

Jul 5th, 2017
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  1. # This is the commands configuration file for Bukkit.
  2. # For documentation on how to make use of this file, check out the Bukkit Wiki at
  3. # http://wiki.bukkit.org/Commands.yml
  4. #
  5. # If you need help on this file, feel free to join us on irc or leave a message
  6. # on the forums asking for advice.
  7. #
  8. # IRC: #spigot @ irc.spi.gt
  9. # (If this means nothing to you, just go to http://www.spigotmc.org/pages/irc/ )
  10. # Forums: http://www.spigotmc.org/
  11. # Bug tracker: http://www.spigotmc.org/go/bugs
  12. command-block-overrides: []
  13. aliases:
  14. icanhasbukkit:
  15. - "version $1-"
  16. announce:
  17. - tellraw @a ["",{"text":"ANNOUNCEMENT","color":"gold"},{"text":" » ","color":"dark_gray"},{"text":"$1-","color":"green"}]
  18. news:
  19. - tellraw @a ["",{"text":"NEWS","color":"red"},{"text":" » ","color":"dark_gray"},{"text":"$1-","color":"green"}]
  20. cc:
  21. - tellraw @a ["",{"text":"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"},{"text":"\u00a7dBlocked \u00a77» "},{"selector":"@a[c=1]","color":"green"},{"text":" \u00a77Cleared the servers chat!"}]
  22. clearchat:
  23. - tellraw @a ["",{"text":"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"},{"text":"\u00a7bBlocked \u00a77» "},{"selector":"@a[c=1]","color":"green"},{"text":" \u00a77Cleared the servers chat!"}]
  24. staff-chat:
  25. - scoreboard players tag @p[c=1] add StaffChat
  26. - tellraw @a[tag=StaffChat] ["",{"text":"SC » ","color":"gold"},{"selector":"@a[c=1]","color":"yellow"},{"text":" Joined the staff chat! type /schat <text> to speak!","color":"green"}]
  27. schat:
  28. - tellraw @a[tag=StaffChat] ["",{"text":"SC » ","color":"gold"},{"selector":"@a[c=1]","color":"gray"},{"text":" » ","color":"dark_gray"},{"text":"$$1-","color":"yellow"}]
  29. staffchat-leave:
  30. - tellraw @a[tag=StaffChat] ["",{"text":"SC » ","color":"gold"},{"selector":"@a[c=1]","color":"yellow"},{"text":" Has left the staff chat! ;(","color":" red"}]
  31. - scoreboard players tag @p remove StaffChat
  32. sm:
  33. - kit staffmode
  34. rank:
  35. - pex group $$1 create
  36. prefix:
  37. - pex group $$1 prefix "$$1 &7"
  38. perm:
  39. - pex group $$1 add essentials.$$1
  40. help:
  41. - ping &8&m----------&8=<>=&eHELP&8=<>=&8&m----------
  42. - ping &6/discord &7Tells discord link
  43. - ping &6/fight &7Warps you to pvp zone
  44. - ping &6/mine &7Warps you to mine a
  45. - ping &6/rankup &7Opens rank menu
  46. - ping &6/ranks &7Tells all ranks
  47. - ping &6/rules &7Tells all rules
  48. - ping &6/staff &7Tells all the staff
  49. - ping &6/tutorial &7Shows how to play
  50. - ping &6/who &7tells who made custom commands
  51. - ping &6/help &7Tells all the commands
  52. - ping &8&m----------&8=<>=&eHELP&8=<>=&8&m----------
  53. tutorial:
  54. - trigger Tutorial set 1
  55. staff:
  56. - ping &8&m----------&8=<>=&6Staff&8=<>=&8&m----------
  57. - ping &cFounder &b_DanYt_
  58. - ping &dDeveloper &bXXXCanadian
  59. - ping &4Admin &bTheDabingDonut Open
  60. - ping &6Moderator &bGumboGud Open
  61. - ping &eHelper &b Open
  62. - ping &8&m----------&8=<>=&6Staff&8=<>=&8&m----------
  63. rules:
  64. - ping &8&m----------&8=<>=&3Ruels&8=<>=&8&m----------
  65. - ping &aDon't Swear | 15 min mute
  66. - ping &aDon't Spam | 1 hour mute
  67. - ping &aDon't Hack | Perm ban
  68. - ping &aDon't Use Alts | IpBan
  69. - ping &aDon't Give People Ores | 5 hour temp ban
  70. - ping &aDon't Ask For Staff | 10 min Mute
  71. - ping &aDon't Ask For Punish Ments | Nothing
  72. - ping &aDon't Warnings | 3 Warnings 10 min mute | 6 Warnings 1 hour mute | 12 Warnings Perm Mute
  73. - ping &8&m----------&8=<>=&3Ruels&8=<>=&8&m----------
  74. discord:
  75. - ping &8&m----------&8=<>=&dDiscord&8=<>=&8&m----------
  76. - ping &7Join are discord now!!
  77. - ping &7https://discord.gg/k2sPTUj
  78. - ping &8&m----------&8=<>=&dDiscord&8=<>=&8&m----------
  79. fight:
  80. - warp pvp
  81. mine:
  82. - warp a
  83. rankup
  84. - trigger Rankup set 0
  85. ranks:
  86. - ping &8&m----------&8=<>=&bRanks&8=<>=&8&m----------
  87. - ping &cRank A &7$0
  88. - ping &cRank B &7$15000
  89. - ping &cRank C &7$25000
  90. - ping &cRank D &7$50000
  91. - ping &cRank E &7$75000
  92. - ping &cRank F &7$100000
  93. - ping &cRank G &7$115000
  94. - ping &cRank H &7$125000
  95. - ping &cRank I &7$150000
  96. - ping &cRank J &7$175000
  97. - ping &cRank K &7$200000
  98. - ping &cRank L &7$215000
  99. - ping &cRank M &7$225000
  100. - ping &cRank N &7$250000
  101. - ping &cRank O &7$275000
  102. - ping &cRank P &7$300000
  103. - ping &cRank Q &7$315000
  104. - ping &cRank R &7$325000
  105. - ping &cRank S &7$350000
  106. - ping &cRank T &7$375000
  107. - ping &cRank U &7$400000
  108. - ping &cRank V &7$415000
  109. - ping &cRank W &7$425000
  110. - ping &cRank X &7$450000
  111. - ping &cRank Y &7$475000
  112. - ping &cRank Z &7$400000
  113. - ping &cRank THUG &7$700000
  114. - ping &cRank THUG2 &7$750000
  115. - ping &cRank THUG3 &7$800000
  116. - ping &cRank THUG4 &7$850000
  117. - ping &cRank THUG5 &7$900000
  118. - ping &cRank KINGPING &7$2000000
  119. - ping &cRank KINGPING2 &7$2500000
  120. - ping &cRank KINGPING3 &7$4000000
  121. - ping &cRank KINGPING4 &7$4500000
  122. - ping &cRank KINGPING5 &7$8000000
  123. - ping &cRank PRESTIGE &7$10000000
  124. - ping &cRank PRESTIGE2 &7$15000000
  125. - ping &cRank PRESTIGE3 &7$20000000
  126. - ping &cRank PRESTIGE4 &7$25000000
  127. - ping &cRank PRESTIGE5 &7$30000000
  128. - ping &cRank FREE &7$100000000
  129. - ping &8&m----------&8=<>=&bRanks&8=<>=&8&m----------
  130. warn:
  131. - tellraw @a ["",{"text":"\nBlocked » ","color":"aqua"},{"text":"$$1","color":"green"},{"text":" was warned by ","color":"yellow"},{"selector":"@a[c=1]","color":"green"},{"text":" for ","color":"yellow"},{"text":"$$2- ","color":"gray"},{"text":"\n","color":"none"}]
  132. cmute:
  133. - mute $$1 15m mute -s
  134. - tellraw @a ["",{"text":"\nBlocked » ","color":"aqua"},{"text":"$$1","color":"green"},{"text":" was muted by ","color":"yellow"},{"selector":"@a[c=1]","color":"green"},{"text":" for ","color":"yellow"},{"text":"$$2- ","color":"gray"},{"text":"\n","color":"none"}]
  135. cban:
  136. - ban $$1 ban -s
  137. - tellraw @a ["",{"text":"\nBlocked » ","color":"aqua"},{"text":"$$1","color":"green"},{"text":" was Perm Banned by ","color":"yellow"},{"selector":"@a[c=1]","color":"green"},{"text":" for ","color":"yellow"},{"text":"$$2- ","color":"gray"},{"text":"\n","color":"none"}]
  138. ctempban:
  139. - tempban $$1 $$1 tempban -s
  140. - tellraw @a ["",{"text":"\nBlocked » ","color":"aqua"},{"text":"$$1","color":"green"},{"text":" was TempBanned by ","color":"yellow"},{"selector":"@a[c=1]","color":"green"},{"text":" for ","color":"yellow"},{"text":"$$2- ","color":"gray"},{"text":"\n","color":"none"}]
  141. create:
  142. - menu $$1 create
  143. title:
  144. - menu script title $$1
  145. lore:
  146. - menu script add $$1
  147. command:
  148. - i command
  149. dev:
  150. - ping &8&m----------&8=<>=&aCustom Commands&8=<>=&8&m----------
  151. - ping &6/discord
  152. - ping &6/fight
  153. - ping &6/mine
  154. - ping &6/rankup
  155. - ping &6/ranks
  156. - ping &6/rules
  157. - ping &6/staff
  158. - ping &6/tutorial
  159. - ping &6/help
  160. - ping &6/command
  161. - ping &6/lore
  162. - ping &6/title
  163. - ping &6/create
  164. - ping &6/ctempban
  165. - ping &6/cban
  166. - ping &6/cmute
  167. - ping &6/warn
  168. - ping &6/perm
  169. - ping &6/prefix
  170. - ping &6/rank
  171. - ping &6/sm
  172. - ping &6/staffchat-leave
  173. - ping &6/schat
  174. - ping &6/staff-chat
  175. - ping &6/clearchat
  176. - ping &6/cc
  177. - ping &6/news
  178. - ping &6/announce
  179. - ping &6/who
  180. - ping &6/ab
  181. - ping &8&m----------&8=<>=&aCustom Commands&8=<>=&8&m----------
  182. who:
  183. - ping &dThanks To &bXXXCanadian &dFor Making all theses custom commands to make the server Easyer
  184. ab:
  185. - tellraw @a ["",{"text":"AutoBroadcast","color":"aqua"},{"text":" » ","color":"dark_gray"},{"text":"$1-","color":"green"}]
  186. # All Commands By XXXCanadian
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