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- #!/usr/bin/python3
- import turtle
- import time
- import math
- # There is a chance all of this has to be in raw mode on the pi
- #Demo functions for sketch-y-etch
- t = turtle.Turtle()
- t.hideturtle()
- t.speed(0.5)
- t.width(4)
- t.color("blue")
- # Set up the turtle screen
- screen = turtle.Screen()
- screen.setup(width=1.0, height=1.0) # Set the window to full-screen mode
- ####General Use Function#####
- def blank():
- t.clear()
- t.goto(0,0)
- #######Function drawings#####
- def draw_Flower():
- #inverted Arguelle's mandala
- RAD = 200
- radii = [RAD, RAD/1.25, RAD/1.5, RAD/1.75, RAD/2, RAD/2.25, RAD/3, RAD/4]
- def derp():
- t.pendown()
- for r in radii:
-, 360)
- t.penup()
- derp()
- t.left(-90)
- derp()
- t.goto(0,0)
- t.left(-180)
- derp()
- t.goto(0,0)
- t.left(-270)
- derp()
- def mandala():
- ##
- t.pendown()
- for times in range(36):
- t.color("blue")
- t.speed(11)
- t.color("red")
- t.forward(200)
- t.left(120)
- t.color("orange")
- t.forward(100)
- t.right(120)
- t.left(170)
- t.left(20)
- t.forward(15)
- def arguelles():
- RAD = 200
- radii = [RAD, RAD/1.25, RAD/1.5, RAD/1.75, RAD/2, RAD/2.25, RAD/3, RAD/4]
- def derp():
- t.pendown()
- for r in radii:
-, 360)
- t.penup()
- derp()
- t.goto(RAD,RAD)
- t.left(90)
- derp()
- t.goto(0,0)
- t.goto(-RAD,RAD)
- t.left(180)
- derp()
- t.goto(0,0)
- t.goto(0,RAD*2)
- t.left(270)
- derp()
- #Demo mode function for dumping source code clone to the turtle window
- def dumpSRC():
- def draw_text_line(t, text, y):
- t.penup()
- t.goto(-300, y) # Start position for the text
- t.pendown()
- t.write(text, font=("Arial", 12, "normal")) # Write the text
- with open("source.txt", "r") as file:
- y = 350 # Starting y-coordinate for the first line of text
- for line in file:
- draw_text_line(t, line.strip(), y)
- y -= 20 # Move down for the next line
- # Check if the next line will exceed the window height
- if y < -350:
- time.sleep(2)
- # Clear the screen & resume writing
- t.clear()
- # Reset the start position
- y = 350
- draw_text_line(t, "Source Code Dump Successful", y)
- # Draw a yin yang symbol
- def taiju():
- t.penup()
- RAD = 200
- RAD2 = RAD / 2
- RAD6 = RAD / 6
- t.hideturtle()
- t.degrees() # Switch to degrees
- t.goto(0,-RAD)
- t.pendown()
- # Draw the circle, radius 100, half black
- t.fillcolor('black')
- t.begin_fill()
-, 180)
- t.end_fill()
-, 180)
- # Draw black head
- t.left(180)
- t.penup()
- t.goto(0, RAD)
- t.pendown()
- t.begin_fill()
-, 180)
- t.end_fill()
- # Draw white head
- t.penup()
- t.goto(0, -RAD)
- t.pendown()
- t.fillcolor('white')
- t.begin_fill()
-, 180)
- t.end_fill()
- # Draw eyes
- t.penup()
- t.goto(0, RAD2 + RAD6)
- t.begin_fill()
- t.end_fill()
- t.fillcolor('black')
- #t.goto(0, 2 * (RAD - RAD6))
- t.goto(0, 2 * (-RAD6))
- t.begin_fill()
- t.end_fill()
- """
- Functions:
- draw_Flower()
- mandala()
- arguelles()
- dumpSRC()
- taiju()
- """
- arguelles()
- time.sleep(3)
- blank()
- draw_Flower()
- time.sleep(3)
- blank()
- dumpSRC() #text size could be increased
- time.sleep(3)
- t.clear()
- t.color("black")
- taiju()
- time.sleep(3)
- blank()
- mandala() # on func end color is yellow
- time.sleep(3)
- """
- #Todo
- *Fixed! bugs that occurred when making it run full screen
- add more functions,
- write a loop.
- listen for IO,
- kill other processes,
- write a class, or a library
- """
- turtle reset resets every thing, and turtle clear only errases the screen, not the other settings. blank() maintains things like cursor shape, width, color, pen-settings. etc. Clears the screen, and goes home
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