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- program MazeSolver;
- {.$I SRL/OSR.simba}
- {$R-}
- // home brewed search structure for the heuristic BFS lookup
- // maintains order. High cost of insertion O(n).
- type
- TPathStruct = record
- node: TPoint;
- hdist: single;
- rdist: single;
- end;
- TSearchArray = record
- lo, hi: Int32;
- data: array of TPathStruct;
- end;
- procedure TSearchArray.Init(sz: Int32);
- begin
- SetLength(, sz);
- Self.hi := -1;
- Self.lo := 0;
- end;
- // find the current value or the closest value in the array.
- // Time complexity: O(log n)
- function TSearchArray.SearchClosest(value: single): Int32;
- var
- l, h: Int32;
- begin
- l := Self.Lo;
- h := Self.Hi;
- while l <= h do
- begin
- Result := (l + h) div 2;
- if Self.Data[Result].hdist < value then
- h := Result - 1
- else if Self.Data[Result].hdist > value then
- l := Result + 1
- else
- Exit(Result);
- end;
- end;
- // Insert the a value into it's correct position by searching.
- // Time complexity: O(n)
- // For this usage we are looking at time complexity in range of
- // average O(log n)
- function TSearchArray.Insert(_node:TPoint; _hdist, _rdist: single): Int32;
- var
- idx,i: Int32;
- begin
- if (Self.hi = -1) or (Self.Data[Self.hi].hdist >= _hdist) then
- idx := self.hi + 1
- else if (Self.hi >= 5) and (_hdist <= Self.Data[Self.hi-5].hdist) then
- begin
- for idx := self.hi+1 downto Self.hi-5 do
- begin
-[idx] :=[idx-1];
- if[idx].hdist >= _hdist then break;
- end;
- end else begin
- idx := Self.SearchClosest(_hdist);
- if Self.Data[idx].hdist > _hdist then Inc(idx);
- if (self.hi+1-idx) > 0 then
- Move([idx],[idx+1], (self.hi+1-idx)*(SizeOf(TPathStruct)));
- end;
- with[idx] do
- begin
- hdist := _hdist;
- rdist := _rdist;
- node := _node;
- end;
- Inc(Self.hi);
- end;
- // Pop the largest or smallest value depending on insertion order
- // Time complexity: O(1)
- procedure TSearchArray.Pop(out _node:TPoint; out _hdist, _rdist: single);
- begin
- with[self.hi] do
- begin
- _node := node;
- _hdist := hdist;
- _rdist := rdist;
- end;
- Dec(Self.Hi);
- end;
- function TSearchArray.AsString(): String;
- var
- tmp: array of TPathStruct;
- begin
- tmp :=;
- SetLength(tmp, self.hi+1);
- Result := ToString(tmp);
- end;
- function SolveMaze(Start, Stop: TPoint; Img: TImage): TPointArray;
- var
- score,hdist,score1: single;
- i,w,h: Int32;
- arr: TSearchArray;
- map: TSingleMatrix;
- p,q: TPoint;
- bmp: TImage;
- adj: TPointArray = [[-1,0],[1,0],[0,-1],[0,1],[1,-1],[1,1],[-1,-1],[-1,1]];
- t: Double;
- begin
- arr.Init(img.Width * img.Height);
- arr.Insert(start, Sqr(start.x-stop.x)+Sqr(start.y-stop.y), 0);
- w := img.Width - 1;
- h := img.Height - 1;
- map.SetSize(w+1, h+1);
- SetLength(adj, 4);
- // heuristical forward search for goal
- while (arr.hi >= 0) do
- begin
- arr.Pop(p, hdist, score); //inline for higher performance
- if (p = stop) then break;
- for q in adj do
- with q do
- begin
- x += p.x;
- y += p.y;
- if img.InImage(x,y) and (img.Pixel[x,y] = $FFFFFF) then
- begin
- img.Pixel[x,y] := $666666;
- arr.Insert(q, score + Sqr(x-stop.x)+Sqr(y-stop.y), score+1);
- map[y,x] := score+1; //<--- for simple backtrace
- end;
- end;
- end;
- // backtrace towards 0 distance from stop using the distance map
- score := map[stop.y,stop.x];
- Result += p; //pre-allocate result size for another boost SetLen(res, Ceil(score))
- while score > 1 do
- begin
- for q in adj do
- begin
- q.x += p.x;
- q.y += p.y;
- if img.InImage(q.x,q.y) and
- (map[q.y, q.x] < score) and (map[q.y, q.x] > 0) then
- begin
- score := map[q.y, q.x];
- p := q;
- end;
- end;
- Result += p;
- end;
- Result += start;
- end;
- var
- start := Point(5,0); stop := Point(635,480);
- //stop := Point(428,510); start := Point(83,2);
- img, im2: TImage;
- TPA,white,black,path1,path2: TPointArray;
- t:Double;
- begin
- img := TImage.Create('images\maze.png');
- //Swap(start,stop);
- for 0 to 100 do
- begin
- img.Free();
- img := TImage.Create('images\maze.png');
- t := PerformanceTimer;
- begin
- black := img.FindColor(0,1);
- img.DrawColor := 0;
- img.DrawTPA(black.Grow(2));
- path1 := SolveMaze(start, stop, img);
- end;
- WriteLn(PerformanceTimer - t, 'ms');
- end;
- WriteLn('Length: ', Length(path1));
- img.Fill($FFFFFF);
- img.DrawColor := 0;
- img.DrawTPA(black);
- img.DrawColor := $FF00FF;
- img.DrawTPA(path1.Grow(1));
- img.Show();
- img.Free();
- end.
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