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- #!/usr/bin/python
- import logging
- logging.getLogger("scapy.runtime").setLevel(logging.ERROR)
- from scapy.all import *
- conf.verb = 0
- import argparse
- import sys
- import signal
- import threading
- import datetime
- from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
- DN = open(os.devnull, 'w')
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument("-j", "--join", help="Show all devices that join the network and when they did it (goes by DHCP packets)", action="store_true")
- args = parser.parse_args()
- #Console colors
- W = '\033[0m' # white (normal)
- R = '\033[31m' # red
- G = '\033[32m' # green
- O = '\033[33m' # orange
- B = '\033[34m' # blue
- P = '\033[35m' # purple
- C = '\033[36m' # cyan
- GR = '\033[37m' # gray
- T = '\033[93m' # tan
- ipr = Popen(['ip', 'route'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=DN)
- ipr = ipr.communicate()[0]
- routerRE ='default via ((\d{2,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,4}\.)\d{1,3}) \w+ (\w[a-zA-Z0-9]\w[a-zA-Z0-9][0-9]?)', ipr)
- routerIP =
- IPprefix =
- interface =
- localIP = [x[4] for x in scapy.all.conf.route.routes if x[2] != ''][0]
- localMAC = get_if_hwaddr(interface)
- IPandMAC = []
- wired = 0
- new_clients = []
- start_time = time.time()
- current_time = 0
- print '[+] Running arp scan'
- ans,unans = arping(IPprefix+'*', timeout=5)
- for s,r in ans:
- hw = r[ARP].hwsrc
- ip = r[ARP].psrc
- IPandMAC.append([hw, ip, 0, 0, 0, 0]) # data, req2send, clear2send, ack or block ack
- t = 0
- for x in IPandMAC:
- if routerIP in x[1]:
- routerMAC = x[0]
- t = 1
- break
- if t == 0:
- sys.exit('Router MAC not found')
- #Do nbtscan for windows netbios names
- print '[+] Running nbtscan'
- try:
- nbt = Popen(['nbtscan', IPprefix+'0/24'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=DN)
- nbt = nbt.communicate()[0]
- nbt = nbt.splitlines()
- except:
- print '[-] nbtscan error, are you sure it is installed?'
- if len(nbt) < 5:
- print '[-] nbtscan failed'
- for l in nbt:
- if l.startswith(IPprefix):
- ip_name ='(\d{2,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})\s+(\w+)', l)
- try:
- nbtip =
- except:
- continue
- try:
- netbios =
- except:
- continue
- for a in IPandMAC:
- if nbtip and netbios:
- if 'Sendto' not in netbios:
- if nbtip in a:
- a.append(netbios)
- #Start monitor mode
- print '\n[+] Enabling monitor mode'
- try:
- promisc = Popen(['airmon-ng', 'start', '%s' % interface], stdout=PIPE, stderr=DN)
- promisc = promisc.communicate()[0]
- monmode ='monitor mode enabled on (.+)\)', promisc)
- monmode =
- except OSError, e:
- sys.exit('[-] Enabling monitor mode failed, do you have aircrack-ng installed?')
- def newclients(pkt):
- global IPandMAC
- newIP = ''
- newMAC = ''
- if pkt.haslayer(DHCP):
- #Check for message-type == 3 which is the second request the client makes
- if pkt[DHCP].options[0][1] == 3:
- opt = pkt[DHCP].options
- for x in opt:
- if "requested_addr" in repr(x):
- newIP = x[1]
- newMAC = pkt[Ether].src
- if newIP != '' and newMAC != '':
- tstamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
- new_clients.append('[%s] %s at %s joined the network' % (tstamp, newMAC, newIP))
- for y in IPandMAC:
- if newIP == y[1]:
- return
- IPandMAC.append([newMAC, newIP, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
- if pkt.haslayer(ARP):
- if pkt[ARP].op == 2:
- for x in IPandMAC:
- if pkt[ARP].hwsrc == x[0]:
- return
- newIP = pkt[ARP].psrc
- newMAC = pkt[ARP].hwsrc
- IPandMAC.append([newMAC, newIP, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
- new_clients.append("Added %s to list due to arp is-at, may've not been caught by initial arp scan" % newIP)
- class newDevices(threading.Thread):
- def run(self):
- sniff(store=0, filter='port 67 or 68', prn=newclients, iface=interface)
- nd = newDevices()
- nd.daemon = True
- nd.start()
- def main(pkt):
- global start_time, current_time
- #type 2 is Data, type 0 is Management which is auth/deauth stuff, type 1 is control which is ACKs, request to sent, clear to send stuff
- if pkt.haslayer(Dot11):
- pkt = pkt[Dot11]
- if pkt.type in [1,2]:
- dstMAC = pkt.addr1
- srcMAC = pkt.addr2 # usually the router
- srcMAC2 = pkt.addr3 # if it's comp1 > router > comp2 then this is comp1
- if localMAC in [dstMAC, srcMAC, srcMAC2]:
- return
- ptype = pkt.type
- subtype = pkt.subtype
- for x in IPandMAC:
- if srcMAC == x[0] or dstMAC == x[0] or srcMAC2 == x[0]:
- if ptype == 1: # control
- if subtype == 9 or subtype == 13: # block acknowledgement or acknowledgement
- x[5] = x[5]+1
- elif subtype == 11: # request to send
- x[3] = x[3]+1
- elif subtype == 12: # clear to send
- x[4] = x[4]+1
- elif ptype == 2: # data
- x[2] = x[2]+1
- current_time = time.time()
- if current_time > start_time+1:
- IPandMAC.sort(key=lambda x: float(x[2]), reverse=True) # sort by data packets
- os.system('clear')
- print ' '+GR+'%d'%len(IPandMAC)+W+' clients '+R+'Data '+G+'Control Frame'+W
- print ' MAC IP '+G+' Req Clear Acks '+W
- for x in IPandMAC:
- if x[2] != 0 or x[3] != 0 or x[4] != 0 or x[5] != 0:
- if routerIP in x:
- print '[+] %s %-15s'%(x[0],x[1])+R+' %7d'%x[2]+G+' %7d %7d %7d' % (x[3], x[4], x[5])+GR+' (router)'+W
- elif len(x) == 7:
- print '[+] %s %-15s'%(x[0],x[1])+R+' %7d'%x[2]+G+' %7d %7d %7d' % (x[3], x[4], x[5])+W+' %s' % x[6]
- else:
- print '[+] %s %-15s'%(x[0],x[1])+R+' %7d'%x[2]+G+' %7d %7d %7d' % (x[3], x[4], x[5])+ W
- print ''
- if args.join:
- for x in new_clients:
- print x
- start_time = time.time()
- def signal_handler(signal, frame):
- print 'leaning up...'
- Popen(['airmon-ng', 'stop', '%s' % monmode], stdout=PIPE, stderr=DN)
- #arp tables seem to get messed up when starting and stopping monitor mode so this heals the arp tables
- print 'Restoring arp table...'
- Popen(['arp', '-s', routerIP, routerMAC], stdout=PIPE, stderr=DN)
- sys.exit(0)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
- try:
- sniff(iface=monmode, prn=main, store=0)
- except socket.error, (value, message):
- print message
- except:
- raise
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