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- -- This program was written by MorgosMaci for the CraftersLand
- -- Tekkit server.
- function writeColor(mon, text, fgColor, bgColor)
- if (mon.isColor()) then
- if fgColor then
- mon.setTextColor(fgColor)
- end
- if bgColor then
- mon.setBackgroundColor(bgColor)
- end
- end
- mon.write(text)
- if (mon.isColor()) then
- mon.setTextColor(colors.white)
- mon.setBackgroundColor(
- end
- end
- -- Return a wrapped device given a search term.
- function getDevice(search)
- local plist = peripheral.getNames()
- local i, name
- for i, name in pairs(plist) do
- if string.find(peripheral.getType(name), search) then
- return peripheral.wrap(name)
- end
- end
- if search == monitor then
- return term
- else
- return nil
- end
- end
- function readSettings(user)
- local filename, _ = user:gsub(" ", "_")
- filename = filename..".settings"
- local settingsFile = fs.combine(settingsDirectory, filename)
- local fh =, "r")
- if fh then
- return textutils.unserialize(fh.readAll())
- end
- return nil
- end
- function writeSettings(user, settings)
- local filename, _ = user:gsub(" ", "_")
- filename = filename..".settings"
- local settingsFile = fs.combine(settingsDirectory, filename)
- local fh =, "w")
- if fh then
- fh.write(textutils.serialize(settings))
- fh.close()
- end
- end
- -- This function extracts information from the livemap
- -- at the current timestamp and stores it in global
- -- tables.
- function extractLiveMap()
- local t = {}
- local name, armor, account, health, world, x, y, z
- local a = 0
- local b = 0
- fh = http.get("" .. ts)
- if not fh then
- return
- end
- s = fh.readAll()
- fh.close()
- _,_,ts = string.find(s, "{\"timestamp\":(%d+),")
- -- Could not find the timestamp so the page must have not returned completely.
- if not ts then
- return
- end
- -- Extract out the player information
- players = {}
- playerCount = 0
- local a = 0
- local b = 0
- local name, armor, account, health, z, y, world, x
- while (true) do
- a, b, name, armor, account, health, z, y, world, x = string.find(s, "\"sort\":0,\"name\":\"([^\"]+)\",\"armor\":(%d+),\"account\":\"([^\"]+)\",\"health\":(%d+),\"type\":\"player\",\"z\":([-0-9.]+),\"y\":([-0-9.]+),\"world\":\"([^\"]+)\",\"x\":([-0-9.]+)", b + 1)
- if (a == nil) then
- break
- end
- if world == "DIM-1" then
- world = "nether"
- elseif world == "DIM-28" then
- world = "moon"
- elseif world == "DIM-29" then
- world = "mars"
- elseif world == "-some-other-bogus-world-" then
- world = "camouflage"
- elseif world:sub(1, 8) == "DIM_MYST" then
- world = "myst_"
- elseif world:sub(1, 16) == "DIM_SPACESTATION" then
- world = "spacestation_"
- end
- worlds[world] = 1
- players[account] = {}
- players[account].armor = tonumber(armor)
- players[account].name = name
- players[account].health = tonumber(health)
- players[account].world = world
- local yn = tonumber(y)
- if yn > 999 then
- yn = 999
- end
- players[account].loc =, yn, tonumber(z))
- playerCount = playerCount + 1
- end
- end
- function getDir(s, t)
- local dir = math.atan2(s.z - t.z, s.x - t.x)
- if dir > 2.75 or dir < -2.74 then
- return "W"
- elseif dir > -2.75 and dir < -1.95 then
- return "NW"
- elseif dir > -1.96 and dir < -1.17 then
- return "N"
- elseif dir > -1.18 and dir < -0.38 then
- return "NE"
- elseif dir > -0.39 and dir < 0.40 then
- return "E"
- elseif dir > 0.39 and dir < 1.19 then
- return "SE"
- elseif dir > 1.18 and dir < 1.96 then
- return "S"
- elseif dir > 1.96 and dir < 2.76 then
- return "SW"
- end
- end
- function displayPlayersOnMon()
- local p = {}
- local i = 1
- local st = {}
- local x = 1
- local y = 3
- for key in pairs(players) do
- if players[key].world == "world" or players[key].world == "camouflage" then
- p[key] = players[key]
- local offset = defaultSettings.hereDefault - p[key].loc
- if p[key].world == "camouflage" then
- p[key].dist = 999999
- else
- p[key].dist = math.floor(math.sqrt(offset.x * offset.x + offset.z * offset.z))
- p[key].dir = getDir(p[key].loc, defaultSettings.hereDefault)
- end
- st[#st+1] = key
- end
- end
- table.sort(st, function(a, b) return p[a].dist < p[b].dist end)
- mon.setCursorPos(x, y)
- writeColor(mon, string.rep(" ", monW), colors.white,
- mon.setCursorPos(x, y)
- writeColor(mon, "--== Overworld ==--", colors.white,
- for k = 1, #st do
- account = st[k]
- mon.setCursorPos(x, y + k)
- local pc = colors.cyan
- if account == highlight then
- pc = colors.yellow
- end
- writeColor(mon, rightPad(account, 12), pc)
- mon.setCursorPos(x + 13, y + k)
- if p[account].world == "camouflage" then
- writeColor(mon, "Camouflage",
- else
- text = string.format("%s %s %s %s (%s)",
- leftPad(math.floor(p[account].loc.x), 5),
- leftPad(math.floor(p[account].loc.z), 5),
- leftPad(math.floor(p[account].loc.y), 3),
- leftPad(p[account].dist, 5),
- p[account].dir)
- mon.write(text)
- end
- end
- if monW < 65 then
- return
- end
- x = 45
- local mapY = monH - 3 - y
- local mapX = monW - x
- local map = {}
- map[1] = "+"..string.rep("-", mapX - 2).."+"
- for ty = 2, mapY - 1 do
- map[ty] = "|"..string.rep(" ", mapX - 2).."|"
- end
- map[mapY] = "+"..string.rep("-", mapX - 2).."+"
- local px = math.floor((defaultSettings.hereSpawn.x - xLim[1]) / xLim[2] * mapX)
- local py = math.floor((defaultSettings.hereSpawn.z - yLim[1]) / yLim[2] * mapY)
- map[py] = string.sub(map[py], 1, px - 1).."@"..string.sub(map[py], px + 1)
- local px = math.floor((defaultSettings.hereDefault.x - xLim[1]) / xLim[2] * mapX)
- local py = math.floor((defaultSettings.hereDefault.z - yLim[1]) / yLim[2] * mapY)
- map[py] = string.sub(map[py], 1, px - 1).."#"..string.sub(map[py], px + 1)
- mon.setCursorPos(x, y)
- if mapMode then
- writeColor(mon, "--== World Map ==--", colors.white,
- y = y + 1
- local a = 65
- for k = 1, #st do
- account = st[k]
- if p[account].world ~= "camouflage" then
- local px = math.floor((p[account].loc.x - xLim[1]) / xLim[2] * mapX)
- local py = math.floor((p[account].loc.z - yLim[1]) / yLim[2] * mapY)
- local c = string.sub(map[py], px, px)
- if c == " " or c == "|" or c == "+" or c == "-" then
- c = string.char(a)
- map[py] = string.sub(map[py], 1, px - 1)..c..string.sub(map[py], px + 1)
- a = a + 1
- end
- mon.setCursorPos(x - 3, y)
- mon.write(c)
- y = y + 1
- end
- end
- for ty = 1, mapY do
- mon.setCursorPos(x, ty + 3)
- mon.write(map[ty])
- end
- else
- writeColor(mon, "--== Other Dimensions ==--", colors.white,
- y = y + 1
- for key in pairs(players) do
- if players[key].world ~= "world" and players[key].world ~= "camouflage" then
- mon.setCursorPos(x, y)
- local pc = colors.cyan
- if key == highlight then
- pc = colors.yellow
- end
- writeColor(mon, rightPad(key, 12), pc)
- mon.setCursorPos(x + 13, y)
- text = string.format("%s %s %s %s",
- leftPad(math.floor(players[key].loc.x), 5),
- leftPad(math.floor(players[key].loc.z), 5),
- leftPad(math.floor(players[key].loc.y), 3),
- players[key].world)
- mon.write(text)
- y = y + 1
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function displayPlayersOnUsersGlass(user)
- local settings = users[user].settings
- local surface = glass.getUserSurface(user)
- if not surface then
- return
- end
- local x = settings.trackLoc.x
- local y = settings.trackLoc.y
- local p = {}
- local st = {}
- for key in pairs(players) do
- if players[key].world == settings.worldFilter or players[key].world == "camouflage" then
- p[key] = players[key]
- local offset = users[user].here - p[key].loc
- if p[key].world == "camouflage" then
- p[key].dist = 999999
- else
- p[key].dist = math.floor(math.sqrt(offset.x * offset.x + offset.z * offset.z))
- end
- p[key].dir = getDir(p[key].loc, users[user].here)
- st[#st+1] = key
- end
- end
- surface.addBox(x, y, 226, #st * 10 + 4, 0x0000FF, 0.3)
- table.sort(st, function(a, b) return p[a].dist < p[b].dist end)
- x = x + 2
- y = y + 2
- for k = 1, #st do
- account = st[k]
- local pc = 0x80FFFF
- if account == highlight then
- pc = 0xFFFF00
- end
- surface.addText(x, y + (10 * (k-1)), account:sub(1, 12), pc)
- if p[account].world == "camouflage" then
- surface.addText(x + 75, y + (10 * (k-1)), "Camouflage", 0xFF0000)
- else
- surface.addText(x + 75, y + (10 * (k-1)), string.format("%d", players[account].loc.x), 0xFFFFFF)
- surface.addText(x + 110, y + (10 * (k-1)), string.format("%d", players[account].loc.z), 0xFFFFFF)
- surface.addText(x + 145, y + (10 * (k-1)), string.format("%d", players[account].loc.y), 0xFFFFFF)
- surface.addText(x + 165, y + (10 * (k-1)), string.format("%d", players[account].dist), 0xFFFFFF)
- surface.addText(x + 200, y + (10 * (k-1)), string.format("(%s)", players[account].dir), 0xFFFFFF)
- end
- end
- end
- function rightPad(v, n)
- return string.sub(""..v..string.rep(" ", n), 1, n)
- end
- function leftPad(v, n)
- nv = ""..v
- lv = string.len(nv)
- if (lv > n) then
- return string.sub(nv, n - lv + 1, lv)
- else
- return string.rep(" ", n - lv )..nv
- end
- end
- function refresh()
- extractLiveMap()
- updateMonitor()
- if glass then
- updateGlass()
- end
- end
- function updateMonitor()
- mon.clear()
- mon.setCursorPos(1, 1)
- mon.write(string.format("Visible Players: %d", playerCount))
- s = textutils.formatTime(os.time(), false)
- mon.setCursorPos(monW - string.len(s), 1)
- mon.write(s)
- displayPlayersOnMon()
- local x = 1
- local y = monH - 2
- mon.setCursorPos(x, y)
- writeColor(mon, string.rep(" ", monW), colors.white,
- mon.setCursorPos(x, y + 1)
- writeColor(mon, string.rep(" ", monW), colors.white,
- mon.setCursorPos(x, y + 2)
- writeColor(mon, string.rep(" ", monW), colors.white,
- mon.setCursorPos(x, y)
- writeColor(mon, "--== Current Glass Users ==--", colors.white,
- y = y + 1
- for _, user in pairs(glass.getUsers()) do
- mon.setCursorPos(x, y)
- if defaultSettings.privUsers[user] then
- writeColor(mon, user, colors.lime,
- elseif users[user] then
- writeColor(mon, user, colors.cyan,
- else
- writeColor(mon, user,,
- end
- x = x + 1 + string.len(user)
- end
- end
- function updateGlass()
- for _, user in pairs(glass.getUsers()) do
- local surface = glass.getUserSurface(user)
- if surface then
- surface.clear()
- if users[user] then
- if users[user].track then
- displayPlayersOnUsersGlass(user)
- end
- if users[user].glassOutput then
- local x = users[user].settings.outputLoc.x
- local y = users[user].settings.outputLoc.y
- local l = users[user].settings.outputLoc.l
- surface.addBox(x, y, l * 5, 40, 0x000000, 0.3)
- surface.addText(x + 5, y + 5, users[user].glassOutput:sub(1, l - 1), 0xFFFFFF)
- surface.addText(x + 5, y + 15, users[user].glassOutput:sub(l, l * 2 - 1), 0xFFFFFF)
- surface.addText(x + 5, y + 25, users[user].glassOutput:sub(l * 2, l * 3 - 1), 0xFFFFFF)
- end
- else
- local settings = readSettings(user)
- if settings then
- users[user] = {}
- users[user].settings = settings
- users[user].glassOutput = "Welcome "..user
- users[user].here = defaultSettings.hereDefault
- users[user].track = true
- elseif defaultSettings.privUsers[user] then
- -- Allow priviledged users even if they don't have settings
- -- just give them the default.
- users[user] = {}
- users[user].settings = defaultSettings
- users[user].glassOutput = "Welcome "..user.." (priv)"
- users[user].here = defaultSettings.hereDefault
- users[user].track = true
- else
- surface.addBox(40, 40, 159, 20, 0x000000, 0.5)
- surface.addText(45, 45, "Not a valid user.", 0xFF0000)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function parseCommand(command, user)
- if not command or not user or not users[user] then
- return
- end
- if command:lower() == "clear" then
- users[user].glassOutput = nil
- return
- elseif command:lower() == "loc default" then
- users[user].here = users[user].settings.hereDefault
- users[user].glassOutput = "Location set to default."
- return
- elseif command:lower() == "loc spawn" then
- users[user].here = users[user].settings.hereSpawn
- users[user].glassOutput = "Location set to spawn."
- return
- elseif command:lower():sub(1, 4) == "loc " then
- local a, b, x, z, y = string.find(command:lower(), "loc[ ]+([-0-9.]+)[ ]+([-0-9.]+)[ ]+([-0-9.]+)")
- if a then
- users[user].here =, y, z)
- users[user].glassOutput = "Location set to x:"..x.." z:"..z.." y:"..y
- return
- end
- local a, b, x, z = string.find(command:lower(), "loc[ ]+([-0-9.]+)[ ]+([-0-9.]+)")
- if a then
- users[user].here =, 65, z)
- users[user].glassOutput = "Location set to x:"..x.." z:"..z
- return
- end
- users[user].glassOutput = "Usage: loc {default|spawn|x z y} to set tracking location."
- return
- elseif command:lower() == "track" then
- users[user].track = not users[user].track
- if users[user].track then
- users[user].glassOutput = "Tracking turned on."
- else
- users[user].glassOutput = "Tracking turned off."
- end
- return
- elseif command:lower():sub(1, 6) == "track " then
- local a, b, x, y = string.find(command:lower(), "track[ ]+(%d+)[ ]+(%d+)")
- if a then
- users[user].settings.trackLoc.x = x
- users[user].settings.trackLoc.y = y
- users[user].glassOutput = "Track window location set to x:"..x.." y:"..y
- track = true
- writeSettings(user, users[user].settings)
- return
- end
- users[user].glassOutput = "Usage: track <x y> Toggle track and set window location."
- return
- elseif command:lower():sub(1, 7) == "output " then
- local a, b, x, y, l = string.find(command:lower(), "output[ ]+(%d+)[ ]+(%d+)[ ]+(%d+)")
- if a then
- users[user].settings.outputLoc.x = x
- users[user].settings.outputLoc.y = y
- users[user].settings.outputLoc.l = l
- users[user].glassOutput = "Track window location set to x:"..x.." y:"..y
- writeSettings(user, users[user].settings)
- return
- end
- users[user].glassOutput = "Usage: output <x y length> Set output window location and length."
- return
- elseif command:lower():sub(1, 5) == "count" then
- if not me then
- users[user].glassOutput = "No ME interface found."
- return
- end
- local a, b, id, dmg = string.find(command:lower(), "count[ ]+(%d+):(%d+)")
- if a then
- local n = me.countOfItemType(id, dmg)
- users[user].glassOutput = "Count: "..n
- return
- end
- users[user].glassOutput = "Usage: count id:dmg"
- return
- elseif command:lower():sub(1, 5) == "craft" then
- if not me then
- users[user].glassOutput = "No ME interface found."
- return
- end
- local a, b, id, dmg, qty = string.find(command:lower(), "craft[ ]+(%d+):(%d+)[ ]+(%d+)")
- if a then
- local n = me.requestCrafting({id=tonumber(id), dmg=tonumber(dmg), qty=tonumber(qty)})
- users[user].glassOutput = "Crafting requested."
- return
- end
- users[user].glassOutput = "Usage: craft id:dmg quantity"
- return
- elseif command:lower():sub(1, 7) == "deliver" then
- if not me then
- users[user].glassOutput = "No ME interface found."
- return
- end
- local a, b, id, dmg, qty = string.find(command:lower(), "deliver[ ]+(%d+):(%d+)[ ]+(%d+)")
- if a then
- local n = me.extractItem({id=tonumber(id), dmg=tonumber(dmg), qty=tonumber(qty)}, "up")
- users[user].glassOutput = "Delivered "..n.." items."
- return
- end
- users[user].glassOutput = "Usage: deliver id:dmg quantity"
- return
- elseif command:lower() == "worlds" then
- users[user].glassOutput = "Available worlds:"
- for k, v in pairs(worlds) do
- if k ~= "camouflage" then
- users[user].glassOutput = users[user].glassOutput.." "..k
- end
- end
- elseif command:lower():sub(1, 9) == "highlight" then
- local a, b, u = string.find(command, "highlight[ ]+([^ ]+)")
- if a then
- if u == "clear" then
- highlight = ""
- else
- highlight = u
- users[user].glassOutput = "Now highlighting "..highlight
- end
- end
- return
- elseif command:lower():sub(1, 5) == "world" then
- users[user].settings.worldFilter = "world"
- local a, b, w = string.find(command:lower(), "world[ ]+([^ ]+)")
- if a then
- users[user].settings.worldFilter = w
- end
- users[user].glassOutput = "World filter set to: "..users[user].settings.worldFilter
- writeSettings(user, users[user].settings)
- return
- elseif command:lower() == "help" then
- users[user].glassOutput = "Commands available: track, loc, output, clear, count, craft, deliver, world, worlds"
- if defaultSettings.privUsers[user] then
- users[user].glassOutput = users[user].glassOutput..", register, unregister"
- end
- return
- end
- if defaultSettings.privUsers[user] then
- if command:sub(1, 8) == "register" then
- local a, b, u = string.find(command, "register[ ]+([^ ]+)")
- if a then
- local filename, _ = u:gsub(" ", "_")
- filename = filename..".settings"
- local settingsFile = fs.combine(settingsDirectory, filename)
- local defaultFile = fs.combine(settingsDirectory, "default.settings")
- fs.copy(defaultFile, settingsFile)
- users[user].glassOutput = "Registered glass user "..u
- else
- users[user].glassOutput = "Usage: register <username>"
- end
- return
- elseif command:sub(1, 10) == "unregister" then
- local a, b, u = string.find(command, "unregister[ ]+([^ ]+)")
- if a then
- local filename, _ = u:gsub(" ", "_")
- filename = filename..".settings"
- local settingsFile = fs.combine(settingsDirectory, filename)
- if fs.exists(settingsFile) then
- fs.delete(settingsFile)
- users[u] = nil
- users[user].glassOutput = "Unregistered glass user "..u
- else
- users[user].glassOutput = "User "..u.." was not registered."
- end
- else
- users[user].glassOutput = "Usage: register <username>"
- end
- return
- end
- end
- end
- function main()
- refreshTimer = os.startTimer(2.0)
- refresh()
- while not endProgram do
- event, p1, p2, p3, p4 = os.pullEvent()
- if event == "timer" then
- refreshTimer = os.startTimer(2.0)
- refresh()
- elseif event == "monitor_touch" then
- mapMode = not mapMode
- refreshTimer = os.startTimer(2.0)
- refresh()
- elseif event == "chat_command" then
- parseCommand(p1, p2)
- -- The command may have taken more than a refresh tick so make sure
- -- the timer is restarted.
- refreshTimer = os.startTimer(2.0)
- refresh()
- elseif event == "key" then
- if p1 == keys.q then
- endProgram = true
- sleep(0)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -- Initialization of global variables
- mon = getDevice("monitor")
- glass = getDevice("glassesbridge")
- me = getDevice("me_interface")
- endProgram = false
- mapMode = true
- xLim = {-4530, 10765}
- yLim = {-4330, 10605}
- -- Initialize the monitors
- mon.setTextScale(0.5)
- mon.setBackgroundColor(
- mon.clear()
- monW, monH = mon.getSize()
- if glass then
- glass.clear()
- end
- -- Get the current timestamp from the livemap server
- -- because computercraft doesn't have access to the
- -- real time.
- fh = http.get("")
- s = fh.readAll()
- fh.close()
- _,_,ts = string.find(s, "{\"timestamp\":(%d+).")
- -- Players and player sort table.
- playerCount = 0
- players = {}
- st = {}
- worlds = {}
- users = {}
- highlight = ""
- -- Default settings.
- if fs.isDir("/disk/settings") then
- settingsDirectory = "/disk/settings"
- elseif fs.isDir("/settings") then
- settingsDirectory = "/settings"
- else
- print("Could not locate settings directory!")
- exit()
- end
- print("TrackerGlass by MorgosMaci initialized.")
- print("Using settings directory "..settingsDirectory)
- defaultSettings = readSettings("default")
- if not defaultSettings then
- defaultSettings = {}
- defaultSettings.worldFilter = "world"
- defaultSettings.hereDefault =, 100, -2538)
- defaultSettings.hereSpawn =, 65, 1035)
- defaultSettings.trackLoc = {x=1, y=1}
- defaultSettings.outputLoc = {x=400, y=40, l=40}
- defaultSettings.privUsers = { ["MorgosMaci"]=true }
- writeSettings("default", defaultSettings)
- end
- -- Main program. This calls the main function and traps all errors.
- -- Additionally it clears all of the displays so that it is obvious
- -- when the program exits.
- arg = { ... }
- local ok, err = pcall(main)
- if (not ok) then
- print(err)
- end
- -- Clear all the existing displays.
- mon.setBackgroundColor(
- mon.clear()
- if glass then
- glass.clear()
- for _, user in pairs(glass.getUsers()) do
- local surface = glass.getUserSurface(user)
- if surface then
- surface.clear()
- end
- end
- end
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