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- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // TraversalBvh2.hlsli
- //
- // Implements ray traversal through multi-level BVH-2 acceleration structure.
- //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #ifndef __TRAVERSAL_BVH2__HLSLI__
- #define __TRAVERSAL_BVH2__HLSLI__
- #include "../Raytracer.hlsli"
- // Definition to compact funciton parameters into TraceRayCompute funciton (BVH-2 variant)
- #define TRACE_RAY_PARAMS RWStructuredBuffer<GeometryNode> Geometries,\
- RWStructuredBuffer<InstanceNode> Instances,\
- RWStructuredBuffer<MemoryNode> ASTreeNodes,\
- RWStructuredBuffer<BVH2Node> ASTreeData,\
- RWStructuredBuffer<MemoryNode> ASIndexNodes,\
- RWStructuredBuffer<uint> ASIndexData,\
- RWStructuredBuffer<MemoryNode> WoopNodes,\
- RWStructuredBuffer<float4> WoopData
- // Definition to compact argument passing into TraceRayCompute function (BVH-2 variant)
- #define TRACE_RAY_ARGS Geometries,\
- Instances,\
- ASTreeNodes,\
- ASTreeData,\
- ASIndexNodes,\
- ASIndexData,\
- WoopNodes,\
- WoopData
- /// <summary>
- /// Performs ray traversal through acceleration structure for single ray.
- ///
- /// This function performs traversal through binary Bounding Volume Hierarchy (BVH-2). Result of
- /// this funciton is represented by barycentric coordinates, primitive ID, geometry ID and distance
- /// along the ray to hitpoint.
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="r">Ray to trace.</param>
- /// <param name="Geometries">Buffer of GeometryNode - holds all definition for geometries in the scene</param>
- /// <param name="Instances">Buffer of InstanceNode - holds all geometry instances definitions in the scene</param>
- /// <param name="ASTreeNodes">Buffer of memory nodes - each representing single BVH node data definition/offsets</param>
- /// <param name="ASTreeData">Buffer of BVH nodes - BVH node data</param>
- /// <param name="ASIndexNodes">Buffer of memory nodes - each representing single BVH index data definition/offsets</param>
- /// <param name="ASIndexData">Buffer of BVH indices - BVH index data</param>
- /// <param name="WoopNodes">Buffer of memory nodes - each representing definition/offsets into data buffer holding woop triangle data</param>
- /// <param name="WoopData">Buffer of woop triangle data - Woop triangle geometry data</param>
- /// <returns>
- /// 4-component vector, where:
- /// 1st component has packed U/V barycentric coordinates (see PackFloat2/UnpackFloat2)
- /// 2nd component distance along the ray to hit
- /// 3rd component primitive ID (unsigned int)
- /// 4th component geometry ID (unsigned int)
- /// </returns>
- float4 TraceRayCompute(Ray r, TRACE_RAY_PARAMS)
- {
- float4 o = r.Origin;
- float4 d = r.Direction;
- float4 inv = r.Inverse;
- float4 oinv = o * inv;
- uint node_id = 0;
- uint stack[BVH_STACK_SIZE];
- uint stack_ptr = 0;
- stack[stack_ptr] = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- int meshbvh_stack_ptr = -1;
- float tmin = 0.0f;
- float tmax = 10000.0f;
- float bU = 0.0f;
- float bV = 0.0f;
- float dist = tmax;
- uint prim_id = 0;
- uint geometryID = 0;
- bool hit = false;
- InstanceNode instance = Instances[0];
- int i;
- // Traversal (use for for testing)
- [loop]
- for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
- //while (node_id != 0xFFFFFFFF) // This is significantly slower on RDNA 2, not sure about others
- {
- // When interior node was intersected
- [branch]
- if (ASTreeData[node_id].PrimitiveCount == 0)
- {
- // Fetch children bounding boxes
- float4 n0xy = ASTreeData[node_id].LXY;
- float4 n1xy = ASTreeData[node_id].RXY;
- float4 nz = ASTreeData[node_id].LRZ;
- // Test against child AABBs
- float c0lox = n0xy.x * inv.x - oinv.x;
- float c0hix = n0xy.y * inv.x - oinv.x;
- float c0loy = n0xy.z * inv.y - oinv.y;
- float c0hiy = n0xy.w * inv.y - oinv.y;
- float c0loz = nz.x * inv.z - oinv.z;
- float c0hiz = nz.y * inv.z - oinv.z;
- float c1loz = nz.z * inv.z - oinv.z;
- float c1hiz = nz.w * inv.z - oinv.z;
- float c0min = max(max(min(c0lox, c0hix), min(c0loy, c0hiy)), max(min(c0loz, c0hiz), tmin));
- float c0max = min(min(max(c0lox, c0hix), max(c0loy, c0hiy)), min(max(c0loz, c0hiz), tmax));
- float c1lox = n1xy.x * inv.x - oinv.x;
- float c1hix = n1xy.y * inv.x - oinv.x;
- float c1loy = n1xy.z * inv.y - oinv.y;
- float c1hiy = n1xy.w * inv.y - oinv.y;
- float c1min = max(max(min(c1lox, c1hix), min(c1loy, c1hiy)), max(min(c1loz, c1hiz), tmin));
- float c1max = min(min(max(c1lox, c1hix), max(c1loy, c1hiy)), min(max(c1loz, c1hiz), tmax));
- bool traverseChild0 = (c0max >= c0min);
- bool traverseChild1 = (c1max >= c1min);
- // If no children was hit, get node from stack
- if (!traverseChild0 && !traverseChild1)
- {
- // If we're in BLAS and we're on entrypoint, then reset the ray as the traversal will
- // continue in TLAS
- if (stack_ptr == meshbvh_stack_ptr)
- {
- meshbvh_stack_ptr = -1;
- o = r.Origin;
- d = r.Direction;
- inv = r.Inverse;
- oinv = o * inv;
- }
- // Pop from stack
- node_id = stack[stack_ptr];
- stack_ptr--;
- }
- // If either (or both children) were it - traverse next on (along the ray direction),
- // and if both were hit, push the other one to stack
- else if (traverseChild0 || traverseChild1)
- {
- uint first_child = node_id + 1;
- uint second_child = ASTreeData[node_id].PrimitiveOffset;
- node_id = (traverseChild0) ? first_child : second_child;
- if (traverseChild0 && traverseChild1)
- {
- if (c1min < c0min)
- {
- node_id = second_child;
- stack_ptr++;
- stack[stack_ptr] = first_child;
- }
- else
- {
- stack_ptr++;
- stack[stack_ptr] = second_child;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // When leaf node was intersected - and we're in TLAS
- //
- // Setup the new ray origin/direction for traversing BLAS and enter the BLAS, record
- // entry-point to BLAS into stack so we know when we will finish BLAS traversal
- else if (ASTreeData[node_id].PrimitiveCount == -1)
- {
- meshbvh_stack_ptr = stack_ptr;
- uint blas_offset = ASTreeData[node_id].PrimitiveOffset;
- uint instance_index = ASIndexData[blas_offset];
- instance = Instances[instance_index];
- node_id = ASTreeNodes[Geometries[instance.GeometryNode].BVHNode + 1].Offset / 64;
- o = mul(r.Origin, instance.TransformInverse);
- d = mul(r.Direction, instance.TransformInverse);
- inv = rcp(d);
- oinv = o * inv;
- }
- // When leaf node was intersected - and we're in BLAS
- //
- // Perform ray-triangle intersection test for all triangles in leaf node
- else
- {
- if (ASTreeData[node_id].PrimitiveCount > 0)
- {
- GeometryNode geom = Geometries[instance.GeometryNode];
- //MemoryNode vbo = VertexNodes[geom.VertexBufferNode];
- //MemoryNode ibo = IndexNodes[geom.IndexBufferNode];
- MemoryNode wbo = WoopNodes[geom.WoopBufferNode];
- uint index_offset = ASIndexNodes[ASTreeData[node_id].PrimitiveOffset].Offset / 4;
- for (uint j = 0; j < ASTreeData[node_id].PrimitiveCount; j++)
- {
- // Don't trash cache by reading index through it
- uint tri_idx = ASIndexData[ASTreeData[node_id].PrimitiveOffset + j] * 3;
- // Fetch data for Woop's triangle
- float4 r = WoopData[wbo.Offset / 16 + tri_idx + 0];
- float4 p = WoopData[wbo.Offset / 16 + tri_idx + 1];
- float4 q = WoopData[wbo.Offset / 16 + tri_idx + 2];
- // Perform intersection
- float o_z = r.w - o.x * r.x - o.y * r.y - o.z * r.z;
- float i_z = 1.0f / (d.x * r.x + d.y * r.y + d.z * r.z);
- float t = o_z * i_z;
- if (t > tmin && t < tmax)
- {
- float o_x = p.w + o.x * p.x + o.y * p.y + o.z * p.z;
- float d_x = d.x * p.x + d.y * p.y + d.z * p.z;
- float u = o_x + t * d_x;
- if (u >= 0.0f && u <= 1.0f)
- {
- float o_y = q.w + o.x * q.x + o.y * q.y + o.z * q.z;
- float d_y = d.x * q.x + d.y * q.y + d.z * q.z;
- float v = o_y + t * d_y;
- if (v >= 0.0f && u + v <= 1.0f)
- {
- tmax = t;
- bU = u;
- bV = v;
- hit = true;
- geometryID = instance.GeometryNode;
- prim_id = tri_idx;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // If we're in BLAS and we're on entrypoint, then reset the ray as the traversal will
- // continue in TLAS
- if (stack_ptr == meshbvh_stack_ptr)
- {
- meshbvh_stack_ptr = -1;
- o = r.Origin;
- d = r.Direction;
- inv = r.Inverse;
- oinv = o * inv;
- }
- // Pop from stack
- node_id = stack[stack_ptr];
- stack_ptr--;
- }
- // If we hit entrypoint into the traversal, terminate the traversal as we are finished
- if (node_id == 0xFFFFFFFF)
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- return float4(PackFloat2(bU, bV), tmax, asfloat(prim_id), asfloat(geometryID));
- }
- #endif
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