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- -- dynamic_pread
- mymount = awful.widget.button({ image = '/home/piyavking/.local/share/icons/mount.png' })
- mymount:buttons(awful.util.table.join(
- awful.button({ }, 1, function()
- myflashstatus = awful.util.pread("mount | grep \/dev\/sdc1")
- if myflashstatus == "" then
- myflashname = 'Mount Flash'
- myflashcommand = 'sudo mount -o noatime,nodiratime,rw /dev/sdc1 /flash'
- else
- myflashname = 'Umount Flash'
- myflashcommand = 'sudo umount /dev/sdc1'
- end
- mycdstatus = awful.util.pread("mount | grep \/dev\/sr0")
- if myflashstatus == "" then
- mycdname = 'Mount CD/DVD'
- mycdcommand = 'sudo mount -o noatime,nodiratime,ro /dev/sr0 /cdrom'
- else
- mycdname = 'Umount CD/DVD'
- mycdcommand = 'sudo umount /dev/sr0'
- end
- myntfsstatus = awful.util.pread("mount | grep \/dev\/sdb3")
- if myntfsstatus == "" then
- myntfsname = 'Mount NTFS'
- myntfscommand = 'sudo mount -o noatime,nodiratime,rw /dev/sdb3 /ntfs'
- else
- myntfsname = 'Umount NTFS'
- myntfscommand = 'sudo umount /dev/sdb3'
- end
- mygdiskstatus = awful.util.pread("mount | grep google-drive")
- if mygdiskstatus == "" then
- mygdiskname = 'Mount Google Drive'
- mygdiskcommand = 'google-drive-ocamlfuse /home/piyavking/google-drive'
- else
- mygdiskname = 'Umount Google Drive'
- mygdiskcommand = 'fusermount -u /home/piyavking/google-drive'
- end
- mymountmenu ={ items = {
- { myflashname, myflashcommand, '/home/piyavking/.local/share/icons/mount.png' },
- { mycdname, mycdcommand, '/home/piyavking/.local/share/icons/mount.png' },
- { myntfsname, myntfscommand, '/home/piyavking/.local/share/icons/mount.png' },
- { mygdiskname, mygdiskcommand, '/home/piyavking/.local/share/icons/mount.png' }
- }
- })
- mymountmenu:show()
- end )
- ))
- -- mocp.lua
- local io = io
- local string = string
- local awful = require("awful")
- local beautiful = require("beautiful")
- local naughty = require("naughty")
- local markup = require("markup")
- module("mocp")
- -- public settings
- settings = {}
- settings.iScroller = 1
- settings.MAXCH = 15
- settings.interval = 0.75
- local mocbox = nil
- local trackinfo = {}
- trackinfo.artist = ""
- trackinfo.songtitle = ""
- trackinfo.album = ""
- trackinfo.state = ""
- ---PAUSE
- ---{{{ local setTitle
- -- call to force update of trackinfo variables
- local function setTitle()
- local fd = {}
- if state() then
- fd = io.popen('mocp -i')
- -- read to end of mocp -i
- tmp = fd:read()
- while tmp ~= nil do
- key = string.match(tmp,"^%w+")
- if trackinfo[key:lower()] ~= nil then
- trackinfo[key:lower()]=awful.util.escape(string.gsub(string.gsub(tmp,key..":%s*",""),"%b()",""))
- end
- tmp = fd:read()
- end
- end
- end
- ---}}}
- ---{{{ local title(delim)
- local function title(delim)
- local eol = delim or " "
- local np = {}
- if trackinfo.artist == "" and state() then setTitle() end
- =string.gsub( string.gsub(trackinfo.songtitle,"^%d*",""),"%(.*","") .. eol
- -- return for widget text
- return trackinfo.artist.." : "
- end
- ---}}}
- ---{{{ local function notdestroy()
- local function notdestroy()
- if mocbox ~= nil then
- naughty.destroy(mocbox)
- mocbox = nil
- end
- end
- ---}}}
- ---{{{ local getTime() gets ct and tt of track for popup
- --@return string containig formatted times
- local function getTime()
- local fd = {}
- local ttable = {}
- fd = io.popen('mocp -i')
- local tmp = fd:read()
- while tmp ~= nil do
- key = string.match(tmp,"^%w+")
- if key == "TotalTime" then
- tstring = " [ "..markup.fg(beautiful.fg_normal,awful.util.escape(string.gsub(string.gsub(tmp,key..":%s*",""),"%b()",""))).." ]"
- elseif key == "CurrentTime" then
- tstring = markup.fg(beautiful.fg_focus,"Time: ")..
- markup.fg(beautiful.fg_normal,awful.util.escape(string.gsub(string.gsub(tmp,key..":%s*",""),"%b()","")))..tstring
- end
- tmp = fd:read()
- end
- fd:close()
- return tstring
- end
- ---}}}
- ---{{{ popup
- -- displays a naughty notificaiton of the current track
- function popup()
- setTitle()
- notdestroy()
- local np = {}
- np.state = nil
- np.strng = ""
- if not state() then
- return
- else
- np.strng = "Artist: "..markup.fg(beautiful.fg_normal,trackinfo.artist).."\n"..
- "Song: "..markup.fg(beautiful.fg_normal,trackinfo.songtitle).."\n"..
- "Album: "..markup.fg(beautiful.fg_normal,trackinfo.album).."\n"
- np.strng = np.strng..markup.fg(beautiful.fg_normal,getTime())
- end
- np.strng = markup.fg( beautiful.fg_focus, markup.font("monospace", np.strng.." "))
- mocbox = naughty.notify({
- title = markup.font("monospace","Now Playing:"),
- text = np.strng, hover_timeout = ( settings.hovertime or 3 ), timeout = 0,
- -- icon = "/usr/share/icons/gnome/24x24/actions/edia-playback-start.png", icon_size = 24,
- run = function() play(); popup() end
- })
- end
- ---}}}
- ---run mocp
- function play()
- if trackinfo.state == "STOP" then
- awful.util.spawn('mocp --play')
- elseif trackinfo.state == "PLAY" then
- awful.util.spawn('mocp --next')
- else
- awful.util.spawn('mocp --toggle-pause')
- end
- end
- ---
- function setwidget(w)
- settings.widget = w
- awful.hooks.timer.register (settings.interval,scroller)
- state()
- end
- ---{{{ function update ( k, v)
- -- called by any kind of external script to trigger widget text update
- function update ( k, v )
- if #k == 0 or #v == 0 then return end
- if trackinfo[k] ~= nil then
- trackinfo[k] = v
- end
- state()
- end
- ---}}}
- -- mocp widget, scrolls text
- function scroller(tb)
- local np = {}
- -- if mocp is not running, then simply return here
- if trackinfo.state == "OFF" then
- settings.iScroller = 1
- state()
- return
- else
- -- this sets the symbolic prefix based on where moc is playing or stopped or paused
- if trackinfo.state == "PAUSE" then
- prefix = "|| "
- settings.interval = 2
- elseif trackinfo.state == "STOP" then
- settings.iScroller = 1
- settings.widget.width = 20
- settings.widget.text = "[]"
- return
- else
- prefix = ">> "
- settings.interval = 0.75
- end
- -- extract a substring, putting it after the
- np.strng = title()
- np.rtn = string.sub(np.strng,settings.iScroller,settings.MAXCH+settings.iScroller-1)
- -- if our index and settings.MAXCH count are bigger than the string, wrap around to the beginning and
- -- add enough to make it look circular
- if settings.MAXCH+settings.iScroller > (np.strng):len() then
- np.rtn = np.rtn .. string.sub(np.strng,1,(settings.MAXCH+settings.iScroller-1)-np.strng:len())
- end
- np.rtn = awful.util.escape(np.rtn)
- settings.widget.text = markup.fg(beautiful.fg_normal,prefix) .. markup.fg(beautiful.fg_sb_hi,np.rtn)
- if settings.iScroller <= np.strng:len() then
- settings.iScroller = settings.iScroller +1
- else
- settings.iScroller = 1
- end
- end
- end
- -- }}}
- #!/bin/sh
- zenity --list --width=500 --height=250 --radiolist \
- --title="Опции выключения" \
- --column="Выбор" --column="Опция" \
- FALSE quit TRUE halt FALSE reboot FALSE sleep
- )
- if [ -n "${ACTION}" ];then
- case $ACTION in
- quit)
- echo "awesome.quit()" | awesome-client
- ;;
- halt)
- gksu halt
- ;;
- reboot)
- gksu reboot
- ;;
- sleep)
- gksu pm-suspend
- ;;
- esac
- fi
- -- table hisory prompt
- local function history_check_load(id, max)
- if id and id ~= ""
- and not data.history[id] then
- data.history[id] = { max = 50, table = {} }
- if max then
- data.history[id].max = max
- end
- local f =, "r")
- -- Read history file
- if f then
- for line in f:lines() do
- if util.table.hasitem(data.history[id].table, line) == nil then
- table.insert(data.history[id].table, line)
- if #data.history[id].table >= data.history[id].max then
- break
- end
- end
- end
- f:close()
- end
- end
- end
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