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- // Code your design here
- //Interface
- interface ifc(input clk);
- logic rst;
- logic coin;
- logic dwash;
- logic lid;
- logic soak;
- logic wash;
- logic rinse;
- logic spin;
- logic done;
- modport DESIGN(
- input clk, rst, coin, dwash, lid,
- output soak, wash, rinse, spin, done
- );
- modport TEST(
- output rst, coin, dwash, lid,
- input soak, wash, rinse, spin, done, clk
- );
- endinterface
- // Controller
- module wmc(
- ifc.DESIGN inf,
- input T,
- output pause
- );
- reg [2:0] nst, cst;
- localparam [2:0]
- IDLE = 0,
- SOAK = 1,
- WASH = 2,
- RINSE = 3,
- SPIN = 4,
- DWASH = 5,
- DRINSE = 6,
- PAUSE = 7;
- always@(posedge inf.clk or negedge inf.rst) begin
- if(!inf.rst) cst <= IDLE;
- else cst <= nst;
- end
- always_comb begin
- nst <= cst;
- case(cst)
- IDLE: if(inf.coin) nst <= SOAK;
- SOAK: if(T) nst <= WASH;
- WASH: if(T) nst <= RINSE;
- RINSE: begin
- if(inf.dwash & T) nst <= DWASH;
- else if(!inf.dwash & T) nst <= SPIN;
- end
- SPIN: begin
- if(inf.lid & !T) nst <= PAUSE;
- else if(T) nst <= IDLE;
- end
- DWASH: if(T) nst <= DRINSE;
- DRINSE: if(T) nst <= SPIN;
- PAUSE: if(!inf.lid) nst <= SPIN;
- endcase
- end
- assign inf.soak = (cst == SOAK);
- assign inf.wash = (cst == WASH) | (cst == DWASH);
- assign inf.rinse = (cst == RINSE) | (cst == DRINSE);
- assign inf.spin = (cst == SPIN);
- assign pause = (cst == PAUSE);
- assign inf.done = (cst == IDLE);
- endmodule
- // Timer
- module timer(
- input clk, rst, pause,
- output T
- );
- reg [9:0] count;
- always@(posedge clk or negedge rst) begin
- if(!rst) count <= 10'd0;
- else if(pause) count<= count;
- else count <= count + 1'b1;
- end
- assign T = (&count);
- endmodule
- // Top Level Controller
- module washing_machine(
- ifc.DESIGN inf
- );
- wire pause, T;
- wmc W1(.inf(inf), .T(T), .pause(pause));
- timer T1(.clk(inf.clk), .rst(inf.rst), .pause(pause), .T(T));
- endmodule
- ///////////////////////program block
- // Code your testbench here
- // or browse Examples
- program tb_washing_machine(
- ifc.TEST inf
- );
- virtual ifc.TEST inf_h = inf;
- initial begin
- inf_h.rst = 0;
- #12 inf_h.rst = 1;
- end
- initial begin
- wait(inf_h.rst);
- inf_h.coin = 1'b1;
- inf_h.dwash = 1'b1;
- #10 inf_h.coin = 1'b0;
- wait(inf_h.spin);
- inf_h.lid = 1'b1;
- #24 inf_h.lid = 1'b0;
- wait(inf_h.done);
- $finish;
- end
- initial begin
- $dumpfile("dump.vcd");
- $dumpvars;
- end
- endprogram
- module top_washing_machine;
- reg clk;
- ifc inf(clk);
- washing_machine DUT(.inf(inf.DESIGN));
- tb_washing_machine TEST(.inf(inf.TEST));
- initial begin
- wait(inf.rst);
- clk = 0;
- forever #5 clk = ~clk;
- end
- endmodule
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