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- Morning, gays. Time for the news.
- CNN Lemon: Court-Packing Questions Not ‘Legitimate’
- Sez Fredo ‘Doing the Republicans’ Work’
- Lemon
- On Monday’s “CNN Tonight,” host Don Lemon scolded fellow CNN host Chris Cuomo for asking Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) about court-packing by stating that “it’s not a legitimate question” and Cuomo was “doing the Republicans’ work” by asking it. Lemon
- Trump Ad: Under Joe Biden’s Weak Leadership, We Got Endless War, Broken VA, ISIS Grew
- Trump Ad: Under Joe Biden’s Weak Leadership, We Got Endless War, Broken VA, ISIS Grew
- Donald Trump in Florida: Joe Biden Was ‘A Big Lover of Castro’
- Donald Trump in Florida: Joe Biden Was ‘A Big Lover of Castro’
- Biden Opts to Recognize Indigenous Peoples’ Day Over Columbus Day
- Biden Opts to Recognize Indigenous Peoples’ Day Over Columbus Day
- Trump: Biden and the ‘Democrat Socialists’ Will Take Your Guns
- Donald Trump: ‘Joe Biden Had a Bad Day’
- Donald Trump: ‘Joe Biden Had a Bad Day’
- WATCH: Joe Biden Attacks ‘Systemic Racism’; Forgets Name of ‘Proud Boys’
- Biden Surrogate Cardi B Under Fire for Las Vegas Birthday Party With Little Social Distancing, Few Masks
- Biden Surrogate Cardi B Under Fire for Las Vegas Birthday Party
- Delaware’s Auto Plants Closed While Joe Biden Was Senator, Vice President
- Delaware’s Auto Plants Closed While Joe Biden Was Senator, Vice President
- Report: Chinese Currency Soars on Hopes of Joe Biden Victory
- Peter Navarro Predicts a Joe Biden Economy Would See ‘Depression, Bear Market’
- Peter Navarro Predicts a Joe Biden Economy Would See ‘Depression, Bear Market’
- Mike Flynn Jr. to NeverTrumpers: Don’t Tell Trump’s Base We Don’t Care About RussiaGate
- Mike Flynn Jr. to NeverTrumpers: Don’t Tell Trump’s Base We Don’t Care About RussiaGate
- Franken: Judge Barrett ‘Is Completely Hypocritical’
- Franken: Judge Barrett ‘Is Completely Hypocritical’
- Sen. John Kennedy Slams Democrats for Implying Barrett Is on ‘Mission from God’ to Deny Healthcare Coverage
- Bill de Blasio Not Invited to New York’s Columbus Day Event
- Bill de Blasio Not Invited to New York’s Columbus Day Event
- Shelby Steele: Leftist ‘Grievance Industry’ Ignores Black Development, Pushes ‘Racial Victimization’
- Shelby Steele: Leftist ‘Grievance Industry’ Ignores Black Development, Pushes ‘Racial Victimization’
- Dem Sen. Blumenthal: SCOTUS Justice Should Have ‘Sensitivity’ to Harm Caused by Striking Down ACA
- Dem Sen. Blumenthal: SCOTUS Justice Should Have ‘Sensitivity’ to Harm Caused by Striking Down ACA
- Fact Check: Pete Buttigieg Claims Late-Term Abortions Are Due to ‘Devastating Medical News’
- Fact Check: Pete Buttigieg Claims Late-Term Abortions Are Due to ‘Devastating Medical News’
- Netflix co-CEO Ted Sarandos Defends ‘Cuties’ as ‘ Very Misunderstood’ in the U.S.
- Netflix co-CEO Ted Sarandos Defends ‘Cuties’ as ‘ Very Misunderstood’ in the U.S.
- Kanye West in Campaign Ad: ‘We Will Build a Stronger Country by Building Stronger Families’
- Kanye West in Campaign Ad: ‘We Will Build a Stronger Country by Building Stronger Families’
- Charles Hurt: The Democrats Have Wanted to Destroy the Court for Decades
- Charles Hurt: The Democrats Have Wanted to Destroy the Court for Decades
- ***Live Updates*** Trump Returns to Campaign Trail in Sanford, Florida.
- ***Live Updates***
- Trump Returns to Campaign Trail in Sanford, Florida…
- …Watch: President Hosts Comeback Rally
- Donald Trump Tosses MAGA Coronavirus Masks to Rally Crowd in Florida
- Donald Trump Tosses MAGA Coronavirus Masks to Rally Crowd in Florida
- China Is ‘Our Customer’: Mark Cuban ‘OK’ Doing Business with China Despite Human Rights Violations
- Mark Meadows Walks Out After CNN Demands He Wear Mask While Answering Questions
- Watch: Mark Meadows Refuses to Answer Questions in Mask
- Cuomo Dodges on Whether Sending COVID Patients into Nursing Homes Was a Mistake
- Cuomo Dodges on Whether Sending COVID Patients into Nursing Homes a Mistake
- Trump official says vaccine expected starting in January
- Trump Vaccine Hype Continues
- Roof Flies Off New Tesla Model Y on First Drive Home
- Roof Flies Off New Tesla Model Y on First Drive Home
- Fact Check: Amy Klobuchar Claims During SCOTUS Hearing that Trump ‘Refused’ to Condemn White Supremacists
- Klo Claims Trump ‘Refused’ to Condemn White Supremacists
- Sen. Ted Cruz: ‘Complete Unanimity’ Pre-Existing Conditions ‘Can and Should Be Protected’
- Cruz: ‘Complete Unanimity’ Pre-Existing Conditions ‘Can and Should Be Protected’
- Schumer: ‘We Would Certainly Be in the Constitutional Right’ to Pack Court
- Sen. Mike Lee Attends Hearing in Person After Recovering from the Coronavirus
- Break the Internet: Mike Lee Attends Hearing in Person Post Coronavirus… No Mask
- Fact Check: No, Trump Does Not Reject ‘Peaceful Transition of Power’
- Fact Check: No, Trump Does Not Reject ‘Peaceful Transition of Power’
- Fact Check: Amy Coney Barrett Never Said ‘She Wants to Get Rid of the Affordable Care Act’
- Fact Check: Barrett Never Said ‘She Wants to Get Rid of the Affordable Care Act’
- Joe Biden: Should Be ‘No Questions’ About Amy Coney Barrett’s Faith
- Graham: ‘If You Want a Fight over Amy Barrett, You’ll Get One’
- Graham: ‘If You Want a Fight over Amy Barrett, You’ll Get One’
- ‘Handmaid’s Tale’ Protesters Descend On Supreme Court to Protest Amy Coney Barrett
- ‘Handmaid’s Tale’ Protesters Descend On Supreme Court
- Pence COS Marc Short: Religious Affiliation ‘Now Under Scrutiny and Persecution’
- Kamala Harris Participating in Barrett SCOTUS Hearing Remotely: GOP Failed to Take ‘Commonsense Steps to Protect Members’
- LIVE IN FEAR: Kamala Goes Virtual Because Safety
- CNN’s Toobin: ACB Hearing ‘Being Held in the Middle of a Pandemic’ in a Hotspot — ‘So Surreal and So Dangerous’
- CNN’s Toobin: ‘So Surreal and So Dangerous’
- ABA: ‘Substantial Majority’ Rates Judge Amy Coney Barrett ‘Well Qualified’ for Supreme Court
- ABA: ‘Substantial Majority’ Rates Judge Amy Coney Barrett ‘Well Qualified’ for Supreme Court
- Coons: Judge Barrett’s Extreme Views ‘Disqualifying’
- Browser that Helped Chinese Overcome ‘Great Firewall’ Disappears from App Stores
- Watch -- Blexit Member: Being American 'Isn't a Skin Tone'
- Exclusive — Pence: Biden, Harris Must 'Come Clean' on Court Packing
- Exclusive — Pence: Biden, Harris Must 'Come Clean' on Court Packing
- Exclusive — Grenell: Trump Best President Ever for LGBT
- Exclusive — Grenell: Trump Best President Ever for LGBT
- Rioters Topple Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt Statues in Portland
- Rioters Topple Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt Statues in Portland
- ***Live Updates*** Amy Coney Barrett Confirmation Hearings
- ***Live Updates*** Amy Coney Barrett Confirmation Hearings
- Donald Trump Ends Negotiations with Nancy Pelosi on Coronavirus Relief
- Donald Trump Ends Negotiations with Nancy Pelosi on Coronavirus Relief
- Donald Trump, Melania Trump Test Positive for Coronavirus
- Donald Trump, Melania Trump Test Positive for Coronavirus
- Nig Arrested After Fatally Shooting White Man in Tulsa.
- It's moments like this where you don't think there is a god.
- Nickel in Montebello Attacks Two People at Bus Stop, Leaves One Man in Coma.
- Waukegan Police Take in Nagger Who Fatally Shot Man After He Accidentally Got Rear Ended By Him.
- Spic Bitch Arrested After Molesting 6 Year Old Boy in Marion County, Florida.
- ........ Weather.
- Tue 13 | Day
- 88°
- 0%
- NE 4 mph
- A mix of clouds and sun. High 88F. Winds light and variable.
- Humidity
- 45%
- UV Index
- 7 of 10
- Sunrise
- 7:30 am
- Sunset
- 7:01 pm
- Tue 13 | Night
- 58°
- 10%
- E 3 mph
- Clear skies. Low 58F. Winds light and variable.
- Humidity
- 77%
- UV Index
- 0 of 10
- Moonrise
- 3:49 am
- Moonset
- 5:21 pm
- Wed 14
- 91°
- /68°
- Partly Cloudy
- 10%
- S 8 mph
- Thu 15
- 91°
- /58°
- Mostly Sunny
- 10%
- SW 10 mph
- Fri 16
- 74°
- /51°
- Mostly Sunny
- 10%
- NNE 18 mph
- Sat 17
- 80°
- /67°
- Mostly Sunny
- 0%
- SSE 12 mph
- Sun 18
- 90°
- /64°
- Partly Cloudy
- 10%
- S 15 mph
- Mon 19
- 77°
- /62°
- Partly Cloudy
- 10%
- NE 13 mph
- Tue 20
- 76°
- /55°
- Partly Cloudy
- 20%
- NNE 11 mph
- Wed 21
- 77°
- /58°
- Partly Cloudy
- 20%
- ESE 10 mph
- Thu 22
- 77°
- /56°
- Partly Cloudy
- 20%
- ENE 11 mph
- Fri 23
- 78°
- /56°
- Partly Cloudy
- 20%
- ENE 9 mph
- Sat 24
- 79°
- /57°
- Partly Cloudy
- 20%
- ENE 10 mph
- Sun 25
- 78°
- /55°
- Partly Cloudy
- 20%
- NE 10 mph
- Mon 26
- 77°
- /53°
- Mostly Sunny
- 20%
- NNE 9 mph
- Tue 27
- 78°
- /55°
- Partly Cloudy
- 20%
- N 8 mph
- ......
- Current threat: 🐻 Care bears.
- ......
- Britam
- Last Thursday about two years ago, a series of revolutions swept across the Middle East that were sparked after a fruit vendor named Mohamed Bouazizi became an hero by self immolating with gasoline after the mayor of a town refused to hear him bitch about how a 45 year old female municipal officer confiscated his electronic scales and kicked over his illegal wheelbarrow fruit stand. Mohamed's last words were "How do you expect me to make a living?" before he set himself on fire in the middle of noonday traffic. Since then, several governments have been toppled, though not much can be said since nothing has been accomplished other than Islamists of various levels of fanaticism and hunger for power have taken over numerous countries in the Middle East. The peaceful revolutions have only allowed moderate Muslims to take over through sheer numbers. The violent revolutions, such as Libya, have created situations that have allowed Al Qaeda affiliated groups to essentially take over. However, Bashar Al-Assad being the benevolent ruler decided that his citizens should have two choices in his country's great political discourse: stay at home in support of Assad or get filled with lead.
- .........................
- Joséphine Fodor (13 October 1789 or in 1793 – 10 August 1870), also known under the name Joséphine Fodor-Mainvielle, was a French 19th-century lyrical artist (soprano) with Hungarian and Dutch ancestors. Her family moved to Saint Petersburg when she was an infant, probably because of the French Revolution. After marrying in 1812, the couple moved back to France when Saint Petersburg came under attack during the French invasion of Russia. She performed roles for the Opéra-Comique in Paris, later being engaged by the Comédie-Italienne, and also appeared in London, Venice, Naples and Vienna. Experiencing problems with her voice, she gradually ended her operatic career and withdrew from the stage. This lithograph depicts her in 1815.
- Lithograph credit: Jean-Baptiste Singry; restored by Adam Cuerden
- ........
- Bye, guys. I'm gonna go to the grocery store and take a bunch of cheese samples... What? I don't have much money.
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