
Notch 2

Jan 28th, 2020
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  1. TheJayZ, you’re twisting my words. I’m not saying that white people are on top. I’m saying that white people are not killed for being white. White people have rights. While racism against white people exists, it’s in no way the epidemic that racism against black people and other non-whites is.
  3. Notch is using the statement “It’s okay to be white” to silence or counter coloured people who are fighting for their rights.
  4. Nevertheless, like LegendEffects said, this is a statement created only to get people angry. It was created by 4chan’s /pol/ board to stir up a debate in media. To me, that’s an argument against it, as it proves that Notch is obviously not using this statement as a way to praise race equality. He’s using it as a way to defame and trivialize activists for race equality.
  6. And besides, why are you ignoring the conclusion? Even if you disagree with what I’m saying here, you can’t tell me that Notch is a good person or that he’s not racist considering his various anti-Semitic, homophobic, and transphobic statements. Defending ONE of Notch’s comments whilst ignoring the rest is tunnel vision.
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