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- --[[
- This script was modified by Terrah 2015-06-01
- as the current version of this time crashes
- when Say is called within the PlayerSay hook.
- when this is resolved, restore the original current version
- of this script.
- ]]
- ---- Communicating game state to players
- local net = net
- local string = string
- local table = table
- local pairs = pairs
- -- NOTE: most uses of the Msg functions here have been moved to the LANG
- -- functions. These functions are essentially deprecated, though they won't be
- -- removed and can safely be used by SWEPs and the like.
- function GameMsg(msg)
- net.Start("TTT_GameMsg")
- net.WriteString(msg)
- net.WriteBit(false)
- net.Broadcast()
- end
- function CustomMsg(ply_or_rf, msg, clr)
- clr = clr or COLOR_WHITE
- net.Start("TTT_GameMsgColor")
- net.WriteString(msg)
- net.WriteUInt(clr.r, 8)
- net.WriteUInt(clr.g, 8)
- net.WriteUInt(clr.b, 8)
- if ply_or_rf then net.Send(ply_or_rf)
- else net.Broadcast() end
- end
- -- Basic status message to single player or a recipientfilter
- function PlayerMsg(ply_or_rf, msg, traitor_only)
- net.Start("TTT_GameMsg")
- net.WriteString(msg)
- net.WriteBit(traitor_only)
- if ply_or_rf then net.Send(ply_or_rf)
- else net.Broadcast() end
- end
- -- Traitor-specific message that will appear in a special color
- function TraitorMsg(ply_or_rfilter, msg)
- PlayerMsg(ply_or_rfilter, msg, true)
- end
- -- Traitorchat
- local function RoleChatMsg(sender, role, msg)
- net.Start("TTT_RoleChat")
- net.WriteUInt(role, 2)
- net.WriteEntity(sender)
- net.WriteString(msg)
- net.Send(GetRoleFilter(role))
- end
- -- Round start info popup
- function ShowRoundStartPopup()
- for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
- if IsValid(v) and v:Team() == TEAM_TERROR and v:Alive() then
- v:ConCommand("ttt_cl_startpopup")
- end
- end
- end
- local function GetPlayerFilter(pred)
- local filter = {}
- for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
- if IsValid(v) and pred(v) then
- table.insert(filter, v)
- end
- end
- return filter
- end
- function GetTraitorFilter(alive_only)
- return GetPlayerFilter(function(p) return p:GetTraitor() and (not alive_only or p:Alive()) end)
- end
- function GetDetectiveFilter(alive_only)
- return GetPlayerFilter(function(p) return p:IsDetective() and (not alive_only or p:Alive()) end)
- end
- function GetInnocentFilter(alive_only)
- return GetPlayerFilter(function(p) return (not p:IsTraitor()) and (not alive_only or p:Alive()) end)
- end
- function GetRoleFilter(role, alive_only)
- return GetPlayerFilter(function(p) return p:IsRole(role) and (not alive_only or p:Alive()) end)
- end
- ---- Communication control
- CreateConVar("ttt_limit_spectator_chat", "1", FCVAR_ARCHIVE + FCVAR_NOTIFY)
- CreateConVar("ttt_limit_spectator_voice", "1", FCVAR_ARCHIVE + FCVAR_NOTIFY)
- local mumbles = {"mumble", "mm", "hmm", "hum", "mum", "mbm", "mble", "ham", "mammaries", "political situation", "mrmm", "hrm", "uzbekistan", "mumu", "cheese export", "hmhm", "mmh", "mumble", "mphrrt", "mrh", "hmm", "mumble", "mbmm", "hmml", "mfrrm"}
- -- While a round is active, spectators can only talk among themselves. When they
- -- try to speak to all players they could divulge information about who killed
- -- them. So we mumblify them. In detective mode, we shut them up entirely.
- function GM:PlayerSay(ply, text, team_only)
- if not IsValid(ply) then return ""; end
- --ensure we are a string, ERROR: PlayerSay -> non string errors ??
- if type(text)~="string" then
- text="";
- end
- if ply:Team() == TEAM_SPEC and (not team_only) and GetRoundState() == ROUND_ACTIVE then
- if not GetConVar("ttt_limit_spectator_chat"):GetBool() then
- return text
- elseif not DetectiveMode() then
- local filtered = {}
- for k, v in pairs(string.Explode(" ", text)) do
- -- grab word characters and whitelisted interpunction
- -- necessary or leetspeek will be used (by trolls especially)
- local word, interp = string.match(v, "(%a*)([%.,;!%?]*)")
- if word != "" then
- table.insert(filtered, mumbles[math.random(1, #mumbles)] .. interp)
- end
- end
- -- make sure we have something to say
- if table.Count(filtered) < 1 then
- table.insert(filtered, mumbles[math.random(1, #mumbles)])
- end
- table.insert( filtered, 1, "[MUMBLED]")
- text = table.concat(filtered, " ");
- --Same as above
- if type(text)~="string" then
- text="";
- end
- return text
- else
- --calling Say inside the say hook crashes the server
- --ply:Say(text, true)
- return ""
- end
- end
- if team_only and ply:Team() != TEAM_SPEC and GetRoundState() == ROUND_ACTIVE then
- if ply:IsSpecial() then
- -- traitor chat handling
- RoleChatMsg(ply, ply:GetRole(), text)
- else
- --calling Say inside the say hook crashes the server
- --restored old behavior to prevent crashes
- LANG.Msg(ply, "inno_globalchat_hint")
- end
- return ""
- end
- return text;
- end
- -- Mute players when we are about to run map cleanup, because it might cause
- -- net buffer overflows on clients.
- local mute_all = false
- function MuteForRestart(state)
- mute_all = state
- end
- local loc_voice = CreateConVar("ttt_locational_voice", "0")
- -- Of course voice has to be limited as well
- function GM:PlayerCanHearPlayersVoice( listener, speaker )
- -- Enforced silence
- if mute_all then
- return false, false
- end
- if (not IsValid(speaker)) or (not IsValid(listener)) or (listener == speaker) then
- return false, false
- end
- -- limited if specific convar is on, or we're in detective mode
- local limit = DetectiveMode() or GetConVar("ttt_limit_spectator_voice"):GetBool()
- -- Spectators should not be heard by living players during round
- if speaker:IsSpec() and (not listener:IsSpec()) and limit and GetRoundState() == ROUND_ACTIVE then
- return false, false
- end
- -- Specific mute
- if listener:IsSpec() and listener.mute_team == speaker:Team() then
- return false, false
- end
- -- Specs should not hear each other locationally
- if speaker:IsSpec() and listener:IsSpec() then
- return true, false
- end
- -- Traitors "team"chat by default, non-locationally
- if speaker:IsActiveTraitor() then
- if speaker.traitor_gvoice then
- return true, loc_voice:GetBool()
- elseif listener:IsActiveTraitor() then
- return true, false
- else
- -- unless traitor_gvoice is true, normal innos can't hear speaker
- return false, false
- end
- end
- return true, (loc_voice:GetBool() and GetRoundState() != ROUND_POST)
- end
- local function SendTraitorVoiceState(speaker, state)
- -- send umsg to living traitors that this is traitor-only talk
- local rf = GetTraitorFilter(true)
- -- make it as small as possible, to get there as fast as possible
- -- we can fit it into a mere byte by being cheeky.
- net.Start("TTT_TraitorVoiceState")
- net.WriteUInt(speaker:EntIndex() - 1, 7) -- player ids can only be 1-128
- net.WriteBit(state)
- if rf then net.Send(rf)
- else net.Broadcast() end
- end
- local function TraitorGlobalVoice(ply, cmd, args)
- if not IsValid(ply) or not ply:IsActiveTraitor() then return end
- if not #args == 1 then return end
- local state = tonumber(args[1])
- ply.traitor_gvoice = (state == 1)
- SendTraitorVoiceState(ply, ply.traitor_gvoice)
- end
- concommand.Add("tvog", TraitorGlobalVoice)
- local function MuteTeam(ply, cmd, args)
- if not IsValid(ply) then return end
- if not #args == 1 and tonumber(args[1]) then return end
- if not ply:IsSpec() then
- ply.mute_team = -1
- return
- end
- local t = tonumber(args[1])
- ply.mute_team = t
- local name = (t != 0) and team.GetName(t) or "None"
- ply:ChatPrint(name .. " muted.")
- end
- concommand.Add("ttt_mute_team", MuteTeam)
- local ttt_lastwords = CreateConVar("ttt_lastwords_chatprint", "0")
- local LastWordContext = {
- [KILL_NORMAL] = "",
- [KILL_SUICIDE] = " *kills self*",
- [KILL_FALL] = " *SPLUT*",
- [KILL_BURN] = " *crackle*"
- };
- local function LastWordsMsg(ply, words)
- -- only append "--" if there's no ending interpunction
- local final = string.match(words, "[\\.\\!\\?]$") != nil
- -- add optional context relating to death type
- local context = LastWordContext[ply.death_type] or ""
- net.Start("TTT_LastWordsMsg")
- net.WriteEntity(ply)
- net.WriteString(words .. (final and "" or "--") .. context)
- net.Broadcast()
- end
- local function LastWords(ply, cmd, args)
- if IsValid(ply) and (not ply:Alive()) and #args > 1 then
- local id = tonumber(args[1])
- if id and ply.last_words_id and id == ply.last_words_id then
- -- never allow multiple last word stuff
- ply.last_words_id = nil
- -- we will be storing this on the ragdoll
- local rag = ply.server_ragdoll
- if not (IsValid(rag) and rag.player_ragdoll) then
- rag = nil
- end
- --- last id'd person
- local last_seen = tonumber(args[2])
- if last_seen then
- local ent = Entity(last_seen)
- if IsValid(ent) and ent:IsPlayer() and rag and (not rag.lastid) then
- rag.lastid = {ent=ent, t=CurTime()}
- end
- end
- --- last words
- local words = string.Trim(args[3])
- -- nothing of interest
- if string.len(words) < 2 then return end
- -- ignore admin commands
- local firstchar = string.GetChar(words, 1)
- if firstchar == "!" or firstchar == "@" or firstchar == "/" then return end
- if ttt_lastwords:GetBool() or ply.death_type == KILL_FALL then
- LastWordsMsg(ply, words)
- end
- if rag and (not rag.last_words) then
- rag.last_words = words
- end
- else
- ply.last_words_id = nil
- end
- end
- end
- concommand.Add("_deathrec", LastWords)
- -- Override or hook in plugin for spam prevention and whatnot. Return true
- -- to block a command.
- function GM:TTTPlayerRadioCommand(ply, msg_name, msg_target)
- end
- local function RadioCommand(ply, cmd, args)
- if IsValid(ply) and ply:IsTerror() and #args == 2 then
- local msg_name = args[1]
- local msg_target = args[2]
- local name = ""
- local rag_name = nil
- if tonumber(msg_target) then
- -- player or corpse ent idx
- local ent = Entity(tonumber(msg_target))
- if IsValid(ent) then
- if ent:IsPlayer() then
- name = ent:Nick()
- elseif ent:GetClass() == "prop_ragdoll" then
- name = LANG.NameParam("quick_corpse_id")
- rag_name = CORPSE.GetPlayerNick(ent, "A Terrorist")
- end
- end
- msg_target = ent
- else
- -- lang string
- name = LANG.NameParam(msg_target)
- end
- if hook.Call("TTTPlayerRadioCommand", GAMEMODE, ply, msg_name, msg_target) then
- return
- end
- net.Start("TTT_RadioMsg")
- net.WriteEntity(ply)
- net.WriteString(msg_name)
- net.WriteString(name)
- if rag_name then
- net.WriteString(rag_name)
- end
- net.Broadcast()
- end
- end
- concommand.Add("_ttt_radio_send", RadioCommand)
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