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- {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
- module Blinker where
- import Clash.Prelude
- import Clash.Intel.ClockGen
- import Clash.Annotations.SynthesisAttributes
- createDomain vSystem{vName="Input", vPeriod=20000}
- createDomain vSystem{vName="Dom20MHz", vPeriod=50000}
- topEntity ::
- Clock Input
- `Annotate` 'StringAttr "chip_pin" "R8"
- `Annotate` 'StringAttr
- "altera_attribute" "-name IO_STANDARD \"3.3-V LVTTL\"" ->
- Signal Input Bool
- `Annotate` 'StringAttr "chip_pin" "J15"
- `Annotate` 'StringAttr
- "altera_attribute" "-name IO_STANDARD \"3.3-V LVTTL\"" ->
- Signal Dom20MHz Bit
- `Annotate` 'StringAttr "chip_pin" "E1"
- `Annotate` 'StringAttr
- "altera_attribute" "-name IO_STANDARD \"3.3-V LVTTL\"" ->
- Signal Dom20MHz (BitVector 8)
- `Annotate` 'StringAttr
- "chip_pin" "L3, B1, F3, D1, A11, B13, A13, A15"
- `Annotate` 'StringAttr
- "altera_attribute" "-name IO_STANDARD \"3.3-V LVTTL\""
- topEntity clk50Mhz rstBtn modeBtn =
- exposeClockResetEnable
- (mealy blinkerT initialStateBlinkerT . isRising 1)
- clk20Mhz
- rstSync
- en
- modeBtn
- where
- en = enableGen
- initialStateBlinkerT = (1, Rotate, 0)
- rst = unsafeFromLowPolarity rstBtn
- (clk20Mhz, pllStable) =
- altpll
- @Dom20MHz
- (SSymbol @"altpll20")
- clk50Mhz
- rst
- rstSync =
- resetSynchronizer
- clk20Mhz
- (unsafeFromLowPolarity pllStable)
- data LedMode
- = Rotate
- | Complement
- deriving (Generic, NFDataX)
- flipMode :: LedMode -> LedMode
- flipMode Rotate = Complement
- flipMode Complement = Rotate
- -- Finally, the actual behavior of the circuit
- blinkerT ::
- (BitVector 8, LedMode, Index 6660000) ->
- Bool ->
- ((BitVector 8, LedMode, Index 6660000), BitVector 8)
- blinkerT (leds, mode, cntr) key1R = ((ledsN, modeN, cntrN), leds)
- where
- -- clock frequency = 20e6 (20 MHz)
- -- led update rate = 333e-3 (every 333ms)
- cnt_max = maxBound :: Index 6660000 -- 20e6 * 333e-3
- cntrN | cntr == cnt_max = 0
- | otherwise = cntr + 1
- modeN | key1R = flipMode mode
- | otherwise = mode
- ledsN | cntr == 0 =
- case mode of
- Rotate -> rotateL leds 1
- Complement -> complement leds
- | otherwise = leds
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