
Polyphemus is said to be the most powerful Cyclops

Mar 14th, 2023 (edited)
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  1. “My child,” Zeus who marshals the thunderheads replied,
  2. “what nonsense you let slip through your teeth. Now,
  3. how on earth could I forget Odysseus? Great Odysseus
  4. who excels all men in wisdom, excels in offerings too
  5. he gives the immortal gods who rule the vaulting skies?
  6. No, it’s the Earth-Shaker, Poseidon, unappeased,
  7. forever fuming against him for the Cyclops
  8. whose giant eye he blinded: godlike Polyphemus,
  9. towering over all the Cyclops’ clans in power.
  10. The nymph Thoosa bore him, daughter of Phorcys,
  11. lord of the barren salt sea—she met Poseidon
  12. once in his vaulted caves and they made love.
  14. The Odyssey, Book 1, Translated by Robert Fagles.
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