
Amy Winters, GURPS character

Mar 31st, 2012
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  1. Amy Winters
  2. Race: human
  3. Hair: blue-gray
  4. Eyes: gold
  5. Height: 5'
  6. Weight: 98 lbs
  7. Age: 19
  8. Points Remaining: 24
  9. Background: Amy is the third daughter of a small-business owner, sent to college on a scholarship for the deaf. She has since found that she loves college, as the people there are tolerant, the general atmosphere is quite friendly, and she is able to put her skills to work without being bored stiff like she was in high school. However, it's not all peaches and cream. Her roommate/boyfriend is a felinoid, and the time of the month he most wants romance happens to be the time that she least desires it. Also, she's wrestling with the administration about requiring transcripts on the online class broadcasts (it's hard to hear them on the tinny school-mandated microphones). Her odd hair and eye colors may be due to felinoid ancestry.
  11. Also, she's been selected by a secret society to become a Zonehunter. She and her friends seek out miniature alternate dimensions called zones, each one built around a puzzle. Solving them grants unparalleled personal power. She's used this power to gain abilities outside the ken of normal humans, and uses those abilities to seek out more zones and acquire more power. However, her quest has led her to a world far stranger and more perilous than any she has faced...
  13. ST 8 [-20]
  14. DX 12 [+40]
  15. IQ 12 [+40]
  16. HT 10 [+0]
  18. HP 12 [+8]
  19. Will 10 [-10]
  20. Per 11 [-5]
  21. FP 10 [+0]
  22. Basic Speed 6 [+10]
  23. Basic Move 6 [+0]
  24. Flight Move 6 [-12]
  26. Skinny [-5]
  27. Attractive [+4]
  28. Pitiable [+5]
  30. English (Native) [0]
  31. Sign Language (Native) [+3]
  33. Advantages:
  34. Combat Reflexes [15]
  35. Damage Resistance 6 (-56%) [Semi-Ablative, -20%; Tough Skin, -40%; Magical, -10%] [13]
  36. Flight (-64%) [Requires Surface, -20%; Maximum Duration (2 min/1 min), -50%; Magical, -10%] [15]
  37. High TL +5 (-40%) (Knowledge Only, -40%) [15]
  38. Impaling 1d (+62%) [Side Effect (Stunning), +50%; Melee Attack (C, 1), -20%; Armor Divisor 2, +50%; Magical, -10%] [13]
  39. Crushing 1d+6 (-44%) [Follow-Up, -20%; Double Knockback, +20%; Magical, -10%; Gadget (Breakable, DR 15; SM -4, Must be forcefully removed), -35%] [8]
  40. Crushing 1d+2 [Reduced Range 1, -10%; No 1/2D, +15%; Area Effect 2, +50%; Persistent, +40%; Selective Area, +20%; Reversed Knockback, +10%; Double Knockback, +20%; Magical, -10%] [24]
  41. Intuitive Mathematician [5]
  42. Detect (Buffs/Debuffs) [Analyzing, +100%; Self Only, -40%] [12]
  43. Less Sleep 4 [8]
  44. Magical Talent 1 [10]
  45. Mathematical Ability 1 [10]
  46. Scanning Sense (Para-Radar) [Bio-Scan + Scanning + Magic Scan, +150%; Reduced Range x10, -30%; Magical, -10%] [63]
  47. Patron (Powerful Individual, 6 or lower) [Highly Accessible, +50%] [8]
  49. Perks:
  50. Accessory (Computer) [1]
  52. Disadvantages:
  53. Curious (12) [-5]
  54. Easy to Read [-10]
  55. Magic Susceptibility 1 [-3]
  56. Overconfidence (12) [-5]
  57. Stubbornness [-5]
  58. Sense of Duty (Companions) [-5]
  59. Wealth: Struggling [-10]
  60. Workaholic [-5]
  62. Quirks:
  63. Addiction (Caffeine) [-1]
  64. Distinctive Features [-1]
  66. Skills:
  67. Aerobatics -1 (12) [2]
  68. Brawling +4 (16) [8]
  69. Carousing +0 (10) [1]
  70. Cryptography/TL8 -2 (12) [1]
  71. Diplomacy -2 (11) [1]
  72. Innate Attack (Projectile) +3 (16) [4]
  73. Research -1 (11) [1]
  74. Science! -1 (11, 12 for mathematics) [6]
  75. Shield +2 (14) [4]
  76. Writing -1 (11) [1]
  78. Equipment:
  79. Mail shirt (DR 4/2, $150)
  80. Light Shield (DB +1, $90)
  81. Book of Beginning Magic: Power ($50)
  82. Book of Mathematics ($30)
  83. Tea ($30)
  84. Mage-Net
  85. Shirt of Spidertaur Form
  86. Magic Acid Blowgun
  87. $400
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