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- import("ScarUtil.scar")
- import("WXPScarUtil.scar")
- function OnGameSetup()
- Setup_Player(1, "BERKYT", "necron_race", 1)
- -- Setup_Player(0, "BERKYT", "necron_race", 0)
- g_Player1 = World_GetPlayerAt(0)
- g_Player2 = World_GetPlayerAt(1)
- Misc_PlayerTeamColor(g_Player2, "default_2")
- g_is_first_wave = true
- g_checked_triggers_flayed = {}
- g_table_squad_stuck_timer = {}
- g_time_constant = {
- one_min = 60,
- one_min_thirty = 60 + 30,
- two_min = 60 * 2,
- five_min = 60 * 5,
- ten_min = 60 * 10
- }
- g_time_wave = 0
- g_global_time = 0
- g_num_of_wave = 0
- g_interval_wave = g_time_constant.two_min
- g_is_wave = false
- g_ad_count = 0
- g_check_triggers = {}
- g_check_tasks = {}
- g_check_ec = {}
- g_check_all = {}
- g_check_ec["NIS_Dialog_If_Exist_EC"] = 0
- end
- function OnInit()
- InitHQPlayer()
- Fade_Start(2, true)
- DeleteHq("mkr_BERKYT_script_deleteSquads", "mkr_BERKYT_script_deleteEntities")
- Rule_SetupMusicPlaylist()
- Util_StartNIS( EVENTS.NIS_Opening )
- UpgradeLP()
- UpgradeMonoliths()
- NecronResearch()
- -- DebugMode()
- Player_SetAllResources(g_Player1, 2000, 2000)
- Rule_Add(CheckMarkerFlayeds)
- Rule_Add(CheckMarkerHomeFlayeds)
- Rule_Add(CheckMarkerTaskOne)
- Rule_Add(CheckHPEenergyCore)
- Rule_Add(WinMode)
- Rule_Add(CheckIsUnderAttackMainBase)
- Rule_AddOneShot(StartAttack, g_time_constant.two_min + 30)
- Rule_AddOneShot(InitArmyNecron, g_time_constant.one_min_thirty)
- Rule_AddOneShot(MainObjective, g_time_constant.one_min)
- Rule_AddOneShot(Objective_2, g_time_constant.one_min + 15)
- Rule_AddOneShot(StartDialog, g_time_constant.one_min + 20)
- Rule_AddInterval(GlobalGameTimer, 1)
- Rule_AddInterval(InitWave, 1)
- Rule_AddInterval(CheckHPHQPlayer, 1)
- Rule_AddInterval(Ad, g_time_constant.five_min)
- end
- Scar_AddInit(OnInit)
- function StartDialog()
- Util_StartNIS( EVENTS.NIS_Dialog_Start )
- end
- function InitHQPlayer()
- Player_GetAllEntitiesNearMarker(g_Player1, "hq_player", "mkr_hq_player")
- end
- function CheckHPHQPlayer()
- print("EGroup_GetAvgHealth(hq_player)="..EGroup_GetAvgHealth("hq_player"))
- if EGroup_GetAvgHealth("hq_player") <= 0 and g_check_all["hq_player"] == nil then
- g_check_all["hq_player"] = true
- Util_MissionTitle("You lose.")
- Rule_AddOneShot(GameOver, 5)
- end
- end
- function MainObjective()
- Ping_Marker("mkr_task_main", false, attack)
- local obj_table = {title_id = 10075533, short_desc_id = 10075534, help_tip_id = 10075535}
- Objective_Add(obj_table, true)
- end
- function Objective_1()
- for i = 1, 3 do
- Ping_Marker("task_1_"..i, false, attack)
- end
- local obj_table = {title_id = 10075536, short_desc_id = 10075537, help_tip_id = 10075538}
- Objective_Add(obj_table, false)
- end
- function Objective_2()
- Ping_Marker("mkr_hq_player", false, attack)
- local obj_table = {title_id = 10075551, short_desc_id = 10075552, help_tip_id = 10075553}
- Objective_Add(obj_table, true)
- end
- -- This function created by SWayfarer
- function DeleteHq(mkr_sg, mkr_eg)
- local i1 = 0
- local eg = "rjgrfjlrefvrfgftgb"
- local sg = "brjrfgbkfgnf3243re"
- if (Marker_Exists(mkr_eg, "basic_marker")) then
- for i1 = 1, World_GetPlayerCount() do
- Player_GetAllEntitiesNearMarker(World_GetPlayerAt(i1 - 1), eg, mkr_eg)
- EGroup_DestroyAllEntities(eg)
- EGroup_Destroy(eg)
- end
- else
- print("<Berkyt's Map> (Error) Can't remove entities because special marker not exists!")
- end
- if (Marker_Exists(mkr_sg, "basic_marker")) then
- for i1 = 1, World_GetPlayerCount() do
- Player_GetAllSquadsNearMarker(World_GetPlayerAt(i1 - 1), sg, mkr_sg)
- SGroup_DestroyAllSquads(sg)
- SGroup_Destroy(sg)
- end
- else
- print("<Berkyt's Map> (Error) Can't remove squads because special marker not exists!")
- end
- end
- --
- function GameOver()
- World_SetGameOver()
- end
- function CheckHPEenergyCore()
- local sum_ec = 0
- for i = 1, 3 do
- sum_ec = sum_ec + EGroup_GetAvgHealth("eg_energy_cores_"..i)
- end
- if sum_ec == 0 and g_check_tasks["eg_energy_cores"] == nil then
- g_check_tasks["eg_energy_cores"] = false
- local title_id_1 = 10075536
- Objective_SetState ( title_id_1, OS_Complete)
- end
- end
- function CheckIsUnderAttackMainBase()
- if EGroup_IsUnderAttack("eg_main_mono", true) then
- for i = 1, 999 do
- local mkr = "mkr_energy_core_warrior_"..i
- local eg_energy_cores = "eg_energy_cores_"..i
- if Marker_Exists(mkr, "basic_marker") and EGroup_Exists(eg_energy_cores) then
- if g_check_ec[eg_energy_cores] == nil then
- g_check_ec[eg_energy_cores] = true
- SpanwUnitIfEnergyCoreExist(eg_energy_cores, mkr)
- end
- end
- end
- if g_check_ec["NIS_Dialog_If_Exist_EC"] == 0 then
- g_check_ec["NIS_Dialog_If_Exist_EC"] = 1
- Util_StartNIS(EVENTS.NIS_Dialog_If_Exist_EC)
- end
- end
- end
- function TableLength(t)
- local len = 0
- for _, _ in pairs(t) do
- len = len + 1
- end
- return len
- end
- function SpanwUnitIfEnergyCoreExist(e_group, mkr)
- local artefacts_units_of_solemnace = {
- "guard_squad_baneblade",
- "eldar_squad_avatar",
- "chaos_squad_bloodthirster",
- "necron_night_bringer",
- "ork_squad_squiggoth",
- "space_marine_squad_land_raider",
- "tau_hammerhead_gunship_squad",
- }
- if EGroup_GetAvgHealth(e_group) ~= 0 then
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(g_Player2, "sg_artefacts_units_of_solemnace_"..mkr, artefacts_units_of_solemnace[World_GetRand(1, TableLength(artefacts_units_of_solemnace))], mkr, 1, 999)
- Cmd_AttackMoveMarker("sg_artefacts_units_of_solemnace_"..mkr, "mkr_focus")
- end
- end
- function WinMode()
- local eg_main_mono = "eg_main_mono"
- if EGroup_GetAvgHealth(eg_main_mono) == 0 and g_check_tasks[eg_main_mono] == nil then
- g_check_tasks[eg_main_mono] = true
- local mkr_delete = "mkr_delete_all_for_cinematic"
- DeleteHq(mkr_delete, mkr_delete)
- Util_MissionTitle("You Win!")
- local title_id_1 = 10075533
- Objective_SetState ( title_id_1, OS_Complete)
- Util_StartNIS(EVENTS.NIS_Final)
- -- GameOver()
- end
- end
- function Rule_SetupMusicPlaylist()
- t_music = {"MU_IG_THEME_Nightbringer", "MU_IG_STR_Necron", "MU_IG_STR_Necron_perc", "MU_IG_STR_Necron_perc_brass", "MU_IG_STR_Necron_perc_str"}
- Playlist_Manager( PC_Music, t_music, true, true , {20, 40})
- t_ambient_sound = {"AM_IG_STR_Necron"}
- Playlist_Manager( PC_Ambient, t_ambient_sound, true, true , {2, 4})
- end
- function UpgradeMonoliths()
- EGroup_ForceAddOn("eg_Monolith_1", "addon_necron_hq_2")
- for i = 2, 9 do
- EGroup_ForceAddOn("eg_Monolith_"..i, "addon_necron_hq_"..World_GetRand(1, 2))
- end
- end
- function TompSpyders()
- --Necron Tomb Spyders = 3
- for i = 1, 3 do
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(g_Player2, "sg_TombSpyder_"..i, "necron_tomb_spyder_squad", "mkr_S_TombSpyder_"..i, 1, 1)
- Cpu_LockSGroupAcrossPlayers("sg_TombSpyder_"..i)
- World_SetDeadMissionStart("sg_TombSpyder_"..i)
- end
- end
- function NecronResearch()
- Player_GrantResearch (g_Player2, "necron_night_bringer_research")
- Player_GrantResearch (g_Player2, "necron_resurrection_orb_research")
- Player_GrantResearch (g_Player2, "necron_night_bringer_research")
- Player_GrantResearch (g_Player2, "necron_beacon_research")
- Player_GrantResearch (g_Player2, "necron_beacon_research2")
- end
- function UpgradeLP()
- for num = 1, 9 do
- EGroup_ForceAddOn("eg_lp_"..num, "addon_necron_list_post_2")
- end
- end
- function DebugMode()
- FOW_RevealAll()
- for i = 1, 999 do
- local mkr = "mkr_debug_"..i
- if Marker_Exists(mkr, "basic_marker") then
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(g_Player1, "saasdasdasd", "tau_hammerhead_gunship_squad", mkr, 5, 999)
- end
- end
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(g_Player1, "saasdasdasd", "tau_hammerhead_gunship_squad", "mkr_focus", 5, 999)
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(g_Player1, "saasdasdasd", "tau_hammerhead_gunship_squad", "mkr_par_1", 5, 999)
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(g_Player1, "saasdasdasd", "tau_hammerhead_gunship_squad", "mkr_cinematic_final_nw_1", 5, 999)
- end
- function Test()
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(g_Player2, "sg_NISDeepstrike1", "necron_flayed_one_squad", "mkr_flayed_11", 1, 999)
- SGroup_DeSpawn("sg_NISDeepstrike1")
- Squad_DeepStrikeToPos(SGroup_FromName("sg_NISDeepstrike1"), "monolith", Marker_GetPosition(Marker_FromName("mkr_flayed_11", "basic_marker")))
- end
- function PlayerHasAnySquadAtMarker(playerId, mkr)
- local sgName = "sg_unit_198203701311592837098181283"
- SGroup_CreateIfNotFound(sgName)
- SGroup_Clear(sgName)
- Player_GetAllSquadsNearMarker(playerId, sgName, mkr)
- if (SGroup_Count(sgName) > 0) then
- return true
- end
- return false
- end
- function GlobalGameTimer()
- g_global_time = g_global_time + 1
- end
- function TimerWave()
- if not g_is_wave then
- g_time_wave = g_time_wave + 1
- end
- end
- function CheckingSquadStuck(sg_wave_troops_team)
- local time_wait = g_time_constant.one_min_thirty
- SGroup_CreateIfNotFound(sg_wave_troops_team)
- if SGroup_IsUnderAttack(sg_wave_troops_team, false) == false then
- g_table_squad_stuck_timer[sg_wave_troops_team] = g_table_squad_stuck_timer[sg_wave_troops_team] + 1
- if g_table_squad_stuck_timer[sg_wave_troops_team] >= time_wait then
- SGroup_DestroyAllSquads(sg_wave_troops_team)
- g_table_squad_stuck_timer[sg_wave_troops_team] = 0
- g_is_wave = false
- end
- else
- g_table_squad_stuck_timer[sg_wave_troops_team] = 0
- end
- end
- function GetMaxNumberOfMarker(name_mkr)
- local max_num_mkr = 0
- for i = 1, 999 do
- local mkr = name_mkr..i
- if Marker_Exists(mkr, "basic_marker") then
- max_num_mkr = max_num_mkr + 1
- end
- end
- return max_num_mkr
- end
- function InitWave()
- local sg_one_wave = "sg_one_wave"
- SGroup_CreateIfNotFound(sg_one_wave)
- TimerWave()
- if g_time_wave > g_interval_wave then
- g_is_wave = true
- g_table_squad_stuck_timer[sg_one_wave] = 0
- if SGroup_GetAvgHealth(sg_one_wave) == 0 then
- g_time_wave = 0
- CreateWave(sg_one_wave)
- end
- elseif g_is_wave and g_table_squad_stuck_timer[sg_one_wave] ~= nil then
- CheckingSquadStuck(sg_one_wave)
- end
- end
- function CreateWave(sg_one_wave)
- g_num_of_wave = g_num_of_wave + 1
- local waves = {}
- local max_num_mkr = GetMaxNumberOfMarker("mkr_wave_spawn_")
- if g_num_of_wave == 1 then
- for i = 1, World_GetRand(1, 3) do
- local mkr = "mkr_wave_spawn_"
- waves["wave"..i] = {
- group1 =
- {type_unit = "necron_basic_warrior_squad", count_unit = 999, mkr_spawn = mkr..World_GetRand(1, max_num_mkr), mkr_attack = "mkr_focus", s_group = sg_one_wave, count_squad = World_GetRand(0, 1)},
- group2 =
- {type_unit = "necron_wraith_squad", count_unit = 1, mkr_spawn = mkr..World_GetRand(1, max_num_mkr), mkr_attack = "mkr_focus", s_group = sg_one_wave, count_squad = World_GetRand(1, 3)},
- }
- end
- elseif g_num_of_wave == 2 then
- for i = 1, World_GetRand(1, 3) do
- local mkr = "mkr_wave_spawn_"
- waves["wave"..i] = {
- group1 =
- {type_unit = "necron_basic_warrior_squad", count_unit = 999, mkr_spawn = mkr..World_GetRand(1, max_num_mkr), mkr_attack = "mkr_focus", s_group = sg_one_wave, count_squad = World_GetRand(0, 1)},
- group2 =
- {type_unit = "necron_wraith_squad", count_unit = 1, mkr_spawn = mkr..World_GetRand(1, max_num_mkr), mkr_attack = "mkr_focus", s_group = sg_one_wave, count_squad = World_GetRand(1, 3)},
- group3 =
- {type_unit = "necron_immortal_squad", count_unit = 999, mkr_spawn = mkr..World_GetRand(1, max_num_mkr), mkr_attack = "mkr_focus", s_group = sg_one_wave, count_squad = World_GetRand(0, 1)},
- }
- end
- elseif g_num_of_wave == 3 then
- for i = 1, World_GetRand(1, 3) do
- local mkr = "mkr_wave_spawn_"
- waves["wave"..i] = {
- group1 =
- {type_unit = "necron_basic_warrior_squad", count_unit = 999, mkr_spawn = mkr..World_GetRand(1, max_num_mkr), mkr_attack = "mkr_focus", s_group = sg_one_wave, count_squad = World_GetRand(0, 1)},
- group2 =
- {type_unit = "necron_wraith_squad", count_unit = 1, mkr_spawn = mkr..World_GetRand(1, max_num_mkr), mkr_attack = "mkr_focus", s_group = sg_one_wave, count_squad = World_GetRand(1, 3)},
- group3 =
- {type_unit = "necron_immortal_squad", count_unit = 999, mkr_spawn = mkr..World_GetRand(1, max_num_mkr), mkr_attack = "mkr_focus", s_group = sg_one_wave, count_squad = World_GetRand(0, 1)},
- group4 =
- {type_unit = "necron_destroyer_squad", count_unit = 1, mkr_spawn = mkr..World_GetRand(1, max_num_mkr), mkr_attack = "mkr_focus", s_group = sg_one_wave, count_squad = World_GetRand(0, 1)},
- }
- end
- elseif g_num_of_wave == 4 then
- for i = 1, World_GetRand(1, 3) do
- local mkr = "mkr_wave_spawn_"
- waves["wave"..i] = {
- group1 =
- {type_unit = "necron_basic_warrior_squad", count_unit = 999, mkr_spawn = mkr..World_GetRand(1, max_num_mkr), mkr_attack = "mkr_focus", s_group = sg_one_wave, count_squad = World_GetRand(0, 1)},
- group2 =
- {type_unit = "necron_wraith_squad", count_unit = 1, mkr_spawn = mkr..World_GetRand(1, max_num_mkr), mkr_attack = "mkr_focus", s_group = sg_one_wave, count_squad = World_GetRand(1, 3)},
- group3 =
- {type_unit = "necron_immortal_squad", count_unit = 999, mkr_spawn = mkr..World_GetRand(1, max_num_mkr), mkr_attack = "mkr_focus", s_group = sg_one_wave, count_squad = World_GetRand(0, 1)},
- group4 =
- {type_unit = "necron_destroyer_squad", count_unit = 1, mkr_spawn = mkr..World_GetRand(1, max_num_mkr), mkr_attack = "mkr_focus", s_group = sg_one_wave, count_squad = World_GetRand(0, 1)},
- group5 =
- {type_unit = "necron_heavy_destroyer_squad", count_unit = 1, mkr_spawn = mkr..World_GetRand(1, max_num_mkr), mkr_attack = "mkr_focus", s_group = sg_one_wave, count_squad = World_GetRand(0, 1)},
- }
- end
- else
- for i = 1, World_GetRand(1, 2) do
- local mkr = "mkr_wave_spawn_"
- waves["wave"..i] = {
- group1 =
- {type_unit = "necron_basic_warrior_squad", count_unit = 999, mkr_spawn = mkr..World_GetRand(1, max_num_mkr), mkr_attack = "mkr_focus", s_group = sg_one_wave, count_squad = World_GetRand(0, 1)},
- group2 =
- {type_unit = "necron_wraith_squad", count_unit = 1, mkr_spawn = mkr..World_GetRand(1, max_num_mkr), mkr_attack = "mkr_focus", s_group = sg_one_wave, count_squad = World_GetRand(1, 3)},
- group3 =
- {type_unit = "necron_immortal_squad", count_unit = 999, mkr_spawn = mkr..World_GetRand(1, max_num_mkr), mkr_attack = "mkr_focus", s_group = sg_one_wave, count_squad = World_GetRand(0, 1)},
- group4 =
- {type_unit = "necron_destroyer_squad", count_unit = 1, mkr_spawn = mkr..World_GetRand(1, max_num_mkr), mkr_attack = "mkr_focus", s_group = sg_one_wave, count_squad = World_GetRand(0, 1)},
- group5 =
- {type_unit = "necron_heavy_destroyer_squad", count_unit = 1, mkr_spawn = mkr..World_GetRand(1, max_num_mkr), mkr_attack = "mkr_focus", s_group = sg_one_wave, count_squad = World_GetRand(0, 1)},
- group6 =
- {type_unit = "necron_lord_destroyer_squad", count_unit = 1, mkr_spawn = mkr..World_GetRand(1, max_num_mkr), mkr_attack = "mkr_focus", s_group = sg_one_wave, count_squad = World_GetRand(0, 1)},
- group7 =
- {type_unit = "necron_pariah_squad", count_unit = 999, mkr_spawn = mkr..World_GetRand(1, max_num_mkr), mkr_attack = "mkr_focus", s_group = sg_one_wave, count_squad = World_GetRand(0, 1)},
- group8 =
- {type_unit = "necron_wraith_squad", count_unit = 1, mkr_spawn = "mkr_wave_spawn_surprise", mkr_attack = "mkr_focus", s_group = sg_one_wave, count_squad = World_GetRand(0, 2)},
- }
- --Command_EntityBuild(g_Player2, EGroup_FromName("eg_Monolith_1"), "necron_tomb_spyder_squad")
- end
- end
- SpawnWave(waves)
- if g_is_first_wave then
- g_is_first_wave = false
- Util_StartNIS( EVENTS.NIS_FirstWave )
- end
- end
- function InitArmyNecron()
- function LocalCreateSquadsOnAllMarkers(type_unit, mkr_spawn, stance)
- local s_group = "sg_all_army"
- for i = 1, 999 do
- local mkr = mkr_spawn..i
- if Marker_Exists(mkr, "basic_marker") then
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(g_Player2, s_group, type_unit, mkr, 1, 999)
- Cmd_SetStance(s_group, stance)
- end
- end
- end
- LocalCreateSquadsOnAllMarkers("necron_basic_warrior_squad", "mkr_nw_", STANCE_Attack)
- LocalCreateSquadsOnAllMarkers("necron_immortal_squad", "mkr_im_", STANCE_Attack)
- LocalCreateSquadsOnAllMarkers("necron_destroyer_squad", "mkr_destr_", STANCE_Attack)
- LocalCreateSquadsOnAllMarkers("necron_heavy_destroyer_squad", "mkr_big_destr_", STANCE_Attack)
- LocalCreateSquadsOnAllMarkers("necron_lord_destroyer_squad", "mkr_lord_destr_", STANCE_Attack)
- LocalCreateSquadsOnAllMarkers("necron_pariah_squad", "mkr_par_", STANCE_Attack)
- LocalCreateSquadsOnAllMarkers("necron_restored_monolith_squad", "mkr_mon_", STANCE_Attack)
- end
- function CheckMarkerTaskOne()
- local mkr = "mkr_trigger_task_1"
- if g_check_triggers[mkr] == nil then
- if PlayerHasAnySquadAtMarker(g_Player1, mkr) then
- g_check_triggers[mkr] = true
- Util_StartNIS(EVENTS.NIS_TaskOne)
- Rule_AddOneShot(Objective_1, 45)
- end
- end
- end
- function CheckMarkerFlayeds()
- for num = 1, 999 do
- local mkr = "mkr_flayed_"..num
- if Marker_Exists(mkr, "basic_marker") then
- if g_checked_triggers_flayed[mkr] == nil then
- if PlayerHasAnySquadAtMarker(g_Player1, mkr) then
- g_checked_triggers_flayed[mkr] = true
- local sg = "sg_flayed_deepstrike"..num
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(g_Player2, sg, "necron_flayed_one_squad", "mkr_flayed_"..num, World_GetRand(1,3), 999)
- SGroup_DeSpawn(sg)
- Squad_DeepStrikeToPos(SGroup_FromName(sg), "monolith", Marker_GetPosition(Marker_FromName(mkr, "basic_marker")))
- Cmd_SetStance(sg, STANCE_Attack)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function CheckMarkerHomeFlayeds()
- for num = 1, 999 do
- local mkr = "mkr_flayed_home_"..num
- if Marker_Exists(mkr, "basic_marker") then
- if g_checked_triggers_flayed[mkr] == nil then
- if PlayerHasAnySquadAtMarker(g_Player1, mkr) then
- g_checked_triggers_flayed[mkr] = true
- local sg = "sg_flayed_home_deepstrike"..num
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(g_Player2, sg, "necron_flayed_one_squad", "mkr_flayed_"..num, 1, World_GetRand(1,3))
- SGroup_DeSpawn(sg)
- Squad_DeepStrikeToPos(SGroup_FromName(sg), "monolith", Marker_GetPosition(Marker_FromName(mkr, "basic_marker")))
- Cmd_SetStance(sg, STANCE_Attack)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function SpawnGroupUnitAndMoveAttack(type_unit, count_unit, mkr_spawn, mkr_attack, s_group)
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(g_Player2, s_group, type_unit, mkr_spawn, 1, count_unit)
- Cmd_AttackMoveMarker(s_group, mkr_attack)
- end
- function SpawnGroupUnit(type_unit, count_unit, mkr_spawn, s_group)
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(g_Player2, s_group, type_unit, mkr_spawn, 1, count_unit)
- end
- function SpawnWave(waves)
- for _, wave in pairs(waves) do
- if type(wave) == "table" then
- for _, group in pairs(wave) do
- if type(group) == "table" then
- for i = 1, group.count_squad do
- SpawnGroupUnitAndMoveAttack(group.type_unit, group.count_unit, group.mkr_spawn, group.mkr_attack, group.s_group)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function StartAttack()
- for num = 1, 3 do
- local sg = "sg_flayed_deepstrike_start_attack_"..num
- local mkr = "mkr_flayed_start_"..num
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(g_Player2, sg, "necron_flayed_one_squad", mkr, 1, World_GetRand(1,2))
- SGroup_DeSpawn(sg)
- Squad_DeepStrikeToPos(SGroup_FromName(sg), "monolith", Marker_GetPosition(Marker_FromName(mkr, "basic_marker")))
- Cmd_SetStance(sg, STANCE_Attack)
- end
- end
- function Sberbank()
- Util_MissionTitle("Sberbank: 5469 4000 2976 6750 (Check ReadMe - file)")
- end
- function VKontakte()
- Util_MissionTitle("VKontakte: (Check ReadMe - file)")
- end
- function Site_En()
- Util_MissionTitle("Visit my website and receive exclusive information!(Check ReadMe - file)")
- end
- function Site_Ru()
- Util_MissionTitle("Посетите мой сайт и получайте эксклюзивную информацию!(Проверьте 'ReadMe' - файл)")
- end
- function GameOver()
- World_SetGameOver()
- end
- function Ad()
- if g_ad_count == 0 then
- Sberbank()
- elseif g_ad_count == 1 then
- Site_En()
- elseif g_ad_count == 2 then
- VKontakte()
- else
- g_ad_count = -1
- end
- g_ad_count = g_ad_count + 1
- end
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