

Jan 21st, 2022
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  1. #Download current circos distro:
  2. $ brew install wget
  3. $ wget
  4. $ tar zxvf circos-current.tgz
  5. $ cd circos-0.69-9
  6. $ which perl
  7. /Users/hakonhaegland/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.34.0/bin/perl
  8. $ perl --version
  9. This is perl 5, version 34, subversion 0 (v5.34.0) built for darwin-2level
  10. $ cpanm -v GD
  11. $ cpanm Config::General Font::TTF::Font Math::Bezier Math::VecStat Readonly Set::IntSpan Text::Format
  12. $ cd bin
  13. $ ./circos -modules
  14. ok 1.52 Carp
  15. missing Clone
  16. ok 2.63 Config::General
  17. ok 3.80 Cwd
  18. ok 2.179 Data::Dumper
  19. ok 2.58 Digest::MD5
  20. ok 2.85 File::Basename
  21. ok 3.80 File::Spec::Functions
  22. ok 0.2311 File::Temp
  23. ok 1.52 FindBin
  24. ok 0.39 Font::TTF::Font
  25. ok 2.73 GD
  26. ok 0.2 GD::Polyline
  27. ok 2.52 Getopt::Long
  28. ok 1.46 IO::File
  29. missing List::MoreUtils
  30. ok 1.55 List::Util
  31. ok 0.01 Math::Bezier
  32. ok 1.999818 Math::BigFloat
  33. missing Math::Round
  34. ok 0.08 Math::VecStat
  35. ok 1.03_01 Memoize
  36. ok 1.97 POSIX
  37. ok 1.30 Params::Validate
  38. ok 2.01 Pod::Usage
  39. ok 2.05 Readonly
  40. missing Regexp::Common
  41. missing SVG
  42. ok 1.19 Set::IntSpan
  43. missing Statistics::Basic
  44. ok 3.23 Storable
  45. ok 1.23 Sys::Hostname
  46. ok 2.04 Text::Balanced
  47. ok 0.62 Text::Format
  48. ok 1.9767 Time::HiRes
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