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- type List<A> = Nil | Cons<A>
- interface Nil {
- _tag: 'Nil'
- }
- interface Cons<A> {
- _tag: 'Cons',
- head: A,
- tail: List<A>,
- }
- const nil: List<never> = { _tag: 'Nil' }
- const cons = <A>(head: A, tail: List<A>):List<A> => ({
- _tag: 'Cons',
- head, tail,
- })
- const isNil = <A>(xs: List<A>): xs is Nil => xs._tag === 'Nil'
- const myList = cons(1, cons(2, cons(3, nil)))
- console.log(JSON.stringify(myList, null, 2))
- type ShowList = <A>(xs: List<A>) => string
- const showList: ShowList = xs => isNil(xs) ? '' : `${xs.head}, ${showList(xs.tail)}`
- console.log(showList(myList))
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