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- local gPlayers = game:GetService("Players")
- local admin = gPlayers.LocalPlayer.Name
- local bannedplyrs = {'PeopleYouHate','MorePeopleYouHate'}
- local admins = {'Friend, Friend'} -- names here of people who have access to your commands! (Future Feature)
- local services={}
- local cmds={}
- local std={}
- local serverLocked = false
- function FIX_LIGHTING()
- game.Lighting.Ambient =, 0.5, 0.5)
- game.Lighting.Brightness = 1
- game.Lighting.GlobalShadows = true
- game.Lighting.Outlines = false
- game.Lighting.TimeOfDay = 14
- game.Lighting.FogEnd = 100000
- end
- services.players=gPlayers
- services.workspace=gameGetService('Workspace')
- = {}
- local user = gPlayers.LocalPlayer
- local cmdprefix = ';'
- local scriptprefix = ''
- local split =
- updateevents=function()
- for i,v in pairs( do services.eventsremove(i) vdisconnect() end
- for i,v in pairs(gPlayersplayers())do
- local ev = v.Chattedconnect(function(msg) do_exec(msg,v) end)
-[] = ev
- end
- end
- std.inTable=function(tbl,val)
- if tbl==nil then return false end
- for _,v in pairs(tbl)do
- if v==val then return true end
- end
- return false
- end
- std.out=function(str)
- print(str)
- end
- std.list=function(tbl) --turns table into list with commas
- local str=''
- for i,v in pairs(tbl)do
- str=str..tostring(v)
- if i~=#tbl then str=str..', ' end
- end
- return str
- end
- std.endat=function(str,val)
- local z=strfind(val)
- if z then
- return strsub(0,z-string.len(val)),true
- else
- return str,false
- end
- end
- std.first=function(str) return strsub(1,1) end
- isAdmin=function(name)
- if name==admin then
- return true
- elseif admins[name]==true then
- return true
- end
- return false
- end
- gPlayers.PlayerAddedconnect(function(player)
- for i,v in pairs(bannedplyrs) do
- game.ReplicatedStorage.EventFireServer(TPD, 2000, gPlayers[v].Character.Humanoid)
- end
- end)
- local exec=function(str)
- spawn(function()
- local script, loaderr = loadstring(str)
- if not script then
- error(loaderr)
- else
- script()
- end
- end)
- end
- local findCmd=function(cmd_name)
- for i,v in pairs(cmds)do
- if v.NAMElower()==cmd_namelower() or std.inTable(v.ALIAS,cmd_namelower())then
- return v
- end
- end
- end
- local getCmd=function(msg)
- local cmd,hassplit=std.endat(msglower(),split)
- if hassplit then
- return {cmd,true}
- else
- return {cmd,false}
- end
- end
- local getprfx=function(strn)
- if strnsub(1,string.len(cmdprefix))==cmdprefix then return{'cmd',string.len(cmdprefix)+1}
- elseif strnsub(1,string.len(scriptprefix))==scriptprefix then return{'exec',string.len(scriptprefix)+1}
- end return
- end
- local getArgs=function(str)
- local args={}
- local new_arg=nil
- local hassplit=nil
- local s=str
- repeat
- new_arg,hassplit=std.endat(slower(),split)
- if new_arg~='' then
- args[#args+1]=new_arg
- s=ssub(string.len(new_arg)+string.len(split)+1)
- end
- until hassplit==false
- return args
- end
- local function execCmd(str, plr)
- local s_cmd
- local a
- local cmd
- s_cmd = getCmd(str) --separate command from string using split {command name,arg bool (for arg system)}
- cmd = findCmd(s_cmd[1]) --get command object {NAME,DESC,{ALIASES},function(args)}
- if cmd == nil then return end
- a = strsub(string.len(s_cmd[1]) + string.len(split) + 1)--start string a after command and split
- local args=getArgs(a)--gets us a nice table of arguments
- pcall(function()
- cmd.FUNC(args, plr)
- end)
- end
- function do_exec(str,plr)
- if not isAdmin(plr.Name)then return end
- str=strgsub('e ','')--remove e the easy way!
- local t=getprfx(str)
- if t==nil then return end
- str=strsub(t[2])
- if t[1]=='exec' then
- exec(str)
- elseif t[1]=='cmd' then
- execCmd(str, plr)
- end
- end
- updateevents()
- _G.exec_cmd = execCmd
- --game.Players.LocalPlayer.Chattedconnect(doexec)
- local _char=function(plr_name)
- for i,v in pairs(game.PlayersGetChildren())do
- if vIsA'Player'then
- if v.Name==plr_name then return v.Character end
- end
- end
- return
- end
- local _plr=function(plr_name)
- for i,v in pairs(game.PlayersGetChildren())do
- if vIsA'Player'then
- if v.Name==plr_name then return v end
- end
- end
- return
- end
- function addcmd(name,desc,alias,func)
- cmds[#cmds+1]=
- {
- NAME=name;
- DESC=desc;
- ALIAS=alias;
- FUNC=func;
- }
- end
- local function getPlayer(name)
- local nameTable = {}
- name=namelower()
- if name == me then
- return {admin}
- elseif name == others then
- for i,v in pairs(gPlayersGetChildren()) do
- if vIsA'Player'then
- if v.Name~=admin then
- nameTable[#nameTable+1]=v.Name
- end
- end
- end
- elseif name == all then
- for i,v in pairs(gPlayersGetChildren()) do
- if vIsA'Player'then
- nameTable[#nameTable+1]=v.Name
- end
- end
- else
- for i,v in pairs(gPlayersGetChildren()) do
- local lname = v.Namelower()
- local i,j = lnamefind(name)
- if i == 1 then
- return {v.Name}
- end
- end
- end
- return nameTable
- end
- -- commands --
- addcmd('Vip','Gives u VIP',nil,
- function(args)
- name = gameGetService(Players).LocalPlayer.Name
- local PATH = gameGetService(ReplicatedStorage).PlayerData[name].CachedPasses
- local Folder1 =
- Folder1.Parent = PATH
- Folder1.Name = 1056689214
- local Folder2 =
- Folder2.Parent = PATH
- Folder2.Name = 449630072
- local Folder3 =
- Folder3.Parent = PATH
- Folder3.Name = 451671148
- local Folder4 =
- Folder4.Parent = PATH
- Folder4.Name = 629102188
- local Folder5 =
- Folder5.Parent = PATH
- Folder5.Name = 748170248
- local Folder6 =
- Folder6.Parent = PATH
- Folder6.Name = 752909285
- local Folder7 =
- Folder7.Parent = PATH
- Folder7.Name = 790960993
- local Folder8 =
- Folder8.Parent = PATH
- Folder8.Name = 859238750
- local Folder9 =
- Folder9.Parent = PATH
- Folder9.Name = 449630210
- local Folder10 =
- Folder10.Parent = PATH
- Folder10.Name = 1404986936
- end)
- addcmd('Meme','HMPH',nil,
- function(args)
- --Made by N3xul.
- local weird =
- {
- [assets] =
- {
- [1] =
- {
- [drotation] =
- {
- [y] = 90,
- [x] = 90,
- [z] = 90
- },
- [dposition] =
- {
- [y] = 200,
- [x] = 200,
- [z] = 200
- },
- [scale] =
- {
- [y] = 100,
- [x] = 100,
- [z] = 100
- },
- [dscale] =
- {
- [y] = 500,
- [x] = 500,
- [z] = 500
- },
- [vscale] =
- {
- [y] = 1,
- [x] = 1,
- [z] = 1
- },
- [rotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [assetId] = 616980142,
- [changedFX] = false,
- [position] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [fx] =
- {
- [1] = true,
- [2] = true,
- [3] = true,
- [4] = true,
- [5] = true
- },
- [vrotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [vposition] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = -0,
- [z] = -0
- }
- },
- [2] =
- {
- [drotation] =
- {
- [y] = 90,
- [x] = 90,
- [z] = 90
- },
- [dposition] =
- {
- [y] = 200,
- [x] = 200,
- [z] = 200
- },
- [scale] =
- {
- [y] = 100,
- [x] = 100,
- [z] = 100
- },
- [dscale] =
- {
- [y] = 500,
- [x] = 500,
- [z] = 500
- },
- [vscale] =
- {
- [y] = 1,
- [x] = 1,
- [z] = 1
- },
- [rotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [assetId] = 602599987,
- [changedFX] = false,
- [position] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [fx] =
- {
- [1] = true,
- [2] = true,
- [3] = true,
- [4] = true,
- [5] = true
- },
- [vrotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [vposition] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = -0,
- [z] = -0
- }
- },
- [3] =
- {
- [drotation] =
- {
- [y] = 180,
- [x] = 90,
- [z] = 90
- },
- [dposition] =
- {
- [y] = 100,
- [x] = 200,
- [z] = 200
- },
- [scale] =
- {
- [y] = 100,
- [x] = 100,
- [z] = 100
- },
- [dscale] =
- {
- [y] = 500,
- [x] = 500,
- [z] = 500
- },
- [vscale] =
- {
- [y] = 1,
- [x] = 1,
- [z] = 1
- },
- [rotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [assetId] = 244159819,
- [changedFX] = false,
- [position] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [fx] =
- {
- [1] = true,
- [2] = true,
- [3] = true,
- [4] = true,
- [5] = true
- },
- [vrotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [vposition] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = -0,
- [z] = -0
- }
- },
- [4] =
- {
- [drotation] =
- {
- [y] = 90,
- [x] = 90,
- [z] = 90
- },
- [dposition] =
- {
- [y] = 200,
- [x] = 200,
- [z] = 200
- },
- [scale] =
- {
- [y] = 100,
- [x] = 100,
- [z] = 100
- },
- [dscale] =
- {
- [y] = 500,
- [x] = 500,
- [z] = 500
- },
- [vscale] =
- {
- [y] = 1,
- [x] = 1,
- [z] = 1
- },
- [rotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [assetId] = 7075502,
- [changedFX] = false,
- [position] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [fx] =
- {
- [1] = true,
- [2] = true,
- [3] = true,
- [4] = true,
- [5] = true
- },
- [vrotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [vposition] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = -0,
- [z] = -0
- }
- },
- [5] =
- {
- [drotation] =
- {
- [y] = 90,
- [x] = 90,
- [z] = 90
- },
- [dposition] =
- {
- [y] = 200,
- [x] = 200,
- [z] = 200
- },
- [scale] =
- {
- [y] = 100,
- [x] = 100,
- [z] = 100
- },
- [dscale] =
- {
- [y] = 500,
- [x] = 500,
- [z] = 500
- },
- [vscale] =
- {
- [y] = 1,
- [x] = 1,
- [z] = 1
- },
- [rotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [assetId] = 916733101,
- [changedFX] = false,
- [position] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [fx] =
- {
- [1] = true,
- [2] = true,
- [3] = true,
- [4] = true,
- [5] = true
- },
- [vrotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [vposition] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = -0,
- [z] = -0
- }
- }
- },
- [description] = ,
- [createdDate] = 1000,
- [lowerDesc] = ,
- [bodyColors] =
- {
- [HeadColor] =, 0, 0),
- [TorsoColor] =, 0.0666667, 0.0666667),
- [LeftArmColor] =, 0.0666667, 0.0666667),
- [RightLegColor] =, 0.0666667, 0.0666667),
- [RightArmColor] =, 0, 0),
- [LeftLegColor] =, 0, 0)
- },
- [scales] =
- {
- [LowerLegHeight] = 5,
- [UpperTorsoWidth] = 5,
- [UpperArmHeight] = 5,
- [HandHeight] = 5,
- [UpperLegWidth] = -1,
- [LowerArmWidth] = -1,
- [FootWidth] = 5,
- [LowerArmHeight] = -1,
- [UpperArmWidth] = -1,
- [FootHeight] = 5,
- [LowerTorsoWidth] = -1,
- [UpperTorsoHeight] = -1,
- [HandWidth] = -1,
- [HeadScale] = -1,
- [UpperLegHeight] = -1,
- [LowerTorsoHeight] = -1,
- [LowerLegWidth] = -1
- },
- [name] = ,
- [outfitId] = 1,
- [isOutfit] = true,
- [collageSeed] = 0,
- [lowerName] =
- }
- local Event = gameGetService(ReplicatedStorage).AvatarEditor.Remote.CommitCharacterAppearance
- EventFireServer(weird)
- end)
- addcmd('Jeff','Makes sound SMH',nil,
- function(args)
- local remote = Game[ReplicatedStorage][ClientRequests][Music][PlayRadioSong]
- local args = {
- [1] = 333637668
- }
- remoteInvokeServer(unpack(args))
- end)
- addcmd('Pawnshop','Pawned NOOB',nil,
- function(args)
- local remote = Game[ReplicatedStorage][ClientRequests][Music][PlayRadioSong]
- local args = {
- [1] = 482683318
- }
- remoteInvokeServer(unpack(args))
- end)
- addcmd('Bighead','BOOM your dead',nil,
- function(args)
- --Brought to you by N3xul.
- local OOF =
- {
- [assets] =
- {
- [1] =
- {
- [drotation] =
- {
- [y] = 90,
- [x] = 90,
- [z] = 90
- },
- [dposition] =
- {
- [y] = 200,
- [x] = 200,
- [z] = 200
- },
- [scale] =
- {
- [y] = 10000,
- [x] = 10000,
- [z] = 10000
- },
- [dscale] =
- {
- [y] = 500,
- [x] = 500,
- [z] = 500
- },
- [vscale] =
- {
- [y] = 1,
- [x] = 1,
- [z] = 1
- },
- [rotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [assetId] = 916733101,
- [changedFX] = false,
- [position] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [fx] =
- {
- [1] = true,
- [2] = true,
- [3] = true,
- [4] = true,
- [5] = true
- },
- [vrotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [vposition] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = -0,
- [z] = -0
- }
- },
- [2] =
- {
- [drotation] =
- {
- [y] = 90,
- [x] = 90,
- [z] = 90
- },
- [dposition] =
- {
- [y] = 20000,
- [x] = 20000,
- [z] = 20000
- },
- [scale] =
- {
- [y] = 100,
- [x] = 100,
- [z] = 100
- },
- [dscale] =
- {
- [y] = 500,
- [x] = 500,
- [z] = 500
- },
- [vscale] =
- {
- [y] = 1,
- [x] = 1,
- [z] = 1
- },
- [rotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [assetId] = 602599987,
- [changedFX] = false,
- [position] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [fx] =
- {
- [1] = true,
- [2] = true,
- [3] = true,
- [4] = true,
- [5] = true
- },
- [vrotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [vposition] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = -0,
- [z] = -0
- }
- },
- [3] =
- {
- [drotation] =
- {
- [y] = 90,
- [x] = 90,
- [z] = 90
- },
- [dposition] =
- {
- [y] = 200,
- [x] = 200,
- [z] = 200
- },
- [scale] =
- {
- [y] = 10000,
- [x] = 10000,
- [z] = 10000
- },
- [dscale] =
- {
- [y] = 500,
- [x] = 500,
- [z] = 500
- },
- [vscale] =
- {
- [y] = 1,
- [x] = 1,
- [z] = 1
- },
- [rotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [assetId] = 616980142,
- [changedFX] = false,
- [position] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [fx] =
- {
- [1] = true,
- [2] = true,
- [3] = true,
- [4] = true,
- [5] = true
- },
- [vrotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [vposition] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = -0,
- [z] = -0
- }
- },
- [4] =
- {
- [drotation] =
- {
- [y] = 180,
- [x] = 90,
- [z] = 90
- },
- [dposition] =
- {
- [y] = 100,
- [x] = 200,
- [z] = 200
- },
- [scale] =
- {
- [y] = 1250,
- [x] = 1250,
- [z] = 12500
- },
- [dscale] =
- {
- [y] = 750,
- [x] = 750,
- [z] = 750
- },
- [vscale] =
- {
- [y] = 1.25,
- [x] = 1.25,
- [z] = 1.25
- },
- [rotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [assetId] = 244159819,
- [changedFX] = false,
- [position] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [fx] =
- {
- [1] = true,
- [2] = true,
- [3] = true,
- [4] = true,
- [5] = true
- },
- [vrotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [vposition] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = -0,
- [z] = -0
- }
- },
- [5] =
- {
- [drotation] =
- {
- [y] = 90,
- [x] = 90,
- [z] = 90
- },
- [dposition] =
- {
- [y] = 200,
- [x] = 200,
- [z] = 200
- },
- [scale] =
- {
- [y] = 5000,
- [x] = 5000,
- [z] = 5000
- },
- [dscale] =
- {
- [y] = 5000,
- [x] = 5000,
- [z] = 5000
- },
- [vscale] =
- {
- [y] = 1,
- [x] = 1,
- [z] = 1
- },
- [rotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [assetId] = 7075502,
- [changedFX] = false,
- [position] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [fx] =
- {
- [1] = true,
- [2] = true,
- [3] = true,
- [4] = true,
- [5] = true
- },
- [vrotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [vposition] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = -0,
- [z] = -0
- }
- }
- },
- [description] = ,
- [createdDate] = 1000,
- [lowerDesc] = ,
- [bodyColors] =
- {
- [HeadColor] =, 0, 0),
- [TorsoColor] =, 0.0666667, 0.0666667),
- [LeftArmColor] =, 0.0666667, 0.0666667),
- [RightLegColor] =, 0.0666667, 0.0666667),
- [RightArmColor] =, 0, 0),
- [LeftLegColor] =, 0, 0)
- },
- [scales] =
- {
- [LowerLegHeight] = 1,
- [UpperTorsoWidth] = 1,
- [UpperArmHeight] = 1,
- [HandHeight] = 1,
- [UpperLegWidth] = 1,
- [LowerArmWidth] = 1,
- [FootWidth] = 1,
- [LowerArmHeight] = 1,
- [UpperArmWidth] = 1,
- [FootHeight] = 1,
- [LowerTorsoWidth] = 1,
- [UpperTorsoHeight] = 1,
- [HandWidth] = 1,
- [HeadScale] = 500,
- [UpperLegHeight] = 1,
- [LowerTorsoHeight] = 1,
- [LowerLegWidth] = 1
- },
- [name] = GAY,
- [outfitId] = 1,
- [isOutfit] = true,
- [collageSeed] = 0,
- [lowerName] =
- }
- local Event = gameGetService(ReplicatedStorage).AvatarEditor.Remote.CommitCharacterAppearance
- EventFireServer(OOF)
- end)
- addcmd('ws','change a players walkspeed',{},
- function(args)
- -- K1LL0X --
- --This may be a little buggy, so beware.
- --Hold Q to speed up
- down = false
- velocity =
- velocity.maxForce =, 0, 100000)
- ---vv Use that to change the speed v
- local speed = 150
- gyro =
- gyro.maxTorque =, 0, 100000)
- local hum = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid
- function onButton1Down(mouse)
- down = true
- velocity.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.UpperTorso
- velocity.velocity = (hum.MoveDirection) speed
- gyro.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.UpperTorso
- while down do
- if not down then break end
- velocity.velocity = (hum.MoveDirection) speed
- local refpos = gyro.Parent.Position + (gyro.Parent.Position - workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.p).unit 5
- gyro.cframe =,, gyro.Parent.Position.y, refpos.z))
- wait(0.1)
- end
- end
- function onButton1Up(mouse)
- velocity.Parent = nil
- gyro.Parent = nil
- down = false
- end
- --To Change the key in those 2 lines, replace the q with your desired key
- function onSelected(mouse)
- mouse.KeyDownconnect(function(k) if klower()==qthen onButton1Down(mouse)end end)
- mouse.KeyUpconnect(function(k) if klower()==qthen onButton1Up(mouse)end end)
- end
- onSelected(game.Players.LocalPlayerGetMouse())
- end)
- addcmd('clicktp','Your GOD',{},
- function(args)
- player1=game.Players.LocalPlayer
-'HopperBin', player1.Backpack)
- q.Name = 'Click Teleport'
- bin = q
- function teleportPlayer(pos)
- local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- if player == nil or player.Character == nil then return end
- player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =, pos.y + 7, pos.z))
- end
- enabled = true
- function onButton1Down(mouse)
- if not enabled then
- return
- end
- local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- if player == nil then return end
- enabled = false
- local cf = mouse.Hit
- local v = cf.lookVector
- teleportPlayer(cf.p)
- wait()
- enabled = true
- end
- function onSelected(mouse)
- mouse.Icon = rbxassettexturesArrowCursor.png
- mouse.Button1Downconnect(function() onButton1Down(mouse) end)
- end
- bin.Selectedconnect(onSelected)
- end)
- addcmd('titan','Sie sind das Essen und Wir sind die Jaeger!',nil,
- function(args)
- --Made by N3xul.
- local titan =
- {
- [assets] =
- {
- [1] =
- {
- [drotation] =
- {
- [y] = 90,
- [x] = 90,
- [z] = 90
- },
- [dposition] =
- {
- [y] = 200,
- [x] = 200,
- [z] = 200
- },
- [scale] =
- {
- [y] = 100,
- [x] = 100,
- [z] = 100
- },
- [dscale] =
- {
- [y] = 500,
- [x] = 500,
- [z] = 500
- },
- [vscale] =
- {
- [y] = 1,
- [x] = 1,
- [z] = 1
- },
- [rotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [assetId] = 616980142,
- [changedFX] = false,
- [position] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [fx] =
- {
- [1] = true,
- [2] = true,
- [3] = true,
- [4] = true,
- [5] = true
- },
- [vrotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [vposition] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = -0,
- [z] = -0
- }
- },
- [2] =
- {
- [drotation] =
- {
- [y] = 90,
- [x] = 90,
- [z] = 90
- },
- [dposition] =
- {
- [y] = 200,
- [x] = 200,
- [z] = 200
- },
- [scale] =
- {
- [y] = 100,
- [x] = 100,
- [z] = 100
- },
- [dscale] =
- {
- [y] = 500,
- [x] = 500,
- [z] = 500
- },
- [vscale] =
- {
- [y] = 1,
- [x] = 1,
- [z] = 1
- },
- [rotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [assetId] = 602599987,
- [changedFX] = false,
- [position] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [fx] =
- {
- [1] = true,
- [2] = true,
- [3] = true,
- [4] = true,
- [5] = true
- },
- [vrotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [vposition] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = -0,
- [z] = -0
- }
- },
- [3] =
- {
- [drotation] =
- {
- [y] = 180,
- [x] = 90,
- [z] = 90
- },
- [dposition] =
- {
- [y] = 100,
- [x] = 200,
- [z] = 200
- },
- [scale] =
- {
- [y] = 100,
- [x] = 100,
- [z] = 100
- },
- [dscale] =
- {
- [y] = 500,
- [x] = 500,
- [z] = 500
- },
- [vscale] =
- {
- [y] = 1,
- [x] = 1,
- [z] = 1
- },
- [rotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [assetId] = 244159819,
- [changedFX] = false,
- [position] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [fx] =
- {
- [1] = true,
- [2] = true,
- [3] = true,
- [4] = true,
- [5] = true
- },
- [vrotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [vposition] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = -0,
- [z] = -0
- }
- },
- [4] =
- {
- [drotation] =
- {
- [y] = 90,
- [x] = 90,
- [z] = 90
- },
- [dposition] =
- {
- [y] = 200,
- [x] = 200,
- [z] = 200
- },
- [scale] =
- {
- [y] = 100,
- [x] = 100,
- [z] = 100
- },
- [dscale] =
- {
- [y] = 500,
- [x] = 500,
- [z] = 500
- },
- [vscale] =
- {
- [y] = 1,
- [x] = 1,
- [z] = 1
- },
- [rotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [assetId] = 7075502,
- [changedFX] = false,
- [position] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [fx] =
- {
- [1] = true,
- [2] = true,
- [3] = true,
- [4] = true,
- [5] = true
- },
- [vrotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [vposition] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = -0,
- [z] = -0
- }
- },
- [5] =
- {
- [drotation] =
- {
- [y] = 90,
- [x] = 90,
- [z] = 90
- },
- [dposition] =
- {
- [y] = 200,
- [x] = 200,
- [z] = 200
- },
- [scale] =
- {
- [y] = 100,
- [x] = 100,
- [z] = 100
- },
- [dscale] =
- {
- [y] = 500,
- [x] = 500,
- [z] = 500
- },
- [vscale] =
- {
- [y] = 1,
- [x] = 1,
- [z] = 1
- },
- [rotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [assetId] = 916733101,
- [changedFX] = false,
- [position] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [fx] =
- {
- [1] = true,
- [2] = true,
- [3] = true,
- [4] = true,
- [5] = true
- },
- [vrotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [vposition] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = -0,
- [z] = -0
- }
- }
- },
- [description] = ,
- [createdDate] = 1000,
- [lowerDesc] = ,
- [bodyColors] =
- {
- [HeadColor] =, 0, 0),
- [TorsoColor] =, 0.0666667, 0.0666667),
- [LeftArmColor] =, 0.0666667, 0.0666667),
- [RightLegColor] =, 0.0666667, 0.0666667),
- [RightArmColor] =, 0, 0),
- [LeftLegColor] =, 0, 0)
- },
- [scales] =
- {
- [LowerLegHeight] = 5,
- [UpperTorsoWidth] = 5,
- [UpperArmHeight] = 5,
- [HandHeight] = 5,
- [UpperLegWidth] = 5,
- [LowerArmWidth] = 5,
- [FootWidth] = 5,
- [LowerArmHeight] = 5,
- [UpperArmWidth] = 5,
- [FootHeight] = 5,
- [LowerTorsoWidth] = 5,
- [UpperTorsoHeight] = 5,
- [HandWidth] = 5,
- [HeadScale] = 5,
- [UpperLegHeight] = 5,
- [LowerTorsoHeight] = 5,
- [LowerLegWidth] = 5
- },
- [name] = ,
- [outfitId] = 1,
- [isOutfit] = true,
- [collageSeed] = 0,
- [lowerName] =
- }
- local Event = gameGetService(ReplicatedStorage).AvatarEditor.Remote.CommitCharacterAppearance
- EventFireServer(titan)
- end)
- addcmd('Launch','WOOO',nil
- function(args)
- local jp =, 2500, 0)
- local obese = gameGetService('Players')
- local a =
- a.Parent = obese.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart
- a.Force = jp
- end)
- [Image: qyJg42g.png]
- Email PM Find Edit Reply Quote Report
- #7 1 minute ago
- Kavos
- Rest In Peace X
- *****
- Posts: 3,737
- Threads: 366
- Joined: Oct 2016
- Reputation: 63
- Christmas 2017Christmas 2016Two Factors of Awesome
- (2 hours ago)Vzurxy Wrote:
- Fixed Script boi
- Code:
- local gPlayers = game:GetService("Players")
- local admin = gPlayers.LocalPlayer.Name
- local bannedplyrs = {'PeopleYouHate','MorePeopleYouHate'}
- local admins = {'Friend, Friend'} -- names here of people who have access to your commands! (Future Feature)
- local services={}
- local cmds={}
- local std={}
- local serverLocked = false
- function FIX_LIGHTING()
- game.Lighting.Ambient =, 0.5, 0.5)
- game.Lighting.Brightness = 1
- game.Lighting.GlobalShadows = true
- game.Lighting.Outlines = false
- game.Lighting.TimeOfDay = 14
- game.Lighting.FogEnd = 100000
- end
- services.players=gPlayers
- services.workspace=gameGetService('Workspace')
- = {}
- local user = gPlayers.LocalPlayer
- local cmdprefix = ';'
- local scriptprefix = ''
- local split =
- updateevents=function()
- for i,v in pairs( do services.eventsremove(i) vdisconnect() end
- for i,v in pairs(gPlayersplayers())do
- local ev = v.Chattedconnect(function(msg) do_exec(msg,v) end)
-[] = ev
- end
- end
- std.inTable=function(tbl,val)
- if tbl==nil then return false end
- for _,v in pairs(tbl)do
- if v==val then return true end
- end
- return false
- end
- std.out=function(str)
- print(str)
- end
- std.list=function(tbl) --turns table into list with commas
- local str=''
- for i,v in pairs(tbl)do
- str=str..tostring(v)
- if i~=#tbl then str=str..', ' end
- end
- return str
- end
- std.endat=function(str,val)
- local z=strfind(val)
- if z then
- return strsub(0,z-string.len(val)),true
- else
- return str,false
- end
- end
- std.first=function(str) return strsub(1,1) end
- isAdmin=function(name)
- if name==admin then
- return true
- elseif admins[name]==true then
- return true
- end
- return false
- end
- gPlayers.PlayerAddedconnect(function(player)
- for i,v in pairs(bannedplyrs) do
- game.ReplicatedStorage.EventFireServer(TPD, 2000, gPlayers[v].Character.Humanoid)
- end
- end)
- local exec=function(str)
- spawn(function()
- local script, loaderr = loadstring(str)
- if not script then
- error(loaderr)
- else
- script()
- end
- end)
- end
- local findCmd=function(cmd_name)
- for i,v in pairs(cmds)do
- if v.NAMElower()==cmd_namelower() or std.inTable(v.ALIAS,cmd_namelower())then
- return v
- end
- end
- end
- local getCmd=function(msg)
- local cmd,hassplit=std.endat(msglower(),split)
- if hassplit then
- return {cmd,true}
- else
- return {cmd,false}
- end
- end
- local getprfx=function(strn)
- if strnsub(1,string.len(cmdprefix))==cmdprefix then return{'cmd',string.len(cmdprefix)+1}
- elseif strnsub(1,string.len(scriptprefix))==scriptprefix then return{'exec',string.len(scriptprefix)+1}
- end return
- end
- local getArgs=function(str)
- local args={}
- local new_arg=nil
- local hassplit=nil
- local s=str
- repeat
- new_arg,hassplit=std.endat(slower(),split)
- if new_arg~='' then
- args[#args+1]=new_arg
- s=ssub(string.len(new_arg)+string.len(split)+1)
- end
- until hassplit==false
- return args
- end
- local function execCmd(str, plr)
- local s_cmd
- local a
- local cmd
- s_cmd = getCmd(str) --separate command from string using split {command name,arg bool (for arg system)}
- cmd = findCmd(s_cmd[1]) --get command object {NAME,DESC,{ALIASES},function(args)}
- if cmd == nil then return end
- a = strsub(string.len(s_cmd[1]) + string.len(split) + 1)--start string a after command and split
- local args=getArgs(a)--gets us a nice table of arguments
- pcall(function()
- cmd.FUNC(args, plr)
- end)
- end
- function do_exec(str,plr)
- if not isAdmin(plr.Name)then return end
- str=strgsub('e ','')--remove e the easy way!
- local t=getprfx(str)
- if t==nil then return end
- str=strsub(t[2])
- if t[1]=='exec' then
- exec(str)
- elseif t[1]=='cmd' then
- execCmd(str, plr)
- end
- end
- updateevents()
- _G.exec_cmd = execCmd
- --game.Players.LocalPlayer.Chattedconnect(doexec)
- local _char=function(plr_name)
- for i,v in pairs(game.PlayersGetChildren())do
- if vIsA'Player'then
- if v.Name==plr_name then return v.Character end
- end
- end
- return
- end
- local _plr=function(plr_name)
- for i,v in pairs(game.PlayersGetChildren())do
- if vIsA'Player'then
- if v.Name==plr_name then return v end
- end
- end
- return
- end
- function addcmd(name,desc,alias,func)
- cmds[#cmds+1]=
- {
- NAME=name;
- DESC=desc;
- ALIAS=alias;
- FUNC=func;
- }
- end
- local function getPlayer(name)
- local nameTable = {}
- name=namelower()
- if name == me then
- return {admin}
- elseif name == others then
- for i,v in pairs(gPlayersGetChildren()) do
- if vIsA'Player'then
- if v.Name~=admin then
- nameTable[#nameTable+1]=v.Name
- end
- end
- end
- elseif name == all then
- for i,v in pairs(gPlayersGetChildren()) do
- if vIsA'Player'then
- nameTable[#nameTable+1]=v.Name
- end
- end
- else
- for i,v in pairs(gPlayersGetChildren()) do
- local lname = v.Namelower()
- local i,j = lnamefind(name)
- if i == 1 then
- return {v.Name}
- end
- end
- end
- return nameTable
- end
- -- commands --
- addcmd('Vip','Gives u VIP',nil,
- function(args)
- name = gameGetService(Players).LocalPlayer.Name
- local PATH = gameGetService(ReplicatedStorage).PlayerData[name].CachedPasses
- local Folder1 =
- Folder1.Parent = PATH
- Folder1.Name = 1056689214
- local Folder2 =
- Folder2.Parent = PATH
- Folder2.Name = 449630072
- local Folder3 =
- Folder3.Parent = PATH
- Folder3.Name = 451671148
- local Folder4 =
- Folder4.Parent = PATH
- Folder4.Name = 629102188
- local Folder5 =
- Folder5.Parent = PATH
- Folder5.Name = 748170248
- local Folder6 =
- Folder6.Parent = PATH
- Folder6.Name = 752909285
- local Folder7 =
- Folder7.Parent = PATH
- Folder7.Name = 790960993
- local Folder8 =
- Folder8.Parent = PATH
- Folder8.Name = 859238750
- local Folder9 =
- Folder9.Parent = PATH
- Folder9.Name = 449630210
- local Folder10 =
- Folder10.Parent = PATH
- Folder10.Name = 1404986936
- end)
- addcmd('Meme','HMPH',nil,
- function(args)
- --Made by N3xul.
- local weird =
- {
- [assets] =
- {
- [1] =
- {
- [drotation] =
- {
- [y] = 90,
- [x] = 90,
- [z] = 90
- },
- [dposition] =
- {
- [y] = 200,
- [x] = 200,
- [z] = 200
- },
- [scale] =
- {
- [y] = 100,
- [x] = 100,
- [z] = 100
- },
- [dscale] =
- {
- [y] = 500,
- [x] = 500,
- [z] = 500
- },
- [vscale] =
- {
- [y] = 1,
- [x] = 1,
- [z] = 1
- },
- [rotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [assetId] = 616980142,
- [changedFX] = false,
- [position] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [fx] =
- {
- [1] = true,
- [2] = true,
- [3] = true,
- [4] = true,
- [5] = true
- },
- [vrotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [vposition] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = -0,
- [z] = -0
- }
- },
- [2] =
- {
- [drotation] =
- {
- [y] = 90,
- [x] = 90,
- [z] = 90
- },
- [dposition] =
- {
- [y] = 200,
- [x] = 200,
- [z] = 200
- },
- [scale] =
- {
- [y] = 100,
- [x] = 100,
- [z] = 100
- },
- [dscale] =
- {
- [y] = 500,
- [x] = 500,
- [z] = 500
- },
- [vscale] =
- {
- [y] = 1,
- [x] = 1,
- [z] = 1
- },
- [rotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [assetId] = 602599987,
- [changedFX] = false,
- [position] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [fx] =
- {
- [1] = true,
- [2] = true,
- [3] = true,
- [4] = true,
- [5] = true
- },
- [vrotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [vposition] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = -0,
- [z] = -0
- }
- },
- [3] =
- {
- [drotation] =
- {
- [y] = 180,
- [x] = 90,
- [z] = 90
- },
- [dposition] =
- {
- [y] = 100,
- [x] = 200,
- [z] = 200
- },
- [scale] =
- {
- [y] = 100,
- [x] = 100,
- [z] = 100
- },
- [dscale] =
- {
- [y] = 500,
- [x] = 500,
- [z] = 500
- },
- [vscale] =
- {
- [y] = 1,
- [x] = 1,
- [z] = 1
- },
- [rotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [assetId] = 244159819,
- [changedFX] = false,
- [position] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [fx] =
- {
- [1] = true,
- [2] = true,
- [3] = true,
- [4] = true,
- [5] = true
- },
- [vrotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [vposition] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = -0,
- [z] = -0
- }
- },
- [4] =
- {
- [drotation] =
- {
- [y] = 90,
- [x] = 90,
- [z] = 90
- },
- [dposition] =
- {
- [y] = 200,
- [x] = 200,
- [z] = 200
- },
- [scale] =
- {
- [y] = 100,
- [x] = 100,
- [z] = 100
- },
- [dscale] =
- {
- [y] = 500,
- [x] = 500,
- [z] = 500
- },
- [vscale] =
- {
- [y] = 1,
- [x] = 1,
- [z] = 1
- },
- [rotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [assetId] = 7075502,
- [changedFX] = false,
- [position] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [fx] =
- {
- [1] = true,
- [2] = true,
- [3] = true,
- [4] = true,
- [5] = true
- },
- [vrotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [vposition] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = -0,
- [z] = -0
- }
- },
- [5] =
- {
- [drotation] =
- {
- [y] = 90,
- [x] = 90,
- [z] = 90
- },
- [dposition] =
- {
- [y] = 200,
- [x] = 200,
- [z] = 200
- },
- [scale] =
- {
- [y] = 100,
- [x] = 100,
- [z] = 100
- },
- [dscale] =
- {
- [y] = 500,
- [x] = 500,
- [z] = 500
- },
- [vscale] =
- {
- [y] = 1,
- [x] = 1,
- [z] = 1
- },
- [rotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [assetId] = 916733101,
- [changedFX] = false,
- [position] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [fx] =
- {
- [1] = true,
- [2] = true,
- [3] = true,
- [4] = true,
- [5] = true
- },
- [vrotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [vposition] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = -0,
- [z] = -0
- }
- }
- },
- [description] = ,
- [createdDate] = 1000,
- [lowerDesc] = ,
- [bodyColors] =
- {
- [HeadColor] =, 0, 0),
- [TorsoColor] =, 0.0666667, 0.0666667),
- [LeftArmColor] =, 0.0666667, 0.0666667),
- [RightLegColor] =, 0.0666667, 0.0666667),
- [RightArmColor] =, 0, 0),
- [LeftLegColor] =, 0, 0)
- },
- [scales] =
- {
- [LowerLegHeight] = 5,
- [UpperTorsoWidth] = 5,
- [UpperArmHeight] = 5,
- [HandHeight] = 5,
- [UpperLegWidth] = -1,
- [LowerArmWidth] = -1,
- [FootWidth] = 5,
- [LowerArmHeight] = -1,
- [UpperArmWidth] = -1,
- [FootHeight] = 5,
- [LowerTorsoWidth] = -1,
- [UpperTorsoHeight] = -1,
- [HandWidth] = -1,
- [HeadScale] = -1,
- [UpperLegHeight] = -1,
- [LowerTorsoHeight] = -1,
- [LowerLegWidth] = -1
- },
- [name] = ,
- [outfitId] = 1,
- [isOutfit] = true,
- [collageSeed] = 0,
- [lowerName] =
- }
- local Event = gameGetService(ReplicatedStorage).AvatarEditor.Remote.CommitCharacterAppearance
- EventFireServer(weird)
- end)
- addcmd('Jeff','Makes sound SMH',nil,
- function(args)
- local remote = Game[ReplicatedStorage][ClientRequests][Music][PlayRadioSong]
- local args = {
- [1] = 333637668
- }
- remoteInvokeServer(unpack(args))
- end)
- addcmd('Pawnshop','Pawned NOOB',nil,
- function(args)
- local remote = Game[ReplicatedStorage][ClientRequests][Music][PlayRadioSong]
- local args = {
- [1] = 482683318
- }
- remoteInvokeServer(unpack(args))
- end)
- addcmd('Bighead','BOOM your dead',nil,
- function(args)
- --Brought to you by N3xul.
- local OOF =
- {
- [assets] =
- {
- [1] =
- {
- [drotation] =
- {
- [y] = 90,
- [x] = 90,
- [z] = 90
- },
- [dposition] =
- {
- [y] = 200,
- [x] = 200,
- [z] = 200
- },
- [scale] =
- {
- [y] = 10000,
- [x] = 10000,
- [z] = 10000
- },
- [dscale] =
- {
- [y] = 500,
- [x] = 500,
- [z] = 500
- },
- [vscale] =
- {
- [y] = 1,
- [x] = 1,
- [z] = 1
- },
- [rotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [assetId] = 916733101,
- [changedFX] = false,
- [position] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [fx] =
- {
- [1] = true,
- [2] = true,
- [3] = true,
- [4] = true,
- [5] = true
- },
- [vrotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [vposition] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = -0,
- [z] = -0
- }
- },
- [2] =
- {
- [drotation] =
- {
- [y] = 90,
- [x] = 90,
- [z] = 90
- },
- [dposition] =
- {
- [y] = 20000,
- [x] = 20000,
- [z] = 20000
- },
- [scale] =
- {
- [y] = 100,
- [x] = 100,
- [z] = 100
- },
- [dscale] =
- {
- [y] = 500,
- [x] = 500,
- [z] = 500
- },
- [vscale] =
- {
- [y] = 1,
- [x] = 1,
- [z] = 1
- },
- [rotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [assetId] = 602599987,
- [changedFX] = false,
- [position] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [fx] =
- {
- [1] = true,
- [2] = true,
- [3] = true,
- [4] = true,
- [5] = true
- },
- [vrotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [vposition] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = -0,
- [z] = -0
- }
- },
- [3] =
- {
- [drotation] =
- {
- [y] = 90,
- [x] = 90,
- [z] = 90
- },
- [dposition] =
- {
- [y] = 200,
- [x] = 200,
- [z] = 200
- },
- [scale] =
- {
- [y] = 10000,
- [x] = 10000,
- [z] = 10000
- },
- [dscale] =
- {
- [y] = 500,
- [x] = 500,
- [z] = 500
- },
- [vscale] =
- {
- [y] = 1,
- [x] = 1,
- [z] = 1
- },
- [rotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [assetId] = 616980142,
- [changedFX] = false,
- [position] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [fx] =
- {
- [1] = true,
- [2] = true,
- [3] = true,
- [4] = true,
- [5] = true
- },
- [vrotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [vposition] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = -0,
- [z] = -0
- }
- },
- [4] =
- {
- [drotation] =
- {
- [y] = 180,
- [x] = 90,
- [z] = 90
- },
- [dposition] =
- {
- [y] = 100,
- [x] = 200,
- [z] = 200
- },
- [scale] =
- {
- [y] = 1250,
- [x] = 1250,
- [z] = 12500
- },
- [dscale] =
- {
- [y] = 750,
- [x] = 750,
- [z] = 750
- },
- [vscale] =
- {
- [y] = 1.25,
- [x] = 1.25,
- [z] = 1.25
- },
- [rotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [assetId] = 244159819,
- [changedFX] = false,
- [position] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [fx] =
- {
- [1] = true,
- [2] = true,
- [3] = true,
- [4] = true,
- [5] = true
- },
- [vrotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [vposition] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = -0,
- [z] = -0
- }
- },
- [5] =
- {
- [drotation] =
- {
- [y] = 90,
- [x] = 90,
- [z] = 90
- },
- [dposition] =
- {
- [y] = 200,
- [x] = 200,
- [z] = 200
- },
- [scale] =
- {
- [y] = 5000,
- [x] = 5000,
- [z] = 5000
- },
- [dscale] =
- {
- [y] = 5000,
- [x] = 5000,
- [z] = 5000
- },
- [vscale] =
- {
- [y] = 1,
- [x] = 1,
- [z] = 1
- },
- [rotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [assetId] = 7075502,
- [changedFX] = false,
- [position] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [fx] =
- {
- [1] = true,
- [2] = true,
- [3] = true,
- [4] = true,
- [5] = true
- },
- [vrotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [vposition] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = -0,
- [z] = -0
- }
- }
- },
- [description] = ,
- [createdDate] = 1000,
- [lowerDesc] = ,
- [bodyColors] =
- {
- [HeadColor] =, 0, 0),
- [TorsoColor] =, 0.0666667, 0.0666667),
- [LeftArmColor] =, 0.0666667, 0.0666667),
- [RightLegColor] =, 0.0666667, 0.0666667),
- [RightArmColor] =, 0, 0),
- [LeftLegColor] =, 0, 0)
- },
- [scales] =
- {
- [LowerLegHeight] = 1,
- [UpperTorsoWidth] = 1,
- [UpperArmHeight] = 1,
- [HandHeight] = 1,
- [UpperLegWidth] = 1,
- [LowerArmWidth] = 1,
- [FootWidth] = 1,
- [LowerArmHeight] = 1,
- [UpperArmWidth] = 1,
- [FootHeight] = 1,
- [LowerTorsoWidth] = 1,
- [UpperTorsoHeight] = 1,
- [HandWidth] = 1,
- [HeadScale] = 500,
- [UpperLegHeight] = 1,
- [LowerTorsoHeight] = 1,
- [LowerLegWidth] = 1
- },
- [name] = GAY,
- [outfitId] = 1,
- [isOutfit] = true,
- [collageSeed] = 0,
- [lowerName] =
- }
- local Event = gameGetService(ReplicatedStorage).AvatarEditor.Remote.CommitCharacterAppearance
- EventFireServer(OOF)
- end)
- addcmd('ws','change a players walkspeed',{},
- function(args)
- -- K1LL0X --
- --This may be a little buggy, so beware.
- --Hold Q to speed up
- down = false
- velocity =
- velocity.maxForce =, 0, 100000)
- ---vv Use that to change the speed v
- local speed = 150
- gyro =
- gyro.maxTorque =, 0, 100000)
- local hum = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid
- function onButton1Down(mouse)
- down = true
- velocity.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.UpperTorso
- velocity.velocity = (hum.MoveDirection) speed
- gyro.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.UpperTorso
- while down do
- if not down then break end
- velocity.velocity = (hum.MoveDirection) speed
- local refpos = gyro.Parent.Position + (gyro.Parent.Position - workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.p).unit 5
- gyro.cframe =,, gyro.Parent.Position.y, refpos.z))
- wait(0.1)
- end
- end
- function onButton1Up(mouse)
- velocity.Parent = nil
- gyro.Parent = nil
- down = false
- end
- --To Change the key in those 2 lines, replace the q with your desired key
- function onSelected(mouse)
- mouse.KeyDownconnect(function(k) if klower()==qthen onButton1Down(mouse)end end)
- mouse.KeyUpconnect(function(k) if klower()==qthen onButton1Up(mouse)end end)
- end
- onSelected(game.Players.LocalPlayerGetMouse())
- end)
- addcmd('clicktp','Your GOD',{},
- function(args)
- player1=game.Players.LocalPlayer
-'HopperBin', player1.Backpack)
- q.Name = 'Click Teleport'
- bin = q
- function teleportPlayer(pos)
- local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- if player == nil or player.Character == nil then return end
- player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =, pos.y + 7, pos.z))
- end
- enabled = true
- function onButton1Down(mouse)
- if not enabled then
- return
- end
- local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- if player == nil then return end
- enabled = false
- local cf = mouse.Hit
- local v = cf.lookVector
- teleportPlayer(cf.p)
- wait()
- enabled = true
- end
- function onSelected(mouse)
- mouse.Icon = rbxassettexturesArrowCursor.png
- mouse.Button1Downconnect(function() onButton1Down(mouse) end)
- end
- bin.Selectedconnect(onSelected)
- end)
- addcmd('titan','Sie sind das Essen und Wir sind die Jaeger!',nil,
- function(args)
- --Made by N3xul.
- local titan =
- {
- [assets] =
- {
- [1] =
- {
- [drotation] =
- {
- [y] = 90,
- [x] = 90,
- [z] = 90
- },
- [dposition] =
- {
- [y] = 200,
- [x] = 200,
- [z] = 200
- },
- [scale] =
- {
- [y] = 100,
- [x] = 100,
- [z] = 100
- },
- [dscale] =
- {
- [y] = 500,
- [x] = 500,
- [z] = 500
- },
- [vscale] =
- {
- [y] = 1,
- [x] = 1,
- [z] = 1
- },
- [rotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [assetId] = 616980142,
- [changedFX] = false,
- [position] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [fx] =
- {
- [1] = true,
- [2] = true,
- [3] = true,
- [4] = true,
- [5] = true
- },
- [vrotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [vposition] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = -0,
- [z] = -0
- }
- },
- [2] =
- {
- [drotation] =
- {
- [y] = 90,
- [x] = 90,
- [z] = 90
- },
- [dposition] =
- {
- [y] = 200,
- [x] = 200,
- [z] = 200
- },
- [scale] =
- {
- [y] = 100,
- [x] = 100,
- [z] = 100
- },
- [dscale] =
- {
- [y] = 500,
- [x] = 500,
- [z] = 500
- },
- [vscale] =
- {
- [y] = 1,
- [x] = 1,
- [z] = 1
- },
- [rotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [assetId] = 602599987,
- [changedFX] = false,
- [position] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [fx] =
- {
- [1] = true,
- [2] = true,
- [3] = true,
- [4] = true,
- [5] = true
- },
- [vrotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [vposition] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = -0,
- [z] = -0
- }
- },
- [3] =
- {
- [drotation] =
- {
- [y] = 180,
- [x] = 90,
- [z] = 90
- },
- [dposition] =
- {
- [y] = 100,
- [x] = 200,
- [z] = 200
- },
- [scale] =
- {
- [y] = 100,
- [x] = 100,
- [z] = 100
- },
- [dscale] =
- {
- [y] = 500,
- [x] = 500,
- [z] = 500
- },
- [vscale] =
- {
- [y] = 1,
- [x] = 1,
- [z] = 1
- },
- [rotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [assetId] = 244159819,
- [changedFX] = false,
- [position] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [fx] =
- {
- [1] = true,
- [2] = true,
- [3] = true,
- [4] = true,
- [5] = true
- },
- [vrotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [vposition] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = -0,
- [z] = -0
- }
- },
- [4] =
- {
- [drotation] =
- {
- [y] = 90,
- [x] = 90,
- [z] = 90
- },
- [dposition] =
- {
- [y] = 200,
- [x] = 200,
- [z] = 200
- },
- [scale] =
- {
- [y] = 100,
- [x] = 100,
- [z] = 100
- },
- [dscale] =
- {
- [y] = 500,
- [x] = 500,
- [z] = 500
- },
- [vscale] =
- {
- [y] = 1,
- [x] = 1,
- [z] = 1
- },
- [rotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [assetId] = 7075502,
- [changedFX] = false,
- [position] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [fx] =
- {
- [1] = true,
- [2] = true,
- [3] = true,
- [4] = true,
- [5] = true
- },
- [vrotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [vposition] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = -0,
- [z] = -0
- }
- },
- [5] =
- {
- [drotation] =
- {
- [y] = 90,
- [x] = 90,
- [z] = 90
- },
- [dposition] =
- {
- [y] = 200,
- [x] = 200,
- [z] = 200
- },
- [scale] =
- {
- [y] = 100,
- [x] = 100,
- [z] = 100
- },
- [dscale] =
- {
- [y] = 500,
- [x] = 500,
- [z] = 500
- },
- [vscale] =
- {
- [y] = 1,
- [x] = 1,
- [z] = 1
- },
- [rotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [assetId] = 916733101,
- [changedFX] = false,
- [position] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [fx] =
- {
- [1] = true,
- [2] = true,
- [3] = true,
- [4] = true,
- [5] = true
- },
- [vrotation] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = 0,
- [z] = 0
- },
- [vposition] =
- {
- [y] = 0,
- [x] = -0,
- [z] = -0
- }
- }
- },
- [description] = ,
- [createdDate] = 1000,
- [lowerDesc] = ,
- [bodyColors] =
- {
- [HeadColor] =, 0, 0),
- [TorsoColor] =, 0.0666667, 0.0666667),
- [LeftArmColor] =, 0.0666667, 0.0666667),
- [RightLegColor] =, 0.0666667, 0.0666667),
- [RightArmColor] =, 0, 0),
- [LeftLegColor] =, 0, 0)
- },
- [scales] =
- {
- [LowerLegHeight] = 5,
- [UpperTorsoWidth] = 5,
- [UpperArmHeight] = 5,
- [HandHeight] = 5,
- [UpperLegWidth] = 5,
- [LowerArmWidth] = 5,
- [FootWidth] = 5,
- [LowerArmHeight] = 5,
- [UpperArmWidth] = 5,
- [FootHeight] = 5,
- [LowerTorsoWidth] = 5,
- [UpperTorsoHeight] = 5,
- [HandWidth] = 5,
- [HeadScale] = 5,
- [UpperLegHeight] = 5,
- [LowerTorsoHeight] = 5,
- [LowerLegWidth] = 5
- },
- [name] = ,
- [outfitId] = 1,
- [isOutfit] = true,
- [collageSeed] = 0,
- [lowerName] =
- }
- local Event = gameGetService(ReplicatedStorage).AvatarEditor.Remote.CommitCharacterAppearance
- EventFireServer(titan)
- end)
- addcmd('Launch','WOOO',nil
- function(args)
- local jp =, 2500, 0)
- local obese = gameGetService('Players')
- local a =
- a.Parent = obese.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart
- a.Force = jp
- end)
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