

Aug 30th, 2017
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  3. Hi!
  5. I have downloaded all the dependend mods (took me a while) and took a look at your mission, as I heard that you were working on it for long time.
  7. I found some things that may have an huge impact on overall performance, and basically some things were just not set up as they are intended to.
  9. senseless duplicate Military Placement modules covering the same TAOR
  10. senseless duplicate Civilian Placement modules covering the same TAOR
  11. --> this is multiplying the same objectives over and over, creating 534 (!) OPCOM objectives, slowing down init, adding needless load on OPCOM, still very few groups created.
  12. --> It seems as you are mistaking Military Placement (custom) with regular Mil/Civ placement modules
  13. --> Instead of 5 MP modules and 5 CP modules covering the same taor you only need one of them. The custom bases you can add a MP (custom) modules and sync it to OPCOM!
  15. CUP_B_USMC was not assigned to any mil/civ placement module, OPCOM therefore giving a warning.
  16. --> Put it to Civ placement, and its fine
  18. Air vehicles exploding on carrier
  19. --> Just place them 0.5 or 1 mtrs above the carrier surface and give them a bit more room (f.e. delete one of them and spread them out a bit). Not an ALiVE issue, createvehicle/setdir on carrier surface seems to make (some) CUP vehicles explode as they clip into something.
  21. Further things
  23. --> Plane Spawn radius was set to 50 (needless), put to 0
  24. --> AI skill synced to OPCOM (should be unsynced iirc)
  25. --> those 100 "Exile player slots" are present in SP/mission making, creating needless impact when testing too, removing them during mission making will give you a better feeling on performance issues (due to many vAI present in some areas f.e.)
  26. --> Id not suggest to make it a 100 players mish with all those mods loaded. I'd suggest to start with 60, and make sure they are not set to AI enabled on server if there is still a setting for it!
  28. All in all, after I turned on debug on the ALiVE modules and fixed those issues it is running perfectly well. The only onscreen error I get is some .model config error (not an ALiVE issue) and the usual errors like: Warning Message: '/' is not a value, Warning Message: No entry '.maxLeadSpeed'. Warning Message: '/' is not a value spam, which is also not ALiVE related.
  30. I attached the fixed mission, with debugs on the Placement Modules - on so you can see what has been done and you can adapt your mish, or build from this one and tweak it further - you'll need to remove the playergroup in SP and add back those Exile slot too.
  32. Download here
  34. You can also find some more detailed info on our Wiki to esp. about the placement modules and how OPCOM works!
  36. If you need anything, just ping us!
  37. HH
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