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- local computer = require("computer")
- local color = require("color")
- local unicode = require("unicode")
- local fs = require("filesystem")
- local gpu = require("component").gpu
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local image = {formatModules = {}}
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function image.getIndex(x, y, width)
- return width * (y - 1) + x
- end
- function, compressColors)
- local groupedPicture, x, y, background, foreground = {}, 1, 1
- for i = 1, #picture[3] do
- if compressColors then
- background, foreground = color.to8Bit(picture[3][i]), color.to8Bit(picture[4][i])
- if i % 603 == 0 then
- computer.pullSignal(0)
- end
- else
- background, foreground = picture[3][i], picture[4][i]
- end
- groupedPicture[picture[5][i]] = groupedPicture[picture[5][i]] or {}
- groupedPicture[picture[5][i]][picture[6][i]] = groupedPicture[picture[5][i]][picture[6][i]] or {}
- groupedPicture[picture[5][i]][picture[6][i]][background] = groupedPicture[picture[5][i]][picture[6][i]][background] or {}
- groupedPicture[picture[5][i]][picture[6][i]][background][foreground] = groupedPicture[picture[5][i]][picture[6][i]][background][foreground] or {}
- groupedPicture[picture[5][i]][picture[6][i]][background][foreground][y] = groupedPicture[picture[5][i]][picture[6][i]][background][foreground][y] or {}
- table.insert(groupedPicture[picture[5][i]][picture[6][i]][background][foreground][y], x)
- x = x + 1
- if x > picture[1] then
- x, y = 1, y + 1
- end
- end
- return groupedPicture
- end
- function image.draw(x, y, picture)
- local groupedPicture =
- local _, _, currentBackground, currentForeground, gpuGetBackground, imageX, imageY
- for alpha in pairs(groupedPicture) do
- for symbol in pairs(groupedPicture[alpha]) do
- if not (symbol == " " and alpha == 1) then
- for background in pairs(groupedPicture[alpha][symbol]) do
- if background ~= currentBackground then
- currentBackground = background
- gpu.setBackground(background)
- end
- for foreground in pairs(groupedPicture[alpha][symbol][background]) do
- if foreground ~= currentForeground and symbol ~= " " then
- currentForeground = foreground
- gpu.setForeground(foreground)
- end
- for yPos in pairs(groupedPicture[alpha][symbol][background][foreground]) do
- for xPos = 1, #groupedPicture[alpha][symbol][background][foreground][yPos] do
- imageX, imageY = x + groupedPicture[alpha][symbol][background][foreground][yPos][xPos] - 1, y + yPos - 1
- if alpha > 0 then
- _, _, gpuGetBackground = gpu.get(imageX, imageY)
- if alpha == 1 then
- currentBackground = gpuGetBackground
- gpu.setBackground(currentBackground)
- else
- currentBackground = color.blend(gpuGetBackground, background, alpha)
- gpu.setBackground(currentBackground)
- end
- end
- gpu.set(imageX, imageY, symbol)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function image.create(width, height, background, foreground, alpha, symbol, random)
- local picture = {width, height, {}, {}, {}, {}}
- for i = 1, width * height do
- table.insert(picture[3], random and math.random(0x0, 0xFFFFFF) or (background or 0x0))
- table.insert(picture[4], random and math.random(0x0, 0xFFFFFF) or (foreground or 0x0))
- table.insert(picture[5], alpha or 0x0)
- table.insert(picture[6], random and string.char(math.random(65, 90)) or (symbol or " "))
- end
- return picture
- end
- function image.copy(picture)
- local newPicture = {picture[1], picture[2], {}, {}, {}, {}}
- for i = 1, #picture[3] do
- newPicture[3][i] = picture[3][i]
- newPicture[4][i] = picture[4][i]
- newPicture[5][i] = picture[5][i]
- newPicture[6][i] = picture[6][i]
- end
- return newPicture
- end
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function image.loadFormatModule(path, extension)
- local success, result = loadfile(path)
- if success then
- success, result = pcall(success, image)
- if success then
- image.formatModules[extension] = result
- else
- error("Failed to execute image format module: " .. tostring(result))
- end
- else
- error("Failed to load image format module: " .. tostring(result))
- end
- end
- local function loadOrSave(methodName, path, ...)
- local extension = fs.extension(path)
- if image.formatModules[extension] then
- local success, result = pcall(image.formatModules[extension][methodName], path, ...)
- if success then
- return result
- else
- return false, "Failed to " .. methodName .. " image file: " .. tostring(result)
- end
- else
- return false, "Failed to " .. methodName .. " image file: format module for extension \"" .. tostring(extension) .. "\" is not loaded"
- end
- end
- function, picture, encodingMethod)
- return loadOrSave("save", path, picture, encodingMethod)
- end
- function image.load(path)
- return loadOrSave("load", path)
- end
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function image.toString(picture)
- local charArray = {
- string.format("%02X", picture[1]),
- string.format("%02X", picture[2])
- }
- for i = 1, #picture[3] do
- table.insert(charArray, string.format("%02X", color.to8Bit(picture[3][i])))
- table.insert(charArray, string.format("%02X", color.to8Bit(picture[4][i])))
- table.insert(charArray, string.format("%02X", math.floor(picture[5][i] * 255)))
- table.insert(charArray, picture[6][i])
- if i % 603 == 0 then
- computer.pullSignal(0)
- end
- end
- return table.concat(charArray)
- end
- function image.fromString(pictureString)
- local picture = {
- tonumber("0x" .. unicode.sub(pictureString, 1, 2)),
- tonumber("0x" .. unicode.sub(pictureString, 3, 4)),
- {}, {}, {}, {}
- }
- for i = 5, unicode.len(pictureString), 7 do
- table.insert(picture[3], color.to24Bit(tonumber("0x" .. unicode.sub(pictureString, i, i + 1))))
- table.insert(picture[4], color.to24Bit(tonumber("0x" .. unicode.sub(pictureString, i + 2, i + 3))))
- table.insert(picture[5], tonumber("0x" .. unicode.sub(pictureString, i + 4, i + 5)) / 255)
- table.insert(picture[6], unicode.sub(pictureString, i + 6, i + 6))
- end
- return picture
- end
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function image.set(picture, x, y, background, foreground, alpha, symbol)
- local index = image.getIndex(x, y, picture[1])
- picture[3][index], picture[4][index], picture[5][index], picture[6][index] = background, foreground, alpha, symbol
- return picture
- end
- function image.get(picture, x, y)
- local index = image.getIndex(x, y, picture[1])
- return picture[3][index], picture[4][index], picture[5][index], picture[6][index]
- end
- function image.getSize(picture)
- return picture[1], picture[2]
- end
- function image.getWidth(picture)
- return picture[1]
- end
- function image.getHeight(picture)
- return picture[2]
- end
- function image.transform(picture, newWidth, newHeight)
- local newPicture, stepWidth, stepHeight, background, foreground, alpha, symbol = {newWidth, newHeight, {}, {}, {}, {}}, picture[1] / newWidth, picture[2] / newHeight
- local x, y = 1, 1
- for j = 1, newHeight do
- for i = 1, newWidth do
- background, foreground, alpha, symbol = image.get(picture, math.floor(x), math.floor(y))
- table.insert(newPicture[3], background)
- table.insert(newPicture[4], foreground)
- table.insert(newPicture[5], alpha)
- table.insert(newPicture[6], symbol)
- x = x + stepWidth
- end
- x, y = 1, y + stepHeight
- end
- return newPicture
- end
- function image.crop(picture, fromX, fromY, width, height)
- if fromX >= 1 and fromY >= 1 and fromX + width - 1 <= picture[1] and fromY + height - 1 <= picture[2] then
- local newPicture, background, foreground, alpha, symbol = {width, height, {}, {}, {}, {}}
- for y = fromY, fromY + height - 1 do
- for x = fromX, fromX + width - 1 do
- background, foreground, alpha, symbol = image.get(picture, x, y)
- table.insert(newPicture[3], background)
- table.insert(newPicture[4], foreground)
- table.insert(newPicture[5], alpha)
- table.insert(newPicture[6], symbol)
- end
- end
- return newPicture
- else
- return false, "Failed to crop image: target coordinates are out of source range"
- end
- end
- function image.flipHorizontally(picture)
- local newPicture, background, foreground, alpha, symbol = {picture[1], picture[2], {}, {}, {}, {}}
- for y = 1, picture[2] do
- for x = picture[1], 1, -1 do
- background, foreground, alpha, symbol = image.get(picture, x, y)
- table.insert(newPicture[3], background)
- table.insert(newPicture[4], foreground)
- table.insert(newPicture[5], alpha)
- table.insert(newPicture[6], symbol)
- end
- end
- return newPicture
- end
- function image.flipVertically(picture)
- local newPicture, background, foreground, alpha, symbol = {picture[1], picture[2], {}, {}, {}, {}}
- for y = picture[2], 1, -1 do
- for x = 1, picture[1] do
- background, foreground, alpha, symbol = image.get(picture, x, y)
- table.insert(newPicture[3], background)
- table.insert(newPicture[4], foreground)
- table.insert(newPicture[5], alpha)
- table.insert(newPicture[6], symbol)
- end
- end
- return newPicture
- end
- function image.expand(picture, fromTop, fromBottom, fromLeft, fromRight, background, foreground, alpha, symbol)
- local newPicture = image.create(picture[1] + fromRight + fromLeft, picture[2] + fromTop + fromBottom, background, foreground, alpha, symbol)
- for y = 1, picture[2] do
- for x = 1, picture[1] do
- image.set(newPicture, x + fromLeft, y + fromTop, image.get(picture, x, y))
- end
- end
- return newPicture
- end
- function image.blend(picture, blendColor, transparency)
- local newPicture = {picture[1], picture[2], {}, {}, {}, {}}
- for i = 1, #picture[3] do
- table.insert(newPicture[3], color.blend(picture[3][i], blendColor, transparency))
- table.insert(newPicture[4], color.blend(picture[4][i], blendColor, transparency))
- table.insert(newPicture[5], picture[5][i])
- table.insert(newPicture[6], picture[6][i])
- end
- return newPicture
- end
- function image.rotate(picture, angle)
- local radAngle = math.rad(angle)
- local sin, cos = math.sin(radAngle), math.cos(radAngle)
- local pixMap = {}
- local xCenter, yCenter = picture[1] / 2, picture[2] / 2
- local xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax = math.huge, -math.huge, math.huge, -math.huge
- for y = 1, picture[2] do
- for x = 1, picture[1] do
- local xNew = math.round(xCenter + (x - xCenter) * cos - (y - yCenter) * sin)
- local yNew = math.round(yCenter + (y - yCenter) * cos + (x - xCenter) * sin)
- xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax = math.min(xMin, xNew), math.max(xMax, xNew), math.min(yMin, yNew), math.max(yMax, yNew)
- pixMap[yNew] = pixMap[yNew] or {}
- pixMap[yNew][xNew] = {image.get(picture, x, y)}
- end
- end
- local newPicture = image.create(xMax - xMin + 1, yMax - yMin + 1, 0xFF0000, 0x0, 0x0, "#")
- for y in pairs(pixMap) do
- for x in pairs(pixMap[y]) do
- image.set(newPicture, x - xMin + 1, y - yMin + 1, pixMap[y][x][1], pixMap[y][x][2], pixMap[y][x][3], pixMap[y][x][4])
- end
- end
- return newPicture
- end
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- image.loadFormatModule("/lib/FormatModules/OCIF.lua", ".pic")
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- return image
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