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- #!/usr/bin/perl -w
- use strict;
- use warnings;
- use feature ':5.10';
- sub print_usage() {
- say "$0 is a bash shell script minifier/obfuscator.";
- say "It deletes full line comments, whitespaces and tabs, and obfuscates variable names.";
- say "Usage:";
- say "\t $0 -h \t This help message.";
- say "\t $0 -i <input_file> -o <output_file> [-V <new_var_string>] -C -F";
- say "\t Where:";
- say "\t\t<input_file>\tis the shell script you want to obfuscate";
- say "\t\t<output_file>\tis where you want to save the obfuscated script";
- say "\t\t<new_var_string>\tis an optional argument that defines what all variables will be changed to.";
- say "\t\t\tThe default is 'a', which means all variables will be changed to a0,a1,a2,a3,...";
- say "\t\t-C\tis an option to clean out full line comments and blank lines.";
- say "\t\t-F\tis an option to flatten out the code (remove indentations)";
- exit 0;
- }
- sub parse_cmd_args {
- my $input_file="";
- my $output_file="";
- my $delete_blanks="";
- my $flatten="";
- my $new_variable_prefix="a";
- for my $argnum (0 .. $#ARGV) {
- if ($ARGV[$argnum] eq "-i") {
- $input_file=$ARGV[$argnum+1];
- $argnum++;
- } elsif ($ARGV[$argnum] eq "-o") {
- $output_file=$ARGV[$argnum+1];
- $argnum++;
- } elsif ($ARGV[$argnum] eq "-h") {
- &print_usage();
- } elsif ($ARGV[$argnum] eq "-V") {
- $new_variable_prefix=$ARGV[$argnum+1];
- $argnum++;
- } elsif ($ARGV[$argnum] eq "-C") {
- $delete_blanks=1;
- } elsif ($ARGV[$argnum] eq "-F") {
- $flatten=1;
- }
- }
- if ($input_file eq "" || $output_file eq "") {
- say "Input or output file not specified!!";
- &print_usage();
- }
- return ($input_file,$output_file,$new_variable_prefix,$delete_blanks,$flatten);
- }
- sub parse_vars_from_file {
- my $file_name=shift;
- open(my $file_handle, "<", $file_name) || die "Couldn't open '".$file_name."' for reading because: ".$!;
- my %vars=();
- while(my $line=<$file_handle>) {
- # First pull var names from declarations
- if ($line =~ m/^[ \t]*([a-z]+[a-z0-9_]*)=/) {
- $vars{$1}=1;
- # Then, from read statements
- } elsif (($line =~ m/^[ \t]*read -s ([a-z]+[a-z0-9_]*)/) || ($line =~ m/^[ \t]*read ([a-z]+[a-z0-9_]*)/)) {
- $vars{$1}=1;
- # Then, from for loops
- } elsif ($line =~ m/^[ \t]*for ([a-z]+[a-z0-9_]*) /) {
- $vars{$1}=1;
- # Then, from array access
- } elsif ($line =~ m/^[ \t]*([a-z]+[a-z0-9_]*)\[.+\]=/) {
- $vars{$1}=1;
- }
- }
- close $file_handle;
- return keys %vars;
- }
- sub obfuscate {
- my $input_file=shift;
- my $output_file=shift;
- my $new_variable_prefix=shift;
- my $delete_blanks=shift;
- my $flatten=shift;
- my @sorted_vars=@_;
- open(my $ifh, "<", $input_file) || die "Couldn't open '".$input_file."' for reading because: ".$!;
- open(my $ofh, ">", $output_file) || die "Couldn't open '".$output_file."' for writing because: ".$!;
- my %var_obfus=();
- my $var_index=0;
- for my $var (@sorted_vars) {
- $var_obfus{$var}=$new_variable_prefix.$var_index;
- $var_index++;
- }
- my %vars=();
- while(my $line=<$ifh>) {
- if ($delete_blanks && (($line =~ m/^[ \t]*#[^!].*/) || ($line =~ m/^[ \t]*$/))) {
- next;
- }
- if ($flatten) {
- $line =~ s/^[ \t]*//;
- }
- for my $var (@sorted_vars) {
- # Substitute var names in declarations
- $line =~ s/^([ \t]*)$var=/$1$var_obfus{$var}=/;
- # Then, in read statements
- $line =~ s/^([ \t]*read .*)$var/$1$var_obfus{$var}/;
- # Then, in for loops
- $line =~ s/^([ \t]*for )$var/$1$var_obfus{$var}/;
- # Then, in array access
- $line =~ s/^([ \t]*)$var(\[.+\]=)/$1$var_obfus{$var}$2/;
- # General "$" usage while making sure we're not inside ''
- while ($line =~ m/^(([^\']*('[^']*')*[^']*)*)\$$var/) {
- $line =~ s/^(([^\']*('[^']*')*[^']*)*)\$$var/$1\$$var_obfus{$var}/;
- }
- # Only allow a $var to be replaced between '' if they're already inside ""
- while ($line =~ m/^([^']*(('[^']*')*("[^"]")*)*"[^"]*)\$$var/) {
- $line =~ s/^([^']*(('[^']*')*("[^"]")*)*"[^"]*)\$$var/$1\$$var_obfus{$var}/;
- }
- # Special case ${var} usage while making sure we're not inside ''
- while ($line =~ m/^(([^']*('[^']*')*[^']*)*)\$\{$var/) {
- $line =~ s/^(([^']*('[^']*')*[^']*)*)\$\{$var/$1\$\{$var_obfus{$var}/;
- }
- # Likewise, allow ${var} between '' only if we're already between ""
- while ($line =~ m/^([^']*(('[^']*')*("[^"]")*)*"[^"]*)\$\{$var/) {
- $line =~ s/^([^']*(('[^']*')*("[^"]")*)*"[^"]*)\$\{$var/$1\$\{$var_obfus{$var}/;
- }
- }
- # Print whatever got through the filters
- print $ofh $line
- }
- close $ifh;
- close $ofh;
- }
- my ($input_file,$output_file,$new_variable_prefix,$delete_blanks,$flatten)=&parse_cmd_args();
- my @parsed_vars=&parse_vars_from_file($input_file);
- my @sorted_vars = sort { length($b) <=> length($a) } @parsed_vars;
- &obfuscate($input_file,$output_file,$new_variable_prefix,$delete_blanks,$flatten,@sorted_vars);
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