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  4. List the contents of a tar or tar.gz file
  5. last updated December 21, 2018 in Categories BASH Shell, FreeBSD, HP-UX Unix, Linux, Solaris-Unix, Ubuntu Linux, UNIX
  6. How do I list the contents of a tar or tar.gz file on a Linux, OS X, and Unix-like system? How do I view contents of tar file without extracting it on Linux? How can I list contents of tar file on Unix?
  8. GNU/tar or BSD/tar is an archiving program designed to store and extract files from an archive file known as a tarfile. You can create a tar file or compressed tar file tar. However, sometimes you need to list the contents of tar or tar.gz file on screen before extracting all files.
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  11. How to view contents of tar file without extracting it
  12. To view a detailed table of contents for archive called my-data.tar.gz, use the following syntax:
  13. tar -ztvf my-data.tar.gz
  14. tar -tvf my-data.tar.gz
  15. tar -tvf my-data.tar.gz 'search-patter'
  17. Examples: List the contents of a tar or tar.gz file
  18. Let us see some examples:
  20. Task: List the contents of a tar file
  21. Use the following command:
  22. $ tar -tvf file.tar
  24. Sample outputs:
  26. Fig.01: List archive contents to screen
  27. Fig.01: List archive contents to screen
  28. Task: List the contents of a tar.gz file
  29. Use the following command:
  30. $ tar -ztvf file.tar.gz
  32. Task: List the contents of a tar.bz2 file
  33. Use the following command:
  34. $ tar -jtvf file.tar.bz2
  36. Task: Search for specific files
  37. In this example, look for *.pl (all perl files) inside a detailed table of contents for archive called projects.tar.gz:
  38. $ tar -tvf projects.tar.bz2 '*.pl'
  40. Where,
  42. t: List the contents of an archive.
  43. v: Verbosely list files processed (display detailed information).
  44. z: Filter the archive through gzip so that we can open compressed (decompress) .gz tar file.
  45. j: Filter archive through bzip2, use to decompress .bz2 files.
  46. f filename: Use archive file called filename.
  47. SHARE ON Facebook Twitter
  48. Posted by: Vivek Gite
  49. The author is the creator of nixCraft and a seasoned sysadmin, DevOps engineer, and a trainer for the Linux operating system/Unix shell scripting. Get the latest tutorials on SysAdmin, Linux/Unix and open source topics via RSS/XML feed or weekly email newsletter.
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  56. Notable Replies
  57. nixcraft says:
  58. Assuming that file name is demo.tar.gz, run:
  60. tar ztvf demo.tar
  61. Look for 4th column:
  63. drwxr-xr-x vivek/vivek 0 2018-12-31 19:13 t/
  64. -rw-r--r-- vivek/vivek 73 2018-12-31 19:13 t/resolv.conf
  65. -rw-r--r-- vivek/vivek 1123 2018-12-31 19:13 t/hosts
  66. Continue the discussion
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  73. Comments 25 comment
  74. Shashi says: September 2, 2008 at 6:19 am
  75. Thanks a lot Vivek…This article is very useful for me….
  77. Bolser says: September 15, 2008 at 3:25 pm
  78. Perfect!
  80. I don’t know why I always forget this!
  82. Also the ‘j’ trick is killer! I always just try to use ‘z’, and then give up when bzip won’t play. Now I just need to remember … use j in stead of z when bzip.
  84. jitedar says: December 24, 2008 at 10:37 pm
  85. great and thx..
  87. asd says: January 25, 2009 at 4:28 am
  88. thanks!
  90. Amit Verma says: June 3, 2009 at 10:41 am
  91. Rule of Thumb –
  92. {
  93. Use ‘z’ while compressing/decompressing/listing the file with GZIP.
  94. Use ‘j’ while compressing/decompressing/listing the file with BZIP2.
  95. }
  96. – with tar command.
  98. Thanks
  99. Amit Verma
  101. Jeremy says: July 16, 2009 at 11:16 pm
  102. The exact thing I was looking for, worked like a charm! :)
  104. Ankur Sinha says: August 27, 2009 at 9:57 am
  105. Good Work!!!
  106. Thanks!!!
  107. keep it up!!!
  108. ;)
  110. Nomaun Khan says: September 22, 2009 at 2:20 pm
  111. Thanks for the helpful contests
  113. kiran says: October 23, 2009 at 1:59 pm
  114. Thanks a lot for this post guys …:)
  116. Keep it up …
  118. Chris Henley says: February 16, 2010 at 9:22 pm
  119. thanks. I’m too lazy to read the man page.
  121. ode says: September 8, 2010 at 10:11 am
  122. $ tar -tvf file.tar works for all three file formats.
  124. $ unzip -l works for zip files
  126. Stefan says: July 17, 2011 at 3:54 pm
  127. Thanks it works fine however do you know if there is a faster way maybe? I have a 6GB gzip file and it takes ages to list the contents. For smaller files it is ok but for big files it is a pain.
  129. Fixticks says: July 21, 2011 at 9:25 pm
  130. man pages are too long, thanks vivek.
  131. @Stefan, u cud try
  133. tar -ztvf file.tar.gz > files.txt
  135. now i assume u may be looking for a certain file in that big gzip, so
  137. cat files.txt | grep certain_file_name_or_part_of_it
  139. and u can now check for multiple names without the initial wait of listing the big gz’s files.
  140. I know this coz i have just done it thanks to reading this blog.thx again Vivek.
  142. Liban says: November 25, 2011 at 12:16 am
  143. I’m trying to find and display, but this isn’t working for me..
  145. find -name “.gz” | tar -tvf {};
  147. brisohn says: May 1, 2012 at 8:09 am
  148. try this:
  149. find -name “*.gz” -exec tar -tvf {} \;
  151. Moron says: March 12, 2012 at 9:31 pm
  152. I am getting following error while looking for content of the tar file
  154. $ tar -ztvf
  155. tar: illegal option — z
  157. Usage: tar -{c|r|t|u|x} [ -BdDEFhilmopRsUvw ] [ -Number ] [ -f TarFile ]
  158. [ -b Blocks ] [ -S [ Feet ] | [ Feet@Density ] | [ Blocksb ] ]
  159. [ -L InputList ] [-X ExcludeFile] [ -N Blocks ] [ -C Directory ] File …
  160. Usage: tar {c|r|t|u|x} [ bBdDEfFhilLXmNopRsSUvw[0-9] ]
  161. [ Blocks ] [ TarFile ] [ InputList ] [ ExcludeFile ]
  162. [ [ Feet ] | [ Feet@Density ] | [ Blocksb ] ] [-C Directory ] File …
  164. Piyush says: January 16, 2013 at 1:40 pm
  165. -z option option is not working on AIX
  167. Vivek Gite says: March 7, 2016 at 1:28 pm
  168. Try following on AIX unix:
  169. gzip -d < file.tar.gz | tar xvf -
  171. OR use following two commands:
  172. gunzip file.tar.gz
  173. tar -xvf file.tar
  175. Read tar and gunzip man pages for more info on your AIX system.
  177. Suresh says: July 17, 2012 at 7:06 am
  178. Sequence is important ! tar -ztfv will fail with error ‘v’ not found where as tar -ztvf works – since you need to specify the filename after the f option. Cheers!
  180. Sunny Arora says: September 11, 2014 at 7:03 am
  181. I want to list the files out of file.tar.bz2 and grep a pattern (say all .c files).
  182. But executing the command ” tar -tjvf fiel.tar.bz2 | grep .c ” doesn’t give the desired output.
  183. Please suggest
  185. mateen says: March 7, 2016 at 11:09 am
  186. tar -tjvf fiel.tar.bz2 | grep *.c would do
  188. Vivek Gite says: March 7, 2016 at 1:09 pm
  189. A better option:
  190. tar -tjvf fiel.tar.bz2 '*.c'
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