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- module uc(
- clk,
- rst,
- ri,
- ind,
- regs_addr,
- regs_oe,
- regs_we,
- alu_oe,
- alu_carry,
- alu_opcode,
- ram_oe,
- ram_we,
- io_oe,
- io_we,
- cp_oe,
- cp_we,
- ind_sel,
- ind_oe,
- ind_we,
- am_oe,
- am_we,
- aie_oe,
- aie_we,
- t1_oe,
- t1_we,
- t2_oe,
- t2_we,
- ri_oe,
- ri_we,
- disp_state
- );
- parameter word_width = 16;
- parameter state_width = 16;
- `define ADC 0
- `define SBB1 1
- `define SBB2 2
- `define NOT 3
- `define AND 4
- `define OR 5
- `define XOR 6
- `define SHL 7
- `define SHR 8
- `define SAR 9
- `define RA 0
- `define RB 1
- `define RC 2
- `define IS 3
- `define XA 4
- `define XB 5
- `define BA 6
- `define BB 7
- input clk;
- input rst;
- input [word_width-1 : 0] ri;
- input [word_width-1 : 0] ind;
- output reg alu_oe;
- output reg alu_carry;
- output reg[3 : 0] alu_opcode;
- output reg ram_oe;
- output reg ram_we;
- output reg io_oe;
- output reg io_we;
- output reg[2 : 0] regs_addr;
- output reg regs_oe;
- output reg regs_we;
- output reg cp_oe;
- output reg cp_we;
- output reg ind_sel; // controls IND register input (0 = bus, 1 = alu flags)
- output reg ind_oe;
- output reg ind_we;
- output reg am_oe;
- output reg am_we;
- output reg aie_oe;
- output reg aie_we;
- output reg t1_oe;
- output reg t1_we;
- output reg t2_oe;
- output reg t2_we;
- output reg ri_oe; // controls RI register output which generates the offset for Jcond instructions
- output reg ri_we;
- output[state_width-1 : 0] disp_state;
- wire [0:6] cop;
- wire d;
- wire [0:1] mod;
- wire [0:2] rg;
- wire [0:2] rm;
- assign cop = {ri[0], ri[1], ri[2], ri[3], ri[4], ri[5], ri[6]};
- assign d = {ri[7]};
- assign mod = {ri[8], ri[9]};
- assign rg = {ri[10], ri[11], ri[12]};
- assign rm = {ri[13], ri[14], ri[15]};
- `define reset 'h00 // reset state
- `define fetch 'h10 // load instruction to instruction register
- `define decode 'h20 // analyze loaded instruction
- `define addr_sum 'h30 // computes address of the form [By+Xz] with y,z in {A, B}
- `define addr_reg 'h34 // computes address of the form [yz] with y in {X, B} and z in {A, B}
- `define load_src_reg 'h40 // load source operand from register
- `define load_src_mem 'h44 // load source operand from memory
- `define load_dst_reg 'h50 // load destination operand from register
- `define load_dst_mem 'h54 // load destination operand from memory
- `define exec_1op 'h60 // execute 1 operand instructions
- `define exec_2op 'h64 // execute 2 operand instructions
- `define store_reg 'h70 // store result to register
- `define store_mem 'h74 // store result to memory
- `define inc_cp 'h80 // increment program counter
- reg [state_width-1 : 0] state = `reset, state_next;
- reg [state_width-1 : 0] decoded_src, decoded_src_next; // stores decoded source operand load state
- reg [state_width-1 : 0] decoded_dst, decoded_dst_next; // stores decoded destination operand load state
- reg [state_width-1 : 0] decoded_exec, decoded_exec_next; // stores decoded execute state
- reg [state_width-1 : 0] decoded_store, decoded_store_next; // stores decoded store state
- reg decoded_d, decoded_d_next; // stores decoded direction bit
- // FSM - sequential part
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- state <= `reset;
- if(!rst) begin
- state <= state_next;
- if(state == `decode) begin
- decoded_src <= decoded_src_next;
- decoded_dst <= decoded_dst_next;
- decoded_exec <= decoded_exec_next;
- decoded_store <= decoded_store_next;
- decoded_d <= decoded_d_next;
- end
- end
- end
- // FSM - combinational part
- always @(*) begin
- state_next = `reset;
- decoded_src_next = `reset;
- decoded_dst_next = `reset;
- decoded_exec_next = `reset;
- decoded_store_next = `reset;
- decoded_d_next = 0;
- alu_oe = 0;
- alu_carry = 0;
- alu_opcode = 0;
- ram_oe = 0;
- ram_we = 0;
- io_oe = 0;
- io_we = 0;
- regs_addr = 0;
- regs_oe = 0;
- regs_we = 0;
- cp_oe = 0;
- cp_we = 0;
- ind_sel = 0;
- ind_oe = 0;
- ind_we = 0;
- am_oe = 0;
- am_we = 0;
- aie_oe = 0;
- aie_we = 0;
- t1_oe = 0;
- t1_we = 0;
- t2_oe = 0;
- t2_we = 0;
- ri_oe = 0;
- ri_we = 0;
- case(state)
- `reset: begin
- state_next = `fetch;
- end
- `fetch: begin
- cp_oe = 1;
- am_we = 1;
- state_next = `fetch + 1;
- end
- `fetch + 'd1: begin
- am_oe = 1;
- state_next = `fetch + 2;
- end
- `fetch + 'd2: begin
- ram_oe = 1;
- ri_we = 1;
- state_next = `decode;
- end
- `decode: begin
- // decode location of operands and operation
- if(cop[0:3] == 4'b0001) begin // one operand instructions
- decoded_d_next = 0;
- decoded_dst_next = mod == 2'b11 ? `load_dst_reg : `load_dst_mem;
- decoded_src_next = decoded_dst_next;
- decoded_exec_next = `exec_1op;
- decoded_store_next = mod == 2'b11 ? `store_reg : `store_mem;
- end
- else if(cop[0:2] == 3'b010) begin // two operand instructions
- decoded_d_next = d;
- decoded_dst_next = (mod == 2'b11) || (d == 1) ? `load_dst_reg : `load_dst_mem;
- decoded_src_next = (mod == 2'b11) || (d == 0) ? `load_src_reg : `load_src_mem;
- decoded_exec_next = `exec_2op;
- decoded_store_next = !cop[3] ? `inc_cp : ((mod == 2'b11) || (d == 1) ? `store_reg : `store_mem);
- end
- // decode address calculation mode
- case(mod)
- 2'b00: begin
- state_next = rm[0] ? `addr_reg : `addr_sum;
- end
- 2'b11: begin
- state_next = decoded_src_next;
- end
- endcase
- end
- `addr_sum: begin
- regs_addr = rm[1] ? `BB : `BA;
- regs_oe = 1;
- t1_we = 1;
- state_next = `addr_sum + 1;
- end
- `addr_sum + 'd1: begin
- regs_addr = rm[2] ? `XB : `XA;
- regs_oe = 1;
- t2_we = 1;
- state_next = `addr_sum + 2;
- end
- `addr_sum + 'd2: begin
- t1_oe = 1;
- t2_oe = 1;
- alu_carry = 0;
- alu_opcode = `ADC;
- alu_oe = 1;
- if(decoded_d)
- t2_we = 1;
- else
- t1_we = 1;
- state_next = decoded_src;
- end
- `addr_reg: begin
- regs_addr = rm;
- regs_oe = 1;
- if(decoded_d)
- t2_we = 1;
- else
- t1_we = 1;
- state_next = decoded_src;
- end
- `load_src_reg: begin
- regs_addr = decoded_d ? rm : rg;
- regs_oe = 1;
- t2_we = 1;
- state_next = decoded_dst;
- end
- `load_src_mem: begin
- t1_oe = 0;
- t2_oe = 1;
- alu_opcode = `OR;
- alu_oe = 1;
- am_we = 1;
- state_next = `load_src_mem + 1;
- end
- `load_src_mem + 'd1: begin
- am_oe = 1;
- state_next = `load_src_mem + 2;
- end
- `load_src_mem + 'd2: begin
- ram_oe = 1;
- t2_we = 1;
- state_next = decoded_dst;
- end
- `load_dst_reg: begin
- regs_addr = decoded_d ? rg : rm;
- regs_oe = 1;
- t1_we = 1;
- state_next = decoded_exec;
- end
- `load_dst_mem: begin
- t1_oe = 1;
- t2_oe = 0;
- alu_opcode = `OR;
- alu_oe = 1;
- am_we = 1;
- state_next = `load_dst_mem + 1;
- end
- `load_dst_mem + 'd1: begin
- am_oe = 1;
- state_next = `load_dst_mem + 2;
- end
- `load_dst_mem + 'd2: begin
- ram_oe = 1;
- t1_we = 1;
- state_next = decoded_exec;
- end
- `exec_1op: begin
- t1_oe = 1;
- case(cop[4:6])
- 3'b000: begin // INC
- alu_carry = 1;
- alu_opcode = `ADC;
- end
- 3'b001: begin // DEC
- alu_carry = 1;
- alu_opcode = `SBB1;
- end
- 3'b010: begin // NEG
- alu_carry = 0;
- alu_opcode = `SBB2;
- end
- 3'b011: begin // NOT
- alu_opcode = `NOT;
- end
- 3'b100: alu_opcode = `SHL; // SHL/SAL
- 3'b101: alu_opcode = `SHR; // SHR
- 3'b110: alu_opcode = `SAR; // SAR
- endcase
- alu_oe = 1;
- t1_we = 1;
- ind_sel = 1;
- ind_we = 1;
- state_next = decoded_store;
- end
- `exec_2op: begin
- t1_oe = 1;
- t2_oe = 1;
- case(cop[4:6])
- 3'b000: begin // ADD
- alu_carry = 0;
- alu_opcode = `ADC;
- end
- 3'b001: begin // ADC
- alu_carry = ind[0];
- alu_opcode = `ADC;
- end
- 3'b010: begin // SUB/CMP
- alu_carry = 0;
- alu_opcode = `SBB1;
- end
- 3'b011: begin // SBB
- alu_carry = ind[0];
- alu_opcode = `SBB1;
- end
- 3'b100: alu_opcode = `AND; // AND/TEST
- 3'b101: alu_opcode = `OR; // OR
- 3'b110: alu_opcode = `XOR; // XOR
- endcase
- alu_oe = 1;
- t1_we = 1;
- ind_sel = 1;
- ind_we = 1;
- state_next = decoded_store;
- end
- `store_reg: begin
- t1_oe = 1;
- t2_oe = 0;
- alu_opcode = `OR;
- alu_oe = 1;
- regs_addr = decoded_d ? rg : rm;
- regs_we = 1;
- state_next = `inc_cp;
- end
- `store_mem: begin
- t1_oe = 1;
- t2_oe = 0;
- alu_opcode = `OR;
- alu_oe = 1;
- am_oe = 1;
- ram_we = 1;
- state_next = `store_mem + 1;
- end
- `store_mem + 'd1: begin
- state_next = `inc_cp;
- end
- `inc_cp: begin
- cp_oe = 1;
- t1_we = 1;
- state_next = `inc_cp + 1;
- end
- `inc_cp + 'd1: begin
- t1_oe = 1;
- cp_we = 1;
- alu_oe = 1;
- alu_carry = 1;
- alu_opcode = `ADC;
- state_next = `fetch;
- end
- default: ;
- endcase
- end
- assign disp_state = state;
- endmodule
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