
Raw Query Filter Outlook Mac

Jan 30th, 2023
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Perform OR queries for categories on Microsoft Outlook for Mac

Bizarrely, one cannot make OR queries in Microsoft Outlook for Mac, at least not easily.
For example, I want a smart folder that contains all messages tagged with either the FIS Broker category or the Dubletten category.

The way to do it non-easily is to select Raw Query as the query rule type (in Search > Advanced), and then enter a Spotlight query string.
The attribute to query for categories is com_microsoft_outlook_categories.
That attribute takes a numeric id - but what the hell is the id for a category like FIS Broker?
Outlook doesn't tell me, so I have to go even deeper down the rabbit hole.
Here is how:

  • Tag a message with a sufficiently unique message title with the categories you're interested in (e.g., FIS Broker and Dubletten).
  • On the commandline, navigate to the folder that contains the raw MS Outlook messages:
$ cd ~/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/Outlook/Outlook 15 Profiles/Main Profile/Data/Messages
  • Grep for the title of the message to find the file that contains it:
$ grep -r -i "A sufficiently unique message title" ./*
Binary file ./11/0B2132B7-999F-4114-AC6C-E93DE72CEF9A.olk15Message matches
Binary file ./156/9C6C3E09-C2A3-42CE-A5EF-CEAB70865FC5.olk15Message matches
  • Now run the mdls command on that file to find the attached Spotlight metadata:
$ mdls ./11/0B2132B7-999F-4114-AC6C-E93DE72CEF9A.olk15Message
  • You'll get a long list of metadata. For our com_microsoft_outlook_categories attribute we get something like:
com_microsoft_outlook_categories               = (
  • So there we have our category ids!
  • Finally, the raw Spotlight query to match all messages tagged with either one of these categories and put them in a smart folder is:
com_microsoft_outlook_categories == 86 || com_microsoft_outlook_categories == 87


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