

Apr 12th, 2023
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SQL 2.12 KB | None | 0 0
  1. INSERT INTO `freakz_boss_timers` (`GUID`, `BossID`, `BossMode`, `BossState`, `GuildName`, `StartTime`, `FinishTime`, `Players`) VALUES
  2. (11361, 103769, 16, 2, '|PUG|', 1681149263, 1681149287, '25148+65|65379+70|4345+66|'),
  3. (11370, 103769, 15, 2, '|PUG|', 1681150392, 1681150434, '86716+265|96279+70|122027+66|99494+256|'),
  4. (11373, 103769, 15, 2, '|PUG|', 1681150544, 1681150555, '88396+63|24831+265|117307+73|48875+66|64901+251|'),
  5. (11376, 103769, 16, 2, '|PUG|', 1681150712, 1681150731, '50344+269|55148+70|28044+250|24616+70|6089+269|'),
  6. (11444, 103769, 15, 2, '|PUG|', 1681156479, 1681156496, '26728+70|55148+70|6306+73|'),
  7. (11522, 103769, 16, 2, '|PUG|', 1681160771, 1681160795, '123686+577|84587+70|118271+73|99744+64|108082+264|'),
  8. (11691, 103769, 16, 2, '|PUG|', 1681183630, 1681183644, '124858+264|132646+267|128559+258|112506+251|'),
  9. (11985, 103769, 16, 2, '|PUG|', 1681213027, 1681213089, '29997+581|95468+70|'),
  10. (12033, 103769, 16, 2, '|PUG|', 1681214200, 1681214214, '77580+251|5234+268|'),
  11. (12548, 103769, 15, 2, '|PUG|', 1681232141, 1681232180, '102061+259|111174+70|100413+259|'),
  12. (12550, 103769, 16, 2, '|PUG|', 1681232183, 1681232195, '23017+253|45912+251|'),
  13. (12718, 103769, 15, 2, '|PUG|', 1681234179, 1681234194, '132391+104|32880+251|96360+71|'),
  14. (12723, 103769, 15, 2, '|PUG|', 1681234222, 1681234235, '23017+253|45912+251|'),
  15. (12979, 103769, 16, 2, '|PUG|', 1681239107, 1681239122, '134442+581|118982+251|119018+577|'),
  16. (13042, 103769, 15, 2, '|PUG|', 1681240617, 1681240635, '15958+65|52985+268|48104+259|89057+251|66255+250|'),
  17. (13076, 103769, 16, 2, '|PUG|', 1681241405, 1681241441, '123589+71|25494+259|13508+270|95489+73|134721+70|'),
  18. (13193, 103769, 16, 2, '|PUG|', 1681244279, 1681244301, '56793+251|22257+253|43649+250|76899+259|'),
  19. (13209, 103769, 15, 2, '|PUG|', 1681244745, 1681244779, '123084+70|73939+581|'),
  20. (13455, 103769, 14, 2, '|PUG|', 1681255645, 1681255665, '39732+251|57883+71|52202+70|59529+270|79991+70|'),
  21. (13470, 103769, 16, 2, '|PUG|', 1681257168, 1681257182, '115942+264|115979+73|62975+66|68221+251|'),
  22. (13521, 103769, 16, 2, '|PUG|', 1681264180, 1681264193, '37187+65|65583+577|46480+251|64719+104|');
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