

Nov 15th, 2017
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  1. on join:
  2. set {TIME::PISTOLET::%player%} to now
  3. set {TIME::DEAGEL::%player%} to now
  4. set {TIME::AK-47::%player%} to now
  5. set {SPRAY::AK-47::%player%} to false
  6. set {TIME::M4A1-S::%player%} to now
  7. set {SPRAY::M4A1-S::%player%} to false
  8. on quit:
  9. delete {TIME::PISTOLET::%player%}
  10. delete {TIME::DEAGEL::%player%}
  11. delete {TIME::AK-47::%player%}
  12. delete {SPRAY::AK-47::%player%}
  13. delete {TIME::M4A1-S::%player%}
  14. delete {SPRAY::M4A1-S::%player%}
  15. on script load:
  16. set {GUN::PISTOLET} to stick named "&cPistol"
  17. set {AMMO::PISTOLET} to snowball named "&eAmmo &8[&cPistol&8]"
  18. set {GUN::DEAGEL} to blaze rod named "&cDeagel"
  19. set {AMMO::DEAGEL} to snowball named "&eAmmo &8[&cDeagel&8]"
  20. set {GUN::AK-47} to Iron Horse Armor named "&cAK-47"
  21. set {AMMO::AK-47} to snowball named "&eAmmo &8[&cAK-47&8]"
  22. set {GUN::M4A1-S} to Gold Horse Armor named "&cM4A1-S"
  23. set {AMMO::M4A1-S} to snowball named "&eAmmo &8[&cM4A1-S&8]"
  24. loop all players:
  25. set {TIME::PISTOLET::%loop-player%} to now
  26. set {TIME::DEAGEL::%loop-player%} to now
  27. set {TIME::AK-47::%loop-player%} to now
  28. set {SPRAY::AK-47::%loop-player%} to false
  29. set {TIME::M4A1-S::%loop-player%} to now
  30. set {SPRAY::M4A1-S::%loop-player%} to false
  31. command /powerguns [<text>]:
  32. aliases: pg
  33. trigger:
  34. if arg 1 is not set:
  35. message "&8» &7Available guns are &cPistol&7, &cDeagel&7, &cAK-47&7 and &cM4A1-S"
  36. if arg 1 is "pistol":
  37. give {GUN::PISTOLET} to player
  38. message "&8» &7You've been given a &nPistol&7 and some &nPistol Ammo"
  39. loop 16 times:
  40. give {AMMO::PISTOLET} to player
  41. if arg 1 is "deagel":
  42. message "&8» &7You've been given a &nDeagel&7 and some &nDeagel Ammo"
  43. give {GUN::DEAGEL} to player
  44. loop 16 times:
  45. give {AMMO::DEAGEL} to player
  46. if arg 1 is "ak47":
  47. give {GUN::AK-47} to player
  48. message "&8» &7You've been given an &nAK-47&7 and some &nAK-47 Ammo"
  49. loop 16 times:
  50. give {AMMO::AK-47} to player
  51. if arg 1 is "ak-47":
  52. message "&8» &7You've been given an &nAK-47&7 and some &nAK-47 Ammo"
  53. give {GUN::AK-47} to player
  54. loop 16 times:
  55. give {AMMO::AK-47} to player
  56. if arg 1 is "m4a1s":
  57. message "&8» &7You've been given a &nM4A1-S and some &nM4A1-S Ammo"
  58. give {GUN::M4A1-S} to player
  59. loop 16 times:
  60. give {AMMO::M4A1-S} to player
  61. if arg 1 is "m4a1-s":
  62. message "&8» &7You've been given a &nM4A1-S and some &nM4A1-S Ammo"a
  63. give {GUN::M4A1-S} to player
  64. loop 16 times:
  65. give {AMMO::M4A1-S} to player
  67. #======================================================================
  68. #======== PISTOL =========
  70. on left click using stick:
  71. if player has {AMMO::PISTOLET}:
  72. if player's tool is {GUN::PISTOLET}:
  73. set {_czas} to difference between {TIME::PISTOLET::%player%} and now
  74. if {_czas} is more than 0.6 seconds:
  75. shoot snowball at speed 100
  76. damage target entity by 1 hearts
  77. remove 1 snowball from the player
  78. set {TIME::PISTOLET::%player%} to now
  80. #======================================================================
  81. #======== DEAGEL =========
  83. on left click using blaze rod:
  84. if player has {AMMO::DEAGEL}:
  85. if player's tool is {GUN::DEAGEL}:
  86. set {_czas} to difference between {TIME::DEAGEL::%player%} and now
  87. if {_czas} is more than 1.2 seconds:
  88. shoot snowball at speed 100
  89. damage target entity by 3 hearts
  90. remove 1 snowball from the player
  91. set {TIME::DEAGEL::%player%} to now
  93. #======================================================================
  94. #======== AK-47 =========
  96. on left click using Iron Horse Armor:
  97. if {SPRAY::AK-47::%player%} is true:
  98. set {SPRAY::AK-47::%player%} to false
  99. stop
  100. if player has {AMMO::AK-47}:
  101. if player's tool is {GUN::AK-47}:
  102. set {_czas} to difference between {TIME::AK-47::%player%} and now
  103. if {_czas} is more than 1 seconds:
  104. if {SPRAY::AK-47::%player%} is false:
  105. set {SPRAY::AK-47::%player%} to true
  106. while {SPRAY::AK-47::%player%} is true:
  107. if player has {AMMO::AK-47}:
  108. if player's tool is {GUN::AK-47}:
  109. wait 5 tick
  110. shoot snowball at speed 100
  111. damage target entity by 1 hearts
  112. remove 1 snowball from the player
  113. set {TIME::AK-47::%player%} to now
  114. else:
  115. set {SPRAY::AK-47::%player%} to false
  116. stop
  117. else:
  118. set {SPRAY::AK-47::%player%} to false
  119. stop
  121. #======================================================================
  122. #======== M4A1-S =========
  124. on left click using Gold Horse Armor:
  125. if {SPRAY::M4A1-S::%player%} is true:
  126. set {SPRAY::M4A1-S::%player%} to false
  127. stop
  128. if player has {AMMO::M4A1-S}:
  129. if player's tool is {GUN::M4A1-S}:
  130. set {_czas} to difference between {TIME::M4A1-S::%player%} and now
  131. if {_czas} is more than 1 seconds:
  132. if {SPRAY::M4A1-S::%player%} is false:
  133. set {SPRAY::M4A1-S::%player%} to true
  134. while {SPRAY::M4A1-S::%player%} is true:
  135. if player has {AMMO::M4A1-S}:
  136. if player's tool is {GUN::M4A1-S}:
  137. wait 3 tick
  138. shoot snowball at speed 100
  139. damage target entity by 1 hearts
  140. remove 1 snowball from the player
  141. set {TIME::M4A1-S::%player%} to now
  142. else:
  143. set {SPRAY::M4A1-S::%player%} to false
  144. stop
  145. else:
  146. set {SPRAY::M4A1-S::%player%} to false
  147. stop
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