
Thief of Time - Ankh

Oct 27th, 2024
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  1. 'What's going on, Sweeper?' said Lobsang, trailing after him.
  3. 'Well, it's like this, lad. Me and the abbot and the bloke we're going to see, we go back a long way. Things are a bit different now. The abbot can't just say, “Lu-Tze, you are an old rogue, it was you who put the idea of Uberwald into everyone's heads in the first place, but I see you're onto something so off you go and follow your nose.”'
  5. 'But I thought he was the supreme ruler!’
  7. 'Exactly! And it's very hard to get things done when you're a supreme ruler. There're too many people in the way, mucking things up. This way, the new lads can have fun running around Uberwald going, “Hai!” and we, my lad, will be heading for Ankh-Morpork. The abbot knows that. Almost knows that.'
  9. 'How do you know the new clock is being built in Ankh Morpork?' said Lobsang, trailing behind Lu-Tze as he took a mossy, sunken path that led through rhododendron thickets to the monastery wall.
  11. 'I know. I'll tell you, the day someone pulls the plug out of the bottom of the universe, the chain will lead all the way to Ankh-Morpork and some bugger saying, “I just wanted to see what would happen.” All roads lead to Ankh-Morpork.'
  13. 'I thought all roads led away from Ankh-Morpork.'
  15. 'Not the way we're going. Ah, here we are.’
  17. ***
  19. The Thief of Time - p140-141
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