
doraemon sbm

Jan 31st, 2019
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  1. Watching Doraemon requires constantly suspending your disbelief.
  8. Invisibility cape & Imprinting egg
  10. Devices
  12. Robot cats shouldn't need food. It's a very inefficient way of transferring/ converting energy.
  13. A time machine itself is not possible, but 1-way time travel into the future is possible (by going very fast). time travel to the past might be impossible due to causality issues, and if it were possible, a wormhole would need to've existed at the past destination.
  14. 4D pocket has some semblance of working, albeit theoretically. So, in 4D, there are things in 3D we cannot see. So doraemon would be lugging around maybe 2-10 tons of stuff in a higher dimension, but that poses another problem - it's an incredible feat for a 100kg "robot" to casually lug around 2-10t of stuff everywhere he goes. but it won't collide in 3D, because they're hidden in 4D. Ignoring what the wiki says, it is not weightless jus because it's 4D.
  15. The takecopter seems like an impossibly small device for flying. The takecopter actually makes sounds.
  16. The incubator-imprinter, gulliver tube, dress-up camera is just plain ridiculous.
  17. time-kerchief is impossible irl since, entropy cannot decrease. and when did he learn to use it to FF time?
  18. The invisibility cape as a whole is not possible, with current tech, you can make very small things disappear, and sometimes you can use trickery (like TV screens & cameras like that top-gear ep) to attempt " invisibility".
  19. The anywhere door is 3" thick. it opens up wormholes on-demand by the user. This is highly improbable, never mind making the required negative energy to keep it open.
  20. Health watch: We already have several of these available. I'm not sure whether the one shizuka has is more of a general thing or because of a specific health condition, but it's prolly the latter.
  21. Video calling on mobile phones: we already have this, as skype & facetime.
  26. When i'm dreaming & mom's calling for me, she's not calling to me in giantess form in my dreams, and nor do I fall back to my bed. As nobita's test falls, it conveniently rotates to show his score to the camera. After he flies to suzuka's house, I won't think it would be a good idea to prod her. Suzuka looks sorta cute but also sorta weird in 3d. When doraemon's magic baseball glove is in use, nobody is in disbelief when the ball 'wanders' into the glove.
  28. You could generalize the movie into a "get the girl, save the world" movie (a common plot). Save his world. His world is the girl. There are issues of causality & time travel. If nobita marries shizuka, there would be no need for doraemon/sewashi to travel to nobita's time. But then if there was no doraemon, he may not have had success in wooing shizuka.
  30. The coloration of the overcast scenes looks quite real, impressive, which also conveys noby's mood atm. That's quite brave of him to admit he'll stop chasing after shizuka because he thinks she'll be happier with the other dude. Where did doraemon get the pancake from? His 4d pocket? I thought he ate all of them, or does he have a food duplicator in his pocket?
  32. Match cuts of nobita are nice because they're humorous. Shizuka's an angel, as also said by his father.
  34. The future looks awesome! No it doesn't. Irl it'll prolly be the same crowded jp. Also, shizuka adult looks a lot less weird. Also, the future of the mountain climbing is supposed to be say, 20 years into the future. But it looks more like 50-100 because there are flying cars & parcel delivery services that operate via tubes.
  36. It was clever of him to rely on himself (communicating a thought/memory) when he was stuck in the snow, and we have to believe in the mechanics of that world which allow the future to be fluidly rewritten. And I can't believe it took 19 years for her to say "yes". Or did he ask her more recently?
  38. The action sequences seem like chances to show off the surround & nothing else. There'll need to be a lot of new objects modelled just because. I don't blame them for that. It's ok in moderation.
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