
dead man's shroud

Sep 20th, 2022
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  1. She closed her eyes and drew in a breath. "I need a talisman," she said. "Something to protect me from a hostile spirit."
  2. That made me sit up and take notice, metaphorically speaking. With the city flying into spiritual chaos as it was, I had no trouble believing that a girl gifted with magical talent might be experiencing some bad phenomena. Ghosts and spooks are drawn to the magically gifted. "What kind of spirit?"
  3. Her eyes shifted left and right, never looking at me. "I can't really say, Mr. Dresden. It's powerful and it wants to hurt me. They ... they told me you could make something that would keep me safe."
  4. True, in point of fact. Around my left wrist at that very moment was a talisman made from a dead man's shroud, blessed silver, and a number of other, more difficult to come by ingredients. "Maybe," I told her. "That depends on why you're in danger, and why you feel you need protection."
  7. Grave Peril Chapter 4, Page 29-30
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