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- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include <iostream>
- #include<string>
- #include<windows.h>
- using namespace std;
- class thisinh
- {
- private:
- char sbd[25];
- float toan, ly, hoa;
- public:
- void nhap()
- {
- fflush(stdin);
- cout << "\n------------------------------------------------------------\n";
- cout << "Nhap so bao danh : ";
- cin >> sbd;
- do{
- cout << "Nhap diem toan : ";
- cin >> toan;
- if (toan<0 || toan>10){
- cout << "\nNhap lai 0 < diem toan <10" << endl;
- system("cls");
- }
- } while (toan<0 || toan>10);
- do{
- cout << "Nhap diem ly : ";
- cin >> ly;
- if (ly<0 || ly>10){
- cout << "\nNhap lai 0 < diem ly <10" << endl;
- system("cls");
- }
- } while (ly<0 || ly>10);
- do{
- cout << "Nhap diem hoa : ";
- cin >> hoa;
- if (hoa<0 || hoa>10){
- cout << "\nNhap lai 0 < diem hoa <10" << endl;
- system("cls");
- }
- } while (hoa<0 || hoa>10);
- }
- void in()
- {
- cout << "SBD: " << sbd;
- cout << "\tDiem toan:" << toan << "\tDiem ly:" << ly << "\tDiem hoa:" << hoa;
- cout << "\tTong diem: " << tongdiem() << endl;
- }
- float tongdiem()
- {
- return(toan + ly + hoa);
- }
- };
- class ds
- {
- private:
- int n;
- thisinh ts[100];
- public:
- void nhapds()
- {
- cout << "Nhap vao so luong thi sinh: ";
- cin >> n;
- for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
- ts[i].nhap();
- }
- void inds()
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
- ts[i].in();
- }
- void sapxep()
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
- for (int j = i + 1; j<n; j++)
- if (ts[i].tongdiem()>ts[j].tongdiem())
- {
- thisinh tg;
- tg = ts[i];
- ts[i] = ts[j];
- ts[j] = tg;
- }
- }
- void tongdiemtren18()
- {
- for (int i = 0; i<n; i++)
- if (ts[i].tongdiem()>18)
- ts[i].in();
- }
- };
- int main()
- {
- ds ds1;
- ds1.nhapds();
- system("cls");
- cout << "\nDanh sach cac thi sinh sap xep theo thu tu tang dan ve tong diem:\n" << endl;
- ds1.sapxep();
- ds1.inds();
- cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
- cout << "\nDanh sach cac thi sinh co tong diem tren 18 la: \n" << endl;
- ds1.tongdiemtren18();
- return 0;
- }
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