto(test, 1, true)[1]
- local realproto = debug.getproto(test, 1)
- assert(proto, "Failed to get the inner function")
- assert(proto() == true, "The inner function did not return anything")
- if not realproto() then
- return "Proto return values are disabled on this executor"
- end
- end)
- test("debug.getprotos", {}, function()
- local function test()
- local function _1()
- return true
- end
- local function _2()
- return true
- end
- local function _3()
- return true
- end
- end
- for i in ipairs(debug.getprotos(test)) do
- local proto = debug.getproto(test, i, true)[1]
- local realproto = debug.getproto(test, i)
- assert(proto(), "Failed to get inner function " .. i)
- if not realproto() then
- return "Proto return values are disabled on this executor"
- end
- end
- end)
- test("debug.getstack", {}, function()
- local _ = "a" .. "b"
- assert(debug.getstack(1, 1) == "ab", "The first item in the stack should be 'ab'")
- assert(debug.getstack(1)[1] == "ab", "The first item in the stack table should be 'ab'")
- end)
- test("debug.getupvalue", {}, function()
- local upvalue = function() end
- local function test()
- print(upvalue)
- end
- assert(debug.getupvalue(test, 1) == upvalue, "Unexpected value returned from debug.getupvalue")
- end)
- test("debug.getupvalues", {}, function()
- local upvalue = function() end
- local function test()
- print(upvalue)
- end
- local upvalues = debug.getupvalues(test)
- assert(upvalues[1] == upvalue, "Unexpected value returned from debug.getupvalues")
- end)
- test("debug.setconstant", {}, function()
- local function test()
- return "fail"
- end
- debug.setconstant(test, 1, "success")
- assert(test() == "success", "debug.setconstant did not set the first constant")
- end)
- test("debug.setstack", {}, function()
- local function test()
- return "fail", debug.setstack(1, 1, "success")
- end
- assert(test() == "success", "debug.setstack did not set the first stack item")
- end)
- test("debug.setupvalue", {}, function()
- local function upvalue()
- return "fail"
- end
- local function test()
- return upvalue()
- end
- debug.setupvalue(test, 1, function()
- return "success"
- end)
- assert(test() == "success", "debug.setupvalue did not set the first upvalue")
- end)
- -- Filesystem
- if isfolder and makefolder and delfolder then
- if isfolder(".tests") then
- delfolder(".tests")
- end
- makefolder(".tests")
- end
- test("readfile", {}, function()
- writefile(".tests/readfile.txt", "success")
- assert(readfile(".tests/readfile.txt") == "success", "Did not return the contents of the file")
- end)
- test("listfiles", {}, function()
- makefolder(".tests/listfiles")
- writefile(".tests/listfiles/test_1.txt", "success")
- writefile(".tests/listfiles/test_2.txt", "success")
- local files = listfiles(".tests/listfiles")
- assert(#files == 2, "Did not return the correct number of files")
- assert(isfile(files[1]), "Did not return a file path")
- assert(readfile(files[1]) == "success", "Did not return the correct files")
- makefolder(".tests/listfiles_2")
- makefolder(".tests/listfiles_2/test_1")
- makefolder(".tests/listfiles_2/test_2")
- local folders = listfiles(".tests/listfiles_2")
- assert(#folders == 2, "Did not return the correct number of folders")
- assert(isfolder(folders[1]), "Did not return a folder path")
- end)
- test("writefile", {}, function()
- writefile(".tests/writefile.txt", "success")
- assert(readfile(".tests/writefile.txt") == "success", "Did not write the file")
- local requiresFileExt = pcall(function()
- writefile(".tests/writefile", "success")
- assert(isfile(".tests/writefile.txt"))
- end)
- if not requiresFileExt then
- return "This executor requires a file extension in writefile"
- end
- end)
- test("makefolder", {}, function()
- makefolder(".tests/makefolder")
- assert(isfolder(".tests/makefolder"), "Did not create the folder")
- end)
- test("appendfile", {}, function()
- writefile(".tests/appendfile.txt", "su")
- appendfile(".tests/appendfile.txt", "cce")
- appendfile(".tests/appendfile.txt", "ss")
- assert(readfile(".tests/appendfile.txt") == "success", "Did not append the file")
- end)
- test("isfile", {}, function()
- writefile(".tests/isfile.txt", "success")
- assert(isfile(".tests/isfile.txt") == true, "Did not return true for a file")
- assert(isfile(".tests") == false, "Did not return false for a folder")
- assert(isfile(".tests/doesnotexist.exe") == false, "Did not return false for a nonexistent path (got " .. tostring(isfile(".tests/doesnotexist.exe")) .. ")")
- end)
- test("isfolder", {}, function()
- assert(isfolder(".tests") == true, "Did not return false for a folder")
- assert(isfolder(".tests/doesnotexist.exe") == false, "Did not return false for a nonexistent path (got " .. tostring(isfolder(".tests/doesnotexist.exe")) .. ")")
- end)
- test("delfolder", {}, function()
- makefolder(".tests/delfolder")
- delfolder(".tests/delfolder")
- assert(isfolder(".tests/delfolder") == false, "Failed to delete folder (isfolder = " .. tostring(isfolder(".tests/delfolder")) .. ")")
- end)
- test("delfile", {}, function()
- writefile(".tests/delfile.txt", "Hello, world!")
- delfile(".tests/delfile.txt")
- assert(isfile(".tests/delfile.txt") == false, "Failed to delete file (isfile = " .. tostring(isfile(".tests/delfile.txt")) .. ")")
- end)
- test("loadfile", {}, function()
- writefile(".tests/loadfile.txt", "return ... + 1")
- assert(assert(loadfile(".tests/loadfile.txt"))(1) == 2, "Failed to load a file with arguments")
- writefile(".tests/loadfile.txt", "f")
- local callback, err = loadfile(".tests/loadfile.txt")
- assert(err and not callback, "Did not return an error message for a compiler error")
- end)
- test("dofile", {})
- -- Input
- test("isrbxactive", {"isgameactive"}, function()
- assert(type(isrbxactive()) == "boolean", "Did not return a boolean value")
- end)
- test("mouse1click", {})
- test("mouse1press", {})
- test("mouse1release", {})
- test("mouse2click", {})
- test("mouse2press", {})
- test("mouse2release", {})
- test("mousemoveabs", {})
- test("mousemoverel", {})
- test("mousescroll", {})
- -- Instances
- test("fireclickdetector", {}, function()
- local detector ="ClickDetector")
- fireclickdetector(detector, 50, "MouseHoverEnter")
- end)
- test("getcallbackvalue", {}, function()
- local bindable ="BindableFunction")
- local function test()
- end
- bindable.OnInvoke = test
- assert(getcallbackvalue(bindable, "OnInvoke") == test, "Did not return the correct value")
- end)
- test("getconnections", {}, function()
- local types = {
- Enabled = "boolean",
- ForeignState = "boolean",
- LuaConnection = "boolean",
- Function = "function",
- Thread = "thread",
- Fire = "function",
- Defer = "function",
- Disconnect = "function",
- Disable = "function",
- Enable = "function",
- }
- local bindable ="BindableEvent")
- bindable.Event:Connect(function() end)
- local connection = getconnections(bindable.Event)[1]
- for k, v in pairs(types) do
- assert(connection[k] ~= nil, "Did not return a table with a '" .. k .. "' field")
- assert(type(connection[k]) == v, "Did not return a table with " .. k .. " as a " .. v .. " (got " .. type(connection[k]) .. ")")
- end
- end)
- test("getcustomasset", {}, function()
- writefile(".tests/getcustomasset.txt", "success")
- local contentId = getcustomasset(".tests/getcustomasset.txt")
- assert(type(contentId) == "string", "Did not return a string")
- assert(#contentId > 0, "Returned an empty string")
- assert(string.match(contentId, "rbxasset://") == "rbxasset://", "Did not return an rbxasset url")
- end)
- test("gethiddenproperty", {}, function()
- local fire ="Fire")
- local property, isHidden = gethiddenproperty(fire, "size_xml")
- assert(property == 5, "Did not return the correct value")
- assert(isHidden == true, "Did not return whether the property was hidden")
- end)
- test("sethiddenproperty", {}, function()
- local fire ="Fire")
- local hidden = sethiddenproperty(fire, "size_xml", 10)
- assert(hidden, "Did not return true for the hidden property")
- assert(gethiddenproperty(fire, "size_xml") == 10, "Did not set the hidden property")
- end)
- test("gethui", {}, function()
- assert(typeof(gethui()) == "Instance", "Did not return an Instance")
- end)
- test("getinstances", {}, function()
- assert(getinstances()[1]:IsA("Instance"), "The first value is not an Instance")
- end)
- test("getnilinstances", {}, function()
- assert(getnilinstances()[1]:IsA("Instance"), "The first value is not an Instance")
- assert(getnilinstances()[1].Parent == nil, "The first value is not parented to nil")
- end)
- test("isscriptable", {}, function()
- local fire ="Fire")
- assert(isscriptable(fire, "size_xml") == false, "Did not return false for a non-scriptable property (size_xml)")
- assert(isscriptable(fire, "Size") == true, "Did not return true for a scriptable property (Size)")
- end)
- test("setscriptable", {}, function()
- local fire ="Fire")
- local wasScriptable = setscriptable(fire, "size_xml", true)
- assert(wasScriptable == false, "Did not return false for a non-scriptable property (size_xml)")
- assert(isscriptable(fire, "size_xml") == true, "Did not set the scriptable property")
- fire ="Fire")
- assert(isscriptable(fire, "size_xml") == false, "⚠️⚠️ setscriptable persists between unique instances ⚠️⚠️")
- end)
- test("setrbxclipboard", {})
- -- Metatable
- test("getrawmetatable", {}, function()
- local metatable = { __metatable = "Locked!" }
- local object = setmetatable({}, metatable)
- assert(getrawmetatable(object) == metatable, "Did not return the metatable")
- end)
- test("hookmetamethod", {}, function()
- local object = setmetatable({}, { __index = newcclosure(function() return false end), __metatable = "Locked!" })
- local ref = hookmetamethod(object, "__index", function() return true end)
- assert(object.test == true, "Failed to hook a metamethod and change the return value")
- assert(ref() == false, "Did not return the original function")
- end)
- test("getnamecallmethod", {}, function()
- local method
- local ref
- ref = hookmetamethod(game, "__namecall", function(...)
- if not method then
- method = getnamecallmethod()
- end
- return ref(...)
- end)
- game:GetService("Lighting")
- assert(method == "GetService", "Did not get the correct method (GetService)")
- end)
- test("isreadonly", {}, function()
- local object = {}
- table.freeze(object)
- assert(isreadonly(object), "Did not return true for a read-only table")
- end)
- test("setrawmetatable", {}, function()
- local object = setmetatable({}, { __index = function() return false end, __metatable = "Locked!" })
- local objectReturned = setrawmetatable(object, { __index = function() return true end })
- assert(object, "Did not return the original object")
- assert(object.test == true, "Failed to change the metatable")
- if objectReturned then
- return objectReturned == object and "Returned the original object" or "Did not return the original object"
- end
- end)
- test("setreadonly", {}, function()
- local object = { success = false }
- table.freeze(object)
- setreadonly(object, false)
- object.success = true
- assert(object.success, "Did not allow the table to be modified")
- end)
- -- Miscellaneous
- test("identifyexecutor", {"getexecutorname"}, function()
- local name, version = identifyexecutor()
- assert(type(name) == "string", "Did not return a string for the name")
- return type(version) == "string" and "Returns version as a string" or "Does not return version"
- end)
- test("lz4compress", {}, function()
- local raw = "Hello, world!"
- local compressed = lz4compress(raw)
- assert(type(compressed) == "string", "Compression did not return a string")
- assert(lz4decompress(compressed, #raw) == raw, "Decompression did not return the original string")
- end)
- test("lz4decompress", {}, function()
- local raw = "Hello, world!"
- local compressed = lz4compress(raw)
- assert(type(compressed) == "string", "Compression did not return a string")
- assert(lz4decompress(compressed, #raw) == raw, "Decompression did not return the original string")
- end)
- test("messagebox", {})
- test("queue_on_teleport", {"queueonteleport"})
- test("request", {"http.request", "http_request"}, function()
- local response = request({
- Url = "",
- Method = "GET",
- })
- assert(type(response) == "table", "Response must be a table")
- assert(response.StatusCode == 200, "Did not return a 200 status code")
- local data = game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONDecode(response.Body)
- assert(type(data) == "table" and type(data["user-agent"]) == "string", "Did not return a table with a user-agent key")
- return "User-Agent: " .. data["user-agent"]
- end)
- test("setclipboard", {"toclipboard"})
- test("setfpscap", {}, function()
- local renderStepped = game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped
- local function step()
- renderStepped:Wait()
- local sum = 0
- for _ = 1, 5 do
- sum = sum + 1 / renderStepped:Wait()
- end
- return math.round(sum / 5)
- end
- setfpscap(60)
- local step60 = step()
- setfpscap(0)
- local step0 = step()
- return step60 .. "fps @60 • " .. step0 .. "fps @0"
- end)
- -- Scripts
- test("getgc", {}, function()
- local gc = getgc()
- assert(type(gc) == "table", "Did not return a table")
- assert(#gc > 0, "Did not return a table with any values")
- end)
- test("getgenv", {}, function()
- getgenv().__TEST_GLOBAL = true
- assert(__TEST_GLOBAL, "Failed to set a global variable")
- getgenv().__TEST_GLOBAL = nil
- end)
- test("getloadedmodules", {}, function()
- local modules = getloadedmodules()
- assert(type(modules) == "table", "Did not return a table")
- assert(#modules > 0, "Did not return a table with any values")
- assert(typeof(modules[1]) == "Instance", "First value is not an Instance")
- assert(modules[1]:IsA("ModuleScript"), "First value is not a ModuleScript")
- end)
- test("getrenv", {}, function()
- assert(_G ~= getrenv()._G, "The variable _G in the executor is identical to _G in the game")
- end)
- test("getrunningscripts", {}, function()
- local scripts = getrunningscripts()
- assert(type(scripts) == "table", "Did not return a table")
- assert(#scripts > 0, "Did not return a table with any values")
- assert(typeof(scripts[1]) == "Instance", "First value is not an Instance")
- assert(scripts[1]:IsA("ModuleScript") or scripts[1]:IsA("LocalScript"), "First value is not a ModuleScript or LocalScript")
- end)
- test("getscriptbytecode", {"dumpstring"}, function()
- local animate = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.Animate
- local bytecode = getscriptbytecode(animate)
- assert(type(bytecode) == "string", "Did not return a string for Character.Animate (a " .. animate.ClassName .. ")")
- end)
- test("getscripthash", {}, function()
- local animate = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.Animate:Clone()
- local hash = getscripthash(animate)
- local source = animate.Source
- animate.Source = "print('Hello, world!')"
- task.defer(function()
- animate.Source = source
- end)
- local newHash = getscripthash(animate)
- assert(hash ~= newHash, "Did not return a different hash for a modified script")
- assert(newHash == getscripthash(animate), "Did not return the same hash for a script with the same source")
- end)
- test("getscripts", {}, function()
- local scripts = getscripts()
- assert(type(scripts) == "table", "Did not return a table")
- assert(#scripts > 0, "Did not return a table with any values")
- assert(typeof(scripts[1]) == "Instance", "First value is not an Instance")
- assert(scripts[1]:IsA("ModuleScript") or scripts[1]:IsA("LocalScript"), "First value is not a ModuleScript or LocalScript")
- end)
- test("getsenv", {}, function()
- local animate = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.Animate
- local env = getsenv(animate)
- assert(type(env) == "table", "Did not return a table for Character.Animate (a " .. animate.ClassName .. ")")
- assert(env.script == animate, "The script global is not identical to Character.Animate")
- end)
- test("getthreadidentity", {"getidentity", "getthreadcontext"}, function()
- assert(type(getthreadidentity()) == "number", "Did not return a number")
- end)
- test("setthreadidentity", {"setidentity", "setthreadcontext"}, function()
- setthreadidentity(3)
- assert(getthreadidentity() == 3, "Did not set the thread identity")
- end)
- -- Drawing
- test("Drawing", {})
- test("", {}, function()
- local drawing ="Square")
- drawing.Visible = false
- local canDestroy = pcall(function()
- drawing:Destroy()
- end)
- assert(canDestroy, "Drawing:Destroy() should not throw an error")
- end)
- test("Drawing.Fonts", {}, function()
- assert(Drawing.Fonts.UI == 0, "Did not return the correct id for UI")
- assert(Drawing.Fonts.System == 1, "Did not return the correct id for System")
- assert(Drawing.Fonts.Plex == 2, "Did not return the correct id for Plex")
- assert(Drawing.Fonts.Monospace == 3, "Did not return the correct id for Monospace")
- end)
- test("isrenderobj", {}, function()
- local drawing ="Image")
- drawing.Visible = true
- assert(isrenderobj(drawing) == true, "Did not return true for an Image")
- assert(isrenderobj(newproxy()) == false, "Did not return false for a blank table")
- end)
- test("getrenderproperty", {}, function()
- local drawing ="Image")
- drawing.Visible = true
- assert(type(getrenderproperty(drawing, "Visible")) == "boolean", "Did not return a boolean value for Image.Visible")
- local success, result = pcall(function()
- return getrenderproperty(drawing, "Color")
- end)
- if not success or not result then
- return "Image.Color is not supported"
- end
- end)
- test("setrenderproperty", {}, function()
- local drawing ="Square")
- drawing.Visible = true
- setrenderproperty(drawing, "Visible", false)
- assert(drawing.Visible == false, "Did not set the value for Square.Visible")
- end)
- test("cleardrawcache", {}, function()
- cleardrawcache()
- end)
- -- WebSocket
- test("WebSocket", {})
- test("WebSocket.connect", {}, function()
- local types = {
- Send = "function",
- Close = "function",
- OnMessage = {"table", "userdata"},
- OnClose = {"table", "userdata"},
- }
- local ws = WebSocket.connect("ws://")
- assert(type(ws) == "table" or type(ws) == "userdata", "Did not return a table or userdata")
- for k, v in pairs(types) do
- if type(v) == "table" then
- assert(table.find(v, type(ws[k])), "Did not return a " .. table.concat(v, ", ") .. " for " .. k .. " (a " .. type(ws[k]) .. ")")
- else
- assert(type(ws[k]) == v, "Did not return a " .. v .. " for " .. k .. " (a " .. type(ws[k]) .. ")")
- end
- end
- ws:Close()
- end)
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