
igazalom: Until Next Time, Spirit World

Jul 8th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. Here We are, in participation of Cyclic Existence and Suffering.
  3. Just when, COVID-19 was identified as the profound and extensive foe; it was but a reminder of Emptiness. We've learned to adapt and adopt, new ways of being sentient. As a collective whole 'the suffering of suffering' has transcended. And whilst one catastrophic risk has peaked, now arrives 'the suffering of change' for our species. Brought on by the doing of a few bad actors, we've all in a way received a message in a bottle, from the days of our forefathers' ways.
  5. Knowing too, that the challenge of our now, is to allow for those circumstanced to resolve what has trespassed them, to be allowed to throw stones and no longer be made to live in our glass houses.
  7. May your eyes be open, and your empathy true. Without being able to understand nor relate, may we be wiser than yesterday and less oblivious to our universal truths.
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  9. There is no two ways about it. Be unapologetic in exercising your presumption of innocence. The amount of time you await to contest your tribulations, is a direct reflection of the amount of benefit which awaits. Be it one self, the self of another or many selves, the promise of correction is to steer the absolute facts and truths which underpin a positive and participative yielding future.
  11. And when this same law realizes that it must self actualize, the doors of retrial are open for the benefit of many ahead and before you. We are all in the likeness of each other and must favour to finesse/correct.
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  13. We start out early in life learning to crawl before we walk. Then are educated towards discipline, integration, humanization and socialization.
  15. Most people cry wolf and contest that it just isn't fair enough that their schooling hasn't provided what their favourite figments of imagination has suggested to them. Not realizing that the purpose of media is for relaxation - a time to shut off the mental chatter. High performers and 'top of the shelf' performers are simply labelled because they can't fit a human capital measurement.
  17. Entrepreneurs have achieved uniqueness and venture new pathways, byway of their familiars.
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  19. At most times, the people whom are most unnoticed are the most impactful, whom by their deployment and good use of skilled uniqueness and art and vocation; bring families together.
  21. Andy Warhol, had the opportunity to define a legacy which was clearly in mimicry of Genius. Just as the likes of Time Magazine, National Geographic, or Maclean's honours you, the public and people, Andy honoured the streets, one meal and one can of whoop ass at a time. This is the same for Journalism and Ad Tech; all one can of whoop ass at a time.
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  23. Motivation is a mechanism, like a muscular component or branch of the Brain. The longer you await reward, the greater the prize.
  25. Always begin by doing, and then select the reward later. Couldn't foundation the ongoing loop of Motivation. Fight through trenches, good times and bad.
  27. Most importantly, eyes on what you prize and not someone else's, that could be a disguise.
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  29. "There is no path, only a way to walk": You gotta prefer to eat the grapes of wrath. Go figure. Hit the curb, time after time; and again, and again. Hell, don't matter if you drink em. Jus don't steer in the way of another's path.
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  31. There is nothing like an original thought, or effort. Prying eyes can't see truth. This in effect means that, should you make an attempt to replicate - what you did not produce on/towards. You therein cast shadows against yourself and invite your failure.
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  33. A worldview is a cognitive fundamental orientation.
  35. We're all prescribing one another our ultimate truths, by describing our own experiences. Byway of what you subscribe to is what you're going to get and become. Rather than actual pursuit of promise we climb on top of boulders instead of leaving no stone unturned.
  37. If this doesn't make sense you need a psychiatrist.
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  39. The best career advice I ever got was at a urinal; while using the facilities a second/third line manager cared enough to break an unspoken understanding. This particular levy of advice has, and continues to instruct and aggress my career pursuit.
  41. "Always think two steps ahead, your manager doesn't know what you want once he/she is done with you"
  43. And even if they did, front line managers are accountable for far more than your own individual development. Your career is only about you, be selfish, it's the only time when you're allowed to monopolize the return on your efforts.
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  45. hustle every night for the life you chose, or choose to hustle for the night you want. but it never ends, so you ought to do something, if anything, just don't chase your own tail - that's what dogs are for.
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  47. For all the strugglers, your moment to be a "guru" is a yearning. Tibetan Buddhism postulates and traditionalizes, that the collective is virtue through friends, rather than looking to divine / human authority. Whilst timid seekers continue to suffer; the other divide may beggininglessly, enfold in blissful freedom that reality is infinitely abundant. Enlightenment and divination practices - bestow fear, anxiety, stress - into love and wisdom.
  49. And when you see, that damaging another, and enacting your will upon another sentient being [animal/human], you indeed opt to take the higher path. Pledge first to your neighbours, your teams, and what thoust does adore; these are your samaritans.
  51. May you too, learn one day, where to find the questions of Divinity, how to listen and respond without answering.
  53. My fair trade warning: is that consciousness always has the last laugh. Divinity only accepts divine action with and/or without divination. Act foul, and your guardian angels will most certainly go on workers strike. Shit happens and uhhh repent when life signals it.
  55. I didn't and it wasn't a fun time. Thinking negatively, wanting to scheme, attempting to harness misappropriate thoughts; only tenders you to fail to invite what you deserve.
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  57. Know the difference between a friend and foe, and how that differs from an enemy, bully.
  59. People who put you down are targets for the future. When the time is right, call upon your friends and foes to discriminate against targets.
  61. Kick ass in a loving manner. When you get hated on, that other person is actually expunging hate for their own self. Know, who and what, said targets are - and give them the opportunity to self correct and come back to you. Just don't buy into their desperate smallness and mental electrical short circuitry. They're wiring is seperate from you and I.
  63. Like a dull vs sharp blade. It's always better to walk a long lonely road being alive in your own honour, than it is to die in another's dishonour. Blind people don't even know what a donkey is, so how could they pin the tail?
  65. And most importantly - when you observe this happening, bring those being sidelined into your tribe! When an individual has been down and out, and you reach out a hand to show them their two feet, then you'll be the one who learns what it means to ride or die.
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  67. "No one made you they way you are, you selected to listen to leagues of advice, how far you may have sunk your own ship is your responsibility. This life, is your only breath of air to bring you above the surface."
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  69. There's something which doesn't need to be said about Lady Karma, Lady Luck and Chance. Some, people, are impassioned with creating negative circumstances for themselves. A word, to the wiser, the people who thief and steal meet their misfortune before they meet their Maker. At least, we can Hope that Good & Honest Individuals can Benefit from the "Bystander Effect".
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  71. SMART Objectives, work great in business and the industries they have been tried, tested, and true. In my professional experience and wherewith of knowledge. As a developer who worked on being the technical lead on various very high stakeholder and shareholder value projects and portfolios.
  73. I strongly assure you, that the SMART framework comes before the work which is assigned to a developer or software engineer. If the assigned work, doesn't already meet the SMART criterion for success, you've set your developer up for failure. It's unfair, we developers, are a very particular breed of people.
  75. Personally speaking, I couldn't even tell you what performance and objective setting frameworks are even suitable. We do what we are able to, as we are able to. The nature of our working conditions and requirement of dutiful focus is to withstand failing on the same problem up to 1000x times. It's apart of the job!
  77. My prior Manager at Rogers Digital Media was an iOS developer, and when it came down to the wire, he had a stand off approach on measuring my success; as even an iOS developer couldn't understand a masterful Android developer.
  79. We all do our best, and we are addicted to the work we do. So, please, make friends and foes with your developers. We would rather be code ninjas!
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  81. News articles and Ad's which talk the talk of, "this is what the future is in 10 years", are selling you on vulnerability and propogate greed, potentially.
  83. They exploit you're lower position of stature and put their agenda forthrightly in the way of your own Self Exploration, Curiosity, and Capability to have Natural Intrigue and proper Authenticity.
  85. It's exactly and specifically what we don't need. Creativity and self definition involves Discovery and Fact Checking. Kick nuisance making to the curb, and stomp on the competition and leave emotional thieves out to freeze, hang em high and dry.
  87. Hope this structurally challenges you and your partners to rethink your Digital Innovation agenda and whom you'd walk the walk with, for performance and continued success.
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  89. PSA: One of the piss-off's many of us all experience with Apple products is that we notice our 'older and antiquated' devices/products become slower as new phones and products are released. This is a matter of fact, which to be open and honest, is perfectly fine. But its a falsehood. And its basically a sin. For as developers, we are judged at the gates of heaven by how many wasted keystrokes we have. Just as the creators is watching every move we do.
  91. Invisible to everyone, whom isn't an expert. Is there's a fake-news glooming everywhere, wherein people attempt to write articles of perception and deception. We live in one another's shadows. Which is fine and dandy. But you really really really gotta pay attention to whom is writing an article.
  93. The reality of the scenario is that to maintain an enterprise of responsibility. One must attain the security levels Apple does. This is not done simply.
  95. So by, continuously creating a cyclic product based release schedule; Apple therein is able to achieve a more compliant and maintainable product code base. This is advantageous to you, the customer and to Apple, the manufacturer.
  97. By reducing the need to maintain an exhaustive portfolio, you in effect, get to promote and cater to more highly skilled workers.
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  99. Really motivating post, what a great example of how fascinations, admiration, memories, and storytelling can all be a powerful vehicle of moral guidance. Healthy intrigue enables healthy Leadership.
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  101. Side Effect based software development, dictates that for every input there is a series of actions and outputs from those actions.
  103. Same is true for a Product, it's Development, and Complexity. Work smart and ask for less, so that hard work can payoff and that your efforts can be realized by others and focused on by you.
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  105. Know, that the only limit is in your Mind, and repeat the same moves over and over again. Face your deepest fears to conquer them. Fall over 100 times. To get back up. 1000x more.
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  107. Fun Facts with Adam:
  108. 30 seconds * 50 builds/day * 50 developers = 21h wasted daily
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  110. There is nothing better than doing what you love doing for a living. I'm a #dreamincode type of guy! I've been fearless my whole entire life to work for my own self. Always striving to better others. Do spend years of your life volunteering and supporting others. Throughout My IT career, I've always strived and survived, slowly falling harder each time.
  112. Some days you fall, but we're all buoyant .. Keep your chin up, your time will come too. If you really need it, believe it, and aren't about it.
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  114. intervals in a day = (24*60)/6 = 240
  116. There's a lot of self discipline to be learned from chess players. Lifting the vail on indecisiveness is crucial to pushing past barriers.
  118. The worlds most successful entrepreneurs and inventors calendar block their schedules meticulously. If you were a lawyer, or ever received an invoice from the law - you would see your hourly rate broken down and justified into 6 minute intervals.
  120. I would suggest, a good goal for productivity is to hit 55% of intervals to begin. Remember, some tasks are better understood in terms of velocity to accomplishment rather than metrics and objective statement. You'll achieve what you were able to with the time you managed for yourself.
  122. By removing inside-the-box thinking, you can begin to attain neurogenesis and foster a hormonally driven mindset of motivation.
  124. IMO, it's best to micro-manage yourself and be totally prepared to understand and predict derailing, and being unconvincingly honest never hurt any relationship.
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  126. By all whomst had, have, or could - walk alongside thee; none shall fail. Failure and Success are Delivered and are representative of the incumbent, as such I remain of my word.
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