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- ; This assembly code for a Z80 microprocessor is a simple example that copies data from a source array to a destination array in
- ; memory. Note that the Z80 assembly language may vary slightly depending on the assembler used. For this example, we will use the Z80 ; assembly syntax supported by the "z80asm" assembler.
- ; This program starts at address 0x0000 and defines the source array at address 0x8000 and the destination array at address 0x8100. The ; program copies 16 bytes (0x10) of data from the source array to the destination array in memory. After the copy operation is
- ; complete, the program enters an infinite loop.
- ; To assemble and run this program, save it to a file (e.g., copy_example.asm), assemble it using a Z80 assembler like "z80asm", and
- ; then load the resulting binary file into the EEPROM (W27C512) of your Z80 kit.
- ; Consult your Z80 kit's documentation for the specific steps to load the binary file into the EEPROM and run the program on your kit.
- ; Constants
- ORG 0x0000 ; Program start address
- SRC_ADDR EQU 0x8000 ; Source array start address
- DST_ADDR EQU 0x8100 ; Destination array start address
- ARRAY_LEN EQU 0x10 ; Array length
- ; Program
- LD HL, SRC_ADDR ; Load source address into HL register pair
- LD DE, DST_ADDR ; Load destination address into DE register pair
- LD BC, ARRAY_LEN ; Load array length into BC register pair
- LD A, (HL) ; Load byte from source address into accumulator (A)
- LD (DE), A ; Store byte from accumulator (A) to destination address
- INC HL ; Increment source address
- INC DE ; Increment destination address
- DEC BC ; Decrement counter (BC register pair)
- LD A, B ; Load B register into accumulator (A)
- OR C ; Perform bitwise OR with C register and accumulator (A)
- JP NZ, COPY_LOOP ; If result is not zero, jump to COPY_LOOP
- NOP ; No operation
- JR HALT ; Infinite loop
- ; Data
- DB 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0A, 0x0B, 0x0C, 0x0D, 0x0E, 0x0F, 0x10
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