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- A general NASM guide for TASM coders and other ASM people
- By Gij
- V0.3
- ---------------------------------------------------------
- Generalities
- ------------
- The basic function of any assembler it to turn asm into the equivalent
- binary code file, and that's true with both TASM and NASM.
- The differences arise in the special features each assembler offers you.
- for example the MODEL directive exists in TASM, making it easier for the
- coder to reference data variables in other segments.
- NASM does not have an equivalent directive, so you have to keep tabs of
- segment registers yourself, and put segment overrides where needed.
- This does not mean that NASM doesn't have good SEGMENT or GROUP support,
- it has both.
- It's a different way of coding, and it may seem to require more work,
- but after you get used to it it's easier, because you know exactly what's
- going on in your code.
- TASM is chock-full of directives, looking at a small reference for TASM 4.0,
- there are at least a few dozen directives TASM uses, and you have to know
- quite a bit of them by heart.
- NASM on the other hand has very few directives. Actually, you can write
- an asm file that will assemble just fine without using a single directive,
- although I doubt it will be useful in most cases.
- NASM is also less ambivalent towards syntax, which leaves less room for
- software bugs, but makes it more strict when assembling.
- I actually think NASM is easier to learn then TASM since it's much more
- straight-forward.
- Your NASM Bible is of course the accompanying docs, you can get them in
- a separate package from the same place you got the binaries for NASM.
- All in all i think you will find NASM to be just as capable as TASM if not
- more so. Although it's missing some features TASM has, you can always mail
- the author and ask for a feature, and you just might get lucky when the
- new version comes out.
- ASM code is usually the same in any assembler ( AT&T syntax is an exception )
- but there are a few subtleties that TASM coders should look out for.
- The accompanying NASM docs have a nice list of them, i'll mention a few:
- DATA offset vs DATA contents
- ----------------------------
- TASM uses this syntax to move
- mov esi, offset MyVar
- OR
- lea esi, MyVar
- LEA is used to load complex offsets like "[esi*4+ebx]" into a register, TASM
- supports LEA even when used with a simple offset like "Myvar".
- NASM on the other hand only supports one way of loading a simple offset into a
- register, the LEA form is only valid when using complex offsets:
- mov esi, MyVar
- This ALWAYS means move the offest of MyVar into esi.
- On the other hand, This:
- mov eax, [MyVar]
- Will always mean move the contents of MyVar into eax.
- However, using LEA to load a complex offset is valid in both TASM and NASM:
- lea edi,[esi*4+EBX] ; valid in both assemblers
- NASM also support a SEG keyword:
- mov ax,SEG MyVar
- This moves the segment of the variable into ax.
- Note: the LEA instruction is still valid for complex
- Segment Overrides
- -----------------
- TASM is more lax in it's syntax, so both of these are valid code:
- mov ax,ds:[si]
- mov ax,[ds:si]
- NASM doesn't allow this, if you specify a variable inside the square brackets
- all of the specifiers should be inside the square brackets.
- So This is the only valid option:
- mov ax,[ds:si]
- Specifying operand size
- -----------------------
- TASM coders usually have lexical difficulties with NASM because
- it lacks the "ptr" keyword used extensively in TASM.
- TASM uses this:
- mov al, byte ptr [ds:si]
- or
- mov ax, word ptr [ds:si]
- or
- mov eax, dword ptr [ds:si]
- For NASM This simply translates into:
- mov al, byte [ds:si]
- or
- mov ax, word [ds:si]
- or
- mov eax, dword [ds:si]
- NASM allows these size keywords in many places, and thus gives you a lot
- of control over the generated opcodes in a unifrom way, for example These
- are all valid:
- push dword 123
- jmp [ds: word 1234] ; these both specify the size of the offset
- jmp [ds: dword 1234] ; for tricky code when interfacing 32bit and
- ; 16bit segments
- it can get pretty hairy, but the important thing to remember is you can have
- all the control you need, when you want it.
- Functions
- ---------
- TASM has special directives for declaring a procedure and ending it, why?
- a procedure is just another code label you CALL instead of JMP, NASM got it
- right.
- TASM uses:
- ProcName PROC
- xor ax,ax
- ret
- ProcName ENDP
- while NASM just uses:
- Procname:
- xor ax,ax
- ret
- Local Labels
- ------------
- Those of you that know C, know that a member of a struct can be referenced
- as StructInstance.MemberName, this is rather similar to the way NASM allows
- you to use local labels. A Local Label is Denoted by preceeding a dot to
- the label name.
- Label1:
- nop
- .local:
- nop
- Label2:
- nop
- .local:
- nop
- This won't give you an error on multiple definitions of label, but you can
- still jmp to a certain label like this:
- jmp Label2.local
- so it's local, and in a way it's also a global label.
- ORG directive
- --------------
- NASM supports the org directive, so if your coding a com you can start with:
- org 0x100h
- OR
- org 100h
- NASM allows both the asm and c methods of specifying hex, so both of the
- above are valid.
- reserving space
- ---------------
- again, NASM uses a different syntax then that of TASM.
- In TASM you would declare a 100 bytes of uninitialized space like this:
- Array1: db 100 dup (?)
- NASM uses it's own keywords to do this, these are RESB,RESW and RESD,
- for byte,word and dword respectively.
- so you would use them like this:
- Array1: RESB 100
- OR
- Array1: RESW 100/2
- OR
- Array1: RESD 100/4
- Declaring initialized space is much like TASM, but arrays are different.
- In TASM:
- Array1: db 100 dup (1)
- In NASM:
- Array1: TIMES 100 db 1
- TIMES is a handy little directive, it instructs NASM to preform an action
- a specified number of times, in the example above I preform "db 1" a 100
- times.
- it can be used for virtually anything:
- TIMES 69 nop
- will put 69 nops at the current point in the file.
- * the $ symbol is supported by NASM, and can be used to specify the count
- operand to times, so this is valid:
- label1:
- mov ax,1
- xor ax,ax
- label2:
- TIMES $-label1 nop
- This Will put as many one byte nops after label2, as the byte count between
- label1 and label2.
- Making Structs
- --------------
- I fought long and hard to get structs going, the docs were a bit vauge, and
- it took a while to get it, here it is.
- using a struct is divided into 2 parts, declaring the prototype, and making an
- instance.
- struc st
- stLong resd 1
- stWord resw 1
- endstruc
- this declares a prototype struct named st, with 2 members, stLong which is a
- DWORD, and stWord which is a word.
- it uses the reserve directives because it's a prototype, not a real struct.
- you can use it to make a real instance you can reference as data in your code:
- mystruc:
- istruc st
- at stLong, dd 1
- at stWord, dw 1
- iend
- *Note: it's important to put the label on a different line.
- This creates a struct named mystruc of type st, the use of the "at" keyword
- is used to assign initial values to members of the struc.
- The notation for referencing members is not like in C. this is because of the
- way struct supports is implemented, each member is assigned an offset relative
- to the beginning of the struct:
- mystruc:
- istruc st
- at stLong, dd 1 ; offset 0
- at stWord, dw 1 ; offset 4
- iend
- The notation for referencing a memebr is therefore:
- mov eax, [mystruc+mtLong]
- This is because mystruc is a constant base, and the member is a relative offset
- to it, it's similar to referencing a data array in a way.
- One thing I should mention, If you declare structs prototypes as above, the
- member names/labels will be global, so you will get collisions if you use the
- same member name in your code or in another struct prototype.
- To avoid this, precede the member names with a dot '.', and then reference them
- in relation to the prototype's name in the instance declaration. example:
- struc st
- .stLong resd 1
- .stWord resw 1
- endstruc
- mystruc:
- istruc st
- at st.stLong, dd 1
- at st.stWord, dw 1
- iend
- And this is how you reference the members in code:
- mov eax,[mystruc+st.stWord]
- this may seem confusing, you should understand that "mystruc" is the base of a
- particular instance, and "st.stLong" is an offset relative to the start of the
- struct, so in pseudo-code it translates into:
- mov eax,[offset mystruc + (offset stWord-offset start_of_proto]
- or
- mov eax,[offset mystruc + 4]
- which gives you the correct offset for the stWord member of the "mystruc"
- struct instance.
- Using Macros
- ------------
- This is a large part of the nasm docs, and a bit too much to get into in depth
- here. I'll try and cover the major issues.
- There are 2 types of macros, one-line and multi-line, all macro keywords are
- preceeded with a '%' character.
- example of a single-line macro:
- %define mul(a,b) (a*b)
- mov eax,mul(2,3)
- This will be converted into:
- mov eax,6
- you can invocate other macros from within a macro:
- %define fancymul(a,b) ( a * triple_mul(4) )
- %define triple_mul(a) (a*3)
- mov eax,fancymul(2,3)
- This becomes:
- mov eax, ( 2 * ( 3 * 4 ) )
- These are not very useful examples, but i'm sure you can see the potential.
- Multi-Line macros are much the same as single-line macros, but the syntax
- is a bit different:
- %macro name number_of_args
- <body of macro>
- %endmacro
- so for example, if you wanted to make a small asm effort-saver you could write
- the following macro:
- %macro prologue 1
- push ebp
- mov ebp,esp
- sub esp,%1
- %endmacro
- and then you can use it in your code like this:
- DemoFunc:
- prologue 4*2
- <body of function>
- This would setup a stack frame, and reserve room for 2 DWORD local variables.
- you'll notice that args supplied to the macro can be referenced as %1....%n .
- This is just a taste, there's more to be learned about NASM macros, the docs
- are your friends.
- Including files is easy, If you want to include .inc's into your asm file
- you can use:
- %include ""
- If you wish to include binary files, you must use a different keyword:
- INCBIN "data.bin"
- NASM also has support for conditional assembly:
- %define INCLUDE_WIN32_INCS
- %include ""
- %include ""
- %include ""
- %endif
- This way you can control the inclusion of files defining on the command line:
- "nasmw -dINCLUDE_WIN32_INC"
- or by commenting out the %define line. The body of the %ifdef will be processed
- only if a macro/define named INCLUDE_WIN32_INCS is defined.
- Extern's, Globals and commons
- -----------------------------
- When Coding a multi-source-files project, writing a dll, or calling API
- functions you need to declare various symbols/data/functions a certain type
- to make them available to the Assembler and you.
- there are 3 types of symbols in NASM:
- their invocation is all the same
- EXTERN symbol_name ; use this to define API calls for use
- GLOBAL symbol_name
- COMMON symbol_name
- They all must appear before the actual symbol is defined/referenced.
- If you have experience in asm/c their use should be clear.
- NASM 0.97 also has IMPORT/EXPORT extensions to the .obj format, for
- writing DLL's, read the docs for more info.
- specifying segment type
- -----------------------
- you can declare segments much the same as you would in TASM:
- segment .data use32 CLASS=data
- or
- segment .text use32 CLASS=code
- or
- segment Gij use16 CLASS=code
- this is a good way to set segments straight for linking.
- output formats
- --------------
- Nasm supports a plethora of output formats, depending on what your trying
- to accomplish, you should read the docs for special extensions to each type.
- These are chosen using "nasm -f type", where type can be bin,obj,win32 and
- others.
- Each linker likes different formats, tlink likes obj for example, while
- LCC-WIN32 likes the win32 format, investigate on your own.
- *tip: when assembling into the "obj" type, make sure and use the special
- "..start:" symbol to specify the entry point for the file.
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