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- namespace eval ::userdb::http {
- proc Send {res chan} {
- # translation mode is crlf, no need to insert \r
- fileevent $chan writable {}
- fileevent $chan readable {}
- set len [string length $res]
- puts -nonewline $chan \
- "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\nContent-Length: $len\n\n"
- puts -nonewline $chan $res
- catch {chan close $chan}
- }
- proc BadRequest {chan} {
- puts $chan "HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request\n\n"
- catch {chan close $chan}
- }
- proc Read {ctx lines chan} {
- if {[gets $chan line] >= 0} {
- if {$line eq ""} {
- # End of Full-Request. Ignore everything after Request-Line
- foreach {method path rest} [split [lindex $lines 0]] {
- switch $method {
- GET {
- set res [[dict get $ctx GET] $ctx $path]
- fileevent $chan writable [list [namespace current]::Send $res $chan]
- }
- default {
- fileevent $chan writable [list [namespace current]::BadRequest $chan]
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # Replace handler with new state
- fileevent $chan readable [list [namespace current]::Read $ctx [lappend lines $line] $chan]
- }
- if {[eof $chan]} {
- close $chan
- }
- }
- proc Server {ctx chan clientaddr clientport} {
- chan configure $chan -blocking 0 -buffering line -translation crlf -encoding utf-8
- fileevent $chan readable [list [namespace current]::Read $ctx {} $chan]
- }
- proc HandleGet {ctx path} {
- return "hello, world."
- }
- proc serve {} {
- set ctx [dict create GET [namespace current]::HandleGet]
- puts "Listening on"
- socket -server [list [namespace current]::Server $ctx] -myaddr 8112
- vwait forever
- }
- }
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