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- ; This macro is made to automatically use items such as Comets, Coin Jars, PiƱatas, Lucky Blocks...
- ; When using make sure you have atleast 1 of each item. If you dont, getting any new item will break this macro.
- ; Completely optional, but I recommend not having apps icon or opened windows where the buttons are. so in case roblox crash, it doesn't spam click those or any other window opened behind roblox.
- ; Ignore these 2 lines.
- #MaxThreadsPerHotKey, 2
- Toggle := 0
- ; Scroll to the bottom? (0 = No | 1 = Yes)
- ScrollDown := 0
- ; The item you want to spawn/use position(X,Y)
- ItemX :=
- ItemY :=
- ; "OK" error menu button location(X,Y)
- OkX :=
- OkY :=
- ; This variable is the wait time between each use.
- ; If you want to use this macro for flags or fruits increase the value below to 300000 (5 minutes)
- WaitTimeBetweenUses := 1111
- F1::
- Toggle := !Toggle
- if (Toggle && ScrollDown){
- MouseMove, ItemX, ItemY, 2
- Loop 10{
- Send, {WheelDown}
- Sleep, 50
- }
- }
- While (Toggle) {
- MouseMove, ItemX, ItemY, 2
- Sleep, 1000
- Click,
- Sleep, 1000
- MouseMove, OkX, OkY, 2
- Sleep, 1000
- Click,
- Sleep, WaitTimeBetweenUses
- if (Toggle && ScrollDown){
- Loop 10{
- Send, {WheelDown}
- Sleep, 50
- }
- }
- }
- this better not get flooded by bots spamming their discord and pet stealing scripts again
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