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- ################################################################################
- ### Derive the size of asset bubbles in the US economy in US 2019 dollars.
- ###
- ### * Mathew Binkley <>
- ###
- ### Right now this script can derive the total size of the asset bubble,
- ### and also the size of the stock bubble portion. I am working on creating
- ### measures for housing & commercial real estate and commodity bubbles as well.
- ################################################################################
- ################################################################################
- ### Load necessary packages, installing if necessary
- ################################################################################
- packages <- c("fredr", "ggplot2", "ggthemes", "lubridate", "forecast",
- "tsibble", "dplyr")
- new.packages <- packages[!(packages %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])]
- if(length(new.packages)) install.packages(new.packages, quiet = TRUE)
- invisible(lapply(packages, "library",
- quietly = TRUE,
- character.only = TRUE,
- warn.conflicts = FALSE))
- ### Set my FRED API key to access the FRED database.
- ### You may request an API key at:
- ###
- fredr_set_key(API_KEY_FRED)
- ################################################################################
- ### A data.frame containing recession start/stop dates, so we can add recession
- ### bars to our graph
- ################################################################################
- recessions.df = read.table(textConnection(
- "Peak, Trough
- 1948-11-01, 1949-10-01
- 1953-07-01, 1954-05-01
- 1957-08-01, 1958-04-01
- 1960-04-01, 1961-02-01
- 1969-12-01, 1970-11-01
- 1973-11-01, 1975-03-01
- 1980-01-01, 1980-07-01
- 1981-07-01, 1982-11-01
- 1990-07-01, 1991-03-01
- 2001-03-01, 2001-11-01
- 2007-12-01, 2009-06-01"),
- sep=',', colClasses=c('Date', 'Date'), header=TRUE)
- ### What date ranges do we want?
- Date.start = "1996-01-01"
- Date.end = "2017-01-01" # I wish market cap dataset had more current data...
- ### FRED Real GDP gives Real GDP in 2012 dollars. To get it in real
- ### 2019 dollars, multiply by 1.12 to account for inflation. Adjust
- ### inflation if you're running it in different years.
- Inflation = 1.12
- ################################################################################
- ### Import Household Wealth from FRED
- ################################################################################
- Series = "TNWBSHNO"
- data <- as_tsibble(fredr(series_id = Series,
- frequency = "a",
- observation_start = as.Date(Date.start),
- observation_end = as.Date(Date.end)), index = "date")
- Date <- data %>% pull('date')
- HouseholdWealth <- data %>% pull('value')
- ################################################################################
- ### Import Stock Market Capitalization to GDP for US from FRED
- ################################################################################
- Series = "DDDM01USA156NWDB"
- data <- as_tsibble(fredr(series_id = Series,
- frequency = "a",
- observation_start = as.Date(Date.start),
- observation_end = as.Date(Date.end)), index = "date")
- StockMarketCapitalization_to_GDP <- data %>% pull('value')
- ################################################################################
- ### Import Nominal GDP from FRED
- ################################################################################
- Series = "GDP"
- data <- as_tsibble(fredr(series_id = Series,
- frequency = "a",
- observation_start = as.Date(Date.start),
- observation_end = as.Date(Date.end)), index = "date")
- NominalGDP <- data %>% pull('value')
- ################################################################################
- ### Import Real GDP from FRED
- ################################################################################
- Series = "GDPC1"
- data <- as_tsibble(fredr(series_id = Series,
- frequency = "a",
- observation_start = as.Date(Date.start),
- observation_end = as.Date(Date.end)), index = "date")
- RealGDP <- data %>% pull('value')
- ################################################################################
- ### Calculation section for total asset bubble size
- ### (including stocks, homes, gold, etc.)
- ################################################################################
- ### Compute the ratio of Household Wealth to Nominal GDP
- Wealth_to_GDP = HouseholdWealth / NominalGDP
- ### If you plot Wealth_to_GDP, you see there are some long-term trends that sit
- ### beneath the asset bubbles. Judging by their long-term correlation with
- ### bond prices, they may reflect "bond bubbles", or perhaps longer-term
- ### economic/public policy changes.
- ###
- ### I'm primarily interested in the "frothy" bubbles on top, as they tend not
- ### to fall below the trends when they pop. So I extract them from the
- ### underlying "bond bubbles" by modeling the trend as three piecewise sections,
- ### taking the local minima inside each trend, and using a linear regression to
- ### determine the floors.
- ### Pre-1960: Wealth_Floor = -72.60170 + 0.038941*Year
- ### 1960-1978.75: Wealth_Floor = +52.16769 - 0.024760*Year
- ### 1982 -> Present: Wealth_Floor = -63.48539 + 0.033682*Year
- AllAssetBubbles <- rep( NA, length( Wealth_to_GDP ))
- early <- Date <= as.Date("1959-09-03")
- late <- Date > as.Date("1978-12-14")
- mid <- !early & !late
- AllAssetBubbles[early] <- Wealth_to_GDP[early] + 72.6017 - 0.038941*decimal_date(Date[early])
- AllAssetBubbles[mid] <- Wealth_to_GDP[mid] - 52.1677 + 0.024760*decimal_date(Date[mid])
- AllAssetBubbles[late] <- Wealth_to_GDP[late] + 63.4854 - 0.033682*decimal_date(Date[late])
- ### Calulate the real 2019 dollar value of the asset bubbles
- AllAssetBubbles_RealDollars = Inflation * AllAssetBubbles * RealGDP / 1000
- ################################################################################
- ### Calculation section for stock bubble size
- ################################################################################
- ### Analogous to extracting total asset bubble size by examining household
- ### wealth to GDP, we examine stock market wealth to GDP to find the size of the
- ### stock market bubble. This only approximate for several reasons such as
- ### significantly less data to analyze with, the coarseness of the data
- ### (annually for household wealth vs quarterly for stock market cap from FRED),
- ### and the initial starting date of the value is close to the bubble.
- ### Better data sources would help tremendously here.
- ### Get the Stock Market Cap to GDP, scaled correctly for our calculation
- StockBubble_in_GDP = ((StockMarketCapitalization_to_GDP/100) - 1)
- ### Multiply by Real GDP, multiply by inflation, and scale by 1000
- ### to get the size of the stock bubble in trillions of real 2019 US $
- StockBubbleSize = Inflation * StockBubble_in_GDP * RealGDP / 1000
- ################################################################################
- ### Calculation section for housing bubble size
- ################################################################################
- ### Note: I'm still working on a method to directly derive the size of the
- ### housing bubble. Until then, as a decent approximation, assume that:
- HousingBubble = AllBubbles - StockBubbles
- ################################################################################
- ### Graphing section
- ################################################################################
- ### Our data frame for graphing...
- data.df = data.frame(Date = Date,
- AllBubbles = AllAssetBubbles_RealDollars,
- StockBubbles = StockBubbleSize,
- HousingBubbles = HousingBubble)
- ### The subset of recessions that lie within the date range of our data
- recessions.trim = subset(recessions.df, Peak >= min(Date))
- ### Graph globals
- AnnotationColor = "black"
- ### Common caption strings to make doing the caption easier
- C1 = "Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (US), Households and nonprofit organizations; net worth, Level [TNWBSHNO]\n"
- C2 = "World Bank, Stock Market Capitalization to GDP for United States [DDDM01USA156NWDB]\n"
- C3 = "U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, Gross Domestic Product [GDP]\n"
- C4 = "U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, Real Gross Domestic Product [GDPC1]\n"
- C5 = paste("Data retrieved from FRED, Federal Research Bank of St. Louis on", format(Sys.time(), "%B %d, %Y at %I:%M %p %Z"))
- ### Create the graph
- Title = "Total Asset Bubble Size alongside Stock Bubble Size"
- Subtitle = "Recessions marked with vertical bars"
- Caption = paste(C1, C2, C3, C4, C5)
- XLab = "Year"
- YLab = "Trillions of 2019 US $"
- P <- ggplot(data = data.df, mapping = aes(x = Date, y = AllBubbles)) +
- theme_economist() + scale_colour_economist() +
- theme(legend.title = element_blank()) +
- labs(title = Title, subtitle = Subtitle, caption = Caption, x = XLab, y = YLab) +
- scale_x_date(limits = c(as.Date(Date.start), as.Date(Date.end))) +
- geom_line(data = data.df, size = 1.3,
- aes(y = AllBubbles,
- color = "All Asset Bubbles", linetype = "All Asset Bubbles")) +
- geom_line(data = data.df, size = 1.3,
- aes(y = StockBubbles,
- color = "Stock Bubbles", linetype = "Stock Bubbles")) +
- geom_line(data = data.df, size = 1.3,
- aes(y = AllBubbles - StockBubbles,
- color = "Imputed Housing Bubbles", linetype = "Imputed Housing Bubbles")) +
- scale_linetype_manual(name = "colour",
- values = c("All Asset Bubbles" = "solid",
- "Stock Bubbles" = "solid",
- "Imputed Housing Bubbles" = "dotted")) +
- geom_rect(data = recessions.trim, inherit.aes = F, fill='darkgray', alpha=0.25,
- aes(xmin = as.Date(Peak), xmax = as.Date(Trough), ymin = -Inf, ymax = +Inf)) +
- annotate("text", x = as.Date("2000-01-01"), y = 10,
- label = "Dot.Com\nBubble", size = 5, color = AnnotationColor) +
- annotate("text", x = as.Date("2006-04-01"), y = 16,
- label = "Great Recession\nBubble", size = 5, color = AnnotationColor) +
- annotate("text", x = as.Date("2017-01-01"), y = 19,
- label = "\nCurrent\nBubble", size = 5, color = AnnotationColor)
- print(P)
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