
doppelganger ring

Sep 20th, 2022
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  1. And from behind me came a deep, warbling, throbbing hum, like nothing I’d heard before.
  2. My dad, the illusionist. I slipped the dark opal ring I’d gotten from Molly off my hand and palmed it.
  3. Then I turned.
  4. Hovering maybe twenty feet up, with his feet planted firmly on a stone the size of a Buick, was the Blackstaff, Ebenezar McCoy. One hand was spread out to one side for balance, fingers crooked in a mystic sign, sort of a kinetic shorthand for whatever spell was keeping that boulder in the air.
  5. The other gripped his staff, carved with runes like mine, and they glowed with sullen red-orange energy. His face had twisted into a rictus of cold, hard fury. Flickers of static electricity played along the surface of the stone.
  6. “You fool,” he said. “You damned fool.”
  7. I put my feet back on the dock. Then I knelt down and tied my shoe.
  8. “Boy,” he said. “They’re using you.”
  9. I set the palmed ring down behind my heel, out of sight. Breathed a word in barely a whisper.
  10. There was a moment of dizziness and then I stood up and faced my grandfather. I gathered in my will. The shield bracelet on my left wrist began drizzling a rain of green and gold sparks of light. The runes of my staff began to glow with the same energy.
  11. “Sir,” I said. “What are your intentions?”
  13. Peace Talks Chapter 31, Page 297-298
  16. He looked up at me. His eyes widened, and then his face twisted into rage and disbelief. “Why, you sneaky—”
  17. “Good talk,” I said, “Wizard McCoy.”
  18. And I let go of the Winter glamour Lady Molly had crafted for me.
  19. I felt my consciousness retreating back down that black tunnel, down to where I had laid Molly’s opal pinky ring on the dock, while I felt the ultimate construct of glamour, my doppelgänger, collapsing and deflating into ectoplasm behind me. My awareness rushed into the stone in the ring, found the thread of my consciousness I’d bound to it, and then went rushing swiftly back toward my body.
  20. My eyes flew open and I was on the deck of the Water Beetle, on the far side of the cabin from where Ebenezar had been, where I’d taken cover after dropping the ring and beginning the illusion. Once I’d activated the ring, the veil around me had let me slip aboard the Water Beetle, take cover, and then project my consciousness back into the construct.
  21. I’d blown up my relationship with my grandfather by remote control.
  22. But at least I hadn’t taken a comet to the lung.
  23. As I came all the way back into my body, I was gripped by a weariness so intense that it was its own entirely new form of pain. I could feel myself thrashing in spasms. Murphy had one of those face masks with a rubber pump over my mouth and was forcing air in. Freydis was trying to hold me down.
  24. I fought for control of my body and eventually reasserted it, sagging down to the deck in utter weariness. Freydis lay half across me, panting. Murphy, all business, peeled back one of my eyelids and shone a light on my eye. “Harry? Can you hear me?”
  25. “Yeah,” I said, and brushed the mask off my face. “Ugh.”
  26. “Od’s bodkin, seidermadr,” Freydis breathed. She rose off me wearily. “You cut that one close.”
  27. “What the hell is she talking about?” Murphy asked.
  28. “A construct,” I said. “For the illusion. Um. Molly made a really, really good ectoplasmic body for me, stored the pattern for it in the ring, and linked it to me. Everything you need to drop a fake double of yourself in place as a decoy and simultaneously make yourself unseen. Then I … kind of possessed the construct. Projected my awareness into it. Sent all that energy into it, all the way from here, which is exhausting as hell. Had a wonderful chat with McCoy.”
  30. Peace Talks Chapter 32, Page 306-309
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