

Apr 1st, 2019
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  1. 05 gosub 10000
  2. 6 ? "{clear}wait please ..."
  3. 8  dim w$(100),c(100, 2):l=3:g$="{black}{white}{red}{purple}{green}"
  4. 10 gosub 5000
  5. 11 gosub30000
  6. 100 get a$: if asc(a$+" ") = 13 then gosub 4000 : rem controlla se รจ stata eliminata una parola
  7. 105 if asc(a$+" ") <> 13 then ct=0:c$=c$+a$: ?"{home}"c$TAB(15)"score:"p
  8. 106 if c$<>"" then ct=ct+1:ifct=20thenc$="":?"{home}          ":ct=0
  9. 110 gosub 10040: r=r-int(r/5)*5+1: gosub 3000
  10. 150 goto 100
  12. 2999 rem avanzamento della r-esima parola
  13. 3000 y=c(r,2):x=c(r,1):gosub 21000
  14. 3010 for k= 1 to len(w$(r)):?" ":next
  15. 3020 c(r,1) = c(r,1)+1:x=c(r,1):gosub 21000 : ? h$(r)+w$(r)
  16. 3030 if x+len(w$(r)) < m(r) then 3100
  17. 3040 m(r)=m(r)-len(w$(r)): if m(r) < 1 then ?"{clear}your score is:"p:end
  18. 3050 w$(r)="":c(r,1)=0: s=r: gosub 4430
  19. 3100 return
  21. 4000 s=1:? "{home}";c$
  22. 4010 if w$(s)= c$ then goto 4200
  23. 4020 s=s+1
  24. 4030 if s > 10 then c$="":goto 4500
  25. 4035 goto 4010
  26. 4200 y=c(s,2):x=c(s,1):gosub 21000
  27. 4210 for k=1 to len(w$(s)):?"*";:next:p=p+10*len(w$(s))
  28. 4220 c$="":w$(s)="":c(s,1)=0: gosub 4430
  29. 4230 return
  31. 4429 rem crea parola posizione s
  32. 4430 gosub 10040: for j = 1 to r - int(r/8)*8 + 1
  33. 4440 gosub 10040: r=r-int(r/26)*26
  34. 4450 w$(s) = w$(s) + chr$(r+65)
  35. 4460 next j
  36. 4470 gosub 10040:r=r-int(r/5)*5+1:h$(s)= mid$(g$,r,1)
  37. 4500 return
  40. 5000 for i = 1 to 5:m(i)=30
  41. 5010 poke 53280, i: c(i, 1) =0: c(i, 2) = i - int(i/15) *15 + 4
  42. 5020 s=i:gosub4430
  43. 5070 next i
  44. 5080 return
  47. 10000 poke 54286, 255: rem LSB voce 3 frequenza d'onda al massimo
  48. 10010 poke 54287, 255: rem MSB voce 3 frequenza d'onda al massimo
  49. 10020 poke 54290, 128: rem Voce 3, rumore bianco, senza attivare audio
  50. 10030 return
  52. 10039 rem random 0 255
  53. 10040 r = peek(54299)
  54. 10050 return
  56. 21000 poke 780,0
  57. 21010 poke 781,y
  58. 21020 poke 782,x
  59. 21030 sys 65520
  60. 21040 return
  62. 30000 print "{clear}{down*4}{cyan}  {096}{096}{096}{096}{096}{096}{096}{096}{096}{096}{096}{096}{096}{096}{096}{096}{096}{096}{096}{096}{096}{096}{096}{096}{096}{096}{096}{096}I"
  63. 30010 print "                              {125}"
  64. 30020 print "                              {125}"
  65. 30030 print "                              {125}"
  66. 30040 print "                              {125}"
  67. 30050 print "                              {125}"
  68. 30060 print "  {096}{096}{096}{096}{096}{096}{096}{096}{096}{096}{096}{096}{096}{096}{096}{096}{096}{096}{096}{096}{096}{096}{096}{096}{096}{096}{096}{096}K"
  69. 30070 return
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