
restores harry's ghost

Oct 16th, 2022
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  1. “Is it really him?” Butters asked.
  2. The being of light scanned me with unseen eyes. “I can’t spot anything that would suggest he was anything else,” he said cautiously. “Which ain’t the same as saying it’s Harry’s ghost. It has…more something than other ghosts I’ve encountered.”
  3. Butters frowned. “More what?”
  4. “Something,” the being said. “Meaning I’m not sure what. Something I’m not expert in, clearly.”
  5. “The, uh, the ghost,” Butters said. “It’s hurt?”
  6. “Quite severely,” the being said. “But it’s easily mended—if you wish to do it.”
  7. Butters blinked at him. “What? Yes, yes, of course I wish it.”
  8. “Very good, sahib,” the being said. And then it whipped and darted through the night air, gathering up all the floating, glittering gems from the vanishing remains of the lemurs. It brought them together into a single mass and then knelt down next to my head.
  9. “Bob,” I said quietly.
  10. Bob the Skull, formerly my personal assistant and confidant, hesitated beside me as I said his name. Once again, I became aware of his intense regard, but if he saw anything, it didn’t register on his featureless face. “
  11. Harry,” he said. “Open up. You need to restore these memories to your essence.”
  12. “Restore what?” I asked.
  13. “Eat ’em,” Bob said firmly. “Open your mouth.”
  14. I was tired and confused, so it was easier to just do as he said. I closed my eyes as he dropped the mass of gems into my open mouth. But instead of feeling hard gems, fresh, cool water flowed into my mouth, swirling over my parched tongue and throat as I eagerly swallowed it down.
  15. Pain vanished instantly. The disorientation began to fade and disappear. My confusion and weariness followed those others within a moment, and a deep breath later, I was sitting up in place, feeling more or less as sane and together as I had been when I had woken up that evening.
  17. Ghost Story Chapter 16, Page 183-184
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