
Theoretical Minesweeper Solver approach: "Grouped Flags"

Sep 11th, 2023 (edited)
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  1. --[[ Procedure:
  2. for each revealed cell:
  3.   if neighbors.Unknown == cellValue:
  4.     neighbors:FlagAll()
  6.   elseif #neighbors.Flagged == cellValue:
  7.     open all non-flagged neighbors
  9.   else:
  10.     add each non-flagged neighbor to a groupped flag:
  11.       a groupped flag is multiple cells grouped together that function as 1 to groupSize-1 flagged cells
  12.       (logic for grouped flags functions the same as normal flags. i.e, i group is treated as one cell)
  13.       for example, 3 cells grouped together with a flag value of 2
  14.         this means that between the 3 cells there are 2 mines/regular flags but which 2 specifically is currently unknown
  16.   repeat this logic until the board state does not change
  17. --]]
  20. -- code:
  22. local realBoard = {}
  23. local gameBoard = {}
  24. local liveBoard = {}
  25. local showBoard = {}
  27. local width = 9
  28. local height = 9
  29. local mines = 10
  31. local function shuffle(myTable)
  32. local function isValid(x,y)
  33. local function toXY(i)
  34. local function toIndex(x,y)
  35. local Neighbors = {}
  36. function Neighbors.All(x,y)
  37. function Neighbors.Unknown(x,y)
  38. function Neighbors.Mines(x,y)
  39. function Neighbors.Flagged(x,y)
  40. function Neighbors:Flag(x,y)
  41. function Neighbors:Open(x,y)
  42. function Neighbors:Clear(x,y)
  43. local function getEmptyCells()
  44. local function display()
  45. local function update()
  46. local function expand(x,y)
  47. local function chord(x,y)
  48. local isFirst = true
  49. local function open(x,y)
  50.     if isFirst then
  51.         isFirst = false
  52.         return firstMove(x,y)
  53.     end
  54.     local c = toIndex(x,y)
  55.     if liveBoard[c] == 2 then return end
  56.     liveBoard[c] = 1
  57. end
  58. local function flag(x,y)
  59. local function groupFlag(cells,minFlags,maxFlags)
  60.     for _, i in ipairs(cells) do
  61.         if liveBoard[i]
  62.         liveBoard[i] = {minFlags, maxFlags, {unpack(cells)}}
  63.     end
  64. end
  65. local function reduceGroupFlags()
  66.     local groups = {}
  67.     for _, i in ipairs(liveBoard) do
  68.         if type(i) ~= "table" then continue end
  69.         if #i.Cells == i.Flags then
  70.             for _, c in ipairs(i.Cells) do
  71.                 liveBoard[c] = 2
  72.             end
  73.         end
  74.     end
  75. end
  76. local function validate(firstMove)
  77. local function labelCells()
  78. function firstMove(x,y)
  79. local function setup()
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