Guest User


a guest
Jan 18th, 2015
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Lua 21.71 KB | None | 0 0
  1. -- This program was written by MorgosMaci for the CraftersLand
  2. -- Tekkit server.
  4. function writeColor(mon, text, fgColor, bgColor)
  5.   if (mon.isColor()) then
  6.     if fgColor then
  7.       mon.setTextColor(fgColor)
  8.     end
  9.     if bgColor then
  10.       mon.setBackgroundColor(bgColor)
  11.     end
  12.   end
  13.   mon.write(text)
  14.   if (mon.isColor()) then
  15.     mon.setTextColor(colors.white)
  16.     mon.setBackgroundColor(
  17.   end
  18. end
  20. -- Return a wrapped device given a search term.
  21. function getDevice(search)
  22.   local plist = peripheral.getNames()
  23.   local i, name
  24.   for i, name in pairs(plist) do
  25.     if string.find(peripheral.getType(name), search) then
  26.       return peripheral.wrap(name)
  27.     end
  28.   end
  29.   if search == monitor then
  30.     return term
  31.   else
  32.     return nil
  33.   end
  34. end
  36. function readSettings(user)
  37.   local filename, _ = user:gsub(" ", "_")
  38.   filename = filename..".settings"
  39.   local settingsFile = fs.combine(settingsDirectory, filename)
  40.   local fh =, "r")
  41.   if fh then
  42.     return textutils.unserialize(fh.readAll())
  43.   end
  44.   return nil
  45. end
  47. function writeSettings(user, settings)
  48.   local filename, _ = user:gsub(" ", "_")
  49.   filename = filename..".settings"
  50.   local settingsFile = fs.combine(settingsDirectory, filename)
  51.   local fh =, "w")
  52.   if fh then
  53.     fh.write(textutils.serialize(settings))
  54.     fh.close()
  55.   end
  56. end
  58. -- This function extracts information from the livemap
  59. -- at the current timestamp and stores it in global
  60. -- tables.
  61. function extractLiveMap()
  62.   local t = {}
  63.   local name, armor, account, health, world, x, y, z
  64.   local a = 0
  65.   local b = 0
  67.   fh = http.get("" .. ts)
  68.   if not fh then
  69.     return
  70.   end
  72.   s = fh.readAll()
  73.   fh.close()
  74.   _,_,ts = string.find(s, "{\"timestamp\":(%d+),")
  76.   -- Could not find the timestamp so the page must have not returned completely.
  77.   if not ts then
  78.     return
  79.   end
  81.   -- Extract out the player information
  82.   players = {}
  83.   playerCount = 0
  84.   local a = 0
  85.   local b = 0
  86.   local name, armor, account, health, z, y, world, x
  87.   while (true) do
  88.     a, b, name, armor, account, health, z, y, world, x = string.find(s, "\"sort\":0,\"name\":\"([^\"]+)\",\"armor\":(%d+),\"account\":\"([^\"]+)\",\"health\":(%d+),\"type\":\"player\",\"z\":([-0-9.]+),\"y\":([-0-9.]+),\"world\":\"([^\"]+)\",\"x\":([-0-9.]+)", b + 1)
  89.     if (a == nil) then
  90.       break
  91.     end
  92.     if world == "DIM-1" then
  93.       world = "nether"
  94.     elseif world == "DIM-28" then
  95.       world = "moon"
  96.     elseif world == "DIM-29" then
  97.       world = "mars"
  98.     elseif world == "-some-other-bogus-world-" then
  99.       world = "camouflage"
  100.     elseif world:sub(1, 8) == "DIM_MYST" then
  101.       world = "myst_"
  102.     elseif world:sub(1, 16) == "DIM_SPACESTATION" then
  103.       world = "spacestation_"
  104.     end
  105.     worlds[world] = 1
  106.     players[account] = {}
  107.     players[account].armor = tonumber(armor)
  108.     players[account].name = name
  109.     players[account].health = tonumber(health)
  110.     players[account].world = world
  111.     local yn = tonumber(y)
  112.     if yn > 999 then
  113.       yn = 999
  114.     end
  115.     players[account].loc =, yn, tonumber(z))
  116.     playerCount = playerCount + 1
  117.   end
  118. end
  120. function getDir(s, t)
  121.   local dir = math.atan2(s.z - t.z, s.x - t.x)
  122.   if dir > 2.75 or dir < -2.74 then
  123.     return "W"
  124.   elseif dir > -2.75 and dir < -1.95 then
  125.     return "NW"
  126.   elseif dir > -1.96 and dir < -1.17 then
  127.     return "N"
  128.   elseif dir > -1.18 and dir < -0.38 then
  129.     return "NE"
  130.   elseif dir > -0.39 and dir < 0.40 then
  131.     return "E"
  132.   elseif dir > 0.39 and dir < 1.19 then
  133.     return "SE"
  134.   elseif dir > 1.18 and dir < 1.96 then
  135.     return "S"
  136.   elseif dir > 1.96 and dir < 2.76 then
  137.     return "SW"
  138.   end
  139. end
  141. function displayPlayersOnMon()
  142.   local p = {}
  143.   local i = 1
  144.   local st = {}
  145.   local x = 1
  146.   local y = 3
  147.   for key in pairs(players) do
  148.     if players[key].world == "world" or players[key].world == "camouflage" then
  149.       p[key] = players[key]
  150.       local offset = defaultSettings.hereDefault - p[key].loc
  151.       if p[key].world == "camouflage" then
  152.         p[key].dist = 999999
  153.       else
  154.         p[key].dist = math.floor(math.sqrt(offset.x * offset.x + offset.z * offset.z))
  155.         p[key].dir = getDir(p[key].loc, defaultSettings.hereDefault)
  156.       end
  157.       st[#st+1] = key
  158.     end
  159.   end
  160.   table.sort(st, function(a, b) return p[a].dist < p[b].dist end)
  161.   mon.setCursorPos(x, y)
  162.   writeColor(mon, string.rep(" ", monW), colors.white,
  163.   mon.setCursorPos(x, y)
  164.   writeColor(mon, "--== Overworld ==--", colors.white,
  165.   for k = 1, #st do
  166.     account = st[k]
  167.     mon.setCursorPos(x, y + k)
  168.     local pc = colors.cyan
  169.     if account == highlight then
  170.       pc = colors.yellow
  171.     end
  172.     writeColor(mon, rightPad(account, 12), pc)
  173.     mon.setCursorPos(x + 13, y + k)
  174.     if p[account].world == "camouflage" then
  175.       writeColor(mon, "Camouflage",
  176.     else
  177.       text = string.format("%s %s %s %s (%s)",
  178.           leftPad(math.floor(p[account].loc.x), 5),
  179.           leftPad(math.floor(p[account].loc.z), 5),
  180.           leftPad(math.floor(p[account].loc.y), 3),
  181.           leftPad(p[account].dist, 5),
  182.           p[account].dir)
  183.       mon.write(text)
  184.     end
  185.   end
  186.   if monW < 65 then
  187.     return
  188.   end
  189.   x = 45
  190.   local mapY = monH - 3 - y
  191.   local mapX = monW - x
  192.   local map = {}
  193.   map[1] = "+"..string.rep("-", mapX - 2).."+"
  194.   for ty = 2, mapY - 1 do
  195.     map[ty] = "|"..string.rep(" ", mapX - 2).."|"
  196.   end
  197.   map[mapY] = "+"..string.rep("-", mapX - 2).."+"
  198.   local px = math.floor((defaultSettings.hereSpawn.x - xLim[1]) / xLim[2] * mapX)
  199.   local py = math.floor((defaultSettings.hereSpawn.z - yLim[1]) / yLim[2] * mapY)
  200.   map[py] = string.sub(map[py], 1, px - 1).."@"..string.sub(map[py], px + 1)
  201.   local px = math.floor((defaultSettings.hereDefault.x - xLim[1]) / xLim[2] * mapX)
  202.   local py = math.floor((defaultSettings.hereDefault.z - yLim[1]) / yLim[2] * mapY)
  203.   map[py] = string.sub(map[py], 1, px - 1).."#"..string.sub(map[py], px + 1)
  204.   mon.setCursorPos(x, y)
  205.   if mapMode then
  206.     writeColor(mon, "--== World Map ==--", colors.white,
  207.     y = y + 1
  208.     local a = 65
  209.     for k = 1, #st do
  210.       account = st[k]
  211.       if p[account].world ~= "camouflage" then
  212.         local px = math.floor((p[account].loc.x - xLim[1]) / xLim[2] * mapX)
  213.         local py = math.floor((p[account].loc.z - yLim[1]) / yLim[2] * mapY)
  214.         local c = string.sub(map[py], px, px)
  215.         if c == " " or c == "|" or c == "+" or c == "-" then
  216.           c = string.char(a)
  217.           map[py] = string.sub(map[py], 1, px - 1)..c..string.sub(map[py], px + 1)
  218.           a = a + 1
  219.         end
  220.         mon.setCursorPos(x - 3, y)
  221.         mon.write(c)
  222.         y = y + 1
  223.       end
  224.     end
  225.     for ty = 1, mapY do
  226.       mon.setCursorPos(x, ty + 3)
  227.       mon.write(map[ty])
  228.     end
  229.   else
  230.     writeColor(mon, "--== Other Dimensions ==--", colors.white,
  231.     y = y + 1
  232.     for key in pairs(players) do
  233.       if players[key].world ~= "world" and players[key].world ~= "camouflage" then
  234.         mon.setCursorPos(x, y)
  235.         local pc = colors.cyan
  236.         if key == highlight then
  237.           pc = colors.yellow
  238.         end
  239.         writeColor(mon, rightPad(key, 12), pc)
  240.         mon.setCursorPos(x + 13, y)
  241.         text = string.format("%s %s %s %s",
  242.             leftPad(math.floor(players[key].loc.x), 5),
  243.             leftPad(math.floor(players[key].loc.z), 5),
  244.             leftPad(math.floor(players[key].loc.y), 3),
  245.             players[key].world)
  246.         mon.write(text)
  247.         y = y + 1
  248.       end
  249.     end
  250.   end
  251. end
  253. function displayPlayersOnUsersGlass(user)
  254.   local settings = users[user].settings
  255.   local surface = glass.getUserSurface(user)
  256.   if not surface then
  257.     return
  258.   end
  259.   local x = settings.trackLoc.x
  260.   local y = settings.trackLoc.y
  261.   local p = {}
  262.   local st = {}
  263.   for key in pairs(players) do
  264.     if players[key].world == settings.worldFilter or players[key].world == "camouflage" then
  265.       p[key] = players[key]
  266.       local offset = users[user].here - p[key].loc
  267.       if p[key].world == "camouflage" then
  268.         p[key].dist = 999999
  269.       else
  270.         p[key].dist = math.floor(math.sqrt(offset.x * offset.x + offset.z * offset.z))
  271.       end
  272.       p[key].dir = getDir(p[key].loc, users[user].here)
  273.       st[#st+1] = key
  274.     end
  275.   end
  276.   surface.addBox(x, y, 226, #st * 10 + 4, 0x0000FF, 0.3)
  277.   table.sort(st, function(a, b) return p[a].dist < p[b].dist end)
  278.   x = x + 2
  279.   y = y + 2
  280.   for k = 1, #st do
  281.     account = st[k]
  282.     local pc = 0x80FFFF
  283.     if account == highlight then
  284.       pc = 0xFFFF00
  285.     end
  286.     surface.addText(x, y + (10 * (k-1)), account:sub(1, 12), pc)
  287.     if p[account].world == "camouflage" then
  288.       surface.addText(x + 75, y + (10 * (k-1)), "Camouflage", 0xFF0000)
  289.     else
  290.       surface.addText(x + 75, y + (10 * (k-1)), string.format("%d", players[account].loc.x), 0xFFFFFF)
  291.       surface.addText(x + 110, y + (10 * (k-1)), string.format("%d", players[account].loc.z), 0xFFFFFF)
  292.       surface.addText(x + 145, y + (10 * (k-1)), string.format("%d", players[account].loc.y), 0xFFFFFF)
  293.       surface.addText(x + 165, y + (10 * (k-1)), string.format("%d", players[account].dist), 0xFFFFFF)
  294.     surface.addText(x + 200, y + (10 * (k-1)), string.format("(%s)", players[account].dir), 0xFFFFFF)
  295.     end
  296.   end
  297. end
  299. function rightPad(v, n)
  300.   return string.sub(""..v..string.rep(" ", n), 1, n)
  301. end
  303. function leftPad(v, n)
  304.   nv = ""..v
  305.   lv = string.len(nv)
  306.   if (lv > n) then
  307.     return string.sub(nv, n - lv + 1, lv)
  308.   else
  309.     return string.rep(" ", n - lv )..nv
  310.   end
  311. end
  313. function refresh()
  314.   extractLiveMap()
  315.   updateMonitor()
  316.   if glass then
  317.     updateGlass()
  318.   end
  319. end
  321. function updateMonitor()
  322.   mon.clear()
  323.   mon.setCursorPos(1, 1)
  324.   mon.write(string.format("Visible Players: %d", playerCount))
  325.   s = textutils.formatTime(os.time(), false)
  326.   mon.setCursorPos(monW - string.len(s), 1)
  327.   mon.write(s)
  328.   displayPlayersOnMon()
  329.   local x = 1
  330.   local y = monH - 2
  331.   mon.setCursorPos(x, y)
  332.   writeColor(mon, string.rep(" ", monW), colors.white,
  333.   mon.setCursorPos(x, y + 1)
  334.   writeColor(mon, string.rep(" ", monW), colors.white,
  335.   mon.setCursorPos(x, y + 2)
  336.   writeColor(mon, string.rep(" ", monW), colors.white,
  337.   mon.setCursorPos(x, y)
  338.   writeColor(mon, "--== Current Glass Users ==--", colors.white,
  339.   y = y + 1
  340.   for _, user in pairs(glass.getUsers()) do
  341.     mon.setCursorPos(x, y)
  342.     if defaultSettings.privUsers[user] then
  343.       writeColor(mon, user, colors.lime,
  344.     elseif users[user] then
  345.       writeColor(mon, user, colors.cyan,
  346.     else
  347.       writeColor(mon, user,,
  348.     end
  349.     x = x + 1 + string.len(user)
  350.   end
  351. end
  353. function updateGlass()
  354.   for _, user in pairs(glass.getUsers()) do
  355.     local surface = glass.getUserSurface(user)
  356.     if surface then
  357.       surface.clear()
  358.       if users[user] then
  359.         if users[user].track then
  360.           displayPlayersOnUsersGlass(user)
  361.         end
  362.         if users[user].glassOutput then
  363.           local x = users[user].settings.outputLoc.x
  364.           local y = users[user].settings.outputLoc.y
  365.           local l = users[user].settings.outputLoc.l
  366.           surface.addBox(x, y, l * 5, 40, 0x000000, 0.3)
  367.           surface.addText(x + 5, y + 5, users[user].glassOutput:sub(1, l - 1), 0xFFFFFF)
  368.           surface.addText(x + 5, y + 15, users[user].glassOutput:sub(l, l * 2 - 1), 0xFFFFFF)
  369.           surface.addText(x + 5, y + 25, users[user].glassOutput:sub(l * 2, l * 3 - 1), 0xFFFFFF)
  370.         end
  371.       else
  372.         local settings = readSettings(user)
  373.         if settings then
  374.           users[user] = {}
  375.           users[user].settings = settings
  376.           users[user].glassOutput = "Welcome "..user
  377.           users[user].here = defaultSettings.hereDefault
  378.           users[user].track = true
  379.         elseif defaultSettings.privUsers[user] then
  380.           -- Allow priviledged users even if they don't have settings
  381.           -- just give them the default.
  382.           users[user] = {}
  383.           users[user].settings = defaultSettings
  384.           users[user].glassOutput = "Welcome "..user.." (priv)"
  385.           users[user].here = defaultSettings.hereDefault
  386.           users[user].track = true
  387.         else
  388.           surface.addBox(40, 40, 159, 20, 0x000000, 0.5)
  389.           surface.addText(45, 45, "Not a valid user.", 0xFF0000)
  390.         end
  391.       end
  392.     end
  393.   end
  394. end
  396. function parseCommand(command, user)
  397.   if not command or not user or not users[user] then
  398.     return
  399.   end
  400.   if command:lower() == "clear" then
  401.     users[user].glassOutput = nil
  402.     return
  403.   elseif command:lower() == "loc default" then
  404.     users[user].here = users[user].settings.hereDefault
  405.     users[user].glassOutput = "Location set to default."
  406.     return
  407.   elseif command:lower() == "loc spawn" then
  408.     users[user].here = users[user].settings.hereSpawn
  409.     users[user].glassOutput = "Location set to spawn."
  410.     return
  411.   elseif command:lower():sub(1, 4) == "loc " then
  412.     local a, b, x, z, y = string.find(command:lower(), "loc[ ]+([-0-9.]+)[ ]+([-0-9.]+)[ ]+([-0-9.]+)")
  413.     if a then
  414.       users[user].here =, y, z)
  415.       users[user].glassOutput = "Location set to x:"..x.." z:"..z.." y:"..y
  416.       return
  417.     end
  418.     local a, b, x, z = string.find(command:lower(), "loc[ ]+([-0-9.]+)[ ]+([-0-9.]+)")
  419.     if a then
  420.       users[user].here =, 65, z)
  421.       users[user].glassOutput = "Location set to x:"..x.." z:"..z
  422.       return
  423.     end
  424.     users[user].glassOutput = "Usage: loc {default|spawn|x z y} to set tracking location."
  425.     return
  426.   elseif command:lower() == "track" then
  427.     users[user].track = not users[user].track
  428.     if users[user].track then
  429.       users[user].glassOutput = "Tracking turned on."
  430.     else
  431.       users[user].glassOutput = "Tracking turned off."
  432.     end
  433.     return
  434.   elseif command:lower():sub(1, 6) == "track " then
  435.     local a, b, x, y = string.find(command:lower(), "track[ ]+(%d+)[ ]+(%d+)")
  436.     if a then
  437.       users[user].settings.trackLoc.x = x
  438.       users[user].settings.trackLoc.y = y
  439.       users[user].glassOutput = "Track window location set to x:"..x.." y:"..y
  440.       track = true
  441.       writeSettings(user, users[user].settings)
  442.       return
  443.     end
  444.     users[user].glassOutput = "Usage: track <x y> Toggle track and set window location."
  445.     return
  446.   elseif command:lower():sub(1, 7) == "output " then
  447.     local a, b, x, y, l = string.find(command:lower(), "output[ ]+(%d+)[ ]+(%d+)[ ]+(%d+)")
  448.     if a then
  449.       users[user].settings.outputLoc.x = x
  450.       users[user].settings.outputLoc.y = y
  451.       users[user].settings.outputLoc.l = l
  452.       users[user].glassOutput = "Track window location set to x:"..x.." y:"..y
  453.       writeSettings(user, users[user].settings)
  454.       return
  455.     end
  456.     users[user].glassOutput = "Usage: output <x y length> Set output window location and length."
  457.     return
  458.   elseif command:lower():sub(1, 5) == "count" then
  459.     if not me then
  460.       users[user].glassOutput = "No ME interface found."
  461.       return
  462.     end
  463.     local a, b, id, dmg = string.find(command:lower(), "count[ ]+(%d+):(%d+)")
  464.     if a then
  465.       local n = me.countOfItemType(id, dmg)
  466.       users[user].glassOutput = "Count: "..n
  467.       return
  468.     end
  469.     users[user].glassOutput = "Usage: count id:dmg"
  470.     return
  471.   elseif command:lower():sub(1, 5) == "craft" then
  472.     if not me then
  473.       users[user].glassOutput = "No ME interface found."
  474.       return
  475.     end
  476.     local a, b, id, dmg, qty = string.find(command:lower(), "craft[ ]+(%d+):(%d+)[ ]+(%d+)")
  477.     if a then
  478.       local n = me.requestCrafting({id=tonumber(id), dmg=tonumber(dmg), qty=tonumber(qty)})
  479.       users[user].glassOutput = "Crafting requested."
  480.       return
  481.     end
  482.     users[user].glassOutput = "Usage: craft id:dmg quantity"
  483.     return
  484.   elseif command:lower():sub(1, 7) == "deliver" then
  485.     if not me then
  486.       users[user].glassOutput = "No ME interface found."
  487.       return
  488.     end
  489.     local a, b, id, dmg, qty = string.find(command:lower(), "deliver[ ]+(%d+):(%d+)[ ]+(%d+)")
  490.     if a then
  491.       local n = me.extractItem({id=tonumber(id), dmg=tonumber(dmg), qty=tonumber(qty)}, "up")
  492.       users[user].glassOutput = "Delivered "..n.." items."
  493.       return
  494.     end
  495.     users[user].glassOutput = "Usage: deliver id:dmg quantity"
  496.     return
  497.   elseif command:lower() == "worlds" then
  498.     users[user].glassOutput = "Available worlds:"
  499.     for k, v in pairs(worlds) do
  500.       if k ~= "camouflage" then
  501.         users[user].glassOutput = users[user].glassOutput.." "..k
  502.       end
  503.     end
  504.   elseif command:lower():sub(1, 9) == "highlight" then
  505.     local a, b, u = string.find(command, "highlight[ ]+([^ ]+)")
  506.     if a then
  507.       if u == "clear" then
  508.         highlight = ""
  509.       else
  510.         highlight = u
  511.         users[user].glassOutput = "Now highlighting "..highlight
  512.       end
  513.     end
  514.     return
  515.   elseif command:lower():sub(1, 5) == "world" then
  516.     users[user].settings.worldFilter = "world"
  517.     local a, b, w = string.find(command:lower(), "world[ ]+([^ ]+)")
  518.     if a then
  519.       users[user].settings.worldFilter = w
  520.     end
  521.     users[user].glassOutput = "World filter set to: "..users[user].settings.worldFilter
  522.     writeSettings(user, users[user].settings)
  523.     return
  524.   elseif command:lower() == "help" then
  525.     users[user].glassOutput = "Commands available: track, loc, output, clear, count, craft, deliver, world, worlds"
  526.     if defaultSettings.privUsers[user] then
  527.       users[user].glassOutput = users[user].glassOutput..", register, unregister"
  528.     end
  529.     return
  530.   end
  531.   if defaultSettings.privUsers[user] then
  532.     if command:sub(1, 8) == "register" then
  533.       local a, b, u = string.find(command, "register[ ]+([^ ]+)")
  534.       if a then
  535.         local filename, _ = u:gsub(" ", "_")
  536.         filename = filename..".settings"
  537.         local settingsFile = fs.combine(settingsDirectory, filename)
  538.         local defaultFile = fs.combine(settingsDirectory, "default.settings")
  539.         fs.copy(defaultFile, settingsFile)
  540.         users[user].glassOutput = "Registered glass user "..u
  541.       else
  542.         users[user].glassOutput = "Usage: register <username>"
  543.       end
  544.       return
  545.     elseif command:sub(1, 10) == "unregister" then
  546.       local a, b, u = string.find(command, "unregister[ ]+([^ ]+)")
  547.       if a then
  548.         local filename, _ = u:gsub(" ", "_")
  549.         filename = filename..".settings"
  550.         local settingsFile = fs.combine(settingsDirectory, filename)
  551.         if fs.exists(settingsFile) then
  552.           fs.delete(settingsFile)
  553.           users[u] = nil
  554.           users[user].glassOutput = "Unregistered glass user "..u
  555.         else
  556.           users[user].glassOutput = "User "..u.." was not registered."
  557.         end
  558.       else
  559.         users[user].glassOutput = "Usage: register <username>"
  560.       end
  561.       return
  562.     end
  563.   end
  564. end
  566. function main()
  567.   refreshTimer = os.startTimer(2.0)
  568.   refresh()
  569.   while not endProgram do
  570.     event, p1, p2, p3, p4 = os.pullEvent()
  571.     if event == "timer" then
  572.       refreshTimer = os.startTimer(2.0)
  573.       refresh()
  574.     elseif event == "monitor_touch" then
  575.       mapMode = not mapMode
  576.       refreshTimer = os.startTimer(2.0)
  577.       refresh()
  578.     elseif event == "chat_command" then
  579.       parseCommand(p1, p2)
  580.       -- The command may have taken more than a refresh tick so make sure
  581.       -- the timer is restarted.
  582.       refreshTimer = os.startTimer(2.0)
  583.       refresh()
  584.     elseif event == "key" then
  585.       if p1 == keys.q then
  586.         endProgram = true
  587.         sleep(0)
  588.       end
  589.     end
  590.   end
  591. end
  593. -- Initialization of global variables
  594. mon = getDevice("monitor")
  595. glass = getDevice("glassesbridge")
  596. me = getDevice("me_interface")
  598. endProgram = false
  599. mapMode = true
  601. xLim = {-4530, 10765}
  602. yLim = {-4330, 10605}
  604. -- Initialize the monitors
  605. mon.setTextScale(0.5)
  606. mon.setBackgroundColor(
  607. mon.clear()
  608. monW, monH = mon.getSize()
  610. if glass then
  611.   glass.clear()
  612. end
  614. -- Get the current timestamp from the livemap server
  615. -- because computercraft doesn't have access to the
  616. -- real time.
  617. fh = http.get("")
  618. s = fh.readAll()
  619. fh.close()
  620. _,_,ts = string.find(s, "{\"timestamp\":(%d+).")
  622. -- Players and player sort table.
  623. playerCount = 0
  624. players = {}
  625. st = {}
  626. worlds = {}
  627. users = {}
  628. highlight = ""
  630. -- Default settings.
  631. if fs.isDir("/disk/settings") then
  632.   settingsDirectory = "/disk/settings"
  633. elseif fs.isDir("/settings") then
  634.   settingsDirectory = "/settings"
  635. else
  636.   print("Could not locate settings directory!")
  637.   exit()
  638. end
  639. print("TrackerGlass by MorgosMaci initialized.")
  640. print("Using settings directory "..settingsDirectory)
  641. defaultSettings = readSettings("default")
  642. if not defaultSettings then
  643.   defaultSettings = {}
  644.   defaultSettings.worldFilter = "world"
  645.   defaultSettings.hereDefault =, 100, -2538)
  646.   defaultSettings.hereSpawn =, 65, 1035)
  647.   defaultSettings.trackLoc = {x=1, y=1}
  648.   defaultSettings.outputLoc = {x=400, y=40, l=40}
  649.   defaultSettings.privUsers = { ["MorgosMaci"]=true }
  650.   writeSettings("default", defaultSettings)
  651. end
  653. -- Main program.  This calls the main function and traps all errors.
  654. -- Additionally it clears all of the displays so that it is obvious
  655. -- when the program exits.
  657. arg = { ... }
  658. local ok, err = pcall(main)
  659. if (not ok) then
  660.   print(err)
  661. end
  662. -- Clear all the existing displays.
  663. mon.setBackgroundColor(
  664. mon.clear()
  665. if glass then
  666.   glass.clear()
  667.   for _, user in pairs(glass.getUsers()) do
  668.     local surface = glass.getUserSurface(user)
  669.     if surface then
  670.       surface.clear()
  671.     end
  672.   end
  673. end
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