
ComputerCraft Turtle Circle program (not mine)

May 9th, 2014
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  1. local r = 0
  2. currSlot = 2 --reserve slot #1 for fuel all time!
  3. mfid = 0 --monitor computer's id
  4. osid = os.getComputerID() --turtle's computer id
  5. isSent = false --send all messages just once
  6. fReserve = 10 --fuel can't go below this
  7. print("What radius of circle would you like me to create?")
  8. r = tonumber(
  9. if r == 0 then
  10.   print("Radius 0 circle? Done!")
  11. end
  12. --send message to monitor computer(if any) and write it out locally
  13. function sendM(message)
  14.   if peripheral.isPresent("right") and peripheral.getType("right") == "modem" then
  16.         rednet.send(mfid, "Turtle("..osid.."):"..message, false)
  17.         rednet.close("right")
  18.   end
  19.   print(message)
  20. end
  21. --return gps location if it has a modem and can retrive turtles's location
  22. --if not then return x,y based on turtle's startup location
  23. function gpsLoc(fx,fy)
  24.   if peripheral.isPresent("right") and peripheral.getType("right") == "modem" then
  26.         local x, y, z = gps.locate(5)
  27.         rednet.close("right")
  28.         if x == nil then
  29.           return "x:"..tostring(fx)..",y:"..tostring(fy).."(rel)"
  30.         else
  31.           return "x:"..tostring(x)..",y:"..tostring(y)..",z:"..tostring(z)
  32.         end
  33.   else
  34.         return "x:"..tostring(fx)..",y:"..tostring(fy).."(rel)"
  35.   end
  36. end
  37. function findBlock ()
  38.   if turtle.getItemCount(currSlot) ~= 0 then
  39.         return true
  40.   end
  42.   local tmp = 2
  45.   while (turtle.getItemCount(tmp) == 0 and tmp <= 16) do
  46.         if tmp == 16 then
  47.           if isSent == false then --only print once
  48.                 sendM("Out of blocks! Turtle at "..gpsLoc(x,y))
  49.                 isSent = true
  50.           end
  51.           sleep(5)
  52.           tmp = 2
  54.         else
  55.           tmp = tmp + 1
  57.         end
  58.   end
  59.   isSent = false
  60.   currSlot = tmp
  61.   tmp = 2
  63.   return true
  64. end
  65. function tryPlaceDown (x,y)
  66.   if turtle.detectDown() == true then
  67.         if turtle.compareDown() == true then
  68.           return true
  69.         else
  70.           sendM("Can't place block("..gpsLoc(x,y)..")!")
  71.           return false
  72.         end
  73.   else
  74.         if turtle.placeDown() == true then
  75.           return true
  76.         else
  77.           sendM("Can't place block("..gpsLoc(x,y)..")!")
  78.           return false
  79.         end
  80.   end
  81. end
  82. round = function (inputN)
  83.   if inputN % 2 ~= 0.5 then
  84.         return math.floor(inputN + 0.5)
  85.   end
  86.   return inputN - 0.5
  87. end
  89. local coords = {}
  90. local coordsCount = 0
  91. local f = 1 - r
  92. local ddF_x = 1
  93. local ddF_y = -2 * r
  94. x = 0
  95. y = r
  96. coords[0 .. "," .. round(0+r)] = true
  97. coords[0 .. "," .. round(0-r)] = true
  98. coords[0+r .. "," .. 0] = true
  99. coords[0-r .. "," .. 0] = true
  100. coordsCount = 4
  101. while (x < y) do
  102.   if (f >= 0) then
  103.         y = y - 1
  104.         ddF_y = ddF_y + 2
  105.         f = f + ddF_y
  106.   end
  107.   x = x + 1
  108.   ddF_x = ddF_x + 2
  109.   f = f + ddF_x
  110.   coords[round(0+x) .. "," .. round(0+y)] = true
  111.   coords[round(0-x) .. "," .. round(0+y)] = true
  112.   coords[round(0+x) .. "," .. round(0-y)] = true
  113.   coords[round(0-x) .. "," .. round(0-y)] = true
  114.   coords[round(0+y) .. "," .. round(0+x)] = true
  115.   coords[round(0-y) .. "," .. round(0+x)] = true
  116.   coords[round(0+y) .. "," .. round(0-x)] = true
  117.   coords[round(0-y) .. "," .. round(0-x)] = true
  118.   coordsCount = coordsCount + 8
  119. end
  120. checkCoords = function (x0,y0)
  121.   if coords[x0 .. "," .. y0] == true then
  122.         return true
  123.   else
  124.         return false
  125.   end
  126. end
  127. --watch fuel level and if smaller than the reserve level refuel from slot #1
  128. function fuelProc()
  129.   local flvl = turtle.getFuelLevel()
  130.   if flvl == "unlimited" then
  131.         return true
  132.   elseif flvl > fReserve then
  133.         return true
  134.   else
  136.         while turtle.refuel(1) == false do
  137.           if isSent == false then
  138.                 sendM("Out of fuel! turtle at "..gpsLoc(x,y))
  139.                 print("Please insert fuel to slot #1 to resume!")
  140.                 isSent = true
  141.           end
  142.           sleep(5)
  143.         end
  144.         isSent = false
  146.   end
  147. end
  148. -- Move from the center to the first position it can find.
  149. local x = 0
  150. local y = 0
  151. while checkCoords(x,y) ~= true do
  152.   fuelProc()
  153.   turtle.forward()
  154.   x = x + 1
  155. end
  156. -- Place a block in the first position.
  157. --findBlock()
  158. --tryPlaceDown() <-block will be placed last so won't be any route blocking at multi lvl structures
  159. -- Keep track of which way the turtle is facing.
  160. facingX = 1
  161. facingY = 0
  162. -- Look clockwise from each block and find the next block in the space.
  163. spinsDone = 0
  164. while (coordsCount > 0 and spinsDone < 5) do
  165.   fuelProc()
  166.   cX = x + facingX
  167.   cY = y + facingY
  168.   if checkCoords(cX, cY) then
  169.         turtle.forward()
  170.         findBlock()
  171.         tryPlaceDown(x,y)
  172.         x = cX
  173.         y = cY
  174.         coords[x .. "," .. y] = nil
  175.         coordsCount = coordsCount - 1
  176.         spinsDone = 0
  177.   else
  178.         -- Check diagnals
  179.         if facingX == 1 then
  180.                   cY = y + 1
  181.                   newFacingX = 0
  182.                   newFacingY = 1
  183.         elseif facingX == -1 then
  184.                   cY = y - 1
  185.                   newFacingX = 0
  186.                   newFacingY = -1
  187.         elseif facingY == 1 then
  188.                   cX = x - 1
  189.                   newFacingX = -1
  190.                   newFacingY = 0
  191.         elseif facingY == -1 then
  192.                   cX = x + 1
  193.                   newFacingX = 1
  194.                   newFacingY = 0
  195.         end
  197.         if checkCoords(cX,cY) then
  198.                   turtle.forward()
  199.                   turtle.turnRight()
  200.                   turtle.forward()
  201.                   turtle.turnLeft()
  202.                   findBlock()
  203.                   tryPlaceDown(x,y)
  204.                   x = cX
  205.                   y = cY
  206.                   coords[x .. "," .. y] = nil
  207.                   coordsCount = coordsCount - 1
  208.                   spinsDone = 0
  209.         else
  210.                   turtle.turnRight()
  211.                   facingX = newFacingX
  212.                   facingY = newFacingY
  213.                   spinsDone = spinsDone + 1
  214.         end
  215.   end
  216. end
  217. --return to starting point
  218. repeat
  219.   fuelProc()
  220.   turtle.forward()
  221.   x = x - 1
  222. until x == 0
  223. turtle.turnRight()
  224. turtle.turnRight()
  225. sendM("Work done!")
  226. x = nil
  227. y = nil
  228. r = nil
  229. coords = nil
  230. coordsCount = nil
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