
Google Forms and Sheet Redundancy, Protection, and Format

Mar 26th, 2017
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  1. Sheet Redundancy
  2. 1. Set your Google Form to export its data onto a Google Sheet, name it whatever you want. Let's use "Form Responses" for now.
  3. 2. Go to the sheet and make a new sheet by clicking the plus button in the bottom right. This will be the sheet you actually use to review and format form data, as well as submit comments and votes without interfering with the raw data.
  4. 3. The second form will have to copy the exact data from the first sheet using the following command:
  5. =ARRAYFORMULA('Form Responses'!A:Q)
  6. In between the apostrophes you will have to type the exact name of the sheet with the raw form data; in this case it was "Form Responses." The capital letters on either side of the colon denote the range of the columns from the aforementioned sheet that you want to copy the data. In this case, it was from columns A to Q. Note: Use the exact range that will have data in it, meaning that columns A through Q had form data in them.
  7. 4. Press and hold Ctrl and select every column from the second sheet within the copied range. You can now edit the settings and width for all of these columns. I recommend setting a wide width for all of them and then going back to specific columns (such as timestamp, usernames, age, etc.) and decreasing the width as necessary. With raw form data sheets you normally can't format them at all, which severely limits the ease of use. By using a second sheet we have some level of redundancy and formatting ability.
  9. Sheet Protection
  10. Now that we have set up a second sheet for redundancy and formatting ability we should protect the columns and data that should never be modified by anyone. This would be basically everything except for the columns where moderators will comment and vote.
  11. 1. Set up all your necessary columns before you continue. These could be: Application Status, individual moderator comment/vote columns, etc.
  12. 2. Having set up the the columns that will be regularly modified you will now protect the sheet. Navigate to the bottom of the page where the sheet tabs are located. Click on the arrow beside your raw form data sheet and click "Protect Sheet." Name your protected sheet description (I named mine "Raw Form Responses") and click "Sheet." Select the name of the sheet your are protecting, which would be "Form Responses", and click set permissions. Do not give any exceptions to any cells. This is the raw form data sheet and should never be directly modified by anything or anyone except for the google form itself. For this reason we've locked the entire sheet so that no one can modify the raw data.
  13. 3. Navigate to the bottom of the page where the sheet tabs are located. Click on the arrow beside your copied form data/moderator responses and votes sheet and click "Protect Sheet." Give it a name (I used "Moderator Responses and Votes,") and select the form data/moderator responses and votes sheet. Click "Except Certain Cells" and denote the exceptional column ranges. These would be the Application Status, individual moderator comment/vote columns, etc. Do NOT make an exception for the columns with the form data in them, even though they are copied. They should not be modified and will remain so.
  15. Conditional Formatting
  16. 1. Go to your copied form data/moderator responses and votes sheet and find the columns where you want colour formatted text based on input.
  17. 2. Right click on one of these columns and select "Conditional Formatting." Click on "Add new rule."
  18. 3. For this example, we will use the moderator comment/vote columns. Select "Single Colour", then enter the range of the columns that you need to fill. For our use, it was columns AB:AF and were entered as such.
  19. 4. Under "Format cells if..." select "Text starts with" and enter "Yes." (No quotes, but include the period and make sure people include it.) Don't change the formatting style, but instead select the colour under the paint bucket. In the green column, select the third from the top and click "Done."
  20. 5. Repeat this process two more times, replacing "Yes." with "Maybe." and "No." along with replacing the green with the yellow and red from the same row.
  21. 6. You can do something very similar for the application status column with the same idea, just a single column instead of a range and change the text to "Accepted" or "Denied"
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