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- /*
- Aggregate score: 91.18%
- Correctness: 34/34 tests passed
- Memory: 0/6 tests passed
- Timing: 18/17 tests passed
- maximum allowed memory is ~ 12 n^2 bytes.
- n student (bytes)
- -------------------------------------------
- => FAILED 16 18112
- => FAILED 32 77264
- => FAILED 64 319984
- => FAILED 128 1303088
- => FAILED 256 5125512
- => FAILED 512 9031208
- ==> 0/6 tests passed
- Total: 0/6 tests passed!
- Estimated student memory (bytes) = -5.39 n^2 + 22039.01 n - 742984.03 (R^2 = 0.984)
- */
- import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.Bag;
- import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.Picture;
- import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.Stack;
- import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.StdOut;
- import java.awt.Color;
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- import java.util.Arrays;
- public class SeamCarver {
- private double[][] energies;
- private int[][] colors;
- private int[] pixelTo;
- private double[] disTo;
- private boolean[] marked;
- private int width;
- private int height;
- private final int source;
- private int sink;
- private Stack<Integer> topologicalOrder;
- // create a seam carver object based on the given picture
- public SeamCarver(Picture picture) {
- if (picture == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
- height = picture.height();
- width = picture.width();
- int n = width * height + 2; // w * h pixels plus a source and a sink
- energies = new double[width][height];
- colors = new int[width][height];
- source = 0;
- sink = n - 1;
- buildColors(picture);
- buildEnergies();
- }
- // current picture
- public Picture picture() {
- int w = width();
- int h = height();
- Picture resizedPicture = new Picture(w, h);
- for (int x = 0; x < w; x++)
- for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) resizedPicture.set(x, y, new Color(colors[x][y]));
- return resizedPicture;
- }
- // width of current picture
- public int width() {
- return colors.length;
- }
- // height of current picture
- public int height() {
- return colors[0].length;
- }
- // energy of pixel at column x and row y
- public double energy(int x, int y) {
- if (!validate(x, y)) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
- if (x == 0 || y == 0 || x == width() - 1 || y == height() - 1)
- return 1000; // energy of border's pixels is 1000
- else
- return Math.sqrt(deltaX(x, y) + deltaY(x, y));
- }
- // sequence of indices for horizontal seam
- public int[] findHorizontalSeam() {
- transposePicture();
- int[] seams = findVerticalSeam();
- transposePicture();
- return seams;
- }
- // sequence of indices for vertical seam
- public int[] findVerticalSeam() {
- int h = height();
- int[] seam = new int[h];
- runDFS();
- ArrayList<Integer> path = pathTo(sink);
- for (int i = 0; i < path.size(); i++) {
- seam[i] = x(path.get(path.size() - 1 - i));
- }
- return seam;
- }
- // remove horizontal seam from current picture
- public void removeHorizontalSeam(int[] seam) {
- validate(seam, false);
- if (seam.length != width()) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
- shift(seam, width(), height());
- height--;
- sink -= seam.length;
- recomputeEnergies(seam, false);
- }
- // remove vertical seam from current picture
- public void removeVerticalSeam(int[] seam) {
- validate(seam, true);
- if (seam.length != height()) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
- transposePicture();
- shift(seam, width(), height());
- transposePicture();
- width--;
- sink -= seam.length;
- recomputeEnergies(seam, true);
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ////................... UTILITIES ....................////
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- private void runDFS() {
- int n = width() * height();
- disTo = new double[n + 2]; // the source and sink extra
- pixelTo = new int[n + 2];
- for (int p = 1; p <= sink; p++)
- disTo[p] = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; // all pixels are at an infinite distance from source
- Iterable<Integer> topOrder = topologicalOrder(); // build topological order
- for (int i : topOrder)
- if (i < sink) relax(i);
- }
- private Iterable<Integer> topologicalOrder() {
- topologicalOrder = new Stack<>();
- int size = width() * height() + 2;
- marked = new boolean[size];
- for (int p = 0; p < size; p++) if (!marked[p]) dfs(p);
- return topologicalOrder;
- }
- private void dfs(int p) {
- marked[p] = true;
- if (p != sink) // if sink hole reached just add it to stack. Ends recursive call.
- for (int i : adj(p)) if (!marked[i]) dfs(i);
- topologicalOrder.push(p);
- }
- private void relax(int i) {
- for (int p : adj(i)) {
- int[] xy = xy(p);
- int x = xy[0];
- int y = xy[1];
- double e = p == sink ? 0 : energies[x][y];
- if (disTo[p] > disTo[i] + e) {
- disTo[p] = disTo[i] + e;
- pixelTo[p] = i;
- }
- }
- }
- private ArrayList<Integer> pathTo(int pixel) {
- ArrayList<Integer> path = new ArrayList<>();
- for (int p = pixelTo[pixel]; p != source; p = pixelTo[p]) // starting from sink we go back until we reach source
- path.add(p);
- return path;
- }
- private Bag<Integer> adj(int pixel) {
- Bag<Integer> bag = new Bag<>();
- int w = width();
- int h = height();
- if (pixel == source) // all first row pixels are adjacent to source
- for (int p = 1; p <= w; p++) bag.add(p);
- else if (pixel > w * h - w) bag.add(sink); // bottom row
- else {
- int belowLeft = pixel + w - 1;
- int belowCenter = pixel + w;
- int belowRight = pixel + w + 1;
- if (pixel % w == 1) { // first column
- bag.add(belowCenter);
- bag.add(belowRight);
- } else if (pixel % w == 0) { // last column
- bag.add(belowLeft);
- bag.add(belowCenter);
- } else {
- bag.add(belowLeft);
- bag.add(belowCenter);
- bag.add(belowRight);
- }
- }
- return bag;
- }
- // used to remove a seam that is horizontal
- private void shift(int[] seam, int w, int h) {
- for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) { // for each column shift color by removing pixel located at position (x,seam[x])
- int[] dest1 = new int[h - 1];
- double[] dest2 = new double[h - 1];
- int srcPos = seam[x] + 1;
- int destPos = seam[x];
- int length1 = dest1.length - seam[x];
- int length2 = seam[x];
- System.arraycopy(colors[x], srcPos, dest1, destPos, length1); // copies from seam[x]+1 to end
- System.arraycopy(colors[x], 0, dest1, 0, length2); // copies from 0 to seam[x]-1
- colors[x] = dest1; // merge the result and in place update colors
- System.arraycopy(energies[x], srcPos, dest2, destPos, length1); // same for energies
- System.arraycopy(energies[x], 0, dest2, 0, length2);
- energies[x] = dest2;
- }
- }
- private void recomputeEnergies(int[] seam, boolean isVertical) {
- int y = 0;
- if (isVertical) {
- for (int s : seam) {
- if (validate(s - 1, y)) // does it have a neighbour on the left?
- energies[s - 1][y] = energy(s - 1, y); // recompute its energy
- if (validate(s, y)) // same for right neighbour if exists
- energies[s][y] = energy(s, y);
- y++; // and we go down to the next row
- }
- } else {
- for (int s : seam) {
- if (validate(y, s - 1)) { // does it have a top neighbour?
- energies[y][s - 1] = energy(y, s - 1);
- }
- if (validate(y, s)) { // and a bottom one
- energies[y][s] = energy(y, s);
- }
- y++;
- }
- }
- }
- private int x(int pixel) {
- return xy(pixel)[0];
- }
- private int[] xy(int pixel) {
- int w = width(); //energies.length;
- return new int[]{(pixel - 1) % w, (pixel - 1) / w};
- }
- private void transposePicture() {
- int w = width();
- int h = height();
- int[][] tColors = new int[h][w];
- double[][] tEnergies = new double[h][w];
- for (int x = 0; x < h; x++)
- for (int y = 0; y < w; y++) {
- tColors[x][y] = colors[y][x];
- tEnergies[x][y] = energies[y][x];
- }
- colors = tColors;
- energies = tEnergies;
- }
- private void buildColors(Picture picture) {
- for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
- for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) colors[x][y] = picture.getRGB(x, y);
- }
- private void buildEnergies() {
- for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
- for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) energies[x][y] = energy(x, y);
- }
- private double deltaX(int x, int y) {
- Color colorXPlusOne = new Color(colors[x + 1][y]);
- Color colorXMinusOne = new Color(colors[x - 1][y]);
- return Math.pow(colorXPlusOne.getRed() - colorXMinusOne.getRed(), 2)
- + Math.pow(colorXPlusOne.getGreen() - colorXMinusOne.getGreen(), 2)
- + Math.pow(colorXPlusOne.getBlue() - colorXMinusOne.getBlue(), 2);
- }
- private double deltaY(int x, int y) {
- Color colorYPlusOne = new Color(colors[x][y + 1]);
- Color colorYMinusOne = new Color(colors[x][y - 1]);
- return Math.pow(colorYPlusOne.getRed() - colorYMinusOne.getRed(), 2)
- + Math.pow(colorYPlusOne.getGreen() - colorYMinusOne.getGreen(), 2)
- + Math.pow(colorYPlusOne.getBlue() - colorYMinusOne.getBlue(), 2);
- }
- private void validate(int[] seam, boolean isVertical) {
- if (seam == null || seam.length < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
- int size;
- if (isVertical) {
- size = width();
- } else {
- size = height();
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < seam.length; i++) { // seam within bounds
- if (seam[i] >= size || seam[i] < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
- if (i < seam.length - 1) { // and gap no greater than 1
- if (Math.abs(seam[i] - seam[i + 1]) > 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
- }
- }
- }
- private boolean validate(int x, int y) {
- return (x >= 0 && x < width() && y >= 0 && y < height());
- }
- // unit testing (optional)
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- Picture picture = new Picture(6, 6);
- String[][] s1 = {
- {"#050208", "#070304", "#050809", "#070000", "#020309", "#010706"},
- {"#050204", "#080102", "#060000", "#010708", "#020907", "#080408"},
- {"#010502", "#080307", "#000200", "#090804", "#090106", "#060106"},
- {"#000403", "#070607", "#020306", "#070808", "#000205", "#060307"},
- {"#030703", "#010504", "#080608", "#050808", "#010907", "#050101"},
- {"#050808", "#080201", "#020008", "#080603", "#060709", "#050108"},
- };
- String[][] s2 = {
- {"#090503", "#090307", "#080003", "#020602", "#000304", "#000906"},
- {"#000702", "#040800", "#090809", "#070101", "#080307", "#000402"},
- {"#020904", "#030600", "#090000", "#040807", "#010702", "#090407"},
- {"#020403", "#010206", "#080703", "#060002", "#010107", "#090204"},
- {"#020202", "#070906", "#050509", "#030105", "#000507", "#020004"},
- {"#060109", "#090305", "#080309", "#070507", "#070707", "#090900"},
- };
- int w = picture.width();
- int h = picture.height();
- for (int i = 0; i < w; i++) {
- for (int j = 0; j < h; j++)
- picture.set(i, j, Color.decode(s2[i][j]));
- }
- SeamCarver carver = new SeamCarver(picture);
- int[] seam1 = carver.findVerticalSeam();
- StdOut.println("1st Seam = " + Arrays.toString(seam1));
- carver.removeVerticalSeam(seam1);
- carver.picture();
- }
- }
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