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- program ScaRPGMapEditor;
- type
- TMap = record
- tpTiles: array of array of array of TPoint;
- x, y, z, p: Integer;
- att: array of array of Integer;
- end;
- TNPC = record
- s, m: TPoint;
- sTalk: string;
- end;
- var
- frmMain: TForm;
- mnuMain: TMainMenu;
- mnuFile, mnuNew, mnuSave, mnuOpen, mnuRand: TMenuItem;
- mnuAttr: TPopupMenu;
- mnuBlnk, mnuBlck, mnuEnco: TMenuItem;
- dlgOpen: TOpenDialog;
- dlgSave: TSaveDialog;
- imgMain, imgTiles: TImage;
- pnlMain, pnlTiles: TPanel;
- scbMainX, scbMainY: TScrollBar;
- sbxTiles: TScrollBox;
- cmbLay: TComboBox;
- tiles, sprites: Integer;
- mapMain: TMap;
- npcMain: array of TNPC;
- cp, tp, md, mu: TPoint;
- // GenerateMap - Draws the map onto a canvas and also applies movement based on input
- procedure GenerateMap(x, y: Integer);
- var
- bmpLay, bmpBuf, a, b, c, s, mapX, mapY, startX, startY: Integer;
- begin
- bmpLay := BitmapFromString(480, 480, '');
- bmpBuf := BitmapFromString(480, 480, '');
- cp.x := cp.x + x;
- cp.y := cp.y + y;
- startX := cp.x - 7;
- startY := cp.y - 7;
- with mapMain do
- begin
- for a := 0 to z - 1 do
- begin
- FastDrawClear(bmpLay, 16448505);
- for b := startY to startY + 15 do
- begin
- if not InRange(b, 0, y - 1) then
- Continue;
- mapY := b - cp.y;
- for c := startX to startX + 15 do
- begin
- if not InRange(c, 0, x - 1) then
- Continue;
- mapX := c - cp.x;
- if not ((tpTiles[a][b][c].x < 0) and (tpTiles[a][b][c].y < 0)) then
- CopyCanvas(imgTiles.Canvas, GetBitmapCanvas(bmpLay), tpTiles[a][b][c].x * 32, tpTiles[a][b][c].y * 32, (tpTiles[a][b][c].x * 32) + 32, (tpTiles[a][b][c].y * 32) + 32, (c - startX) * 32, (b - startY) * 32, ((c - startX) * 32) + 32, ((b - startY) * 32) + 32);
- end;
- end;
- SetTransparentColor(bmpLay, 16448505);
- FastDrawTransparent(0, 0, bmpLay, bmpBuf);
- if a = p then
- begin
- FastDrawClear(bmpLay, 0);
- if High(npcMain) >= 0 then
- for s := 0 to High(npcMain) do
- with npcMain[s] do
- begin
- If InRange(m.x, cp.x - 7, cp.x + 8) and InRange(m.y, cp.y - 7, cp.y + 8) then
- CopyCanvas(GetBitmapCanvas(sprites), GetBitmapCanvas(bmpLay), s.x * 32, s.y * 32, (s.x * 32) + 32, (s.y * 32) + 32, (m.x - startX) * 32, (m.y - startY) * 32, ((m.x - startX) * 32) + 32, ((m.y - startY) * 32) + 32);
- end;
- SetTransparentColor(bmpLay, 0);
- FastDrawTransparent(0, 0, bmpLay, bmpBuf);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- SafeCopyCanvas(GetBitmapCanvas(bmpBuf), imgMain.Canvas, 0, 0, 480, 480, 0, 0, 480, 480);
- FreeBitmap(bmpBuf);
- FreeBitmap(bmpLay);
- for b := 1 to 14 do
- begin
- imgMain.Canvas.MoveTo(0, b * 32);
- imgMain.Canvas.LineTo(480, b * 32);
- end;
- for c := 1 to 14 do
- begin
- imgMain.Canvas.MoveTo(c * 32, 0);
- imgMain.Canvas.LineTo(c * 32, 480);
- end;
- end;
- // RandomizeMap - Makes a random map based on range input
- procedure RandomizeMap(xs, ys, zs, ss, xe, ye, ze, se: Integer);
- var
- mx, my, a, b, c: Integer;
- tsaRandTalk: TStringArray;
- begin
- tsaRandTalk := ['Hai der', 'Howdy partner', 'Hi', 'SEX', 'How much wood could chuck norris chuck', 'I won''t kill you if you touch my penis'];
- GetBitmapSize(tiles, mx, my);
- with mapMain do
- begin
- x := RandomRange(xs, xe);
- y := RandomRange(ys, ye);
- z := RandomRange(zs, ze);
- p := z - 3;
- SetArrayLength(tpTiles, z);
- for a := 0 to z - 1 do
- begin
- SetArrayLength(tpTiles[a], y);
- SetArrayLength(att, y);
- for b := 0 to y - 1 do
- begin
- SetArrayLength(tpTiles[a][b], x);
- SetArrayLength(att[b], x);
- for c := 0 to x - 1 do
- begin
- tpTiles[a][b][c].x := Random(mx div 32);
- tpTiles[a][b][c].y := Random(my div 32);
- if Random(10) <= 2 then
- att[b][c] := 2
- else
- att[b][c] := 0;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- GetBitmapSize(tiles, mx, my);
- SetArrayLength(npcMain, RandomRange(ss, se));
- for a := 0 to High(npcMain) do
- with npcMain[a] do
- begin
- s.x := Random(mx div 128) * 3;
- s.y := Random(my div 32);
- m.x := Random(mapMain.x);
- m.y := Random(mapMain.y);
- sTalk := tsaRandTalk[Random(High(tsaRandTalk))];
- mapMain.att[m.y][m.x] := 1;
- end;
- end;
- // BlankMap - Makes a blank map based on user input
- procedure BlankMap;
- var
- a, b, c: Integer;
- begin
- with mapMain do
- begin
- x := StrToIntDef(Readln('Width'), 15);
- y := StrToIntDef(Readln('Height'), 15);
- z := StrToIntDef(Readln('Depth'), 5)
- p := z - 2;
- if p < 0 then
- p := 0;
- SetArrayLength(tpTiles, z);
- for a := 0 to z - 1 do
- begin
- SetArrayLength(tpTiles[a], y);
- SetArrayLength(att, y);
- for b := 0 to y - 1 do
- begin
- SetArrayLength(tpTiles[a][b], x);
- SetArrayLength(att[b], x);
- for c := 0 to x - 1 do
- begin
- tpTiles[a][b][c].x := -1;
- tpTiles[a][b][c].y := -1;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- cp.x := mapMain.x div 2;
- cp.y := mapMain.y div 2;
- try
- scbMainX.Max := mapMain.x - 8;
- except
- scbMainX.Max := scbMainX.Min + 1;
- end;
- try
- scbMainY.Max := mapMain.y - 8;
- except
- scbMainY.Min := scbMainY.Min + 1;
- end;
- scbMainX.Position := cp.x;
- scbMainY.Position := cp.y;
- for a := 0 to cmbLay.Items.Count + 2 do
- cmbLay.Items.Delete(0);
- for a := 0 to mapMain.z - 1 do
- cmbLay.Items.Add('Layer ' + IntToStr(a));
- cmbLay.ItemIndex := 0;
- GenerateMap(0, 0);
- end;
- // ExplodeInt - Like other languages explode excepts turns into integers
- function ExplodeInt(str, del: string): TIntegerArray;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- repeat
- i := Pos(del, str);
- SetArrayLength(Result, High(Result) + 2);
- if i <= 0 then
- Break;
- Result[High(Result)] := StrToIntDef(Copy(str, 1, i - 1), 0);
- Delete(str, 1, i);
- until false;
- Result[High(Result)] := StrToIntDef(Copy(str, 1, Length(str)), 0);
- end;
- // OpenMap - Reads the selected map then puts into mapMain
- procedure OpenMap;
- var
- titMap: TIntegerArray;
- a, b, c: Integer;
- begin
- if not dlgOpen.Execute then
- Exit;
- with mapMain do
- begin
- x := StrToIntDef(ReadINI('Layout', 'Width', dlgOpen.FileName), 15);
- y := StrToIntDef(ReadINI('Layout', 'Height', dlgOpen.FileName), 15);
- z := StrToIntDef(ReadINI('Layout', 'Depth', dlgOpen.FileName), 15);
- p := z - 2;
- if p < 0 then
- p := 0;
- SetArrayLength(tpTiles, 0);
- SetArrayLength(tpTiles, z);
- SetArrayLength(att, 0);
- SetArrayLength(att, y);
- for a := 0 to z - 1 do
- begin
- SetArrayLength(tpTiles[a], 0);
- SetArrayLength(tpTiles[a], y);
- for b := 0 to y - 1 do
- begin
- SetArrayLength(tpTiles[a][b], 0);
- SetArrayLength(tpTiles[a][b], x);
- titMap := ExplodeInt(ReadINI('Layer' + IntToStr(a), 'Row' + IntToStr(b), dlgOpen.FileName), ',');
- for c := 0 to x - 1 do
- begin
- try
- tpTiles[a][b][c].x := titMap[c * 2];
- tpTiles[a][b][c].y := titMap[c * 2 + 1];
- except
- if not Lowercase(Readln('Map corrupted - open anyway?(yes/no)')) = 'yes' then
- frmMain.Close;
- end;
- end;
- if a = 0 then
- begin
- SetArrayLength(att[b], 0);
- SetArrayLength(att[b], x);
- mapMain.att[b] := ExplodeInt(ReadINI('Attrib', 'Row' + IntToStr(b), dlgOpen.FileName), ',');
- end;
- SetArrayLength(titMap, 0);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- cp.x := mapMain.x div 2;
- cp.y := mapMain.y div 2;
- try
- scbMainX.Max := mapMain.x - 8;
- except
- scbMainX.Max := scbMainX.Min;
- end;
- try
- scbMainY.Max := mapMain.y - 8;
- except
- scbMainY.Min := scbMainY.Min;
- end;
- scbMainX.Position := cp.x;
- scbMainY.Position := cp.y;
- while cmbLay.Items.Count > 0 do
- cmbLay.Items.Delete(0);
- for a := 0 to mapMain.z - 1 do
- cmbLay.Items.Add('Layer ' + IntToStr(a));
- cmbLay.ItemIndex := 0;
- GenerateMap(0, 0);
- end;
- // ImplodeInt - Reverse of explode, takes a TIntegerArray and turns it into a string based on the delimiter
- function ImplodeInt(tit: TIntegerArray; del: string): string;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to High(tit) do
- Result := Result + IntToStr(tit[i]) + del;
- Delete(Result, Length(Result), 1);
- end;
- // SaveMap - Takes apart the map and puts it into strings before saving in selected file
- procedure SaveMap;
- var
- a, b, c: Integer;
- titMap: TIntegerArray;
- begin
- if not dlgSave.Execute then
- Exit;
- with mapMain do
- begin
- WriteINI('Layout', 'Width', IntToStr(x), dlgSave.FileName);
- WriteINI('Layout', 'Height', IntToStr(y), dlgSave.FileName);
- WriteINI('Layout', 'Depth', IntToStr(z), dlgSave.FileName);
- SetArrayLength(titMap, x * 2);
- for a := 0 to z - 1 do
- begin
- for b := 0 to y - 1 do
- begin
- for c := 0 to x - 1 do
- begin
- titMap[c * 2] := mapMain.tpTiles[a][b][c].x;
- titMap[c * 2 + 1] := mapMain.tpTiles[a][b][c].y;
- end;
- WriteINI('Layer' + IntToStr(a), 'Row' + IntToStr(b), ImplodeInt(titMap, ','), dlgSave.Filename);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- with mapMain do
- begin
- for b := 0 to y - 1 do
- WriteINI('Attrib', 'Row' + IntToStr(b), ImplodeInt(mapMain.att[b], ','), dlgSave.Filename)
- end;
- end;
- // RandMap - Generates a random map based on user input
- procedure RandMap;
- var
- a, b, c: Integer;
- begin
- with mapMain do
- begin
- x := StrToIntDef(Readln('Width'), 15);
- y := StrToIntDef(Readln('Height'), 15);
- z := StrToIntDef(Readln('Depth'), 4)
- p := z - 2;
- SetArrayLength(tpTiles, z);
- for a := 0 to z - 1 do
- begin
- SetArrayLength(tpTiles[a], y);
- SetArrayLength(att, y);
- for b := 0 to y - 1 do
- begin
- SetArrayLength(tpTiles[a][b], x);
- SetArrayLength(att[b], x);
- for c := 0 to x - 1 do
- begin
- tpTiles[a][b][c].x := Random(imgTiles.Width div 32);
- tpTiles[a][b][c].y := Random(imgTiles.Height div 32);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- cp.x := mapMain.x div 2;
- cp.y := mapMain.y div 2;
- try
- scbMainX.Max := mapMain.x - 8;
- except
- scbMainX.Max := scbMainX.Min + 1;
- end;
- try
- scbMainY.Max := mapMain.y - 8;
- except
- scbMainY.Min := scbMainY.Min + 1;
- end;
- scbMainX.Position := cp.x;
- scbMainY.Position := cp.y;
- for a := 0 to cmbLay.Items.Count + 2 do
- cmbLay.Items.Delete(0);
- for a := 0 to mapMain.z - 1 do
- cmbLay.Items.Add('Layer ' + IntToStr(a));
- cmbLay.ItemIndex := 0;
- GenerateMap(0, 0);
- end;
- // HandleMenu - Does appropriate task based on what menu item selected
- procedure HandleMenu(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- case Sender of
- mnuNew: BlankMap;
- mnuOpen: OpenMap;
- mnuSave: SaveMap;
- mnuRand: RandMap;
- end;
- end;
- // HandlePopup - Changes attribute of square to selected one
- procedure HandlePopup(Sender: TObject);
- var
- x, y, a: Integer;
- begin
- case Sender of
- mnuBlnk: a := 0;
- mnuBlck: a := 1;
- mnuEnco: a := 2;
- end;
- for y := md.y to mu.y do
- for x := md.x to mu.x do
- mapMain.att[y][x] := a;
- end;
- // HandleScroll - Repaints map if map scroll bar sent or changes visible tiles if tile scroll bar sent
- procedure HandleScroll(Sender: TObject; ScrollCode: TScrollCode; var ScrollPos: Integer);
- begin
- case Sender of
- scbMainX: if ScrollPos = cp.x then
- Exit;
- scbMainY: if ScrollPos = cp.y then
- Exit;
- end;
- if Sender is TScrollBar then
- TScrollBar(Sender).OnScroll := nil;
- case Sender of
- scbMainX: GenerateMap(Scrollpos - cp.x, 0);
- scbMainY: GenerateMap(0, Scrollpos - cp.y);
- end;
- if Sender is TScrollBar then
- TScrollBar(Sender).OnScroll := @HandleScroll;
- end;
- // HandleMouseDown - Sets tile to selected tile when left clicking or shows popup menu when right clicking
- procedure HandleMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
- begin
- X := ((X div 32) * 32) + 16;
- Y := ((Y div 32) * 32) + 16;
- if Button = mbRight then
- begin
- md.x := X div 32;
- md.y := Y div 32;
- imgMain.Canvas.MoveTo(X, Y);
- imgMain.Canvas.Pen.Width := 8;
- imgMain.Canvas.LineTo(X, Y);
- imgMain.Canvas.Pen.Width := 1;
- Exit;
- end;
- if Sender = imgTiles then
- begin
- tp.x := X div 32;
- tp.y := Y div 32;
- end
- else if Sender = imgMain then
- begin
- imgMain.Canvas.MoveTo(X, Y);
- imgMain.Canvas.Pen.Width := 8;
- imgMain.Canvas.LineTo(X, Y);
- imgMain.Canvas.Pen.Width := 1;
- md.x := X div 32;
- md.y := Y div 32;
- end;
- end;
- procedure HandleMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
- begin
- mu.x := X div 32;
- mu.y := Y div 32;
- if Button = mbRight then
- begin
- GenerateMap(0, 0);
- if md.x > mu.x then
- Swap(md.x, mu.x);
- if md.y > mu.y then
- Swap(md.y, mu.y);
- GetMousePos(X, Y);
- mnuAttr.Popup(X, Y);
- Exit;
- end;
- if Sender = imgMain then
- begin
- if md.x > mu.x then
- Swap(md.x, mu.x);
- if md.y > mu.y then
- Swap(md.y, mu.y);
- for Y := md.y to mu.y do
- for X := md.x to mu.x do
- begin
- mapMain.tpTiles[cmbLay.ItemIndex][Y + cp.y - 7][X + cp.x - 7].x := tp.x;
- mapMain.tpTiles[cmbLay.ItemIndex][Y + cp.y - 7][X + cp.x - 7].y := tp.y;
- end;
- GenerateMap(0, 0);
- end;
- end;
- // SetupForm - Sets up all the forms objects
- procedure SetupForm;
- var
- sw, sh, bw, bh, i: Integer;
- begin
- GetClientDimensions(sw, sh);
- GetBitmapSize(tiles, bw, bh);
- frmMain := CreateForm;
- dlgOpen := TOpenDialog.Create(frmMain);
- dlgOpen.Filter := 'maps| *.ini';
- dlgSave := TSaveDialog.Create(frmMain);
- dlgSave.Filter := 'maps| *.ini';
- mnuMain := TMainMenu.Create(frmMain);
- mnuFile := TMenuItem.Create(frmMain);
- mnuFile.Caption := 'File';
- mnuMain.Items.Add(mnuFile);
- mnuNew := TMenuItem.Create(frmMain);
- mnuNew.Caption := 'New';
- mnuNew.OnClick := @HandleMenu;
- mnuMain.Items.Items[0].Add(mnuNew);
- mnuOpen := TMenuItem.Create(frmMain);
- mnuOpen.Caption := 'Open';
- mnuOpen.OnClick := @HandleMenu;
- mnuMain.Items.Items[0].Add(mnuOpen);
- mnuSave := TMenuItem.Create(frmMain);
- mnuSave.Caption := 'Save';
- mnuSave.OnClick := @HandleMenu;
- mnuMain.Items.Items[0].Add(mnuSave);
- mnuRand := TMenuItem.Create(frmMain);
- mnuRand.Caption := 'Random';
- mnuRand.OnClick := @HandleMenu;
- mnuMain.Items.Items[0].Add(mnuRand);
- mnuAttr := TPopupMenu.Create(frmMain);
- mnuBlnk := TMenuItem.Create(frmMain);
- mnuBlnk.Caption := 'No attribute';
- mnuBlnk.OnClick := @HandlePopup;
- mnuAttr.Items.Add(mnuBlnk);
- mnuBlck := TMenuItem.Create(frmMain);
- mnuBlck.Caption := 'Blocked';
- mnuBlck.OnClick := @HandlePopup;
- mnuAttr.Items.Add(mnuBlck);
- mnuEnco := TMenuItem.Create(frmMain);
- mnuEnco.Caption := 'Encounter';
- mnuEnco.OnClick := @HandlePopup;
- mnuAttr.Items.Add(mnuEnco);
- with frmMain do
- begin
- Caption := 'ScaRPG Map Editor by mixster';
- ClientWidth := 554 + bw;
- ClientHeight := 522;
- Left := (sw - Width) div 2;
- Top := (sh - Height) div 2;
- end;
- pnlMain := TPanel.Create(frmMain);
- with pnlMain do
- begin
- Parent := frmMain;
- Width := 502;
- Height := 502;
- Left := 10;
- Top := 10;
- end;
- scbMainX := TScrollBar.Create(pnlMain)
- with scbMainX do
- begin
- Parent := pnlMain;
- Width := 480;
- Top := 480;
- Min := 7;
- Max := mapMain.x - 8;
- Position := mapMain.x div 2;
- Kind := sbHorizontal;
- OnScroll := @HandleScroll;
- end;
- scbMainY := TScrollBar.Create(pnlMain)
- with scbMainY do
- begin
- Parent := pnlMain;
- Width := 480;
- Left := 480;
- Min := 7;
- Max := mapMain.y - 8;
- Position := mapMain.y div 2;
- Kind := sbVertical;
- OnScroll := @HandleScroll;
- end;
- imgMain := TImage.Create(pnlMain);
- with imgMain do
- begin
- Parent := pnlMain;
- Width := 480;
- Height := 480;
- OnMouseDown := @HandleMouseDown;
- OnMouseUp := @HandleMouseUp;
- Canvas.Pen.Color := clYellow;
- end;
- pnlTiles := TPanel.Create(frmMain);
- with pnlTiles do
- begin
- Parent := frmMain;
- Width := bw + 22;
- Height := 480;
- Left := 522;
- Top := 10;
- end;
- sbxTiles := TScrollBox.Create(pnlTiles);
- with sbxTiles do
- begin
- Parent := pnlTiles;
- Align := alClient;
- sbxTiles.VertScrollBar.Range := bh;
- sbxTiles.VertScrollBar.Increment := 4;
- sbxTiles.VertScrollBar.Tracking := True;
- end;
- imgTiles := TImage.Create(sbxTiles);
- with imgTiles do
- begin
- Parent := sbxTiles;
- Width := bw;
- Height := bh;
- SafeDrawBitmap(tiles, Canvas, 0, 0);
- OnMouseDown := @HandleMouseDown;
- end;
- cmbLay := TComboBox.Create(frmMain);
- with cmbLay do
- begin
- Parent := frmMain;
- Left := 522;
- Top := 490;
- for i := 0 to mapMain.z - 1 do
- Items.Add('Layer ' + IntToStr(i));
- ItemIndex := 0;
- end;
- FreeBitmap(sprites);
- FreeBitmap(tiles);
- GenerateMap(0, 0);
- frmMain.ShowModal;
- end;
- var
- v: TVariantArray;
- begin
- tiles := LoadBitmap(ScriptPath + 'Tiles.bmp');
- sprites := LoadBitmap(ScriptPath + 'Sprites.bmp');
- RandomizeMap(50, 50, 4, 0, 50, 50, 4, 0);
- cp.x := mapMain.x div 2;
- cp.y := mapMain.y div 2;
- ThreadSafeCall('SetupForm', v);
- FreeForm(frmMain);
- end.
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